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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. Reaper is good for solo pve and unorganized groups. But struggling in organized content.

    Deadeye have little use in pve outside raids, and considered a difficult spec. But excels in competitive modes.

    Use the Daredevil thief espec, which have more broad use.

  2. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > @"jokke.6239" said:

    > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > When you eventually get the Skyscale, its so much easier to use in comparision. Such as not needing to hammer space constantly to stay aloft which is a true relief for your fingers.. As well being much more precise in where you want to go.

    > > > Theres only few maps and places where flappyburd truly shines, due to the need to have enough height to be able to dive for superspeed flying. I cant remember when I last had a need for the griffon after getting the Skyscale.

    > > > I however used to use burd a lot because it was snap upwards movement that was helpful to get over many small obstacles.

    > > > But in general ease of use with no setup time, the skyscale completely punts away the burd. And theres fare more long land stretches where its much easier to just use the rollerbeetle, as it needs minimal setup time compared to the griffon.

    > >

    > > You can just hold space with griffon, no need to press it all the time :)


    > You can, but it's slightly less efficient. Holding Space will flap as the meter reaches 100%, but you can press Space as early as 80% full. The difference in height lost is all but irrelevant for most glides, but for particularly shallow or long glides, it helps.


    Exactly, why its not useful ands that you need to manually flap.

  3. When you eventually get the Skyscale, its so much easier to use in comparision. Such as not needing to hammer space constantly to stay aloft which is a true relief for your fingers.. As well being much more precise in where you want to go.

    Theres only few maps and places where flappyburd truly shines, due to the need to have enough height to be able to dive for superspeed flying. I cant remember when I last had a need for the griffon after getting the Skyscale.

    I however used to use burd a lot because it was snap upwards movement that was helpful to get over many small obstacles.

    But in general ease of use with no setup time, the skyscale completely punts away the burd. And theres fare more long land stretches where its much easier to just use the rollerbeetle, as it needs minimal setup time compared to the griffon.

  4. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > This is a thing because many ESpec weapon skills are tied in to the Elite Spec's mechanic. They would not work correctly without it.


    > This here.


    > While some of OP's examples might work well, like a core necro using greatsword, there are some classes which would end up with the weapon being a useless addition for the other specs.

    > Imagine, for example, sword on core engi/scrapper. While it might sound awesome to have a one handed power weapon for these to pair with a shield, it really isn't, since alot of swords power is locked behind holosmith's heat system. Without heat, you don't get the extra damage on the autos, you don't get the extra blades on 2 (so: again extra damage missing) and also not the additional quickness uptime from skill 3.


    Yep, most espec weapons is absolutely pointless outside the espec, as their skills and traits is tied to it.

  5. > @"scerevisiae.1972" said:

    > > @"Nubarus.9268" said:

    > > So how is a bigger bank or bag space going to make you win over other players? Those are easy to obtain with game gold exchange when they are on sale to begin with. So we are so called white knight defenders for not seeing how those are pay2win? I never spend real money in the gems store, yet I have extra bank tabs, more resource space, extra shared inventory space as well as unlimited harvest tools. So explain to me how that is pay2win for having these none cosmetic items I obtained with game gold vs someone who used real money................


    > more bag/bank space means more gold earned & saved over time. i don't understand how that isn't obvious.


    > i'll say again: if it's not PURELY COSMETIC, it provides an in-game advantage and is therefore pay2win.


    > whether you can buy the P2W items with in-game gold or real money doesn't matter, it's still pay2win.


    You have a skewered idea of what pay2win is. If it gives you a combat advantage over other players whom havent bought it, then its pay2win.

    At most ascended stuff is the biggest noticeable upgrade for your character. If you buy gold with intention on making it fast, then it could be construed as pay2win. But most ascended gear is easy to get outside crafting these days.

    Extra coniviences is not p2w. Look at the copperfed salvageomatic. Or unlimited gathering tools, would you seriously claim those are pay2win stuff?

  6. > @"Ardyth.9286" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"Ardyth.9286" said:

    > > > My griffon is my "go-to" mount, but I also use springer and skimmer quite a bit.

    > >

    > > I used to use the griffon a lot, before the skyscale. But Ive seen almost no use for it now. Theres only few maps where you can take advantage of its superspeed when flying, and the fact you need a high place to dive from.

    > > But once you get used to the skyscale, its difficult to find much use for the flappyburd anymore. Especially because you dont need to constantly tap space to flap, and theres a lot more places for the skyscale to shine. Like navigating verdant brink with sublime ease for one.

    > > Also, a nod to the skyscale, ls4 and ISB maps comes with long trails of volatile magic or karma orbs that is made for the skyscale. As eating one resets your flight stamina.

    > > Jahai Bluffs for example is crisscrossed by lenghty trails of volatile magic orbs intop of the map that lets you constantly dash your way across the map if you are capable of aiming for the next orb in the trail.

    > > Though it should be noted when your hit the daily alotment of orbs of a type, they disappear.

    > > In contrast, so far in IBS, its been far less generous with karma orbs. But there is trails here and there that you can activate and go all pacman on.


    > I don't have a skyscale yet, but I can imagine it'll be my new best friend when I do.


    4 dashes with bond of vigor can cover a good chunk of ground and reach ledges that the griffon never could reach. And I forgot to mention, the burd always have forward momentum. Which I well remember made it difficult with precision landings. Like the tiiiny floating rock in Bloodstone Fen that often would have a bloodstone node. Now? The skyscale lands with ease there, due stopping where you want it to stop.

  7. > @"Ardyth.9286" said:

    > My griffon is my "go-to" mount, but I also use springer and skimmer quite a bit.


    I used to use the griffon a lot, before the skyscale. But Ive seen almost no use for it now. Theres only few maps where you can take advantage of its superspeed when flying, and the fact you need a high place to dive from.

    But once you get used to the skyscale, its difficult to find much use for the flappyburd anymore. Especially because you dont need to constantly tap space to flap, and theres a lot more places for the skyscale to shine. Like navigating verdant brink with sublime ease for one.

    Also, a nod to the skyscale, ls4 and ISB maps comes with long trails of volatile magic or karma orbs that is made for the skyscale. As eating one resets your flight stamina.

    Jahai Bluffs for example is crisscrossed by lenghty trails of volatile magic orbs intop of the map that lets you constantly dash your way across the map if you are capable of aiming for the next orb in the trail.

    Though it should be noted when your hit the daily alotment of orbs of a type, they disappear.

    In contrast, so far in IBS, its been far less generous with karma orbs. But there is trails here and there that you can activate and go all pacman on.

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