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Posts posted by BadHealer.3608

  1. I thought that fixing the Revenant would be priority number one, but it seems that they decided to modify skills that I can't use since the loadout update are more important.


    I wonder when I can play him again without screaming SIX, SIX, SIX, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE ONCE LET ME USE ONE OF MY SKILLS.

  2. > @"Solitude.2097" said:

    > But they should fix the bugs althought

    That makes it very strange. They publish something at September and didn't plan any resources for bugfixes till January (or even later)?


    I mean there are so many things that are broken:

    - they are not working as templates

    - Revenant is broken

    - Legendaries are broken

    - Dyes are broken

    - Skins are broken

    - Mantras are broken

    - The existing loadouts are broken


    These and many improvements have to wait for 4 months? In the meantime one or two living world chapters may be released and we are still waiting for bugfixes? And these are against those people that may spend a lot of money in this game? (Hint those people that have Legendaries may have more playing time as the average player and therefore will pay more money.)


    I would never expect a buxfix for an update in the Summer will have to wait till Winter to get fixed. Such late response time may lead to less people playing the game and therefore less people paying.

  3. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > Yeah, people will find any excuse to idle in this game and it happens at every level.

    No, no you didn't understand this topic at all. Here people are complaining about the leavers (the one that lost connection to the server, drops out of the game, comes back, takes four top stats and helps the team to win and get 15 minutes penalty for leaving for 15 seconds). People like that should be punished much harder according to this topic.


    People standing afk at the start shouldn't punish harder - according to this topic. So if real life comes, don't leave the game - and make sure that only you get punished and your team get no pip lost. Stay afk at the point, get not punishment and make everyone lose PIPs.

  4. Let's see. A leaver will lose the PVP points and the PIP reward, while the rest of his team will get PIP reward, lose time but no points. If someone is standing afk he and his team will lose PVP points and get PIP rewards.


    So chances are pretty high that every leaver had some problems, since staying afk would bring him something, leaving will only make him lose.


    If you know that the good old build patch is getting to dc - sometimes more than 10 in one game (that means EVERY player get at least one dc), you simply want to punish everyone for playing PVP and him happening something that is out of his responsibility. Sounds like a great way to attract more players.

  5. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Episode releases rarely feature the full balance patches we've been getting so just wait a couple of weeks for that.

    Well they have just told us that the loadouts-that-are-called-here-templates will be fixed next year. So I wouldn't expect any balance patches before 2020 either.

  6. I did never use templates before, but since 3 weeks the loadout system is broken and I can't play my Reveant anymore. (It is no fun to scream 6, 6, ,6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6!!!! till you are death, since skills 6-10 are not working here.) A new living story is coming out and I can't play, the holidays are coming, I still can't play and after 3 months of waiting I may be able to play again the game that I love. Do you really think that this is a timely response to these bugs? Even if the new Living Story is the best ever, I can't do them, when I keep laying in the dirt of the floor, because I can't use skills. How do you expect me to gave you money as I would normally do while playing at the Holidays, since I can't play at the Holidays?


    I really don't know how you keep track of this things, but please make sure that the Living Story team don't get a punishment for not giving us enough revenue, since the other team did make a big no-no.


    Is there any way to subscribe to a service where I get notice when the bugs of "this don't call them loadouts, call them templates" had been fixed?


    Let's see if there is an other game that I can play in the next 3 months, till this got fixed.

  7. Are you guys sure that it isn't a very early April fools? But why isn't the Super Adventure Box open?


    We just to have a free loadout system in the game (for each mode one). You promise us three templated builts. However you still haven't deliver any templates and instead mess up the free loadout system. The steamleass change from one mode to another isn't working any more. So a drastic drop of QoL for all the user of more than one mode on a char.


    You did make it harder for player with legendary items (droping sigils, forget attributes) and make having ascended items much easier. Playing with a Revenat is now just a pain. (My one has only skill 1-6 and 10 under one god and skill 1-5 under the other). I feel like naked flighting.


    And I'm pretty sure that the ones that got some items lost will hate you, while the ones that got there items doubled are also thinking what a silly system this is.


    So instead of giving us something for free that has been promised we got something taken away and a lot of bugs added on top of it. Do you really think that this is what your customers want?


    I used to pay round about 50 bucks each month for the game each month, since why not? But I wont give anything for a game that is worse than the game at the start 7 years ago. Other games could deliver without any problem. E.g. a free locker with 10 templates for each char (build and gear).


    And don't get me started on Guild Wars 1 (500 builds for each directory) and the 4 million builds that ArcDPS could give us, if you would let him.

  8. Don't confuse this with Templates. That is a feature that we already have here. You can use Templates in other games to save your build/gear. After that you can do anything you want, change your build/gear whatever. If you load the Template back it will be just the way you saved it. However in Guild Wars it means that it will keep track of all the changes. If you change your build/gear it will change as well. So you can load it back like the way you already have it. I already got a forum ban for asking if this is bug. So I understand that this is the way it should be in Guild Wars.


    Therefore I want Loadouts. This means in other games that it will keep track of all the changes. If you change your build/gear it will change as well. So you can load it back like the way you already have it. However I hope that in Guild Wars it will be that you save your build/gear. After that you can do anything you want, change your build/gear whatever. If you load the Loadout back it will be just the way you saved it.


    Can I please have this wonderful feature called Loadouts? I know that I was assuming that I wanted Templates, but I learned the hard way, that this is something I don't want at all. Therefore please allow me to have Loadouts.


    Just think about the possibilities. You change your weapon just for one boss and you can just load the Loadout back, because it is acting like the Templates in other games. That would be sweet.

  9. > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

    > Try to view them as another thing in the hero panel to ignore like the chairs or novelties.

    I wish I could, but they did disable the automatic change of skills/traits when changing the game mode. So I'm now forced to use this "feature" or I would in a game mode with a completely wrong build - ruining it for everyone.


    Instead of hitting the same buttons over and over again, when I change the game mode, I just want to go back to the time when I just could switch the game modes and play.

  10. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > You'll get used to it eventually, you'll see. :) And trust me when I say that _this_ should be the least of your worries regarding this new "feature". :/

    I did fail suddenly out of WvW because of a connections problems on Guild Wars 2 side. When I log in again I was having my WvW-Build on and was in PVE constantly attacked by mobs. Fighting the mobs with my WvW build+gear did take 10 minutes, than I could finally switch to my PVE-gear - that could kill the mobs in 10 seconds. Maybe just laying still and pray for a quick death would be the best option.


    So this new feature is great if it wants to increase the time players are frustrated because of the game.


    Beside the fact that it is increasing the amount of mouse-clicks you need to do just to play into a INSANE amount. And the idea of this update is that it should reduce the amount of mouse clicks you should need to do.


    So, does someone have an idea to change it back the way it was before? I don't care about build templatest or the way ARCDPS did provide it, I just want to play the way I could play for 7 years.

  11. > @"anonymous.7812" said:

    > That's not a good reason to get PvE players into WvW. They'll come there and afk, or Karma-train if they have to.

    And complain all the time how boring this gamemode is. And be honest, if you don't have the warclaw you are feeling often behind. And once they have the warclaw they go away, because of the hole boring time before having the warclaw.

  12. > @"Naxos.2503" said:

    > Bugs can be bugs. Bugs are expected, what I'm saying is, everyone is jumping the gun and essentially saying Everything has been happening on Purpose. I seriously doubt they had planned for default PvP and WvW builds to not properly swap is meant to be a feature. That isn't something the devs willingly downgraded. That serves no purpose.

    They can sell more build slots this way. So that is surely a big plus for them.


  13. Can I please ask who did think that it would be great improvement for the game that instead automatically switching the build, when changing the mode (PVE, PVP or WvW) you need to do additional mouseclicks to change the build when change the mode? This used to work before the patch and now you did remove this great QoL thing and force me to do the same mouse-clicks over and over and over again. (I play PVE or WvW while waiting for the game to find me a PVP match - I use the same weapons for all modes.)


    Do you really think that it is great quality improvement when I'm stuck for 10 minutes in a PVP match with locked PVE-skills? IT IS NO FUN TO KNOW THAT YOU LOSE THE GAME, because you forget the mouse clicks. PVP IS NOT ABOUT SKILL IT IS ABOUT REMEMBERING TO CHANGE YOUR SKILLS.


    What is the next QoL improvement? You need to start the game from the commando line, because double-click with the mouse is so yesterday and is for lazy people like myself?

  14. Hi, I was quite happy before these new and better feature template did enter the game.


    I have 9 chars that I'm activity playing in PVE, PVP and WvW. I'm using builds that use the same weapons in all three modes. The build are optimize for WvW and (thanks to PVP using not the runes that are in your gear but the one that you declare in PVP) also PVP. It is okay only for PVE, but as long as I'm not playing raid or fractals I did have a blast in all modes.


    However since this new feature there is no automagically switching of the skills+traits when change the modes. It is very burdensome to change skill and gear templates when entering a mode. I very often find myself laying on the floor, because I forgot to change it. This is very discouraging in PVP, since this means that I will spend the next 10 minutes just being a burden for my teammates. And other claimed as well that it is happing to them, too.


    So, what can I do to have the comfort of automatically changing my skills and traits when changing the modus without any additional mouse clicks, like I did have for the past 7 years?

  15. > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > For those of us that dont use Third Party Software for the game, This patch added a lot of improvements.

    Yeah, so many additional mouseclicks that I didn't needed before. I'm so thankful that this game is forcing me to repeat the same stuff over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over


    That is around the amount of additional mouse clicks that I did yesterday, because I like to do PVE or WvW while waiting for the quen in PVP. Before the patch I did use the same gear for all modes, but only let the system change from PVE to PVP to WvW skills by just joining.

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