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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > I like it, but I am not utterly impressed by it. The animations are exactly the same as above water, which is fine, _but_ I am diving **just as fast** with my +20 Swim Infusion as I do with the Skimmer now, so hmm.


    > I think I'll stick to swimming, it is more fun and you are always ready to fight or harvest while you're exploring.


    Did you hold down the boost? It is a lot faster with it underwater. Unlimited boost time.


  2. > @"Tony.8659" said:

    > I have mine set to left shift when it asks me to dive. But how can we dive if it won't work lol. We don't have the mastery to dive yet.


    You get the diving ability for the course, but its bugged and disappears. But as I and others have said, you can just about make it to the end with seconds to spare for silver with enough speedbuffs on you, swimming the underwater parts on your own. And using the raptor with bond of vigor on land for the last 4.

  3. I finished maxing the mastery 10 mins ago, and Ive been toying with it. It feels -awesome- to use underwater! The boost it uses above water that is stamina limited, is unlimited underwater, and looks awesome if you have a skimmer skin with a large trail such as the Dajkah Lantern, Umbral Demon, Volcanic Ray (yes, its on fire underwater) or Stardrift.

  4. > @"Solanum.6983" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > The worst was frostgorge. Got into a lucky largos group. Smoothg sailing till the bugged adventure at the end, that doesnt allow you to dive. But with speedboosts and swimming underwater you can make it. Taking raptor on land for the last 4 ones, and using bond of vigor. Made it with literally a half second for silver.


    > How did u manage to complete the event at frostgorge? I've been trying for hours now with no luck.


    Got into a map that actually listened and didnt kill the icebrood before the event had loaded.

  5. The worst was frostgorge. Got into a lucky largos group. Smoothg sailing till the bugged adventure at the end, that doesnt allow you to dive. But with speedboosts and swimming underwater you can make it. Taking raptor on land for the last 4 ones, and using bond of vigor. Made it with literally a half second for silver.

  6. > @"YellowJacket.7249" said:

    > > @"Katelynn.6593" said:

    > > Go to Bjora Marches and do the metas and unlock chests for ice shards. Go to LFG living world icebrood saga and see if any commanders are running the meta.

    > >

    > > Convert shards into LWS4 currency at the karma vendor. I can get up to 40 of one currency with shards.

    > >

    > > Not to mention the ice shards you can mine from the nodes you see as you run around the map doing the meta.

    > >

    > >


    > I'm nocturnal...

    > My job makes me awake during US nighttime hours. There's no one doing meta events at that time because servers are still local.

    > Do the season 4 currencies **really** still only need to be sold in bundles of 5? All of this is still pretty asinine.


    You know you can still harvest everything in the maps?

  7. > @"Atomos.7593" said:

    > If nothing else, it would make the story mission in dragonfall where you have to use the blast engage skill on a specific spot on Kralk's wing a bit easier. Having done this on multiple characters, it is a bit frustrating to have to do some guess work for it to hit the right spot, but it's not a big issue.


    Get a buddy or two for that story mission. Becomes incredibly easier for getting the achievement.

  8. > @"Coeruleum.9164" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"Coeruleum.9164" said:

    > > > > @"Conqueror.3682" said:

    > > > > I see Dessicate like a cheap version of blood is power.

    > > > >

    > > > > Really who uses Dessicate and Serpent syphon? Dessicate is inferior on utility to blood is power and serpent syphon is too situational. Sometimes i use dessicate as a cheap version of blood is power to not deal with the condi damage corruption skills give to you.

    > > > >

    > > > > These can be good skills which could give more might than currently gives or give other boons like quickness or alacrity and you can have a good suport scourge. Or make them deal a lot of bleeding, torment and burning and improve damage.

    > > >

    > > > I would really like a summon for scourge though. Reaper has a summon, but I don't want to have to switch to playing a melee class just to have an elite summon.

    > >

    > > I think you are mixing up something. Summon Flesh Golem is core, not Reaper only. The Reaper special summon skill is Rise!


    > Rise isn't an elite skill, but it is a skill attached to an elite spec and skills attached to elite specs are supposed to be better than core ones. Although I don't play reaper very much, my reaper build uses Rise! and ends up with tons of minions and I can still use other skills. On scourge I can't do that. So replacing Serpent Siphon with a skill that can spam a lot of minions would probably be the ideal thing to do. It's even built in what the minions can be: sand serpents!


    > New version of Serpent Siphon: Convert a boon into cripple and torment and summon a sand serpent. For each boon converted, create an additional sand serpent minion. Sand serpents add stacks of Cripple and Torment to enemies when they attack.


    > Now how's that for a skill that will actually get used? You can have a ton of sand serpent minions slithering everywhere similar to the Reaper's shambling horrors, and they're good kiting minions to parallel the Reaper's tanking minions.


    you said: but I don't want to have to switch to playing a melee class just to have an elite summon. The elite summon is flesh golem, which is core and useable by scourge.

  9. > @"Coeruleum.9164" said:

    > > @"Conqueror.3682" said:

    > > I see Dessicate like a cheap version of blood is power.

    > >

    > > Really who uses Dessicate and Serpent syphon? Dessicate is inferior on utility to blood is power and serpent syphon is too situational. Sometimes i use dessicate as a cheap version of blood is power to not deal with the condi damage corruption skills give to you.

    > >

    > > These can be good skills which could give more might than currently gives or give other boons like quickness or alacrity and you can have a good suport scourge. Or make them deal a lot of bleeding, torment and burning and improve damage.


    > I would really like a summon for scourge though. Reaper has a summon, but I don't want to have to switch to playing a melee class just to have an elite summon.


    I think you are mixing up something. Summon Flesh Golem is core, not Reaper only. The Reaper special summon skill is Rise!

  10. > @"Blur.3465" said:

    > I love having all masteries, so at some point I did this and managed to max out my points.

    > But my my...

    > When I saw the 'requirements' to get ALL masteries I felt my stomach turn D: and not just that, I love doing meta achievement, but the way it is handled now is that I will probably not even do it, as it involves content I am either not fond of, or content that just drains me to insanity.


    > Why is everything so tight now?

    > I really wish we had more space to breathe and pick what we want to do in order to reach a specific goal.

    > Before we used to have series of achievements that counted towards Meta Achievement, which meant you could skip a lot of stuff you didn't wanna do.


    > Same goes with masteries...


    > Kinda hoping there will be less grind involved with future releases, this can easily burn the player out D:


    Considering theres 9 spare points total so far, we do have some leeway now. I for example consider it a waste of time to camp for the trials of koda, or doing the long and involved mirror puzzles.

  11. > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:


    > [snip]

    > >

    > > Well players complain about pretty much anything nowadays which they can't get within 2 minutes. I don't recall HoT being all to difficult mastery point wise. Even without the Season 3 after, there were around 30 spare mastery points. The issue most players had was that many mastery points were behind content they did not enjoy or want to play, like adventures and many avoided HoT due to the initial difficulty spike. Season 3 made it easier in that while adding a new mastery track, it added a lot of easier to acquire mastery points. Most behind story or channeled achievements.


    > Or simply weren't very good at said adventures (The Floor is Lava, Shooting Gallery, cough cough). I remember spending four hours one afternoon doing Sanctum Scramble in AB just to get bronze in order to get the gated ascended item. To compare, it took me four hours of practice to hit gold on Flying Circus, and Salvage Pit is easy - so long as there are no or few other players there!


    > I remember initial HoT being tight on mastery points, on playthrough It was easy to get the first gliding, then maybe lean gliding, then the rest was all having to prioritise which mastery to get. This was especially so because some masteries were required to progress the story (I vaguely recall Itzel poison lore being crucial to something, which is the 4th step in the Itzel Lore mastery track). I've got Tyria and HoT masteries coming out of my [insert thought here], but I recall - at the time - I was well ahead on mastery xp and well behind on mastery points.


    > [shakes walking stick] and we did all those without mounts. Get off my lawn!


    > > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > > I have little hope that I can progress with this the new map is just to grindy and some of the older are behind stuff I will never do(e.g strike missions or meta events 25 times for nothing except this) or the events for them are never there this is absolute bricked content.

    > >

    > > I think the most I have seen for completing a mastery point is completing the Cold War Strike mission 10 times for the second one. I do agree though, for players who do not participate in strikes at all, and with limited time, and with not completing the weapon collections (which are rather pricy for regular players), mastery points would be tight.

    > >

    > > I still believe that by the end of the Season/Saga, we will end up with a big chunk of spare mastery points, maybe in the range of 20-30 spare points. The developers have retroactively added content into past current Season/Saga maps, so this could be as simple as adding a few mastery point channels per map. The reason this is not done yet is to keep some type of progression as far as masterys is concerned.


    > I agree with you. If this set of mastery points ends up being like the previous three types, then we will end up with a lot of unused ones. Particularly if the story keeps tossing them out.


    > It would be nice if there was some conversion scheme for the previous ones, they're just sitting there taunting me now.




    Most likely the upcomming springer skill will require pof mastery points, beside the collection. Lets say you had a way of trading off old pof points, what would you do now with nothing which to buy it with?

  12. > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > > > > > I actually found it to be pretty good with Icebrood Saga. I ended up with spare masteries by the time I had the experience accrued - but I did also play each release when it came out, not all at once (which helped me build a few up). I think there are a lot of plain insights, and quite a few you can get with just a little bit of time (the challenges, one Cold War (or try it daily for 10 days to get your 2nd if you enjoy it, saves you doing something else), story instances... the more I tried to make this list I found that I wanted to list nearly all of them, I truly think this is something they did well this time.)

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I haven't done any of the weapon collections besides Boreal, not even sure if that gave a mastery. I think the masteries are all quite easy to get, except for Cold War 50 times... that IS a kitten grind. The 5000 commendations went pretty good for me, I just bought the ones each day for materials and did a few metas whilst going for events. The missions unlocked with the mission documents give quite a few commendations, but some of them are REALLY annoying (thank god you don't need them for anything else.)

    > > > >

    > > > > For cold war you get first at first kill if i remember right. And the second by the 10th kill.

    > > >

    > > > That's why I said "one Cold War" and "or try it *daily* for 10 days to get your 2nd".

    > >

    > > Except

    > >

    > > > I haven't done any of the weapon collections besides Boreal, not even sure if that gave a mastery. **I think the masteries are all quite easy to get, except for Cold War 50 times**... that IS a kitten grind.

    > >

    > > You don't get any more MP after the 10th kill


    > Yes. You do. You get one at 50 kills.


    I have all mastery points in jormag rising, and I only have x10 for the cold war strike. And it shows no more mastery points in the achievement for there


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