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Posts posted by Loosmaster.8263

  1. My initial purpose for creating this thread:

    **> @"McKenna Berdrow.2759" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:


    > > I know you can't say what you're investigating but can toss a potential time frame for some type of announcement?


    > It will be after the holidays.**


    I've bumped the old one and had no response.


    So basically I see it open to "What your interpretation of after the holidays is" and what holiday that would be, lol.



  2. Not really. They're screaming all the siege is jacked up, lol.


    Edit: Built a cata. Set's up 90 degrees to the right of placement and fires off to the right, lol.

    Edit 2: Targeting is auto rotate. Have to get off siege to stop rotation.

  3. **Tactical Killers[TK]** is looking for **active** players, we're on Devona's Rest for WvW.


    About Us- We are a PVX guild looking to grow. The guild is on Devona's Rest since release. We require 100% representation with the exception of personal bank guilds.


    **Time Zone-** NA CDT


    **Guild Hall Level:-** 64 Lost Precipice


    **Focus-** Pve/WvW


    **Classes-** All are welcome but we are in need of Guardians, Warriors, Necros and Elementalists. If you are not Level 80 and want to dedicate yourself to this guild, we will gladly do everything possible to get you leveled up and geared.


    **Builds-** Currently we do not require any special build. Feel free to run what you feel comfortable with. We can help and advise you with anything.


    **PvE-**Just about anything we're in the mood for.


    **Server Status-** Not known at this time. What will the future of WvW hold?


    **VOIP-** Discord


    **Note-** This post will be updated when changes are made.


    If interested or want more info, post here or send an ingame mail to **Loosmaster.8263, Violent J.6910 or mygirlparadise.7583**

  4. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

    > > Hey guys,. A little late to the thread. My gut is telling me that this isn't feasible but I can ask around a bit tomorrow.


    > I would Imagine since we are into January and haven't heard anything, that is isn't possible to do? Or maybe that it would be too much coding?


    > Thanks.


    An enhancement to WvW, highly doubt it.

  5. I don't think it's an issue if she plays on the same PC w/same IP. Now if it's a different PC, different IP with your account information, you could get banned.


    My son will sometimes plays his two characters on my account. And sometimes I will play them.


    But as said before, if it's a different PC you're better off going F2P until she decides to buy the game.

  6. > @"DeWolfe.2174" said:

    > > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

    > > > @"DeWolfe.2174" said:

    > > > a whole 28% Raid and Raid sometimes. GJ Dev's for putting some much into them and gating so many rewards behind something 72% of your customers do not participate in.

    > >

    > > In the time raiders got their five wings, the rest got 17 open world maps, four new fractals and a bunch of reworks, two addons worth of story etc., 7 living story episodes, more than a dozen weapon and armor sets and a bunch of other things I'm too lazy to think about. Yes, horribly imbalanced.


    > And, as a WvW player.... what did we get??????????????


    You got sparkling new fireworks and supposedly a new way to locate the attackers and randomly disappearing structures!!!

  7. > @"diamondgirl.6315" said:

    > > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > > @"diamondgirl.6315" said:

    > > > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > > > I'm fine with opening them all.

    > > > > If people want to rotfstomp servers with BG and JQ so be it, they'll be in tier 1 at least. Maybe anet can take 1u1d off and let us build the tier 1 wall again.

    > > > > Better yet you can leave 1u1d just pick the 3 servers to create a separate tier 1 by themselves, BG JQ SoS seems good, all servers will be open for transfers to wherever anyways, just let the stackers play in their own tier. Then maybe everyone else can create some balance out of the rest of the tiers.

    > > >

    > > > Pardon me, SoS is not stacked, SoS is open. We are like BG's hostage.

    > >

    > > I feel really bad for SoS, you guys look worn out. It was more fun when you guys were full. Personally speaking, I would rather keep Mag up here in tier 1, so SoS can get a breather lol.


    > You'd have better luck letting Mag keep doing their tank yo yo thing and keeping DB or whoever the next #3 team is as the new kidnap victim.


    As long as DR is linked to Mag, that won't happen.

  8. > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > > @"Turin.6921" said:

    > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > > > > > > But I still stand by what I said.. it's pretty sad that even among the community that clamored for more challenging content.. only 20% of them do it regularly. I given the ruckus that as raised, I would have expected at least majority would have voted yes to enjoying raids at all (Where we have less then 30%)

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > The community that clamored for challenging content was probably about 10% (based on how various gaming studios have discussed metrics), so 20% is quite good.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > It's 20% of the community that was clamoring.. not the whole game.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > A vocal minority clamored for challenging content. Near as anyone can measure, a larger minority is regularly playing the latest in challenging content.

    > > > > > There are no tools to measure how many of those who specifically asked (or didn't ask) for raids are participating today.

    > > > >

    > > > > What you seem to be deliberately ignoring is that the forum population was that **vocal minority** and even among them.. raids are a minority.

    > > > >

    > > > > Kinda sad. I really did expect higher numbers. I was kinda expecting around 50% to at least tried raids..

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Your perception is quite twisted. No mainstream MMORPG has 50% of its player base playing the most challenging content in PvE. In most thats about 10%. Anet themselves actually declared in the past that a greater percentage of players than they expected actually raid .

    > > >

    > > > That is what challenging content is in every game. A niche. But a niche that is loyal (thus providing revenue and healthy population), creates buzz, helps in class building and so on. They have one team of 4-5 devs that keeps 20% of the player-base occupied and constantly logging in. Thats pretty successful content if i ever saw one.

    > >

    > > That's 4-5 Raid Devs. Can you tell us how many WvW/PvP has on a mode that's been here since release?


    > last I looked.. kitten near zero.


    Sshhh!!! I know that. I'm querying the other guy...

  9. > @"Turin.6921" said:

    > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > > > > But I still stand by what I said.. it's pretty sad that even among the community that clamored for more challenging content.. only 20% of them do it regularly. I given the ruckus that as raised, I would have expected at least majority would have voted yes to enjoying raids at all (Where we have less then 30%)

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The community that clamored for challenging content was probably about 10% (based on how various gaming studios have discussed metrics), so 20% is quite good.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > It's 20% of the community that was clamoring.. not the whole game.

    > > >

    > > > A vocal minority clamored for challenging content. Near as anyone can measure, a larger minority is regularly playing the latest in challenging content.

    > > > There are no tools to measure how many of those who specifically asked (or didn't ask) for raids are participating today.

    > >

    > > What you seem to be deliberately ignoring is that the forum population was that **vocal minority** and even among them.. raids are a minority.

    > >

    > > Kinda sad. I really did expect higher numbers. I was kinda expecting around 50% to at least tried raids..

    > >


    > Your perception is quite twisted. No mainstream MMORPG has 50% of its player base playing the most challenging content in PvE. In most thats about 10%. Anet themselves actually declared in the past that a greater percentage of players than they expected actually raid .


    > That is what challenging content is in every game. A niche. But a niche that is loyal (thus providing revenue and healthy population), creates buzz, helps in class building and so on. They have one team of 4-5 devs that keeps 20% of the player-base occupied and constantly logging in. Thats pretty successful content if i ever saw one.


    That's 4-5 Raid Devs. Can you tell us how many WvW/PvP has on a mode that's been here since release?

  10. > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

    > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > There’s a limit per day per account. Once you hit the limit the nodes can’t be harvested until they reset.


    > This, but I'm not sure if the home instance counts. Don't think it does though. Not sure why ANet made it limited, but I suspect it has to do with market value and all.


    Petrified wood is account bound, nothing to do with the market. More probably due to time gating like everything else.

  11. > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

    > Why? Better question... how is this even possible? Your game is known for WvW, one of the best around, and the reward system **is this** bad after all these years? Do you think its enjoyable getting your inventory full of boxes that have boxes inside the boxes, you open the box inside the box and get 1 Junk item and a Blue. Why is there nothing to work toward to (legendary armor is only accessible to those who zerg, if you don't zerg, you simply cannot work toward it)?


    After 6 years if you haven't realized this game mode was not intended for small scale encounters, you need to stick to PvE. Not saying you shouldn't solo but don't expect the same rewards in the same time frame as a larger group...

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