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Posts posted by Loosmaster.8263

  1. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > > > You can buy your tag for 300g in LA. How is that PvP-exclusive?

    > > >

    > > > The first Commander's Compendium costs 300 gold **and** 250 badges of honor. OP is lumping "WvW" and "Structured PvP" into the "PvP" category. It's not clear if the OP is aware of the official jargon or not.

    > > >

    > > > However, as others have noted, the 250 badges of honor are available via achievement chests, too, so one doesn't actually have to enter WvW (or, as the OP calls it, participate in PvP).

    > > >

    > > **>Additionally, all players with at least one expansion have access to the mentor tag, which is sufficient to help for the vast majority of meta and non-meta events.

    > > >**

    > > > tl;dr aside from some confusing with the phrasing, the OP exaggerates the situation.

    > >

    > > You can't squad with a Mentor apple nor in the LFG. I don't know what the limit is for joining groups that are not Squaded. 5 maybe?


    > Anyone can form a commander-less squad w max size 10.


    Thanks Tanner.

  2. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > You can buy your tag for 300g in LA. How is that PvP-exclusive?


    > The first Commander's Compendium costs 300 gold **and** 250 badges of honor. OP is lumping "WvW" and "Structured PvP" into the "PvP" category. It's not clear if the OP is aware of the official jargon or not.


    > However, as others have noted, the 250 badges of honor are available via achievement chests, too, so one doesn't actually have to enter WvW (or, as the OP calls it, participate in PvP).


    **>Additionally, all players with at least one expansion have access to the mentor tag, which is sufficient to help for the vast majority of meta and non-meta events.


    > tl;dr aside from some confusing with the phrasing, the OP exaggerates the situation.


    You can't squad with a Mentor apple nor in the LFG. I don't know what the limit is for joining groups that are not Squaded. 5 maybe?

  3. Really. I was just about to set upon the task of making 3 for my next piece. Unfortunately I have to wait until reset as they are not contained in the repeatable Diamond chest.


    Edit: How many shards required per mark? I'm at work and can't check.

    Just reread. I assume 10 per Mark?



  4. > @"Jeyy.5028" said:

    > Hello,

    > I was wondering if a sPvP build can also work in WvW. It's still the same concept right? Because you're still technically fighting a player. So for example in sPvP, I'm using a Condi something build with the class Engineer using Carrion stats and it's really effective. Will that Condi something Engineer build be effective as well in WvW if I had (either Exotic or Ascended) Carrion stats? I am aware that the numbers will be different with each stat point. But in terms of usage and comparison, will it be the same?


    > Thank you in advance.


    Click Bait? The body of your post has nothing to do with the title...

  5. > @"SilverArrowsMP.2957" said:

    > Thnak you all for the advice. Seems Air is better to start... sadly, I jumped the gun and blew all my HP in Fire. So I’ll just role this until I get enough points to swap to Air, or just continue as is and use Air at lvl 45. At least now I know if I ever build another Ele in the future **(hate that you can’t race change)."**


    Too much tied to the Personal Story to allow a race change.

  6. > @"Kryptonite.5804" said:

    > Wow.. thank you so much for such a quick reply guys..


    > Hoodie, thanks mate.. thought so, as a stupid newbie just thought I'd better check...


    > Thank you Glacial.. your right close though : )..


    > Found a winner!!.. spent the last hr looking into 3rd party software for the first time... 'X mouse' I f'n love it... I now have tap or tab(?) targeting.. auto complete attack.. no white dot or crosshair.. and left mouse button any function I want.. Happy as a pig in mud!..


    > Thanks guys.. you have a great day.. and a great game!.. Cheers K


    Be careful of 3rd party software, some are not allowed. Other than 1 (Archdps) and Overlays.

  7. This is from the old forum stickied but not moved here.



    Kind of hard to give you info without knowing how much you already know without being redundant. But a quick search on YouTube can yeild some information.


    Edit: One thing that is not mentioned in the post that was not relevant then is "your meta class and build". This is a high priority for some. I'm not a ?, sheep or whatever the term they are using today.



  8. > @"PyrateSilly.4710" said:

    > You are missing the other thing besides a wide open map with not much on it that they are asking for -- a completely open PvP zone. Thou there is the zone in the Guild Halls to do PvP, there is the PvP lobby and then of course WvW to do PvP in but of course there are still some that want a PvE map that has open PvP


    And all of those you mentioned have their limitations. OWPvP, everyone a combatant except if repping the same guild. No distractions like structures, seige, unlevel terrain.


    Just synthesizer nodes(a lot) for enticement for farming the map. No specific ones to effect the market.

  9. > @"Blodeuyn.2751" said:

    > I imagine everyone would be tagging up just to have the mount, regardless of speed buff or squad. No thanks.


    They did put a limit of 5-9 in squad to get the buff.


    Edit: Disregard. Reread, lol.

  10. > @"Kor The Red.5186" said:

    > you are very welcome, and ikr don't you just LOVE it when you just see people run right passed you when you clearly need help or even say HELP and they just keep on going its like zomg *facedesk till death*


    There is a mix on this. I have had players complain about interfering. If I have time, I look at the players/target health, jump in if needed. Or I'll just watch until the player goes down then revive without attacking the target, lol. Maybe share some boons.

  11. > @"Ringlin.1863" said:> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:> > > @"Ringlin.1863" said:> > > The exception, for now, is WvW, a particular kind of world pvp.> > > > Since "WvW" stands for "World versus World", well, obviously it is not playable in megaserver aka "worlds don't matter" mode...>

    > Since the megaserver nature of GW2 was confusing to the OP in the earlier comment about WvW vs other activities, this is a pretty good summary:> > @"Ringlin.1863" said:> > for almost everything in the game, it doesn't matter which server you're on, since [you and anyone else you like] can all play together.> > And it is good for newcomers to know that WvW is an exception to that rule.> > Enjoy!> > Also they need to state another posing problem of a split, NA/EU(North America/Europe). This is the region you select to play on when creating your account. NA/EU cannot play together in any game mode.

  12. > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

    > > > Hmm, I'd be for it.

    > > > * Dedicated place to look if you're interested in finding a guild

    > > > * Possible to turn off if you don't want to see recruitment

    > > >

    > > > Though, I think I'll kinda miss seeing SkyShroud post on every single map I'm in whenever I'm walking around on maps in PVE, kinda become a tradition. :)

    > >

    > > What's to stop them from still posting in /m chat?


    > Nothing to stop them, but the idea is that if we have a own guild recruit chat channel, most people would look to that channel when they want/need a guild, which would (hopefully) make those that wants to show their guild, post there for best effect.


    > Mostly a matter of having another tool for **"encouraging" better behavior.**


    I don't think it will happen because they will still spam for a faster affect. Why wait and hope someone will see your advertisement.



  13. > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

    > Hmm, I'd be for it.

    > * Dedicated place to look if you're interested in finding a guild

    > * Possible to turn off if you don't want to see recruitment


    > Though, I think I'll kinda miss seeing SkyShroud post on every single map I'm in whenever I'm walking around on maps in PVE, kinda become a tradition. :)


    What's to stop them from still posting in /m chat?

  14. > @"ferf.4283" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > We're looking for a Necro. The effort I put in is the same as I expect to be put back. My biggest requirement is to be active(3 days a week and at least 2 hour settings).

    > > If interested, shoot me an in game mail and I'll send an invite. Being on SoS isn't much of a big deal right now due to upcoming changes. We WvW alot but on Devona's Rest.

    > >

    > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/23803/tactical-killers-tk#latest


    > I'm mostly looking for someone to level with, also i don't think you're on my server/realm? I'm on sea of sorrows


    Server: Correct, we can't WvW together but SoS is an NA server and we can PvE together via MegaServer.

  15. We're looking for a Necro. The effort I put in is the same as I expect to be put back. My biggest requirement is to be active(3 days a week and at least 2 hour settings).

    If interested, shoot me an in game mail and I'll send an invite. Being on SoS isn't much of a big deal right now due to upcoming changes. We WvW alot but on Devona's Rest.



  16. > @"kurfu.5623" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > @"kurfu.5623" said:

    > > > Great Jungle Wurm - there are three champs to kill right before he spawns, each gives a chest

    > > > Modniir Ulgoth - there are three champs to kill right before he spawns, each gives a chest

    > >

    > > Every champion everywere drop chests mate

    > > But back to topic.

    > > Silver waste meta is prob the most rewarding world boss after teqatil in core game.


    > The champions during the Jormag event do not drop bags, mate.


    Some do, I can get 3-4 chests off them depending on how long it takes to kill the Claw.

  17. > @"Aeris.1876" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > nothing to reverse it was never like this in the core game.


    > yes it absolutely was; take Queensdale for example, you always knew when the centaurs were charging in, or when the event that was level 20ish or so to the south would start involving the captain, and those arent meta events, the meta in Queensdale is the swamp. Now, you dont see -any- events unless you're near them.



    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > In options, check display content. The other is a small orange compass will appear on the mini map in the direction of the closet event. You should also see the compass in the UI top right of your screen.


    > im sorry; where? i couldnt find what you described at all.


    Click the gear icon top left of the screen. Very first page, second line I think. 'Content", gives you options to hide or show.

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