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Posts posted by Loosmaster.8263

  1. > @"RandomJay.9734" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > If you're unsure about a specific role and want an all round set up, you can't go wrong with Celestial. I have no problems with it in any content especially using the Dragon Hunter specialization.


    > Would that stop me from moving over to FB later on?


    Until you get Legendary gear to quit chasing the numbers game, the constant build changes depending on what Content/Role you are filling, you'll never have the right setup or your inventory will be "Incumbered" of different gear/weapon sets.


    I run DH, full Celestial with Stars Rune/Sigil. I'm extremely happy with it and that's all that counts to me. If someone feels I'm leeching, oh well, kick me or tell me to leave. I know how to play my class properly.

  2. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > If memory serves me, Anet/Support will not get involved in guild ownership disputes or handovers. You may have to wait 1-2 weeks for a reply, but I'm not convinced you will get a favourable response here I'm afraid.




    In the past I have had to start over entirely because they will not get involved in any type of internal guild issues.

  3. > @"Luna.9640" said:

    > Today (and several times before) I queue'd up for one of the full maps.


    > 30 minutes later when my queue pop'd up I pressed ENTER but instead of getting moved to the said map i got another pop up messages asking me if i want to queue for that map.


    > Like what the hell ?


    > This has happened to me and other people apparently (at least that is what I've been told after asking i teamchat).


    > Another instance of that bug has been happening for more then a year now every Friday.


    > Every Friday when people go and line up in front of the Lion's Arch WvW Portals to enter the map they desire most people get no message **when they press "F" (or spam it).**


    > This wasn't like this a year ago and I really would like to get a word on WvW Queue System in General from a Developer.




    I bolded a specific part which I did about 2 weeks ago. Never did the portal spam before, I always entered using the WvW panel.


    After spamming "F" about 10 times my screen slowly went black and about 5 minutes later it slowly returned to normal.


    Has this always been this way or do I need to look if my key binds causes the "brightness" to change, lol?

  4. > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > Your armor is now automatically repaired when wp'ing to your spawn point, and you do not receive armor damage when you have the outnumbered effect. Not sure why there is still a repair npc at spawn though ;)


    Probably swapping maps after a death? I don't know if swapping maps to spawn does the auto repair. Also, they're a sell Vendor.

  5. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"Supernatural Dawn.3194" said:

    > > > @"Krustydog.3072" said:

    > > > I will miss server pride.

    > > >

    > >

    > > For many of us server pride is already dead. Bring on the guild pride.


    > Make guild wars about guilds?


    > Preposterous!


    TK is gonna 2 man it!!! Maybe 3 if I can a guildie to play more than 5 minutes...

  6. > @"Redfeather.6401" said:

    > In case anyone was confused, this topic is about how a male norn player picking up precious loots sometimes says "Better than laurels"


    That one I have never heard. Will have to pay more attention, lol.

  7. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > Okay, I am thoroughly confuzzled over this whole thread.


    > What the heck are you guys talking about???


    Norn racial dialog when salvaging Rares or higher drops, what you think you hear and it's origins. **"Ah, better than Moot Loot"**.

  8. > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > I've brought up core specs only idea before but seems now a lot more people don't mind such a thing, maybe it should be considered. Would Revenant technically be counted in core though (without herald of course) since it's not included in core game? That would be one of the things that could be problematic, though I don't see why it couldn't be allowed.


    Core specs would be **No Elites** regardless of what xpac you have.

  9. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > i think in a thread about more event weekends a dev said there wont be weekends exlucing professions/specs etc.


    > edit , found the post :

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > We certainly welcome any ideas for future WvW events!

    > >

    > > Here are some guidelines we've been using in our brainstorming.

    > >

    > > Change the way WvW is played in some way. Doesn't have to be a big change, but should be a change.

    > >

    > > Using events as test beds for permanent changes can be nice, but isn't necessary. There are many things we probably would be willing to do for the length of a matchup, but wouldn't want it to be forever.

    > >

    > > Events shouldn't require large art changes. We want to be able to implement these events quickly and not rely on getting a lot of art that may never be used again.

    > >

    > > **Events shouldn't exclude large sections of the player base. No restricting events to specific classes, expansions, etc.**

    > >

    > > Looking forward to hearing more ideas!


    **> therefor i dont think we will have a no condi or no stealth weekend either because that only affects some people because of build choice.



    Your last part is what I think he was referring to and not restrictions on the Elite Special. At least that's the way I see it.

  10. > @"Rukia.4802" said:

    > 300g 250 badges? when I bought mine it was only 100g. Yay inflation? I assume the badges are just there to get more people into a dead mode lol, at least it was dead last time I tried wvw.


    You need to compare what you got for 100g(a blue icon) compared to what you get for 300g today. The cost to me is justified plus you got all the benefits free from just purchasing the original.

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