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Posts posted by Loosmaster.8263

  1. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > For WvW side: +1 Bronze WvW Rank (150-619).

    > >

    > > You need to rank up before you even get any pips. Doesn't take very long though.


    > You get pips based on world score, persistance and Outnumbered no matter rank. The rank bonus is nice of course, but not really that big a deal until you're decently high rank.


    I have a new guildie that played with us for over 2 hours and didn't get any...Rank 0.

  2. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > As we have mentioned before - take base alpine, then just make it jungle. Big trees, ruins. Maybe a big waterfall down by garri into the jungle swamp below. Some overhang bridges. Frogs instead of skritts and centaurs. Etc. When you already know the overall design, the rest just become visuals and minor tweak.


    > That is, if we want to keep going the border route.


    **> Ideally, it would be jungle reskinned EB instead that replaces one of the alpines so that we can fully embraces 3-ways.**


    Would love an Aztec/Mayan theme map.


  3. > @"Plagueis.9672" said:

    > > @"ZNICK.8537" said:

    > > We're a new WvW guild on SoR but we're linked with HoD right now so it'd work fine. We run WvW (just about) every night from 7:00 central until ??

    > >

    > > We come from a large WvW guild that isn't active anymore but a handful of us wanted to stay so a month or so ago we started on our own guild. We know how to recruit but aren't sending out random invites just to fill the Discord. We don't want drama and like to make sure new members are a fit and are confident we'll grow.

    > >

    > > We run a tight group, are organized and can take on groups larger than ourselves. Our style is to stay small to medium sized and flank for a larger zerg so we call our own shots. We do ask people to play certain builds when we're running official for the good of the group, but there's time to run other things as well.

    > >

    > > We're not mass recruiting, and small enough so you'd get to know everyone and be appreciated. Let me know if you want more info or a link to apply etc..

    > >

    > > Z


    > I liked your post on I am on HoD server. Is it possible for me to get an invite? I enjoy WvW, especially an organized guild group. Would love to check you all out!


    If you're on HoD and join their SoR guild, you will 99.9% not be able to play with them come the last Friday of this month when relinks happen...

  4. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > I can't see how there could be any correlation between a characters height and the players importance. Especially in GW2 where race is purely cosmetic. The game is designed so that anyone can play any race they want and the vast majority of players know that and don't worry about it.


    Go into WvW, play with a Norn for a while then go as an Asuran while running with the Zerg. See how much longer you survive as an Asuran...

  5. > @"Straegen.2938" said:

    > IMO, dead should be an insta-port in WvW. The maps are already small so getting back to the fight after dead is a minor death penalty.


    Yep, map should auto open on screen and wp...

  6. > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > And people scream about the 8 hours required for Gift of Battle...


    > You dont need gift of exploration for second generation


    He also didn't mention anything about making Legendarys. I just chimed in about the time requirements. He is also doing the core maps which is required for the first generation and the GoB.

  7. > @"Kovac.4372" said:

    > I guess I could wait a month (for the 6th birthday) and then see how I feel :\


    > If only character slots were not so expensive ... do I get extra ones when I buy the expansions (the cheapest editions)? I'm just core atm.


    I'm pretty sure you do get a character slot plus a shared inventory slot with perks in it if you buy the PoF expansion.

  8. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > First off, there is different adoption licenses for different mount packs. Depending on which one you bought there should be between 15 and 30 mounts available. You can check which mounts (and how many) are available by right clicking the adoption license and previewing the content.


    > Keep the extra licenses in your bank and contact customer support. Explain what happened and they should refund your gems (they have done so in the past on similar occasions). Try to be polite and as clear as possible. Bit of a bummer but that way you'll get your gems back.


    Also expect a 3-4 day wait time. They are quite busy but will get to you.

  9. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"foxof.8752" said:

    > > > meteor maybe fixed, then a new siege weapon: Meteor spaceship, player can fly around and drop Meteor Shower while in it.

    > >

    > > It would be silly to add new content for this.

    > >

    > > Just change the arrowcart to shoot meteor showers instead.


    > Trebuchet launching elementalist asurans :D


    > Dont forget to aply death nova on the asuran!

    > https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Death_Nova


    I was thinking more of an asteroid for the treb...

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