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Posts posted by Mikeskies.1536

  1. Well, I think the main issue is that Death's Judgment gets increased damage from the number of Malice stacks, but there is no condition that the target needs to be Marked. I don't mind getting hit by a 12-20k attack if I'm marked, but getting hit by that amount from stealth without being Marked needs to be addressed. They can keep the mechanic, but perhaps cut the base damage bonus by half, and put a condition that the target must be marked for the other half.

  2. > @Joxer.6024 said:

    > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > My initial idea was not to have one specialization completely take over the role of another specialization, but to increase diversity by allowing certain specializations to have overlapping and unique capabilities. In my mind, the goal should be to replace the 2nd set of Chronomancer, Berserker and Druid, by increasing the target count of current class-specific enhancements to 10 targets and allowing a combination of other specializations to take over the benefits those three bring. For example, you can either do 2x Chronomancer, Berserker, Druid, or Chronomancer, Berserker, Druid and Scourge, Firebrand, Renegade, balanced accordingly.

    > >

    > > Whether or not this is the best solution, I don't know. WOW, for example, went from unique buffs for each class, to overlapping buffs between classes, to no buffs at all.


    > Yea, we keep referencing WOW but I think its were many of us came from or still do raid there, and you are right. They did swap it up. It used to be only a Mage could sheep a mob and you needed that cc in many fights, but then Blizz changed it so that other classes could also sheep, thereby giving others a slot for a raid. Not sure what the norm is now as it has been many years for me raiding there but I agree in that it would be nice if other classes could do some of the same skills, so that people could bring them no worrys.

    > It all really goes back to what you want to run though as we have all said the raids can be done with any sort of combos of classes, as long as the key roles are covered. I reckon POF raids are going to bring something new to the table....just look at the mechanics of the bountys and such. Could be fun??!! ;)


    I think the uniqueness of GW2 is that Specs provide active bonuses, in addition to passive stat boosts. It is that uniqueness and teamwork requirement that really brings PVE to a higher level. Everyone's performance is interdependent on the performance of your team members, both on a mechanics level and a rotational level.

  3. My initial idea was not to have one specialization completely take over the role of another specialization, but to increase diversity by allowing certain specializations to have overlapping and unique capabilities. In my mind, the goal should be to replace the 2nd set of Chronomancer, Berserker and Druid, by increasing the target count of current class-specific enhancements to 10 targets and allowing a combination of other specializations to take over the benefits those three bring. For example, you can either do 2x Chronomancer, Berserker, Druid, or Chronomancer, Berserker, Druid and Scourge, Firebrand, Renegade, balanced accordingly.


    Whether or not this is the best solution, I don't know. WOW, for example, went from unique buffs for each class, to overlapping buffs between classes, to no buffs at all.

  4. > @Lighter.5631 said:

    > > @Sykes.5684 said:

    > > > @"Mthe mystery.4615" said:

    > > > You're telling me, as of now, Warrior is not the worst in terms of damage compared to these other classes? lol. . And if you're saying 1k more dps isn't that much. Well throughout the duration of a fight, say, 8 mins, thats an additional 480k damage, for only 1k more dps.

    > >

    > > You have embarrassingly bad logic. Condi PS is one of THE only support classes that can put out comparable damage to selfish dps builds. And your list of qT benchmarks is laughable because those numbers at the top will never be achieved in real gameplay.

    > >

    > > STOP sucking on qT benchmarks, people. I guarantee you can not and WILL not ever hit their numbers.

    > >

    > >


    > maybe u shud jus git gud, i hit them all the tim


    Well, hitting benchmark numbers is only possible if every member in your raid group is performing at 100% of their potential as well, and the raid mechanics allow for it. In any event, all DPS classes and cPS warriors should practice their rotations on the golem until they're able to consistently reach within 1k DPS of the benchmark. That extra 1k is from great RNG after several attempts.

  5. They will fix a lot of problems if the buff Life Force generation in general and especially for Scepter. Right now, Scourge does not have enough Life Force to DPS and provide its "heavy support". Increase Life Force generation will increase DPS by allowing Scourge to cast for F skills, and letting it support when needed.

  6. > @TexZero.7910 said:

    > This doesn't increase flexibility so much as it forces scourge, firebrand and renegade.


    > Also, there's zero reason to be giving GoTL to everyone. Like please, let's not go the route of homogenization when the entire purpose of specializations is to carve out niche's. It's already bad enough that rev's have access to alacrity.


    How is it homogenization? GoTL would be given to just Scourge, not everyone. Providing different professions access to overlapping mechanics opens up diversity in raids, increasing professional variability, rather than being pigeon-holed into 2 Druids, 2 Chronos and 2 Warriors. No one loses their niche/spec identity by providing overlapping buffs. Druid isn't defined by GOTL, for example.

  7. Allow Scourge to replace 1 Druid and 1 Warrior. Allow Renegade and Firebrand to replace 1 Chrono.


    * General: Make all class-specific stat bonuses effect 10 targets, up from 5 targets

    * Druid: Make Frost Spirit and Sun Spirt effect 10 targets, up from 5 targets

    * Scourge: Add Grace of the Land to GM Trait - Sand Savant, modified appropriately

    * Scourge: Oppressive Collapse - Decrease CD to 20 seconds; Increase Might radius to 600

    * Revenant: Redesign Ventari/Renegade to upkeep 100% alacrity

  8. > @Rawrakai.2908 said:

    > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > Doesn't the change also prevent the Scourge and the Sand Shade from hitting the same target with F abilities?


    > It's possible. I don't really know the nature of the bug fix, I didn't even know about it until someone complained on reddit. But the videos i've seen showing absurdly high torment stacks always involved multiple shades. I have not experienced any difference since the patch in my games.


    I believe Scourge counts as a Shade for F2-F5 abilities, which would reduce Scourge condition output by half when using Sand Savant.

  9. > @Razor.6392 said:

    > But how is this amulet more effective than just going magi or whatever gives you 1k + healing power? Cele is only good if you also want to do damage, which isn't very effective outside of a few builds.


    > Also need a lot of might stacking for it to be a threat. I'm looking at perma 25 stacks engi tho


    It might have potential with Sword Weaver, I suppose?

  10. > @SWI.4127 said:

    > If you're bored with it personally, try going Strength/Discipline and ditching Defense. Might Makes Right is always fun imo.


    I play Strength, Discipline, Defense. Lots more fun, more damage and really good sustain. I'm usually top damage and healer.

  11. > @Kuya.6495 said:

    > It sounds like, from reading comments here, that the best way to nerf sb right now is to make it so fc only hits the target that triggered it. so if a ranged attacker triggers fc, the melee fighter near the sb won't be harmed. Might be the case that this is the only nerf that's needed, at first.


    This is the most impractical fix and will make Full Counter near useless in group fights.

  12. > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

    > > @Imperadordf.2687 said:

    > > > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > > > How exactly do you intent to interrupt it? You'll trigger it if you hit when channeling.

    > >

    > > Unblockable stun or daze attacks would be fair i think. Im not very well informed about how it works as a skill, but if we could interrupt it somehow, it would make 1v1s a bit more fair in my opinion.


    > Full Counter ABSORBS the next incoming attack, and therefore is currently the ONLY counter vs Unblockable Skills. This is why the skill is called FULL Counter.

    > If it needs a nerf, dont nerf its Character.


    Full Counter does not counter unblockables.

  13. > @Imperadordf.2687 said:

    > > @Oglaf.1074 said:

    > > How exactly do you intent to interrupt it? You'll trigger it if you hit when channeling.


    > Unblockable stun or daze attacks would be fair i think. Im not very well informed about how it works as a skill, but if we could interrupt it somehow, it would make 1v1s a bit more fair in my opinion.


    Unblockables already go through it. I've killed my share of Spellbreakers using Dagger Burst while they attempt to Full Counter.

  14. > @Sykper.6583 said:

    > > @Mutaatti.2789 said:

    > > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > > @ukuni.8745 said:

    > > > > i got to page 2 of reading befor i decided to post this but yea.

    > > > > Leave FC alone, except make it only hit the target that triggered it, its the surviveability that makes SB strong not full counter, mind you full counter is kitten easy to trigger and anyone who says it isnt is just a really bad bandwagonner who likes to spam as much as the people hes saying is triggering it.

    > > >

    > > > That would make Full Counter useless. If you go to use Full Counter on the target in melee, but someone at range or a minion triggers it (e.g. You go to Full Counter a Spellbreaker, but a Ranger arrow hits you)., then you've wasted Full Counter because the player who triggered it is not in range.

    > >

    > > That is called strategy. Ranger hits you, for triggering FC, and melee friend or pet comes and doesnt take impact on FC. That would make warrior atleast killable instead of being immortal 1v1 against anything else than scourge (another OP class).


    > It would also get rid of that spec entirely. Or at the very least in compensation if you want it to play like this the effects of 'landing' a FC still go off if this scenario happens.

    > In other words, if target is in melee and triggers FC, they have to dodge FC to avoid taking the damage, CC and having the effects of FC occur (meaning you can reduce SB's survival by fighting and dodging in melee with it). If the target is at range and triggers FC, since they are at range FC still stops that hit but FC doesn't AoE/CC anyone, FC effects like Guard Counter STILL occur regardless. Ergo you turn the fight into an attrition with the SB. I would argue this can lead into some higher level tactical play where you can either try to beat SB down from range and deal with his defensive FC effects triggering always, or take a risk to dodge his FC at melee and deny him the buffs.


    > This keeps SB in the teamfight for survival while cutting down the AoE pressure it puts out while everyone mindlessly spams. **You happy?**


    > Edit1: I'm personally of the opinion that there are other methods to deal with SB that don't completely change it like this solution, but I wanted to throw some feedback considering A) this is probably a mechanical mess to work with and apply and B) probably not going to happen, we are gonna see number changes instead cause its easier.


    But this would make it impossible for Spellbreaker to time Full Counter in a group fight. You plan on using Full Counter on a melee attack, then a stray arrow hits you a millisecond sooner. Full Counter itself needs a slight range reduction and Last Stand and Revenge Counter need slight nerfs. Anything else is overkill.

  15. The problem is qT presents its benchmarks under ideal circumstances after repeated attempts at maximizing the DPS number to be used as the benchmark. What would be most accurate is an average of say 100 attempts. There also isn't benchmark data on a fight by fight basis. They should at least do DPS benchmarks using the mobile setting as well, to demonstrate DPS on a moving target.

  16. Changes need to be made to Core Warrior, not Spellbreaker. Power Berserker suffers from the same issues. Power Weapons need a 20% damage increase across the board, and either traits or utilities need to be reworked to provide an additional source of damage. Dragonhunter works because it has traps and symbols to supplement weapon damage. Weaver works because it has pulsing ground damage. Without some sort of gimmick, you're not going to get Power builds for Warrior to work in PvE without a heavy skill split from sPvP and WvW.

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