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Posts posted by Loosmaster.8263

  1. > @"Dawinor.4675" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > Good possibility of it going on sale for the anniversary. You can also keep an eye on this thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales#latest


    > Ohh, thank you. it's good to hear that. I will keep an eye on that post.


    > I saw something like that post more or less: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gem_Store/Anniversary_Sales](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gem_Store/Anniversary_Sales "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gem_Store/Anniversary_Sales")



    The only problem with both these links are Gem purchases. I don't think you can get the expansions via Gems... just upgrades

  2. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > Is there going to be a Subforum created for communication with them for ideas/request? This welcome thread is quickly devolving into a...


    > There already is: The August AFC. (Link posted previously in thread.) Well, for ideas/questions about the Team, anyway.

    > If you mean a Balance Preview thread, those are sometimes offered. Maybe for the next balance pass after this upcoming one.


    Well, first time I went to the link, I saw stuff about Raids, lol. Thanks

  3. With Raid parties of 10 and squads of 50, it definitely needs to move past the old 5 man party limit.


    Edit: You would think with some 5 limit skill restrictions upped, it might allow some room for those unwanted classes.



  4. > @"trixantea.1230" said:

    > I hope we'll see changes to veteran creatures in WvW. These mobs are just an easy PvE content which only serves as a daily filler.


    Could make them into Legendaries and need a full squad and 15 minutes to kill it with a Break bar and Timer, lol

  5. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > One of the main problems is that the game cannot always tell the difference between what we might consider "healthy gameplay" and what we might consider "unhealthy gameplay" or "intelligent gameplay" and "unintelligent gameplay" because what usually makes the difference is context. So take for instance repairing a wall. Sometimes it makes sense to repair a wall, sometimes it doesn't. But if the the reward system pays out for repairing a wall regardless of context then the game incentivizes repairing a wall under any circumstance and so the incentive is at odds with what we might consider "healthy or intelligent gameplay." Properly mirroring that sort of internalized contextually driven human calculus in an algorithm can be quite difficult for a game designer.


    > Another big problem here is that a player could decide that all they care about is the reward they get for repairing walls and completely ignore any other objective. So the rewards have to be good enough to incentive playing the game mode but not so good that they incentivize only doing a particular behavior over and over without any consideration for what else is going on.


    On point and a Thumbs Up for you. What you basically describe is my attitude since my server became a link. A whole nother subject...

  6. > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > Not exactly sure what the PvWvP people will contribute to the rewards team, and vice versa, but it sounds like a positive step forward to get everyone working together regarding the areas where balance matters most.


    Rewards in WvW have been a very contentious subject. There is one there now being debated on how and how much.

  7. > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

    > > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

    > > What I miss about Guild Wars was the exploration aspect of the game. If we do get an expansion like Cantha, it would be fun to explore the map with everyone without mounts. However don't completely exclude them. Just limit them until map completion for the specific instance please! Just a thought. After revisiting GW1 yesterday, I really miss the journal rather than destination aspect of the game. In GW1 everything was far away and you would have to play hours to get to a destination but it was enjoyable. Thank you for your consideration!


    > Why not just, you know, not use your mount, instead of trying to force everyone to not use their mounts?


    Yeah try that in the maps with the huge aggro range...

  8. > @"cesmode.4257" said:

    > I know many folks over many years have requested race changes...but man I do wish I could race change my human warrior to Char. I know because of personal story reasons and maybe other reasons arenanet is either reluctant or unable.


    > If the reason is because of the personal story issue and your choices, etc...Have a disclaimer pop up saying:


    > "Your personal story progress will be reset." or

    > "Your personal story choices have been pre selected and as best matched up as they could be".


    > But I absolutely hate my female human warrior and would love to make it a Char. I could probably scrounge enough tomes over a few weeks to power level a new character but I would need to buy a new char slot so that I don't have to delete my current character and lose all of my maxed up weaponsmith with tons of exotic and ascended recipes, plus the birthday celebrations.


    > I'd also race change my norn to something else...as well as my revenant! I should probably make smarter choices with regard to race, which is why I cant decide: norn or char for my ranger.


    **> I'd pay 20 bucks per race change. Lets do it!



    Is a character slot more than $20?


  9. > @"Jaunty.6018" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > > @"Jaunty.6018" said:

    > > > > @"Lambent.6375" said:

    > > > > Some of us want to earn our gold from playing the game.

    > > > >

    > > > > If we just bought everything, that wouldn't leave us with much to do. (Speaking of open world pve players)

    > > >

    > > > I guess that points out a pretty big flaw in Guild Wars 2 then, eh? The fact that you can buy so much of the cool stuff with real money. I personally wish the cash shop wasn't there at all, but since it IS there, it's always an option--and often the more logical one.

    > >

    > > What is in the cash shop that is a " must have" to play this game? It's their source of income and it's all mostly cosmetic with the exception of the upgrades which is also not a requirement to have.


    > Legendary weapons are a goal for most players, so I would consider that a "must have". And since the endgame is Fashion Wars for a ton of people, the cash shop has the shiniest cosmetic items in the game. Why farm a dungeon all day and night for some lame kitten armor when I can just buy a skin from the cash shop that's 10x cooler looking?


    You're talking about cosmetics and that's all the Gem store is. Nothing is required!!!


    Edit: Legendary Weapons/Armour is a goal, not a must have. There no different from Ascended stat wise other than the functionality of swapping. Ascended can be changed in the MF. We're still talking only cosmetics...

  10. > @"Courvoisier.1268" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > It's strange when people talk about needing high FPS. I run around 70-80 in an unpopulated area and can drop to 12-14 on a World Boss with all the skills blocking my view of it and have no issues, lol. Ping spikes are another story. Those have been happening more frequently. Normally @60 and spikes from 500-3k and random disconnect.


    > Not everyone is the same my friend, you might have no issues with low fps but i do, and i absolutly hate it.


    > The way i think is "if my pc cant run it well, might just play a game that it runs perfect"


    True but I built mine and it's about 3 years old and nothing top of the line except for the SSD I have the game on. Everything else is on a standard HD.

  11. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > It doesn't work on any chest which is on the map when you enter or which appears a long way from you (I'm not sure how far exactly). Presumably so you can't do things like stand below a jumping puzzle chest, or outside the puzzle, and loot it without actually finishing.

    > >

    > > It also won't pick up loot which drops while you're dead (and possibly downed), which is apparently done deliberately to discourage lying dead after tagging lots of enemies in an event.


    > It works from at least 3000 range.


    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > > It doesn't work on any chest which is on the map when you enter or which appears a long way from you (I'm not sure how far exactly). Presumably so you can't do things like stand below a jumping puzzle chest, or outside the puzzle, and loot it without actually finishing.

    > > >

    > > > It also won't pick up loot which drops while you're dead (and possibly downed), which is apparently done deliberately to discourage lying dead after tagging lots of enemies in an event.

    > >

    > > As a range indicator, for example, I have gotten the chest from Shatterer while being on a mortar and also from the Claw while being by the cannons.

    > >

    > > Edit: The one I noticed lately it didn't work on for me was the chest after the SW meta. I had to manually open it.


    > You have to be around the middle of the lane or closer. At least for the middle lane. Might need to be closer for the other lanes. Although if you are at north lane you should be close enough since that will be right after fighting the champion unless one of the other lanes failed of course.


    That one I get. It's the one inside past the vine walls with the Hero Point. Vinetooth I think it's called, lol

  12. > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > I would echo @"Loosmaster.8263" and recommend Tailor, while also adding Artificer & Weaponsmith as secondary crafting professions. **Even without buying additional licenses, it's a small silver fee to switch from one to the other.**


    > One of the most basic ways to make money is to craft the four 1/day Ascended materials and sell them. However, if you plan on making Ascended gear, you may want to keep those for yourself.


    I forgot about that option as I never used it. It came out after I had all the professions done on multiple characters.



  13. In the future you may want to craft Ascended gear. Choosing Tailor will fulfill that. Pretty much craft anything with Beserker stats to sell.

    You can have 2 crafting professions and the option to buy 2 more from the Gem shop.

    Never pass up a gathering node, sell what you don't need/use.


    Edit: You can't sell any Ascended gear you make as it is Account Bound but you can sell the finished mats that are used to make it i.e. Bolts of Damask


    Edit 2: Be careful when you're crafting. Some recipes are account bound on aquire. You can't sell or salvage them.i.e. the craftable backpack.

  14. > @"Jaunty.6018" said:

    > > @"Lambent.6375" said:

    > > Some of us want to earn our gold from playing the game.

    > >

    > > If we just bought everything, that wouldn't leave us with much to do. (Speaking of open world pve players)


    > I guess that points out a pretty big flaw in Guild Wars 2 then, eh? The fact that you can buy so much of the cool stuff with real money. I personally wish the cash shop wasn't there at all, but since it IS there, it's always an option--and often the more logical one.


    What is in the cash shop that is a " must have" to play this game? It's their source of income and it's all mostly cosmetic with the exception of the upgrades which is also not a requirement to have.

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