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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > The minionmaster in gw1 took far more effort to do right.


    > True. Giving the _death nova_ buff to as many minion as possible, all while summoning them as soon as you could and sacrificing health to maintain them alive, was such a chore that you generally used the mercenaries to do it.


    > Maintaining the minion army and it's damage potential was a job in itself. In GW2, absolutely no effort is needed.


    I well remember when Factions opened, that people was positively begging for minionmasters to come for many of the harder missions. Like the infamous Vizunah square

  2. > @"Duke of Genora.7249" said:

    > The only part of the grind for the skyscale that I don’t like is only being able to craft things like the quartz crystal once a day. I understand that they want it to take time but if I have the mats I should be able to craft them. Other than that I don’t mind working to unlock something. I started this game during the shutdown and have found it less of a grind than the other games I play.


    You do realize you can buy the foods needing quartz?

  3. > @"jiggle puff.9347" said:

    > Only complaint I have is that the skyscale makes the springer completely obsolete. I really like the mount, but let's be honest here. The skyscale is infinitely better at climbing heights than the springer could ever be. cannonball attack is still good for breakbar damage though.


    I hear you, the Springer is completely overshadowed now. Only use ive had for it is in those few hearts needing a stomp. Like the garden in sandswept isles.

    And I rarely use raptor or jackal, just too satisfying to use the beetle. And far faster.

  4. > @"artharon.9276" said:

    > I find both grinding for skimmer's ability and gold for griffon disrespectful for the time I put into this game. but like you guys mention, doable. skyscale on the other hand not just grindy but also tied to a very nice story. only problem is time gated materials and insane amount of map currency grinding. some stuff like jumping puzzles is also exaggerated and unnecessary. It's so gosh darn repetitive I failed following the story.


    You could buy skips for the JPs, which I did. Making the special food to end the task instantly. And we have ways of buying the older currencies now. In particular with eternal ice. Its far easier than you folks are making it out to be. And you can buy x5 of each in dragonfall. And if you have all the nodes, its also a lot free currency daily for looting your own home. So no, absolutely nearly no grind is needed if you have patience.. And eternal ice is super easy to get in huge amounts. And you dont need the skyscale, like the griffon, its a luxury/dedication mount. Not something you need right here.

  5. > @"Altion.9576" said:

    > Wait, Skyscale in not the only mount ingame? jk I love the skyscale, use it all the time except when i have to run small distances, thats when the raptor comes in.


    I personally prefer the jackal for short distance. Feels easier to turn with, and its sand jumps is available more often than raptor leap.

    You can negate fall damage completely with a jackal. Sand jump before hitting ground.

    And if you rapidly sand jump x3 through a group of foes, they never activate, unlike raptor leap.

  6. > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > Skyscale is not worth it after getting the griffon.. Griffon is far superior to Skyscale to me. The grind required to get such a lackluster mount was insanely over the top so i gave up.


    The skyscale dramatically outclasses the griffon, which I almost never use anymore. Why you ask? Unlike the griffon, the skyscale does not have forward momentum, plus it doesnt need you to constantly hit space to keep flapping. And you can cover a lot of ground with 4x dash with the skyscale if having bond of vigor, letting you hit ledges that the griffon never could reach.


    You dont know what you are missing. Just farm eternal ice in bjora marches and exchange it for the currencies. I farmed x250 of each in a single day, from early morning to past midnight. And that was before bjora marches.


    And do not judge the skyscale on the rent-a-scale. It gets much better with the masteries. Plus theres MANY volatile magic trails in the air of ls4, as well working with the karma trails in IBS. Keep taking volatile magic and your stamina meter refills, letting you have unlimited flight while you have VM to munch.

    It does however not work with unbound magic from ls3.

  7. You get a box with a choice of selectable mount licenses from older sets, or choice of random bizarre beasts. And you additionally get a selectable mount choice for bizzare beasts.


    The aurene raptor is GORGEOUS! But im sad it wasnt a skyscale! Would have fit sooo much better.

  8. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Out with them, leads to nothing but toxicty.


    > And people wont be without them? "But its just another avenue and without it..." etc etc. If you go down that route so much more needs to be ..and you know what? People would still be toxic.


    All such thirdparty addons needs to go.

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