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Matt H.6142

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Posts posted by Matt H.6142

  1. 7 year veteran here:

    Using Deep Freeze on someone in mid-finish on a downed ally. They froze in the air!

    Using sanctuary on a downed body to push back another stomper, while rushing in for the rez.

    Catching a thief in a dragon’s maw/whirling blades trap combo when they tried to steal to me.

    Any time I can provide support with a ward or block to save someone.

    Landing a killing death’s judgement shot after Shadow Return faked out an enemy thief one hit away from getting me.

    Every time I come face to face with the Mouth of Mordremoth

    Flying over Kralkatorrik in the Auditorium.

    Any time a map’s beauty gives me pause.

    Unexpected invite to RP a picnic at Minister Wi's mansion

    Coming across a band circle in game

    Crafting my first legendary, Meteorlogicus

    Recovering memories in the Domain of the Lost

    Going to the PAX afterparty, and winning Tyrian Tarot.

    The Branded/Hunger Games Beta events

    Getting my Griffon after that secret boss battle


  2. The new chrono shatter visual effects are nice and Rewinder has revived a condi chrono build I used to run since before Mistrust was removed from the game.

    The synergy between split second and time sink will be interesting.

    It had me look at and use Illusionary Reversion since maybe it was released.

    I can see some real utility in Dune Cloak now. The 20% condi duration was nice, but was basically a guarantee in any PVE content.

  3. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > The total cost now of self-leveling (i.e. not taking advantage of blueprints that can be used in the guild hall), the total cost is under 120 gold. That's triple what it costs to max any of the armor disciplines (as of today), triple for two of the weapon making disciplines (and 5-6x versus artificer), and massively more expensive than Chef or Jeweler (that last is to be expected).


    > As someone else said: I mostly maxed it for Uzolan's Orchestra.


    That’s by crafting the backpack over and over again, right? It cost me about 40 gold for 10 levels before adept doing decorations. Thankfully the festival decorations are coming in without the need to build the pre-requisites.


  4. It’s been nice seeing so many people in maps farming currency, that it probably justifies the design choice completely. I trust the jumping puzzles are getting just as much attention again too. I do fear the branded ley line anomaly is a bit too tricky and hidden to make stragglers able to complete the collection. It looks like in 2 years a wiki article had never even been made for it it was so hidden.

  5. It’s nice not nose diving like the griffon sometimes. Too many times I’ve not pulled up fast enough and landed on the ground. It’s a true glider too; you don’t have to constantly tap the jump key.. I think like all the mounts we’ll see a huge change in quality of life once the masteries are unlocked.

  6. Next they’ll be discounting the AP rewards. I’m at 29,500 points. Don’t cheapen my radiant chest piece! So, there’s a set recipe on getting the season 4 reward? Work for it. Have fun. Post in chat when you get it like a legendary. Frack, I’d rather it only go to the die hards anyway.

  7. A dragon mount will always be a go to for me, but I'm a bit disappointed in its decreasing altitude cap. It's an unfortunate handicap for a dragon. Cliff 'Sky'scaling is a nice new technique, but that it's the only way the dragon overcomes its handicap is a bit weak. I saw some of the tricks to temporarily overcome this, and those will be fun to play around with.

    Question: so if you move the Skyscale over a deep chasm from the top of the cliff, is the Skyscale maintaining altitude or slowly falling to the floor?

    I think I'll come around on this; I'd rather have a lesser dragon than no dragon at all, and so long as nothing comes in later with true altitude gains, I'm happy to conclude that 'it's just hard to go up in Tyria.' It certainly looks laborious for the Skyscale.

    Excited for War Eternal!

  8. I first tried the skill on a normal level scarab outside the Elon lounge and it didn’t even lose 1% of its health. (Marshal fear) I thought it missed but the damage was in my log. I feel slot 4 has to have a big impact on the fight. It’s worse than an auto attack at the moment.

  9. The first video was good. I'd not have everyone with a glowing neon weapon though. I loved it showed the player helping other players up.

    Scrap the tourism videos. The VO is uninspiring, and the quality of footage is poor. GW2 is a gorgeous game in high graphic settings. Please show it off. Also, GW2 tourism kind of leaves a bad taste in the mouth since the whole Tyrian Taxi/Become a Tyrian Citizen campaign.

    I think the focus that 'You are the Hero. The Commander' really should be highlighted.



  10. I think this problem has been prevalent since POF release but it’s so common now that map assets still load in after the loading screen. Thunderhead even does it jumping to waypoints inside it’s own map. The forge is particularly bad for it.

    Is this true for others? I’m finding I’m still loading in for fractals when the party moves out.

    My computer hasn’t really become much stronger since launch but I’ve always run at the highest settings with few performance issues.

    If I just need to sit at a loading screen for another 5 seconds, I’d prefer that. The time at a loading screen taking 30-120 seconds sometimes is another topic.

  11. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

    > > I simply didn't relate the "pulling" kitty with the "behind the door" kitty. I thought they were two different examples of kitty doing stuff. I supose the preview video is not really clear or well made...


    > Indeed. The effect itself (of a rope?) doesn't really look interesting. They were probably better off with the mount performing a head butt instead...with it's horns too.


    A rope may not be interesting but the animation is amazing. Seeing the cat tense its shoulders, and that yank rocks me to my core.



  12. If cats and dogs were big enough to ride on in the real world, would we even use horses...?

    Horses are fairly unimpressive on their own. They’re fragile, and if they can’t run, they’re glue. They fall and die so easily in the movies. The most unmagical magical beast in Lord of the Rings. Now, Thranduil’s elk though? Love it! Still, it too was taken out by a couple arrows.

    Finally, I think an idle animation would be hard to settle on. Watching a horse get up from lying down is the most uninspiring thing to see.

    I think for their place in Tyria, they can be little more than a ranger pet.


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