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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. Considering the usual pace between living story episodes, 3 months between each, and that we are just getting 4.3 next week. the 6th and likely final will land in march+ next year. Which will most expectedly have the reveal of the next expansion, as happened with the final episode in ls2 and 3. And then probably a half year more ontop.


    People are simply thinking of next due to Renegade being teh suck.

  2. I am aware of the silver covenant, whom keeps getting dragging up. But they are only a minority too.

    Plus the fact that the void elves has been teaching their dark ways to any interested blood or high elf to return to the alliance in an official capacity. So no, helves will never return, and nor should they. Theyve been written out with the appearance of blood elves. Be happy you got suitably different elves in voids.

  3. No issue with the boss. Just that it takes too long to get there. Simply way too much trash, that people usually run skip by. So easy to get lost in there.

    But personally I dont find t4 fractals very fun to play, very obnoxious, gave up at 85. At least i got done with ad infinitum.

  4. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > I wouldnt call the reaction to HoT the vocal minority....very few people in the threads at the time where double posters. It was people posting and leaving the forums and never coming back from what i saw.


    you misunderstood what I said. It was people -pre- hot whom was clamoring for higher difficulty.

  5. > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Such obsession with elves, one of the most plainest and boring fantasy races after humans. Get more imaginative for something truly creative to play as.


    > to me charr is the most plainest and boring fantasy race, even a human has more sense then the charr.....

    > then again, you must really lack imagination to call elfs boring, most used yes but boring is the last thing they are.


    Elves are massively overexposed and ultrageneric fantasy tropes. At least Charr is unique. Horned anthromorphic felines with 4 ears.

    And in regards to blood elves, come BFA, they will now be able to get golden eyes due to the cleansing of the sunwell. Such a delightful sticking it to the helf crowd on ally side. They got the thallasian elf model in void elves with fantastic racials.


    It only makes sense that allys -never- gets helves. it would take away from the whole plotline of the helves leaving the alliance in disgust to become blood elves. The once high elves have become horde now, even if it so gravely upsets those whom cant look past the tolkienish trinity of humans, high elves and dwarves with knights, kings and castles.



  6. Look at Heart of Thorns at release, the devs listened far too much to the vocal minority that demanded harder content. It proving to be super difficult for the casuals to deal with. Only now after significant nerfs to HoT, the difficulty increase is much better.


    Though Path of Fire is paced much better, having more room to maneuver in. As well getting rid of the multilayered mess of the hot maps that added to the confusion and turned off many players.


    So no, GW2 do not need higher difficulty. Thats what challenge motes is for in fractals.

  7. You can change the class colors of weapon attacks with legendaries.


    Instead of black mist trails as a rev, i now make lightning trails. And several skills have been modified with lightning effects.


    Default class weapon trails are replaced with lightning trails.

    Lightning sounds are heard while attacking.

    For mesmers:

    Mesmer: Clones inherit all visual and audio effects of Bolt when wielding in the main hand.

  8. > @"Mil.3562" said:

    > You can solo all the expansions and LW stories but it's just so frustrating. If you die, just go back and you will continue from where you left off. And if you keep dying, i suggest that you bring along a repair canister or two. Repair your gears only when four or more of your armours are broken.


    > Storylines are supposed to be enjoyable and not challenging. Many has brought this up but still... sigh ANet. There are many here with top gears and thousands of hours of gameplay and they will tell you all contents are easy. Try to understand them.


    Theres no top gears in the game. Remember, what you get at lvl 80 is max. Ascended is only 5% better than exotic.


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