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Posts posted by Loosmaster.8263

  1. > @"Nesmie.4791" said:

    > I'm in a somewhat similar situation to you, but not too much more experienced unfortunately. Played this game "on and off" (very similarly to how you did) and just came back about 1month ago but have been enjoying it more this time around (probably because I have no interest for WoW anymore so this is my main game/MMO). Mostly been playing with 2 friends, they get on less than me though so I've been looking for someone or a small group to play with. So far I completed the HoT story, and like you, have only unlocked the raptor + springer mount (just got my springer a few days ago).


    > quick summary : 24 male, very relaxed just want a small group to do ANY content with (ive started doing some fractals, pretty fun) and try out new builds. I currently am playing mesmer but also have an 80 guardian and revenant. While I can't really teach you more about the game as I am relatively new, we can explore and learn the game together and maybe work towards some common goals (getting the other mounts, maybe legendaries, do fractals etc). I still want to see what else this game has to offer, and hopefully with some friends. Add me if you'd like, I play roughly 5pm - 9pm EST sometimes later, server is Darkhaven (i have no idea if this matters).


    Your server only matters if you plan on playing WvW with other players. You can't unless you are possibly linked with them and that only lasts for 8 weeks.


    Edit: For example, Darkhaven is currently linked with Fort Aspenwood. You can play with anyone on that server.

  2. > @"DuiePyle.4398" said:

    > **Stickyfingers.8516** : I too find the same sentiments going through my thoughts about this game that we find so interesting. I live in New Jersey, which puts me only 1 hour ahead of you, and since I am retired I can find time to do anything I want at the Time I want to do it. ;) The only fly in the soup, so to speak, and I'm sure it's a small fly, would be the servers we work on, myself am on "Anvil Rock." I don't at the moment know how to switch things a round but I'm sure in time it can be figured out. So, what do you say. lets give it a shot. My game name is DuiePyle.4398, Ive got three "toons" in all, Shinnatchkook, a lv 44 char Ranger, Isayhuh, a lv 9 Norn Necromancer, and Santo Del Esta, a lv 13 Human Guardian. My Toons are low because I had password troubles and was forced to make a new account, and start from scratch. OUCH! I had 2 80's :'(


    > **sephiroth.4217** : I also read your response to "sticky" and was wondering that I might avail myself of you web page. I also, would like to do other things beside soloing. Doing PvP, and WvW would, to my way of thinking, would be a nice change for once. I know it will take more commitment on my part to do these phases of the game, but after so many years of solo, I'm ready to stick my neck out a bit more.


    If I remember, bottom right of your login screen is "World Selection". That is what you use to transfer. You can see the list of servers and how much in gems it cost. You cannot move to one marked "Full".


    Edit: Alt free option to transfer is put all your Account Bound items in your bank, bags too, then delete all your characters and start over with the world selection.

  3. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > You have stealth on "all" classes. Most of it is 5 man AoE. Its called teamwork. It can happen in an MMO. No really, it can.


    I've been caught by this a few times. They always have out to sucker gank you. I literally avoid anything that has access to stealth.

  4. > @"Lightly.6843" said:

    > So if I read everything correctly the worlds get re-linked every eight weeks? I'm asking because I'm on NSP atm and we can't seen to get 20-25 ppl in a wvw zerg. Frankly, every day this week we just get steamrolled by HoD/SoR.


    > All I've been doing to running for my life and/or dying by the ROFL stomp blob.


    > Please someone tell me there is light at the end of this miserable tunnel....


    Relinks are every 8 weeks and reset on the last Friday of the even month. We are in the 3rd week, 5 more to go unless Anet steps in due to the bandwagon.


    You'll loose the match up anyway come reset Friday as HoD will go to T1. Whether SoR will still be linked, who knows.

  5. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"morrolan.9608" said:

    > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > they wont make as much money thru gems if we do this.

    > >

    > > They are completely getting rid of the ability to transfer I doubt gem income is significant at all.


    > actually you can still transfer worlds =)


    I thought so too but I couldn't find the original thread about. You can transfer during the 8 week match for gems still.

  6. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

    > > To give you the least amount of reward possible in wvw. Wouldn't surprise me if wvw reward system was the worst reward system in any mmo currently on the market.


    > You just might be right.


    > But I guess I look at it as my favorite mode to play, so the rewards are a bonus.




    Exactly. Before we actually had to farm the dungeon to get the tokens. I just salvage the gear and weapons.

  7. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > I had to do Sorrows Embrace (Story Mode) to unlock the track for the dungeon tokens. Sometimes you just have to get out of your comfort zone to get what you want. It works both ways. PvE'rs have to do WvW for anything related to the Mode

    > >


    > To clarify, you don't need to unlock them by doing dungeons, as if that dungeon reward track is up for this weeks rotation, you have 1 week to complete it. If you do complete it, the reward track doesn't then become unlocked. All that is necessary to permanently unlock them though is to complete the 'story' path of the dungeon, which is the easiest (and least rewarding loot wise - so double edged sword there)


    Mine was locked and there was no time stated when it would open. Took me just 30 minutes to do the run.

  8. I had to do Sorrows Embrace (Story Mode) to unlock the track for the dungeon tokens. Sometimes you just have to get out of your comfort zone to get what you want. It works both ways. PvE'rs have to do WvW for anything related to the Mode


    Edit: I needed Gift of the Forgeman for crafting The Collosus.

  9. > @"Slick.7164" said:

    > They currently being stacked by a couple of servers that could not defeat another other server. They are linked with HoD at the moment and probably double the population of any one server without a link at the moment. **The toxicity is rampant already on the team chat.** They will blame blah blah blah when they get trashed by even numbers from that server they couldn't beat before. Then they will blame the host server and get moved back to t2. No competition there because of population and they will get trounced in t1 again. This time they will turn on each other and then guilds will bandwagon some where else. Seen it happen a million times and it will end the same. One other thing I predict. When they go t1 the second time they will say we not want ppt, we a fight guild, server or whatever excuse it takes for getting beat by equal numbers. Sorry for pessimism, history repeats itself and will here too. One positive thing is that these bandwagon guilds spend a lot of irl money to do this. It pays for the support and the game that we all love and play.


    In almost 6 years of playing I had to turn /t chat off. Got tired of blocking people and the spam...

  10. > @"RandomJay.9734" said:

    > Also if i start building beserkers or what ever ascended for DH and want to change over to other ascended for FB i can just do it in mystic forge right?


    Yes, you need the insignia/inscription (Exotic version) with the stats you want, Anthology of Heroes from Milani at the forge, Globs of Ectoplasm and the gear/weapon. If I remember, you can't stat swap trinkets or the back piece.

  11. > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

    > > @"Corax.7692" said:

    > > Does crafting in Guild Wars 2 offer items that can't be acquired any other way?


    > It is the most consistent way of getting items. What I mean by this is if you're someone who wants to have full berserker gear, you can only acquire it by crafting. Sure you can get lucky from drops, but those are very rare that it's better to craft the gear. Exotic and ascended gear is only accessible from crafting and you can use this site [gw2crafts.net](http://gw2crafts.net/ "gw2crafts.net") in order to craft gear appropriately and not waste the materials you need for crafting.


    All 3 stat Exotics can be purchased off the TP,(not sure about Dire). All 4 stat HoT and PoF must be crafted( except for drops) as they become Account Bound on aquire.

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