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Matt H.6142

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Posts posted by Matt H.6142

  1. Mounts have certainly changed the way we take in content, and maybe not always for the better.

    In the new region, to feel the threat of the cold, perhaps we should train a new mastery to regain use of mounts. Where the icebrood kodan become a threat again with their whirlwind attacks, and foes popping out of ice blocks add to our perils.

    The flavor of it would be we are training up their cold resistance, and perhaps this should be tiered as we get closer to Jormag, and the temperature keeps dropping. They are from the desert after all.

    In this way, after a time, people can use their mounts again and use them as they wish, but are richer for the experiences.

  2. > @"Nebilim.5127" said:

    > Please apply the guardian changes to wvw ONLY, pve does NOT need those nerfs, firebrand support is barely a usable profession in there, punting because of wvw isn't healthy for the gamemode, and the class need every bit it can do to stand up to the other supports, druids will be forever the offensive buff bots, but let guardians have their boon coverage. In matter of fact, i think you should revert some of the cooldown nerfs to the tomes that were applied to them last few patches because i'm sure it was done because of WvW. So please, take great consideration to not needlessy hurt the class there.


    Lots of quickbrand requested in Fractals still. The group questioned if it made Tempest obsolete.

  3. (Submitted in Game, here for others as a warning.)

    I bought the food form item from Plikk first and have closed her window and gone to my home instance before buying the gas infuser, and it appears now she won't sell the gas infuser because the achievement has its final item complete, even though the second last one was skipped.

    I had bought the second item as I thought the first item was the immersion thing still.

    Caution to others, buy these items in order.

    RESOLVED: Having (a second) sous-vide meat does indeed make the vendor window open and allow for the second item to be bought.

  4. I’d get it if it was my machine if it was always the same, and I’ve had the same machine for 7 years with a change to the graphics card, but if I can get 20 secs, why would it sometimes be 2 minutes? I’ve always blamed the stream from the servers. Isn’t that what the map_state_stream means? Is it maybe a setting I should change?

  5. Had some amazing load times yesterday. Amnoon loaded from launch in only 20 seconds. I often get 2 minute loads.


    It was also just Friday it hung for 3 minutes and I decided to re-log to get it to load.


    How was it for everyone else?


    I have the map load info switch in my load these past few months like I hadn’t the 6 years before because it was getting bad waiting for maps to load.

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