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Posts posted by Loosmaster.8263

  1. > @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

    > > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

    > > Other posters have provided suggestions about things to add to the video (or to replace some of the existing vignettes). How long of a video are you aiming for? A minute seems short for a Youtube video, but placed on other platforms might be just about the right length.


    > Hi! The video is intended to be about 1 minute in length and utilized via social channels targeting people who play video games but have not yet played GW2.


    You cannot express/experience the qualities of this game in 1 minute.


    Edit: Put a warning at the beginning. Tell them to sit down and turn up the volume.

  2. > @Veprovina.4876 said:

    > > @Turk.5460 said:

    > > > @GottFaust.5297 said:

    > > > Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the legendary version of the Triumphant Hero armor use the same skin as Sublime?

    > > >

    > > > I'd Imagine that's much faster to get than 2,000 WvW ranks.

    > >

    > > Only if you use the Sublime Armor to make the legendary. The legendary doesn't add a skin, it just adds the legendary stats. So If you use the non-sublime ascended armor, your legendary will come out of the toilet with non-sublime skin.


    > Can you get the sublime skin after you make a legendary out of the normal ascended armor?


    Yes, that's what I did.

  3. > @Bunter.3795 said:

    > > @Loosmaster.8263 said:

    > > Mounts can be used anywhere. There some areas around JP's that are blocked and not in home instances.


    > They also cannot be used in any core or HoT instanced content such as personal story. PoF they can be used in that story though.


    Never tried that. Thanks for the update.

  4. > @TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

    > > @OriOri.8724 said:

    > > There's indeed no perfect solution, but I do think its trivially easy for a single player to make a WP permanently contested in WvW. I think that at a minimum a guard should have to be killed, or any siege damage from anything but a treb done to a wall/gate in order to contest the WP, and it should become uncontested relatively quickly. Say within 60 seconds after the guard dies/the siege damage is done unless those actions are repeated. It should require actual investment on 1 server's part to keep a WP permanently contested in WvW, right now its just trivial.


    > I can agree.


    > Back when the WP was opened for a short time at the end of the contested timer made sense for the longer contested timer, and really could have been even longer as it was more or less a short EWP every few minutes. However with that fixed, after the team has moved off and there is no longer any siege dmg, there doesn't really need to be such a long and so easy to trigger contested. Hell maybe just make it contested like it is now, but WP is not contested unless it's as we said here.


    > And while we are at it, how about we make the swords on keeps/towers bigger? With all the stuff in the way and on a T3 keep, it can be very hard to notice them.


    As far as the swords go, they can put OJ's on it with the same condition met that creates them.

  5. > @Kelzar.6923 said:

    > How much am i missing? I dont really care about PvE content, i'm mostly interested in PvP (WvW).

    > Is there any point playing currently without the expansions? How much am i limited?


    Not 100% sure but I don't think you will have access to gliding without HoT. If that's not the case, make sure you go into the traits panel and put points into it to be available.


    If you don't see the trait line then you need HoT. You will also not be able to interact with shield generator. You can buy them, build them, refresh them but use none of the skills.

  6. > @Genesis.5169 said:

    > > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

    > > There's no realistic way to implement a system that stops blocked players from entering a party, and this is mostly because parties in GW2 don't operate the same way they do in a lot of other games. For one thing, there is no party leader. So how then would you fairly determine when a player should be excluded from a party in a case where, for example, one other member in that party might have blocked said player? Would it be fair for me to not be able to play with someone else who might be trying to join the same party I am in, just because someone else in my party might have blocked them for what could be silly or archaic reasons?

    > >

    > > Luckily, the game is designed in such a way that people need to vote to kick, which prevents abuse. If three people vote to kick someone, then I'm more inclined to believe there was a real issue and that removing the player might be justified. With that being said, if things don't go your way, you are more than welcome to leave a party yourself, if you don't want to play with someone in it.


    > Also just gonna say i disagree with the vote kicking system, i make a party so i can do what i wanted to do, people who disagree with me the said creator of party that you (not really you but work with me here) are joining because you were too lazy to make your own. Raiding and parties should be treated the same leader/creator calls the shots period you wanna have a voice make your own pt, don't crap out mines because you were to lazy to make your own.


    Agree. The Creator of the party should be off limits to a kick.

  7. If this goes down in any way, shape or form, it should work both ways.


    If you are the leader of the squad and I have you blocked, you or anyone in your squad should not be able to send me an invite.


    This holds especially true in WvW where I will decline invites when on a map and nowhere near the squad. After the 3rd attempt I block. Sometimes it works and after a few days I start getting invites again from that blocked players squad.

  8. > @SugarCayne.3098 said:

    > > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > Please stop making every WvW issue about any specific server. If you do not know that WvW involves zerging, pvp, and is a 24/7 game mode that is your fault.

    > >

    > > The biggest factors in driving away players, or contributing to dissatisfaction among players and morale are game play issues. Problems with lag. Dislike for the state of class balance...stability changes, bunker/boon share meta, condi meta etc. Inability or unwillingness to adapt to changes. Frustration with the speed of additions to the game mode which make people feel like it is neglected.


    > Disagree.


    > Getting steamrolled with no chance of even making a dent is a significant player fatigue problem.


    > In fact, eliminating stacked servers, capping maps to 50 per map max, and then booting off people from the stacked servers would eliminate lag, would help with players learning class balance, force smaller groups to adapt and learn new tactics -- and unfortunately, force people to adapt to change.


    > Imagine a map without lag.


    > Extra bonus!: Booting people off overstacked servers would create a semblance of population balance -- and huzzah, more people to fight, more competition, more fun!


    > Fix the issue stated in the OP and you fix a myriad of issues.


    Hard to determine if the cap of 50 or the booting you suggest will fix the lag.


    Either way, who and how decides get booted?


    Edit: Dropping to 50 sounds like restricting it to squad level. Last I saw I think we're hovering around 60-65 on map cap now.

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