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Posts posted by Khailyn.6248

  1. I think of mesmer because it reminds me of fencing especially in movies 3 musketeers, princess bride (i see you used bonettis defense against me aye?), the count of monte cristo etc. While warriors and guardians have a more medieval style, so it's really a toss up since both had their places throughout history. Mesmer and arguably thief to a point just have a more sword duelist feel that was seen in Italy and France (later on using pistols which both professions also use).

  2. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > I can't agree. Part of the fun of a directed-pet-oriented prof such as ranger is the very fact that the pet can draw off aggro. That makes for _different_ GW2 experience for rangers, one that, in my opinion, makes it worth playing.


    Pretty much what I was thinking. The ability to control and to a limited degree direct the pet, or even just to balance your own aggro by using stealth if an enemy is running at you is what makes ranger unique.

  3. This may seem a bit of a shock but.. Woodenpotatoes isnt right just because he says it. He's a player with a particular viewpoint like any of us. While ranger does have a pet that can generate a good amount of aggro it doesnt have a taunt unless traited for it, and pets dont live forever if focus fired. On top of that they arent the only profession to have a pet mechanic to get mobs attention away from the player. Mobs will target engineer turrets, mesmer clones and necromancer minions.

    That aside what exactly is the definition of 'play the actual game in a natural way?' (and no i will not watch his video to get the answer). Outside of group content people will play their professions however they wish regardless of which one they pick. But lets pick on rangers b/c a youtuber said so. If I want to see an afk farming profession, I'll go to wintergrasp, there are plenty of minion master reapers there.

  4. Agreed. I hate to say that people still do this on the chests in Tarir as well. What would you consider to be a appropriate cooldown for putting food down though? 30 seconds would be too short and thus wouldnt really curb the behavior. 5 minutes would seem too long especially since groups may need different kinds of food (power, condi, healing, magic find etc). Should the food dropping cooldown be for all food items at once or individual based on name (which still wouldnt stop this from happening as they would bring a larger variety). Not nitpicking, just asking questions to get more opinions on what others would feel is acceptable as such a change would affect everyone.

  5. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

    > > I dont think it is either one. For AN to fight toxicity is to either A. try to control player base (impossible) or B. keep evaluating the top performing professions and nerfing them to try to make every prof as viable as possible (eh.. i feel they try but their balancing is poor most of the time). Players will ALWAYS want more and harder content as their skills adjust to what is currently available. To say AN is doing this with some sort of malicious intent is an oversimplification if not outright incorrect. This is a problem created by players which can only be dealt with by players since its an attitude one.


    > For PvP Anet succesfuly removed any competitive toxicity from the mode by killing it literally. All that is left is typical farming scene toxicity that you can see anywhere in the game.


    This is one area where you would know more about it than I , so I cant really argue with that. I stick to pve and dabble with wvw when necessary, I never pvp.

  6. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

    > > It is a little expensive but not as expensive as say a mount skin in WoW which are usually around 25 dollars. There were 15 mount skins to get randomly and I only wanted 2-3. So rather than paying over 5000 gems for a bunch of mounts I didnt want, I dropped 2400 on 2 beetles. Compared to the alternative I saved some gems. However I feel mount skins should be 1000 gems at most, and I much prefer to buy them in sets (like spooky). As others have said, they have no gameplay affect, I buy gem store stuff once in a great while in lieu of not having a sub fee like I would in other MMOs plus it helps fun more FREE content (like living world and holiday events) so it imo is a necessary evil.


    > Real problem with these licenses is the fact that Anet is stacking multiple exploitative mechanics with them. They are not only RNG but also time limited with no communicated schedule of availability. This shows how desperate they are for money.


    Yea, I went with the license that I could choose which mount I wanted b/c I hate RNG and my luck frankly is quite bad. The randomness of which items on the gem store appear has been something that has annoyed me for many years. Sure it may be a successful financial tactic (artificial scarcity) , it has imo always felt a bit manipulative.

  7. I dont think it is either one. For AN to fight toxicity is to either A. try to control player base (impossible) or B. keep evaluating the top performing professions and nerfing them to try to make every prof as viable as possible (eh.. i feel they try but their balancing is poor most of the time). Players will ALWAYS want more and harder content as their skills adjust to what is currently available. To say AN is doing this with some sort of malicious intent is an oversimplification if not outright incorrect. This is a problem created by players which can only be dealt with by players since its an attitude one.

  8. It is a little expensive but not as expensive as say a mount skin in WoW which are usually around 25 dollars. There were 15 mount skins to get randomly and I only wanted 2-3. So rather than paying over 5000 gems for a bunch of mounts I didnt want, I dropped 2400 on 2 beetles. Compared to the alternative I saved some gems. However I feel mount skins should be 1000 gems at most, and I much prefer to buy them in sets (like spooky). As others have said, they have no gameplay affect, I buy gem store stuff once in a great while in lieu of not having a sub fee like I would in other MMOs plus it helps fun more FREE content (like living world and holiday events) so it imo is a necessary evil.

  9. While this is an in depth (and somewhat lengthy) explanation of what Elitism is, it has existed in different forms over the course of this game and any other where people are playing together with a common goal. It may be more fueled by being in a rush (far be it for a game to take time to play rather than treat it like a job), or used as a means to feel superior to others (best build and best comp is best). As much as I love my druid, adding druid and chronomancer have made the matter worse and I feel we are too far down the rabbit hole for this ever to change.

    While you have the unique position of having your raiders being more polite than your casuals, based on my experience and from reading many posts on this subject, it tends to be the opposite. Raiders being overly aggressive or oppressive to force others to adhere to their time schedule, gear setup, trait lines or even profession choice etc. It is really disheartening that his has extended to fractals as well, but as you said, there were speed runs prior to the addition of raids. Even in a game like Warcraft, this phenomenon. also exists. You need X healers, Y tanks and Z dps. Based on encounter, one class may be excluded b/c of balance or mechanics they'll take a DK rather than a Warrior, a Druid rather than a Priest.

    It may seem seem like giving up on a problem that will never go away, but the only solution is to create your own groups with those that think the same way you do. That will have a bit more patience and understanding because you know that those 'elitists' are likely the same ones clearing raids and T4 fractals each week and are very very unlikely to change. For the rest of us, game play experience and/or is more important than rate of which you can gain loot.

    As for the Raid aspect, since you touched on it, I'm in the category of wishing AN would make an easier version of raids, not b/c of gear/difficulty but due to how much story content the average player is missing out on. Raids are the only content where players can be locked out of content by other players.

  10. > @"Corax.7692" said:

    > > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

    > > I dont run a condition build with my soulbeast, but if I did, I would run Sigil of Bursting, and rune of the renegade just to get the condition damage as high as possible. I do not raid, but occasionally do fractals and in my experience, **mobs dont last long enough to invest in condition duration**. If I had to include an alternate rune, because I heavily favor bow use, it would be Superior rune of thorns from the itzel vendor, which boosts poison duration.


    > This is my main concern with piling heavily on condition duration, but if fractal & regular mobs are dying quick, that's a fine thing. Champions and other boss fights, I'll still be well served by duration, I think.


    > For what it's worth, I am going heavily into this build on the recommendation of some experienced guildies to see how it works for me. So far it's great fun sometimes, very frustrating at others. I am enough of a collector that I might well kit myself up with a full power set of gear too! Or whatever else looks good. What build do you run with your soulbeast? I'm keen to hear about alternatives.


    I run a power soulbeast geared for WvW since thats what my guild mostly does. Though I run it in open world as well. It's a full marauder gear set with runes of durability, sigils of energy and I'm going to be testing sigil of draining. Running sigil of severance currently. While I'm making a second set of ascended medium armor it'll be harrier to heal in fractals. For a condition build.. I would be split between vipers and grieving, perhaps a mix of the two situation depending. By all means you should go with what works for you.

  11. I dont run a condition build with my soulbeast, but if I did, I would run Sigil of Bursting, and rune of the renegade just to get the condition damage as high as possible. I do not raid, but occasionally do fractals and in my experience, mobs dont last long enough to invest in condition duration. If I had to include an alternate rune, because I heavily favor bow use, it would be Superior rune of thorns from the itzel vendor, which boosts poison duration.

  12. Well, part of the problem is that the link goes to a pvp build which uses demolishers amulet, which isnt available for pve. Closest thing youll find is marauder if you want 4 stats with vitality instead of toughness. The easiest method to get marauder trinkets is grinding map currency on the season 3 maps.


    bloodstone fen - neck, backpiece, ring

    ember bay - backpiece, trinket

    lake doric - neck

    bitterfrost - backpiece, ring, trinket


    the other two arent really worth dealing with for these.


    If you want to go a bit glassier with berserker, you can also do the above methods, buying them in fractals from vendors, buy with laurels, laurels and ectoplasm or guild commendations from missions. I'll include a link to one of the fractal vendors in the fractal lobby.



  13. > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > @"torakun.9638" said:

    > > > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > > > Any chance of getting an obsidian shard sink? I have thousands of these despite making legendaries at a rate of several per year.

    > >

    > > Donate to a guild member? or a RL friend? or me? (just kidding)

    > >

    > > You could also make an event in guild that rewards that?

    > >

    > > This is a "rich people's problem". Meanwhile, I am struggling to offload a bunch of crystalline dust or whatever from my inventory.. Just dont know what to use them for..


    > doesn't crystalline dust have coin value on the TP? or do you mean crystalline ore?


    I think they mean crystalline ore too. Dust could be easily sold.

  14. > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

    > > > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > > > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

    > > > > Member when you could store gold in your bank for safe keeping instead of needing to put it on the trading post or converting it into a material currency?

    > > >

    > > > I don't member why my gold isn't safe now? :/

    > >

    > > people have different spending habits. i personally liked having the option to toss my gold into the city bank and being unable to spend it or even access it w/o going back to the bank to withdraw it. having coin in your wallet can be a temptation to buy things even if they arent needed. for some its a self control thing, others like me its a 'out of sight, out of mind'. either way, even thought it only existed for the first year or less of the game I wish it would come back. now, i put bids on the AH for items that wont ever be filled just to cancel the bids later on as needed.

    > >

    > > > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > > > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

    > > > > Member when you could store gold in your bank for safe keeping instead of needing to put it on the trading post or converting it into a material currency?

    > > >

    > > > member when there was still a bank?

    > >

    > > there isnt a bank now?? not sure what you mean by this.


    > Its a thing from before Crafting tables had bank access.


    ooooh... I had forgotten about that. As a serious crafter, those were dark days indeed. Good catch.

  15. > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

    > > Member when you could store gold in your bank for safe keeping instead of needing to put it on the trading post or converting it into a material currency?


    > I don't member why my gold isn't safe now? :/


    people have different spending habits. i personally liked having the option to toss my gold into the city bank and being unable to spend it or even access it w/o going back to the bank to withdraw it. having coin in your wallet can be a temptation to buy things even if they arent needed. for some its a self control thing, others like me its a 'out of sight, out of mind'. either way, even thought it only existed for the first year or less of the game I wish it would come back. now, i put bids on the AH for items that wont ever be filled just to cancel the bids later on as needed.


    > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

    > > Member when you could store gold in your bank for safe keeping instead of needing to put it on the trading post or converting it into a material currency?


    > member when there was still a bank?


    there isnt a bank now?? not sure what you mean by this.

  16. Soul beast ranger also has access to quite a few. stun on shortbow, knockback on longbow, hilt bash on greatsword, pull on offhand axe plus beast abilities. stone gazelle has a knockdown F2, merged you get the F2 'headbutt' knockdown plus aoe worldly impact. smokescale also has stuns. electric wyvern has cone knockback. I'll chain several of these together against foes or just to destroy breakbars.

  17. > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

    > > @"Khailyn.6248" said:

    > > While I almost always like the idea of having more options as far as models of weapons and armor, even quivers (been using rox's quiver for ages on ranger), wouldn't adding a backpiece to a weapon collection be a bit unfair to every other legendary weapon? Would the rifles and pistols then need an ammo pouch? I would be in favor of adding an item via a separate collection or even gemstore with the same theme, as a legendary weapon but not auto include.


    > I own 3 legenedaries. None are bows. I still think quiver skins to match the bows is an awesome idea. It doesn't take anything away from me for legendary bow wielders to get this.


    I also own 3 legendaries, 1 is a bow so far. Since AN has been adding items with the construction of legendaries (not just buying them) like with the hammer, and shortbow. And most recently making 2 instruments out of nowhere, I think they've pretty much opened the pandoras box on this. So what the hell, may as well add something to every one to make it fair. The next legendary i make will either be nevermore or one of the longbows and ill be honest, I wouldnt turn down a quiver if offered one. So after recent additions to the game I'm flipping my stance on this. Bring on the quivers.

  18. > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

    > Funfact: now everybody wants 2 druids because they nerfed it.

    > Give scourges the abbility to grant might on barrier and you get your boon support.

    > Nerfing druid wouldn't help it a lot. The result of resent nerfs (so druid cannot be both healer and buffer) resultet in a healer AND a buffer druid (although this is quiet unnecessary because druids still heals decent) because they are solid in supporting just due to the abbility to use spirits and spotter. Ppl want them not only for the heals but for the might and buffs.


    > Scourges need buff support and scrapper could use some of that too.

    > Firebrand can outheal a druid if played smart but lack a real heal weapon (staff needs a rework and mace some buffs) scourges can "only" provide barrier as support reliably (and high speed rezzing) which does not affect any runes or traits that work above health threshold so raw helsing is more beneficial.


    > Scourges are still nice as support but for many not optimal enough, but thats far from being a druid issue rather a lack of buffing options on all supports.



    I agree with pretty much everything you said, just wanted to point out that scourge does have might on barrier.




    That aside, it could afford to be buffed since it applies much slower than druid's grace of the land does which i think is the biggest problem. I would like for druids and scourges both have to have a support role in raids.

  19. axe/axe, axe/shield, dagger/shield, axe/mace, axe/dagger, mace/axe , these all work to varying degrees depending on game mode.






    for warrior the best crafting skills are weaponsmithing, armorsmithing and cooking. However, as Oglaf touched upon, unless you want to go to the end and craft ascended armor, for fractals, you'd be just as well off investing your gold and resources into buying a set of gear from the trading post or having a friend craft you exotic items.

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