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Posts posted by LucianDK.8615

  1. MMOs never finishes developing until effectively abandoned and in maintenance mode. Strategies changes over time, and or the developers might shake up a stale meta. Plus bugfixes and content updates changes things further.


    Consider GW1, it doesnt get anymore updates. No reason to play it anymore, its a dead game save for the few diehards working on HOMM.

    So no, calling for no more updates and reworks is a ridiuculously bad idea. Plenty of classes needed serious work on them still. Revenants being one of the worst offenders.

  2. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > I think renegade's spirit should have had a break bar in stead of their health bar. At the same time I think scourge's mechanism is the least balanced mechanism they managed to come up with.


    > So yeah, scourge in it's unbalanced design is indeed superior to renegade and it's lackluster's "spirits".


    Why saying unbalanced?

  3. Yeah, I ended taking the plunge and working on stuff for a scourge. Had a lot of it already, but i needed to cook up a full cloth ascended set and a scepter and torch.

    Just have to get some more fractal relics to be able to buy the globs and vials i still need to add the last set of infusion slots in the rings. As well 300ish winterberriers more for a viper cloth waterbreather.


    Ritualist was one of my fave classes in Gw1, I had hoped Renegade could scratch that urge. Bad spirit design, as well hamstrung by the awful energy system.

  4. Revenants more than any other classes NEEDS a significant overhaul, due to being 2-3 years behind in development, and still plagued by questionable design decisions.


    But yeah, the top outlier Elementalist needs a significant nerf to be bought in line with other classes.

  5. I think people is harping on this as only one swim speed infusion is needed, and completely missing that its same scaling as standard AR infusions. Clearly just copypaste.

    And the cost of swim speed infusions is already dropping fast, like 15 going from 50g to 34g.

    I aim for a +20 myself. Heard that +10 is 33% increased swimspeed.

  6. Staff is sadly not strong enough to be a main power weapon. Because of that shiro trait that allows swords to stack up 10% extra damage.

    But hopefully Anet will give the other weps the trident treatment. They badly need to be opened up for more choices.

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