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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. I have to echo about the jackal. Far more flexible than the raptor. Having 3 bars of endurance that makes its specialty useable much faster. Plus you can easilly handle falls with it. Just blink before hitting the ground. And the blink allows you to easilly dodge angry mobs. It is simply so delightfully precise.


    Whereas raptor isnt terribly good for precision with lots of momentum, and its leap only have 2 bars, meaning it takes longer before it can be used again.

    But yeah, the beetle is super situational. Only really good for funsies and long stretches with little to no obstacles. Otherwise the jackal is a far better all purpose mount.

  2. Hot was all about developing your glider to get around with, as well progressing through the maps by unlocking new masteries to pass through previously impassable spots. Quite metroidvania like. But as far I know, it was quite frustrating to many., especially so when you only could take a very limited path through the maps, as you were severely restricted in were to go. Combined with OP mordrem with their deadly lava lines in tight spaces. Pof is far more open, and while you now need mounts to progress with, it is far less masteries needed to unlock other parts of the maps compared to hot.


    Hot had far too many masteries acting as keys before you could have fun.

  3. Oh yes, its also not a terribly useful mount in areas with lots of mobs you try to bypass. You have no easy spammable mountskill to evade with. Like how you evade with all mounts with all travel specials due to the jackal passive.


    A roller beetle would get blown to pieces trying to pass an awakened or forged camp. Wereas a jackal or skimmer would breeze through with impunity.

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