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Matt H.6142

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Posts posted by Matt H.6142

  1. I was a little disappointed when this got fixed. I've posted before about wanting more horde gameplay. To that point, some of the dragon response missions are getting there, though destroyers aren't the most interesting mobs in the world. Forging steel is good, as are the gates of Arah and that forgotten city in Istan.

    Again, was not mad at this bug, but then again I was playing mirage with jaunt equipped.

  2. Here post go-live, I really enjoyed this update. Voice acting has revived Drizzlewood for me, that it might be one of my favorite maps now.

    I like the instances in older map areas. That Brisban wildlands location was a great one to visit, because that destroyer area was always a bit novel. And Ascalon Settlement definitely needed a revisit. The Soren Draa one didn't really balance the voice acting and the combat nearly as well though.

    I am hitting a point where new weapons aren't the reward I need, as every toon is kitted out already, so it'll only be new elite specs that'll have me regearing. Bring on EOD!

  3. The northern part of the map is gorgeous, and I happily charge around it, and currently am glad the run around for chests after let's you wander it. That could lose its novelty after awhile.

    The zerg definitely trivializes mechanics, and the lag is bad, but hopefully that'll alleviate itself as people move away.

    Having said all that though, I had a genuine feeling of excitement charging as a group towards one of the Ice Giants. I think it was at that time someone's speech bubble said it felt like WOW's Lich King Raid.

    I failed to understand where the scrap for the cannons can be found in my one playthrough, and the conversion process really needs VO to set the story and the mood.

    I think the Claw fight could really have done with a Boss camera, like Shadow Behemoth. It's hard to have it in your field of vision as you rush to the different corners of the stage, or looking for boulders against its wind attack. Apparently I have to relearn you keep your eyes on the big dangerous creature breathing ice at you.

    We see some added use out of the Drakkar rig here. Will need to change up the stomping attacks if used again. It's been done.

  4. The Owl Spirit piece was not well written. I wasn't sure if it died again immediately because of Jormag, or if it's just at risk again. Did it immediately feed Jormag?

    In this game, a fan favorite character staying dead isn't all that boring.

    The whole corrupted spirits thing doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Are they corrupted because their energy is feeding Jormag? There's some talk that they are a bit erratic, but they're otherwise helping us. The meaning of Fallen and Aberrant remains largely unexplained.

    I needed the story journal to explain the trapping of the Spirits thing. And where does Ryland get that power?

    I write this having thoroughly enjoying this patch, and I'll say as much in a relevant post.

  5. No look in on healbrand, quickbrand or alacrity renegades prevalence in LFG? Traited Orders from Above is so lazy, in comparison to what Chronomancer, the original alacrity class, has to rotate through to achieve the same thing. Literally a one button press for near-full 10 man alacrity uptime.

    I can understand the scourge and chronomancer backtrack. Their presence appeared to be non-exist in most game modes, but the original problems don't seem to be looked into.

    The mirage rune note is actually for the Zephyrite rune. Soothing Detonation does not have a fire field requirement today.

  6. As the title says. I’m finding it more engaging, and the right amount of challenging. Maybe because we are fighting a player race. I think the White Mantle offered a similar challenge.

    Pistol offloads, magnetic shields, protector shields, cc turrets. It’s a lot more to manage than usual, and again, it’s appreciated. The extra Elite mobs too giving a challenge while also not being CC immune all the time allows for some interrupt gameplay is great.

    I think this is the first Open world experience that’s made me rethink my builds. Like, smokescreen for thief felt like a must. And support builds are welcome in even the smallest of skirmishes. So kudos.

    Also, I’ll take this time to say I take back months-old comments about not having enough to do, I’ve had stuff to do every day since Forging Steel came out, including the metas for it and Whispers in the ice. 2020 has been a great year, in game at least.

  7. If they made it that easy, everyone would have it, and trivialize the combat. These blasts do like 20k-40k damage and CC. I agree it feels bad to have 28 stacks and they fall off before you can get 2 more, but the abilities should be limited. I have however had all 3 at the same time once, and then they are very spammable. Agreed that the correct colour doesn’t seem to pop up most of the time, Seems to fire anyway. If you can catch Vishen and Roanoah between you and the right coloured mob, they can be damaged too.

    Blue seems to be the easiest to collect. I maxed out green at the Overlook. I think I’m finding through the meta it goes green, blue, red south to north.

    In short, it should be left to those who make it a point to get the pickups. And remember, once one is maxed, further stacks give magic find.

  8. Recently when I loaded the game, I got a couple seconds of the original launcher music, “the GW2 theme”, before it returned to the POF character select music.

    Anyone else get this?

    Honestly that music is such an anthem, I hope it returns one day. I hope it’s what plays at a time the game is in maintenance mode like GW1.

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