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Posts posted by Mikeskies.1536

  1. SB v SB is interesting. Based on my testing, (1) Strength DD SB beats (2) Defense DS SB in a 1 v 1 because of the greater offensive pressure. I find (1) more entertaining to play than (2), but, due to the existence of Scourge, (2) is really the only way to deal with Scourge as (1) will just melt.

  2. I like running the Strength, Disciple, Spellbreaker Might Makes Right Variant, and can handle every condi spec but Scourge (since Scourge can Condi bomb every single condition in the game on you instantly), and, because of that, I know I'm going to have to use Defense instead of Strength and run Revenge Counter over Magebane Tether.

  3. Spellbreaker is a PvP spec only. It is meant to be top-tier. There is ample time to not proc Full Counter, or to dodge if you do proc it. The entire point of Spellbreaker is to be a high pressure melee class. Full Counter is probably the only skill that has a guaranteed hit if it gets activated. Landing Dagger and Greatsword skills are difficult due to their short range.


    Playing as a Spellbreaker, I don't have problems with dealing with Full Counter of other Spellbreakers, and that's not even with using Full Counter on Full Counter. I just know how the mechanic works and am prepared to deal with the consequences. And, if I mistime my own Full Counter or it gets dodged, I am left exposed and have increased difficulty in executing my combos. In my opinion, Mesmers are more obnoxious with their unending chain of evades and distorts, combined with burst damage and control. But that's how that spec plays in PvP and you have to adapt around it. Same as Spellbreaker.

  4. The funny thing is, as a Spellbreaker, I don't have a problem dealing with other Spellbreaker's Full Counter. If I see it used, I either time my next attack to hit right after Full Counter falls off or dodge the ability if I proc'd it. It hasn't been a problem. It really is a L2P issue. And sure, it is powerful when running into a group fight to have it land on multiple people by proccing it off an AoE or pulsing ground effect, but it also is quite a risky move.

  5. > @Lan.1968 said:

    > Does anyone have a build for spvp specifically?? I'm a little lost as to where I should go with this.


    This is the build I am currently testing out in sPvP and having a lot of fun with: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAoYRnk6Cldgt6CudAcigFiAD/HnkfyGBgIQPT5LM92CA-jZROABAs/A3lBs+EAo+hA48nAAA. I like the more active playstyle in comparison to taking a Shield and the Defense trait line. Sustain and survivability comes from Might Makes Right and the massive amount of might generation.



  6. I thought I'd point out some two interesting interactions with Attacker's Insight.


    Attacker's Insight procs when:

    (1) you remove your own boons with Natural Healing; and

    (2) when you cause damage with a skill that applies CC, regardless of whether or not the target's breakbar is active.


  7. Spellbreaker is strong in PvP, but it is counter-able. Definitely able to 1 v 2 if you play it right. I am having fun with it and it is pretty well balanced. It plays very fluidly and you have to play it smart in order to maximize effectiveness. Bad Spellbreaker is a Learn to Play issue, not a balance issue.

  8. > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > Magebane Tether isn't the reason. Power warrior has poor sustained DPS but high burst damage. If you compare daggers to great sword, you will see that they just halved the values on the auto attack. Combine no secondary damage sourced and poor auto attack and Power warrior will always be weak in structured PvE. Warrior power weapons need a 20% DPS increase across the board.


    > Who is talking about Power Warrior here? We're specifically talking about Spellbreaker and yes, when you look at the Might upkeep it is capable of, it is very likely they kneecapped the damage because of it.


    How so? Spellbreaker's DPS is the same as Power Berserker's DPS is the same as Power Warrior's DPS (give or take). Spellbreaker is a PvP-oriented spec and performs quite well in that role. When I did some DPS testing, I was actually surprised I could do more than 20k DPS as Spellbreaker on the training golem. Dagger auto chain is a half the damage of Greatsword auto chain and has half the cast time, i.e. Dagger auto chain deals more damage than Greatsword auto chain. The problem isn't a Spellbreaker problem. The problem is a general Power Warrior one in a PvE setting, and that is of sustained DPS. Fix the sustained DPS problem for all Power builds, fix Spellbreaker.


    Dagger is a controlled-damage weapon. Greatsword is a mobility-damage weapon. Axe is a sustained-damage weapon. All three are capable of doing solid burst damage. But, even Axe, which provides the highest DPS, cannot break 25k DPS. The solution needs to buff power weapon DPS and/or add more damage modifiers in a way that doesn't totally break PvP (e.g. 10% damage increase to weapons, 10% damage modifier in Tactics (i.e. replace the revival/healing minor traits), boost the damage modifiers in Berserker by 10%, add a 10% damage modifier to Spellbreaker, redesign some utilities, etc.).

  9. Magebane Tether isn't the reason. Power warrior has poor sustained DPS but high burst damage. If you compare daggers to great sword, you will see that they just halved the values on the auto attack. Combine no secondary damage sourced and poor auto attack and Power warrior will always be weak in structured PvE. Warrior power weapons need a 20% DPS increase across the board.

  10. > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > > > Don't forget the nerf to Wounding Precision as well, which directly affected cPS by giving us worse Might-on-Crit generation and damage via Bleed-on-Crit procs.

    > >

    > > The nerf to Wound Precision isn't going to impact might generation in any meaningful sense. It's purely a damage nerf to a spec that was outperforming.


    > LOL. cPS is not outperforming.


    > All other Warrior specs/builds are just vastly, vaaastly underperforming.


    I am talking in comparison with other raid specs. CPS doing the same DPS as pure DPS specs is a little much., and Condi DPS is probably now in line with other DPS specs.

  11. > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > Don't forget the nerf to Wounding Precision as well, which directly affected cPS by giving us worse Might-on-Crit generation and damage via Bleed-on-Crit procs.


    The nerf to Wound Precision isn't going to impact might generation in any meaningful sense. It's purely a damage nerf to a spec that was outperforming.

  12. > @Zsoak.5409 said:

    > > @Lighter.5631 said:

    > > > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > > > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > > > @Lighter.5631 said:

    > > > > > so? cps is strong enough to have this kind of nerf

    > > > >

    > > > > CPS was outDPSing pure DPs specs, so yeah.

    > > >

    > > > Which, if that was the case, it still does.

    > > >

    > > > What this nerf hit was the Might stacking through Criticals.

    > >

    > > which trait allows cps stack might with criticals?


    > Not trait, weapon sigil


    Might output will be fine.

  13. > @Ahlen.7591 said:

    > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > @Ahlen.7591 said:

    > > > > @Ferus.3165 said:

    > > > > Warrior doesn't need more damage on daggers. Even if it's not very high, that's not what this elite is for.

    > > > >

    > > > > But warrior does need something else and that is boonremoval on dagger autoattack chain. Right now Mesmers and Necro do a far better job at removing or even corrupting boons. For the warrior elite, which is mostly melee without any new means of gapclosing and not a high dmg output, it is sad that warrior is still outclassed in the very thing that defines this elite.

    > > >

    > > > I'll preface this by stating that I don't care at all about PVP or WvW. Yes, dagger needs more damage. Power warrior in general needs more damage. Condi does nearly TRIPLE the sustained DPS of power at the moment.

    > > >

    > > > This game doesn't need another scrapper - a spec that's basically worthless in more than half of the games modes. If that means a damage buff for PVE ONLY for daggers, then that is what needs to happen.

    > > >

    > > > I do agree though that for a spec designed for boon removal, spellbreaker is REALLY crappy at boon removal compared to other profs. Not to mention that boon removal is flat out less effective than boon corruption.

    > >

    > > Spellbreaker/Dagger auto damage scales with Ferocity, and perhaps is the Devs way to separate dagger damage between PvE and PvP. In a PvE setup, a power Spellbreaker can reach well over 300% critical damage vs 187% critical damage in a sPvP setup. The critical damage bonuses are more than likely multiplicative (see Thief trait "Twin Fangs"), which means, using for example 312% critical damage, 3.12 X 1.14 x 1.15 = 410% critical damage on auto-attacks, vs 1.87 x 1.14 x 1.15 = 245% critical damage on auto-attacks: a difference of 165% critical damage--> 67% more critical damage (and with 100% critical, just flat out 67% more base damage). The DPS capability of Dagger auto and Spellbreaker in general is a function of how much critical damage you have.


    > Real game testing shows daggers to be very weak on the damage, even with ONLY PURE zerker gear.


    > This could be that daggers kitten (they do) but this could also be a symptom of the fact that power warrior needs buffs very badly.


    > We'll see what they mean by 'burst changes', but unless those changes are "Reverted berserker power to work off of level 1 bursts for SB and Berserker" then I don't expect dagger/spellbreaker to ever be useful in PVE. And to me that is not ok.


    I tested daggers and I agree the auto chain felt weak. It might be different under Training Area conditions with full buffs. Power warrior in general needs a buff, and its not based on lack of damage modifiers. Dragonhunter has an equivalent amount of damage modifiers to Berserker. It's just the fact that DH Greatsword and Scepter have better base number and DH has multiple sources of damage in the form of symbols and traps on top of direct weapon damage. Warrior/Berserker only has weapon skills and those weapon skills base numbers are too low.

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