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Posts posted by BadHealer.3608

  1. > @"octagon.6504" said:

    > The current mounts are just regular mounts. What will they do if they decided to create legendary, exotic, or rare mounts? I think they got ahead of themselves wanting to slow people down. The only other game I've seen mounts that required so much work to get is WoW, but that's to get rare exotic mounts, regular mounts are a lot easier to get as they should be.

    You are only saying this, because you are usual not playing WvW. For someone that is usual playing WvW and finish a few times a reward track in a week it was just playing the usual game, maybe shorty stopping for something they usual wouldn't do and unlock the mount without any problem.


    The roller beetle was the one with the most work (even beating the griffon), however it was 5 time less work than the skyscale and without a time gate of a week.

  2. First of all, when will the Skyscale relased? Since the mount is supposed to be "Skyscales use their endurance and strength to lift into the air, **cling to sheer cliff faces to restore their energy** for long climbs, love to eat fish, and can’t wait to meet you." according to the release page:



    Second of all, I did notice a new mount in the game that isn't gaining energy when it is clinging to the cliffs, and therefore can't be a Skyscale. However this had a time-gated-questline to get it. If you got them all till the time gate you did at at release day (Tuesday) around 6 hours, at the next day (Wednesday) around 6 hours, next day (Thursday) 6 hours, got quest for 1 minute each day for three straight day (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). And than two more days with 6 hours quest, till you where able to get it.


    Why was there such a massive amount of quest that you could daily do at Monday till Thursday and from Friday to Sunday such a laughable low amount? Did you do this on purpose and why did you do this? Getting the 6 hours done each working day was really hard and you had to rush it if you are working, resulting in me missing most of the story/quest, leaving me now disappointed. Getting less quest that needs to be done to finish before the time-gate would be a relief and being able to do quest at the weekend (when most of us have more free time) to catch up would be much stress free.


    I feel such a pity that most of all your hard work with the quests had been wasted, because you did force us to rush through the stuff at weekdays and leave us with nothing to do at the weekend.

  3. I did log in, double click, go to Suns Refuge, play ball, give food, give food, give food, log off at Friday.


    I did log in, double click, go to Suns Refuge, play ball, give food, give food, give food, log off at Saturday.


    I did log in, double click, go to Suns Refuge, play ball, give food, give food, give food, log off at Sunday.


    Was someone able to do more this weekend or can we only get busy at Weekdays?

  4. I think the time gate is forcing me to rush just to see if there are any Sigle of Nullification out there. Great timing that I sold my last Glow Lamp at Monday and I can now buy it back for 3 times the price.


    But does someone really think that the timing of this is very stupid? When we have the least time should do the most?


    At Tuesday the Patch get released the people have 8 hours to do the story, do 30 events (10 in each lane) and collect 56 items, while most of us are working


    At Wednesday we have to collect 48 items, while most of us are still working.


    At Thursday we can collect up to 14 items and feed the skyscale first of four days, while most of us are still working.


    At Friday we can feed the skyscale second of four days, while most of us are having free after Friday.


    At Saturday we can feed the skyscale thrid of four days, while most of us are having free.


    At Sunday we can feed the skyscale forth of four days, while most of us are having free.


    So at the time most of us can play the most we can log in, teleport to Sun Refuge, feed the Skyscale and log off and wait for the next day?


    Can I expect the most work at workdays and at the weekend we can just play another game, while we have the most time? I want to play the new map, but I want to wait till I get the mount, since the map has been created with the mount in mind.

  5. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > It's entirely possible to do it solo

    Please tell us how this should be possible. Is there some way to slow down the story so that you can get your 10 spots or so? For me the story is already too soon over and I didn't hit the ten spots.


    BTW: It seems that your account didn't get the achievement either. Congratulation for getting the achievement solo without getting it.

  6. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > since we got to preview the actual run speed of the mount, most of you roamers should be at ease. the speed boost is only 25% (and only in own territory) which is the equivalent of a rune/trait boost and obviously slower the swiftness.

    Your math is off. You can easily overtake everyone that is runing with 33%.

  7. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > My wife who doesn't WvW at all, but is showing interest in the game mode, can only play a few hours per week, and is currently rank 10 or so. At that pace it might take her a full month to complete the reward track, and I have no idea how many skirmish tickets she has, since she rarely gets past Wood Tier 1. But from here on in, she will be at a considerable disadvantage without having the mount, making it hard for her to keep up with the zerg, which won't be fun for her or the commander.

    I think you get some tickets from doing the collection and using the items that you got. I haven't done the math but should be close to be enough.



  8. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > I welcome the mounts, intried to enjoy wvw several times, but I came to the realization that wvw is 85% dull travelling.

    > If I can cut that down by halve, the remaining 15% of actually doing stuff will double, and i’ll have more fun in wvw and stay and get engagednwith its deeper mechanics

    I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there is no way to have you travelling double as fast as by foot with speedbuffs. The engine isn't build for that high speeds.


    For me it take at average 30 seconds to go to the next action. Since this is 85% of your time it means that you spend 5 seconds doing fighting, capping and sieging. Don't you think that if you reduce the walking to 15 seconds and up the other times to 10 this would be much to much for your skills to come out of cooldown? This is more action than PVP is providing.

  9. If someone is asking what the easiest way is to get rank 100 in PVP or WVW - stand afk at the start of PVP for 1.000 games, while going a little going to the left or right every 30 seconds.


    That sounds like a great system to make this content more enjoyable for everybody. More afks and bots.

  10. > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

    > The [twisted marionette](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twisted_Marionette "twisted marionette") fight was one of the most popular boss-fights ever created. Sadly it was a LS1 thing, so it can't be played anymore.

    Each day that I live I'm thanking all the gods that I don't have to do this again. I spend around 50 fights on this think AND never mange to win it. Each time there was ONE platform that disconect/wiped/changechars to make the event failed. So we spend 10 minutes waiting on the other platform till the marionette did kill us. This was mainly the reason why I quit Guild Wars for 2 years.


    It was an absolute stupid mechanic punish others without being able to do anything about it.

  11. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > If you do both metas and find most of the hidden chests a day, you get enough to be able to make two of the exotic versions. Completing those collections and doing the metas again and finding most of the chests is enough to make the ascended skins. So two days to make two Heroic Dragonsblood weapons is finely paced.


    Let's see. I did both metas for 15 days straight, fight 30 minutes each day, till my light goes off and never even get ONE jewel. And I need 15(!) to craft a greatsword. So that is each day playing 2 hours on the map and got nothing so far. You want to tell me that tomorrow I'll get 480 jewels in one day to craft all weapons and be done with it? I highly doubt that it will work that way.


  12. > @"Dilligaf Wyt.1867" said:

    > This scenario happened frequently over the weekend. A camp is about to wind down its RI and about 8 roamers show up to cap it. While waiting for the camp to flip I am standing in the middle of camp and some random dude just attacks me.


    Hmm... Let's see. You go to a camp and than got there attacked by 7 guys. You know that you can't escape, but you don't want to lay down and wait till they kill you. 1 other guy is standing around and isn't moving.


    What did you expect the people to do? Attack the 7 one that attacking you or try your luck to kill the one that seem to be afk?


  13. > @"rev in love.8439" said:

    > He is very upset and what he does is reorder the skills 6,7,8 in the middle of the pvp matches randomly apparently. This needs urgent repair!


    That is the thing. It isn't random. Skills in the different stances are tied to each other. If you move them around that you have put every skill at the same spot under the different stances.


    Or if you want to have the easy way: After the skills had been moved, don't move them back. They are than under a different number but wont move back (unless you change your skills again).

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