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Posts posted by Loosmaster.8263

  1. > @"Adul.1520" said:

    > As a solo-only player, I find it pretty irritating that there's a raid announcement in the upper-right corner of the HUD that I can't get rid of. I will never play raids unless you make a separate difficulty level intended for solo players. Until then, that announcement is only a nuisance to me.


    Raids were never designed to be solo content but a team effort. I hope you have a lot of popcorn...

  2. > @"Biff.5312" said:

    > For the longest time, I didn't even notice that Southsun Cove existed. You don't get there by moving from an adjacent map. You can port there from LA. I'm guessing this is what you're missing, as I had the same issue.


    Southsun is not required for map completion.

  3. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > > > If ArenaNet were doing a charity drive then I'd prefer them to create and sell skins or minis for real world currency not gems and giving the proceeds to the charity.

    > > > >

    > > > **> Selling gems cheaper for charity doesn't sound like a good idea to me.**

    > > >

    > > > He said 10-25% higher than normal gems. Not discounted.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > "Gems worth more" is essentially a cheaper cost for Gems, I believe.


    > Yep, basically.


    Guess I'm seeing something different. I thought he was asking for higher priced gems. Where the 10-25% increase would go to the donation.

  4. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > If ArenaNet were doing a charity drive then I'd prefer them to create and sell skins or minis for real world currency not gems and giving the proceeds to the charity.


    **> Selling gems cheaper for charity doesn't sound like a good idea to me.**


    He said 10-25% higher than normal gems. Not discounted.



  5. Unfortunately it's a novelty thing and hard to find players with the same mind set. You'll get the "racists" comment quite a bit when recruiting. I did this with Norn. Still have the guild but it's mostly storage.


    Edit: I think there is a guild called "Legion of Charr" iirc. Not sure if they're still active.

  6. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

    > > When someone asks for a quick way to make money, could you please use explanations that people who **don't** know the quick ways to make money understand/know?

    > >

    > > Even though I have played a long time I for example have no idea what an "AB meta" is, and it not too far fetched that anyone who asks such a question might not know either. Same with "RIBA" by the way (I know the term, but people asking where to make money may not).


    > I was thinking exactly the same thing. A common stumbling block with farming in GW2 is that it's rarely as simple as 'kill enemies here' or 'gather this item' and unless you know the extra details it's useless, especially since some require some preparation ahead of time (like having the right currency or keys). Here's some more detail on the ideas suggested so far.


    > One thing which applies to many of these: They do not award much gold directly. The profit comes from selling the drops on the Trading Post, or salvaging them and selling the materials on the TP. Or passing champion bags to a level 50 character to open then selling or salvaging those drops. So to get the most profit from them you need to know what to do with the drops.


    > (Spoiler tags are for length, not because I think anyone might not want to know any of these.)


    > **80s parked at the Flax location in VB**



    > VB = Verdant Brink, the first HoT map. There's a spot down in the canyons in the middle of the map (I think it's Stonetwist Paths) where lots of Flax nodes spawn. Many of their drops are valuable, so you just gather all of them and then sell the materials.




    > **Login Rewards**



    > This one really is as easy as it sounds. Collect your login rewards every day and sell whatever you can. Sell mats from the crafting material bags, but materials with laurels to sell and most importantly sell the Mystic Coins, which currently go for over 1g each. (Personally I prefer to store them until I want the gold and then sell them, because that way if I want gold to buy crafting materials I might already have the ones I need, and I don't end up paying 2 sets of TP fees to get them.) If you're willing to put some more time into **which doesn't have to be done in-game** you can research the current price of the mats and save ones which are dropping in price to sell later when they're worth more.




    > **AB**



    > This is the [battle in Tarir](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_in_Tarir "Battle in Tarir") meta-event in the Auric Basin HoT map. There's lots of pre-events which need to be done to prepare each outpost but if you're lucky you can use the Looking For Group tool to find a map where those have been done and they need more people for the main event. This involves killing 1 of 4 Octovines blocking the entrances to the city (each one has unique mechanics - ask the commander if you're not sure what to do) and importantly all 4 need to be killed within about 30 seconds of each other to prevent them from respawning. So you'll often get yours down to about 10% health and then stop attacking and wait for the others to catch up, then kill them all together.


    > The payoff comes once all 4 are dead - not the event reward but the fact that it unlocks access to the treasure rooms under Tarir where there are lots of [Exalted Chests](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exalted_Chest "Exalted Chests") (including the Great and Grand versions which give more loot. **Importantly you'll need 27 Exalted Keys to open them all.** These come from doing events on the AB map, or you can buy them but you need Lumps of Aurillium (which also come from playing on this map). So you need to spend some time on AB in between doing the meta event to have enough keys for the loot.




    > **SW/RIBA**



    > SW is The Silverwastes. The map has a meta-event which involves defending 4 forts from mordrem then fighting a series of bosses. Just doing the meta-event normally will get you a lot of loot but RIBA farming improves on that. RIBA is short for Red, Indigo, Blue, Amber - the colours of the 4 forts and RIBA farming means going around all 4 in a big group doing as many events as possible, so each person gets more events completed than if they were defending 1 fort, and therefore more loot.




    > **LS Daily Zones**



    > Each Living Story map from Season 3 and 4 has it's own set of daily achievements. I don't think they award any gold directly, mainly karma, map currency and unbound or volatile magic, so I assume you trade those for something worth gold but I don't know the specifics.




    > **Complete easy dailies**



    > This one actually does award gold directly. Complete any 3 achievements from the main Dailies category and you get 2g. You can pick any 3, so do whichever you find easiest or (if you have more time) most enjoyable.




    > **Craft ascended materials**



    > There's 4 tradable ascended materials which have time-gated components: Spiritwood Planks (made with Elder Spirit Residue from Elder Wood Planks), Deldrimor Steel Ingots (made with Lump of Mithrilium from Mithril Ingots), Elonian Leather Squares (made with Thick Elonian Cord from Thick Leather Squares) and Bolts of Damask (made with Spools of Silk Weaving Thread from Bolts of Silk). You need several of those to make ascended equipment and because they're time-gated people are willing to spend extra to get the finished version rather than making it themselves.


    > The downside for casual players looking to make gold is you need a lot of materials to make them. For example 1 Bolt of Damask takes 40 Wool Scraps, 20 Cotton Scraps, 40 Linen Scraps, 1 Glob of Ectoplasm, 25 Spools of Gossamer Thread and **300 Silk Scraps**. But the materials will cost you about 4g and the finished product sells for about 5g so it is profitable, but you need some gold and/or materials to start off.




    > **Chests in the Tomb of the Primeval Kings**



    > I don't think there's anything special to this one. There are several [Treasure Chests](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Treasure_Chest_(Desert_Highlands) "Treasure Chests") dotted around the Tomb of the Primeval Kings in the Desert Highlands map. You open them, you get loot to sell. You may anger ghosts in the process but other than fighting a ghost I don't think there's any consequences for that.




    > **Park a character at a jumping puzzle**



    > Again I don't think there's anything special to it. You can open jumping puzzle chests once per day and with a few exceptions you don't need to complete the puzzle to do it so you can leave a character at the end and just keep opening the chest. The downside is if you want them to go anywhere else (except WvW and PvP) you'll have to do the puzzle again to get them back there. But if you have a spare character, or a dedicated WvW/PvP one it may be worthwhile.


    > (As a mini version of this if I'm doing a jumping puzzle as part of the dailies I always do that one last so I can leave the character there and open the chest again the next day.)




    > **Pact Network Agents**

    > I don't know this one. I assume you have to buy a specific item and then use or sell it. Which means you'll need spare karma and/or gold to do it. But I don't know what you buy or how you use it to make gold.


    On the last part:

    You can buy a token for karma(6 total) per day per account. You can save them for when there is a map currency that's selling good. Just zone in and click them. Only issue is the Silver you spend map hoping to the vendors.

  7. > @"Mudcoat.1509" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > Mine is not the default sound. Did you transmute it?


    > It sounds the same minus the wolf hound tacked on the end. Yours doesn't?


    I'll explain what I hear.


    1: The initial start of the air being blown into the horn is sort of deep sounding.

    2: The standard sound of the horn, depending on what skill is used. On my Warrior, Speed and Vigor are 2 different sounds.

    3: The Wolf howl and image appear.


    I'm assuming you're talking about the 2nd one?


    Edit: It's better than that tuba fart sound bug we had years ago.

  8. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > > @"Timelord.8190" said:

    > > Who asked for this?

    > > You want to give higher stats to the players on the strongest server? Becuse that's whats going to happen. The WvW team seem to lack understanding of what is needed in WvW. We need less unbalanced based mechanics, not more! Ever since the HoT expansion, WvW has been corrupted by guild buffs and defenders advantage which again favor the strongest server.

    > >

    > > Not gonna be so bad for me, cause i'm in Vabbi.

    > > Just gonna be bad for the 0,56 K/D r server called Baruch Bay.

    > >

    > > Anet should change their current WvW team, let them design PvE elements instead.


    > I do find the event a boring numeric increase but...


    > Nice! You're calling out the WvW team for being incompetent, basically. While it would be nice if the current team acknowledged why the bloodlust was nerfed in the first place, but the [complaining](

    "complaining") only gets so far. Feel free to become that new, and needed WvW team member at https://www.arena.net/en/careers. This goes for a lot of people that instantly jump to berating the Devs, not just the above quoted. Mostly using the quote as an example.


    On the opposite side of the spectrum, look at it this way. Where in all the possible recommendations for events that this was even brought up?

  9. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > Lately I've been making 18 slot bags (10), going to starter zones and popping my Mentor tag.

    > >

    > > I then go into walk mode and just stroll around the map gathering nodes and announcing events when I come across them.

    > >

    > > If a new unguilded map level player (not down scaled) asks any questions, I give them a bag.


    > That is really nice of you! Thanks for being such a terrific contributor to our community!


    > As for my gold: Well, I usually save it for the longest time, then somehow go on a random shopping spree and drop a bunch. Last night a player invited me into their home instance, and that gave me a chance to build my "node list" for future acquisitions. That works a treat if you've already harvested in your own HI, as I had, and then go into the more properly equipped HI. Anyway, I think I'm missing about 7 or 8 nodes. Which isn't bad, I guess. But when I saw some of them -- like the Difluorite Crystal Cluster Node -- I knew I needed more. (I mean, come on! It's purple!! ;) )


    It's not been as successful as I hoped. I've given out only 3 chests in the last 4 days. A lot come up to me and just oogle, lol.


    I hope l don't get reported as a bot. Yesterday I had 2 Asurans walk with me the entire Queensdale map and we're playing the harp for me. I totally enjoyed that walk!!!

  10. Lately I've been making 18 slot bags (10), going to starter zones and popping my Mentor tag.


    I then go into walk mode and just stroll around the map gathering nodes and announcing events when I come across them.


    If a new unguilded map level player (not down scaled) asks any questions, I give them a bag.

  11. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Daze

    > >

    > > For its description it is daze(like some are sugesting), been like this since release.... its not a bug, and its quite anoying some builds that can aply lots of condis and daze :)


    > Except it's 6 seconds, and stun breaks aren't available.


    > Nothing seems to be more than 2 seconds in that list. Up to 3 ish with the right runes and sigil.


    When it happens, as stated, all your skills are on CD. The only thing to prevent it from happening is to have stab up full time. I'll have to check my F3 skill on Guardian if that stun break works when traited.

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