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Posts posted by Loosmaster.8263

  1. > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

    > Given the spirit of the season I'd like to suggest an item: Ascended gift bags. Gift bags that only takes ascended gear which is put in a non-bound status as long as it's in the bag and once filled can only be emailed to the intended recipient, not sold on the TP.


    In the sense when you put the items in it they become "Un-Accountbound"?


    Then what happens to it if you take it out?


    Edit: If this happens, would be next year as it's too late now.

  2. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > Don't expect to get WvW theme stuff if you don't play WvW.

    > I have full legendary WvW gear and 7119 WvW tickets spare.

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/WfTqWvn.jpg "")


    > And 2500 skirmish chest (I have used about 1000 so far, the rest I save them).

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/8P9SfUy.jpg "")


    > If you don't play WvW don't expect things to come for free or at a reduce time cost. PLAY WvW.


    Look at all that Kralkatite. You know you can right click and consume for Volatile Magic unless you're going to craft?

  3. > @"PrinceKhaled.5104" said:

    > Thank you Loosmaster. I think I passed the 24 hours window between each bump. I appreciate your concern though.


    I was thinking more about adding substance to your post other than just "bumping".


    Try posting a little bit like some progress you've made recruiting, guild hall/upgrades, how your last raid went, those sort of things.


    GL and have fun!!!

  4. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > This is not so much an issue with the event scaling as it is with the player scaling. GW2 has never gotten downscale damage right - a level 80 that is "supposed" to be like a level 20 has the damage of at least a level 40. In AoE situations with even more players it become exponentially easier.


    Don't forget to toss in the "Mount" factor...

  5. > @"Gnatoay.7581" said:

    > Hi All,


    > I'm Based in Sydney, been playing GW2 & 1 since day one left for other games and making a comeback.


    > prior to this i was in a S.E.A guild as i was based in Singapore For work, now that im Back in Sydney i would like to find a casual WvW guild to game with any advice ?




    2 things to help speed up the process.


    1: Are you on NA or EU region?

    2: What server are you on?

  6. > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > Why would you "tick down" for rewards, then have to start over at T0 again the next day as opposed to starting back up at T6 unless your paint set was missing some core colors?


    In my view you have to look at a player that doesn't WvW alot. Say some that come in just for the dailies. They can leave just right after a tick and will fall below T3 before the next one. Rewards are a thing for some.

  7. > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"Urud.4925" said:

    > > > Appreciated change indeed. I'm on WvW just for the dailies, not an expert, so I didn't understand the reason why we had to stay afk (maybe even taking a spot for someone who wanted to join a full map) to don't waste our exp. I hoped in a change sooner or later (actually I thought about consuming all the exp the moment we left, but this is even better :) ). ty ty

    > > You still have to stay AFK to not "waste" T6->T3 pips without doing nothing, if getting rewards for doing nothing is what you want from WvW. You're not getting more or less pips by this change in itself, you're just skipping the 5-10m race to reach T3 to begin the pip tick and get the track reward increase for free, but since you dont get the first tick anyway... the pip gain is minimal. Just a little less annoying effort. **Pipping down hasnt changed at all.** I really dont understand why people keep claiming it has.


    > You have it wrong. When you come back in at T6 you remain at T6. Once the timer tics and you start getting rewards you are still at T6. You don't start over at T3. That's why it HAS changed and you don't have to waste time standing in a spawn or OS pipping down.


    He's correct. You leave and your participation does not decline but you get **"NO PIPS"**. You have to remain in WvW to tick down for the rewards. AFK'ing can still be a thing.

  8. > @"Ronan.9518" said:

    > Just tested it with my mirage. With axe equipped, went into Heart of the Mist, where i had core mesmer active, could even switch to chrono and weapon was still equipped. Just couldn't use it and skills where not visible.


    Thanks. It's been a while since since I did that. I remember when DH first released that was an issue with me so I ran DH in both modes. They must have fixed it.


    I hardly run FB anymore as I don't care for the elite. Thanks again for the info!!!?

  9. > @"Ronan.9518" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > > @"Ronan.9518" said:

    > > > Did you use a main-hand weapon that is bound to an elite specialization of your class and have been on a PvP/WvW before?

    > > > HoM is a PvE Map.

    > > > PvE, PvP and WvW maps have builds/specialization saved independet from each other.

    > > > If you equip an elite specialization in a PvP or WvW map, equip the weapon that belongs to this specialization and go back to and PvE map, the weapon stays equipped, but if you don't have the necessary specialization equipped on PvE maps as well, the weapon skills of that weapon will not be shown and therefore not be useable.

    > >

    > > This. For instance, if you're a Guardian Fire Brand elite in WvW with the Axe equipped and you say go to Lions Arch and you have Core or Dragon Hunter slotted for PvE, you will loose the Axe skills and the weapon will automatically be put in your inventory.


    > The weapon stays equipped, you just can't use it


    Odd. Mine always went to inventory because as a DH in PvE the elite can't use or equip an Axe. Same with my FB. If I'm DH in PvE w/LB and I go to WvW, my LB gets unequipped.

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