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Posts posted by Loosmaster.8263

  1. > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > T1 isn't the issue. I wouldn't mind a link with SoS.


    > SoS has lots of nice people, I was linked when I was on IoJ, which was before they started to try to win in T1, and they would avoid PPT, only to be out tanked by either YB or Mag. Now all they seem to do is pick on the #3 server. When IoJ got linked with DB, and somehow they got to T1, we flipped more of BG's T3 towers than SoS did, even though they had more #'s and better coverage. So with SoS you are getting a server that still avoids BG, but PPT's enough to stay T1.


    Missing the point. I don't have an issue playing in T1 or against BG like everyone else does. I want the diversity of playing with (linked) different servers. **Not the same ones over and over.**


    Edit: At this rate they might as well merge and be done with it. I'll go PvE because I won't spend a dime to transfer, ?. At least I vented some, maybe start doing Raids.

  2. Never pass up a gathering node, lol. As far as crafting, if you're getting drops to stay up-to-date don't waste mats crafting your gear. Check the Trading Post to see what's in high demand, craft it to level up your crafting and sell it.


    Guild: Even though you're not interested in organized groups you can join one for the guild buffs from the hall that's free if it's available.

  3. If someone caps a sentry you can no longer see them get marked when others pass later. Those who come within the range of the sentry stay marked for a short period after.


    Also towers with the Watch Tower upgrade will mark players within range until that tower is capped.


    Once marked, stealth will not hide them until it wears off.


    Edit: I forgot to mention your server must own the sentry and tower to see the dots.

  4. > @"Optimator.3589" said:

    > We gotta suffer with T1 dodging, you gotta suffer with us. Believe it or not, we don't _like_ having to ignore the BLs and deal with endless EBG queues just to avoid getting too much PPT. It'd be much more enjoyable being able to play to fight and win in multiple maps without the "prize" being a trip to T1 or staying in T1.


    > Sorry, mate. Until the restructure, that's just how it is for the host worlds. For what it's worth, you folks from DR have been a pretty good link, and I wouldn't mind playing with you again. :)


    You're one of the few. Like I said, being in T1 is not the issue. I just would like different links occasionally besides the same 2 every relink.


    We had JQ, NSP and Dragonbrand ONCE.


    Edit: I'm not holding my breath for the Restructuring. That can go either way.

  5. > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > @"SnowPumpkin.1809" said:

    > > I am not surprised, I was on Mag for a long time and left. All they want to do is lose so they don't have to fight Blackgate :(


    > You can literally replace 'Mag' with any other server, save maybe SoS (and even they're only interested in smacking the third server) and that statement would still hold weight.

    > And yes, T1 _is_ the issue. 5 or 6 different servers agree on that much.

    > Potentially related, great matchup in T2 this week. =)


    > ~ Kovu


    Maybe an issue for you but you're not on DR. I'm more interested in matchup diversity than the same 2 servers over and over. I don't care if we drop to T4.


    Yes I know that sounds just like the T1 problem but the linked server shouldn't have to suffer.

  6. > @"Shogunai.1083" said:

    > Hello Raven, I am also a new player looking for friends to play with as well as a guild to run with and learn the ropes. I too am an east coast player as well. It would be cool to play with a newer player and learn the ropes together. I currently play on Darkhaven, however I wouldn't oppose to swapping servers. My playtimes also matches yours as well. Add me in game and we can link up, I also have a discord server as well if you like voice comms.


    Servers are only relative to WvW if you plan on doing that and there are things in the works that will eliminate that issue. It's just a matter of when.

  7. > @"Sammej.6452" said:

    > I have been loving the Wings of Love [&AgHsLwEA] ever since it came out.

    > Unfortunately it only comes in Glider skin and not backpack. But the other wings with exact same mesh did.

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/GxEJb06.png "")

    > It wouldn't even require A-net that much time to make a backpack version of it. *shrugs*

    > Other colours for the wings would be nice too. Fully white ones, maybe red? Any colour. Maybe even starbound?


    I thought we already have white ones. Maybe just hasn't been in the store for a long time.

  8. I used to get down to 12fps before I notice anything. I ditched Windows 10(64bit) reformatted and installed Windows 7(64bit). I average 40-70fps in any situation.


    Mine is a desktop, I have never bought a computer. I build them to whatever specs I plan on using it for.

    Also with laptops, cooling is critical.

  9. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > > @"usnedward.9023" said:

    > > (snip)

    > > >

    > > > Now with all of that being said there is the business aspect of it. Someone gets reported for AFK farm or maybe said a bad word in chat. A review of the account...whoa! he/she dumps $200 plus a month into GEMS. Do they take this into account? I reckon they would almost have to depending on the severity of the offense. Ban him/her and they take a few other spenders with them and go play a new game. I AM NOT saying this happens but it is plausible if you are the conspiracy theorist.

    > >

    > > Hey, I don't take offense that you asked the question and I've know a few conspiracy theorists in my lifetime, so I'll be happy to answer the question as I see it. I know some businesses have a "keep an eye on the money" mindset, but I've personally not seen a "big spender" being given more consideration than someone who plays the game for free, or who has never spent any money in the Gem Store. I don't have access to that information through forum data, so certainly spending doesn't impact what my team does. In order for a CS Agent to pull that data, they'd need to (1) be given access to that information and (2) take special steps to access it. I had an occasion once several years ago to look at a player's account in relation to spending (at the player's request), and at that time, anyway, getting to the data was not a hop, skip, and a jump off the main account pages -- it took steps and some matter of digging.

    > >

    > > Given the number of tickets that our agents resolve, and the focus they're assigned in doing so, I feel confident that no one gets a "Get Out of Jail Free" card because of their financial support of the game. :)

    > >

    > > Edit to add: I want to emphasize I'm not a Customer Support agent, nor a member of that team. I'm sharing based on my observations because I thought it might be helpful.

    > >


    > So tl;dr all you say is your personal view on the case and is in no way an official statement from the company.


    Gaile is ArenaNets Communication Specialist. She answers questions here and in game. She is our point of contact for ALL the departments.


    And yes her statements are official when they need to be deemed so. Otherwise, she is doing her job "communicating with us"...

  10. > @"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said:

    > > @"SailorSpira.9371" said:

    > > > @"Teleoceras.1298" said:

    > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > > @"Teleoceras.1298" said:

    > > > > > > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

    > > > > > > **Disclaimer**: I'm sorry if this has been answered already, but I don't feel like reading through 37 pages of this topic to find out.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > What about guildless players or players who are still in an inactive guild?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > My guild is mostly inactive and I mostly play with random commanders and some fellow players of my Ruins of Surmia (EU) server. I might just as well leave my guild. What does the change mean to me? Will WvW still be as accessible to random players (not in a guild or ally). Will there be as many open commanders who accept players regardless of alliance? Is there a way to continue to play with the players of my Ruins of Surmia server who i frequently come across?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Also my guild is active but the guild leader has pretty much quit the game without having a replacement since last April. Is the guild leader required for making alliances with other guilds?

    > > > >

    > > > > Reform the guild. Get the active members who still play to create a new guild with a new guild leader and make that change now.

    > > > >

    > > > > Use that former guild for its buffs if you don't want to build up the new guilds buffs.

    > > >

    > > > Do you realize just how hideously expensive it is to upgrade a new guild hall? My guild has been maxed out for over a year now and it took a LOT of people to get it maxed out, decorated, etc.

    > >

    > > I would recommend getting the highest ranked active member of your guild to send a ticket to Anet asking to promote them to GL rank due to inactivity of the current rank holder.

    > > Or if you do go the second guild option you don't need to rep it or upgrade a guild hall, you just need it to be set to WvW for the purpose of alliances and continue to Rep your existing guild. That would only cost 1 gold.


    > I interpreted designating a Guild as your WvW Guild as meaning that once done you cannot represent another Guild in WvW. If that is correct then you cannot use another Guild to claim nor slot buffs.


    It's not. The selection is only for the making of the world every 8 weeks.

  11. > @"FogAlien.9875" said:

    > Today is the saddest day of my life, I am new to MMORPG and since I bought GW2 last year and I am learning about EVERYTHING, The last two weeks I started crafting my first legendary weapon , spent lot of gold,Time and effort to unlock achievements to crafts basic weapons and salvage them for spirits , The last thing on the list is Gift of Mastery that needs GIft of exploration to forge , and only two of them granted after world completion ... I did that and I deleted them because I didn't know about legendary crafting or the limit of these gifts!!!!

    > Is there a solution or I just give up and leave , I really was so excited about the weapon no I have no interest at the game at all . :-(


    You're going to need Gift of Battle also if haven't acquired that yet and only obtainable in WvW.

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