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Posts posted by Loosmaster.8263

  1. The quickest I've found and use when helping fellow guildies.

    1: Use XP booster when possible.

    2: Map exploration. Open waypoint, vistas and PoI's. Save the hearts for later unless they're quick ones.

    3: Hit any dynamic events that pop up.

    4: Get into maps that are 3-5 levels above you.

    5: Personal story offers a lot. Can go quicker if you party up. Use LFG if you can.

  2. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > > I just want more tickets don't need more gold that's easy to get.

    > > >

    > > > Maybe a choice? Like the skirmish chests? So people could select what works best for them?

    > > >

    > > > Tickets would be good to, I just figured people were wanting to ticket cap so it 'encouraged' (translation = forced) people to play WvW longer.

    > >

    > > Yeah some people have made that argument I don't find it particularly compelling. It takes way too long to farm the tickets imo.


    > Agreed. I get diamond done by Monday most weeks, and I don't play as much as many.


    > But where to add them? Repeatable of diamond? Or a few more each tier? I don't know.


    > I wouldn't argue about an up in them by any note.


    That's why I was kind of hinting to remove the tickets from the Diamond chests. Spread the amount out over the previous ones. Have the Diamond chests contain T6 mats and other mats required for crafting Legendary gear and the final Diamond chest to have a 0.01% chance to contain a Grand Master Mark.

  3. > @"Beda Zzle.5281" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > > @"Beda Zzle.5281" said:

    > > > When I am doing my Berry run, what pinches my bunions, is ALL the people in the map and they run right past you to the berries you are fighting to get to and leave you to fight the mobs and then they run off and leave you still fighting and then you die and you're thinking to yourself," what an kitten!" and then this Angel comes along and rezzes me! Thank you thank you.... thank you. :)

    > >

    > > What burns me the most is when I see someone downed I will go out of my way to rez them. In your scenario, I clear the area, start the rez and you port out when there's less than 5% to go. Then the mobs respawn.

    > >

    > > Yeah there are times I will walk right over you...


    > Ya, I don't do that but I have ridden back to a downed person and commence to rez and yup they bleep out on me too sometimes but I wasn't downed when they shot past me to the berries, see me fighting and still go on their merry way....




    Or that one which is my favorite "brings a mob over from a nearby node", gathers and you get aggro'ed and they leave on their merry way. I found minion necros are the worst doing it.

  4. > @"Beda Zzle.5281" said:

    > When I am doing my Berry run, what pinches my bunions, is ALL the people in the map and they run right past you to the berries you are fighting to get to and leave you to fight the mobs and then they run off and leave you still fighting and then you die and you're thinking to yourself," what an kitten!" and then this Angel comes along and rezzes me! Thank you thank you.... thank you. :)


    What burns me the most is when I see someone downed I will go out of my way to rez them. In your scenario, I clear the area, start the rez and you port out when there's less than 5% to go. Then the mobs respawn.


    Yeah there are times I will walk right over you...

  5. I have a few pieces of WvW ones. Working on the rest. I either run Celestial, Marauders, Viper, Nomads/Minstrels depending on the role I want to play. Do you know how many sets I would have to carry, # of different toons or the cost of doing those stat swaps?


    Yes I think it's worth my time. Slow but still worth it.

  6. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > > @"Macilien.3078" said:


    > > As I said in my initial post I'm talking about people that already are in a guild, don't play WvW yet and want to play WvW with the people they already know and play with in PvE.

    > >

    > > Since this new system is not finalized I'm bringing up my concerns so that they might be considered.


    > If they are already in the guild, then use guild communication channels including the MotD and any guild website information pages to announce: "We will be marking this guild as WvW. If you think there is the slightest chance you will *ever* want to try out WvW, and want to try it with this guild, please mark us as your WvW guild as soon as that is an option."


    > When people join the guild, as part of the meet'n'greet mention to them "hey, we're set as WvW so we can stick together if we go there, feel free to mark us as your WvW guild. It won't affect you at all if you never go into WvW but will mean we can help you if you do."


    The only problem is they may still not get in during a season they have had no activity and the world is full. They may have to wait until next season and that is still "iffy" with no activity.


    I don't know if they play on another world during the season to get activity rolling to be put in for the next seasons pooling.

  7. > @"Thelgar.7214" said:

    > I have four accounts, two of them with both expansions and with characters in legendary/ascended gear. It looks like I'll be able to swap those two accounts to play with a different WvW guild every 8 weeks. So, I could play with Dcon on my main account and WL on my secondary account for eight weeks, then swap so I can play with WL on my main account and Dcon on my secondary account for eight weeks. And all I need to do is switch which guild is my WvW guild for each account. Is that switch going to cost me anything?


    On the cost, "No". You will have to do the guild switch before the last week of the season. It will not take effect until the start of the next season.

    Transfers only cost on the restructure if you decide to move during the season and if the world is not full.

  8. > @"Xillllix.3485" said:

    > This is all great but what about EotM?

    > It's a beautiful map that needs a place in all of this. That map needs a second chance.

    > Why don't you add it above EBG on the WvW world map? Make it contribute to the score for those that enjoy that map...

    > Integrate it into the new system.


    I wouldn't mind it taking the place of the 2nd AB map. Tweak it a bit, put up some invisible walls to help with falling/getting knocked off.

  9. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > Are we going to get to test this before implementation?


    > Test... what? What sort of meaningful testing do you imagine there would be that doesn't involve, oh all of WvW for 8 weeks? If only 10% of people join the test and some people are still playing live, then it's not a valid test of the system, which depends on everyone playing as they normally do (some full time, some sporadically, some bingers, some burn outs, etc).


    > The only "real" test is going to be the first Season.


    > So instead, I'd ask,

    > * Generally, for the first few months after launch, are you prepared to make frequent changes to the formula breakpoints, ratios, and even variables used?

    > * If the numbers are wildly off from predicted, are you prepared to end Season 1 early and start S2 with appropriate adjustments?

    > * What sort of metrics will you be able to share with us post-launch to help us see whether it's going well and/or better than the current status quo? Or is the only metric how many (or how few) people complain about weak match-ups and/or overpowered sides?



    When it gets close enough to be able to test, announce it. Shut down WvW say for 1-2 weeks. Patch the game to allow us to make the required selections, i.e. guild/alliance and let us see how things play out.


    Balance is not an issue as we know until things are adjusted. I think waiting 8 weeks for that is too long.


    I mostly want to see how the pooling of players will be.

  10. To me the hardest part is getting people to follow you. You will need to build up their confidence in you.


    **Mix it up**- Don't just PPT or look for fights. Keep your group vocally engaged while attacking a structure.


    There's a whole bunch more but it depends on your group whether they're experienced or not. Teach them positioning and such.

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