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Posts posted by Loosmaster.8263

  1. > @"Shadowcat.2680" said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > > What's BM even mean?

    > >

    > > It's.... NSFW...

    > >

    > > (But actually Bad Mannered)

    > >

    > > Which actually raises a whole other list of issue: like WHOSE manners?? I mean, it might be good mannered to donate seige to a corpse in some part of the world.

    > >

    > > We need to let go of our social norms and include all views in our perspectives.


    > I've always just assumed BM stood for bowel movement...


    Your age is showing...

  2. World vs. World


    The final four weapons have been added to the Obsidian weapon set. These new weapons have been added to the Skirmish Supervisor. The new weapon types include the short bow, warhorn, rifle, and axe.

  3. > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > > > Gives a small minority of people what they think they want in a game mode that relies on keeping thousands of people happy to function.

    > > >

    > > > Anet might as well just completely kill WvW, keep up EotM, and implement a proper GW1 style GvG system instead. At least you can't stack a mode that forces 10v10 or 20v20 matches in a controlled environment.

    > >

    > > Classes are worked for the pve aoe "stop, stack n spam" to make players feel strong against dumb mobs with sponges health system and trash mobs, the old gvg system would never work in this game... and players want to play broken gimmick of stackign whlie on doing pseudo gvg's, they dont want skilled gameplay besides stack and spam stuff.

    > >

    > > What gw2 players call gvg and what they want for gvg its mostly idiotic.


    > Old gw1 system also worked on a pseudo trinity system with heal classes (really just monk) and had classes like the ranger or mesmer who's sole role was to disrupt and hamper the enemy.


    **> Gw2 doesn't even have player collision.>**

    > None of that would port to GW2 but people still want large fights and a structured 20v20 system with some kind of official tracking would give them what they want and eliminate the coverage/"muh blobs" complaints.



    It has "Melee Assist". It's optional but it is there, lol.


  4. > @"MauChann.3081" said:

    > This isn't only a problem in raid communities as far as I'm concerned.

    > I kid you not, in vanilla PVE I got flamed at yesterday for tagging up a meta event ( because it was organized very last minute, and nobody else saw fit to tag up so I did ) as a heal tempest. Yes. As a build that doesn't necessarily do a whole lot of damage.

    > One person came up to me and started talking about how I wasn't doing enough dps as a commander, according to their 3rd party program, and I said well no I'm a heal build, I'm uncapable of doing a whole lot of damage.


    > Like?? Since when is a commander in vanilla pve, leading an event, required to do the #1 amount of damage of the squad at that moment.

    > Since when is it absolutely illegal to tag up with whatever character and lead an event for the only purpose of loot, and having fun, instead of trying to be the best at the game.

    > I get that in raids it can be a huge deal to do a certain number of dps, and I understand it can be useful to know.

    > But for vanilla pve and then use the 3rd party tool as a thing to trashtalk someone else? Yikes.


    Use the Mentor tag, no squad function and no DPS hype...

  5. > @"Torzini.1523" said:

    > I've played many MMOs, and this is the absolute first one I've seen where people whine so much about having a DPS meter.


    Here's the thing. GW2 was touted as a non generic game. Breaking from the norm. IIRC, they said no DPS meters in the game, which is still true by not having one in the game. But allowed through 3rd party app.


    **You can have your cake and eat it too...**

  6. > @"Dethl.2875" said:

    > who knows, maybe it'll still be meta. good thing there's no giant domes are anything around zergs.


    > auto 1 is single target, 1200 range, 0.5s cast, projectile

    > auto 2 is same as auto 1, but is a 3 target 120 radius aoe when it hits the target

    > auto 3 is auto 2, but 5 targets 240 radius.


    > auto 1/2 travel pretty fast as far as projectiles go, auto 3 only has a 50cc engine in it and can only do pinewood derbies


    > orb got changed into a druid astral 3 type thing i guess, with no finisher.


    I parked mine on the first Nerf!!!

  7. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > turle is tanky and lots of stun breaks and cleanses cause water based not tortoise. hehe.


    > synergy stun break can help group survive stab probs and cleanses.


    > demon rev can give such a util. why not many use demon rev @.@


    > demon rev like turtle. gives resist removes condi and takes enemy boons


    And here I thought we were talking about quisine...My bad, lol.

  8. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > be like smoking turtle. stab is not problem.


    I never smoked a turtle. Had it once in a sauce picante and it was really chewy. I mean the more you chewed the bigger it got. Never ate turtle again...

  9. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > Getting rid of stab would push the meta back towards pirate shipping and clouding basically. Stab is necessary to maintain uptime in any sort of extended melee engagement. Short and quick flanking melee hits would still be doable but I think that would be about it for melee.

    > >

    > > I had this wild thought that maybe they should change all the skills that CC to a cast range of 150-300. See how well that goes over.


    > What if there was several kind of sources for stability, and their respective ending like we had in gw1, what if Anet actually could reverse a bit the boon spam n stack to be a hybrid version of what gw1 had with gw2 (somethign in between).

    > wards?

    > Shout?

    > Stances?


    > Balance is easilly broken in gw2 due the fact every diferent skill produces 1 thing... a boon, it does not result in a good combat :\ its all about who stacks more and who reststacks faster.


    It's also broken because you can't balance around every conceivable scenario. From solo to zergs/blobs. Somebody is going to get the short end of the stick and come on here complaining again.

  10. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > Getting rid of stab would push the meta back towards pirate shipping and clouding basically. Stab is necessary to maintain uptime in any sort of extended melee engagement. Short and quick flanking melee hits would still be doable but I think that would be about it for melee.


    I had this wild thought that maybe they should change all the skills that CC to a cast range of 150-300. See how well that goes over.

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