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Posts posted by Mikeskies.1536

  1. > @bearshaman.3421 said:

    > They did both to equalize it. Druid got a change to Grace of the Land (that most ranger players hate) changing their unique damage buff to a might stacking mechanic, and Deadeye has Fire for Effect also changed to be equivalent (ideally) to PS in terms of might stacking ability.


    > Also, this will allow more build diversity in group content. War won't be so pigeonholed....


    Well, Condition Berserker can do 32k DPS while taking both banners and supplying some might through Fire Fields. We need to test to see if Power Warrior with both banners and Kick can pump out 32k DPS as well. Warrior got a new 33% damage modifier (from an adept trait mind you) and Axe got some love. Once the rotation is worked out, I believe Power Berserker will be able to reach at least 30k DPS.

  2. > @EvilSardine.9635 said:

    > > @Juba.8406 said:

    > > Pathetic.

    > >

    > > It is just for "We did gave you something in return" like Axe really was lacking!.

    > >

    > > And what is up with "Whirling Axe" , Anet just keep buffing it the wrong way, no one uses this trash skill, give it reflect if you are indeed truthful in buffing it.


    > It blows my mind they haven't added reflect to this useless ability. Even the thief version gets it for some kitten reason.


    It'll never get a Reflect. Ranger Axe 5 would be laughable in comparison if it did.

  3. > @"Honest John.4673" said:

    > PvP community: "Combat is too AoE spammy, it's just whoever spams the most AoEs"

    > ANet: "What if we punished you for blindly spamming AoE's and made you have to think about your matchups or whether you should use your AoE's or not before you use them?"

    > PvP community: "Noooo, don't do _that_!"


    > Spellbreakers will continue to press FC off cooldown as long as people are using their AoE's off cooldown and spamming them everywhere. Imagine fights not being a kitten of aoe's particle effects and having to make the SB think before using FC.


    > That being said, they could still make it hit only the person who triggered it. We'll see in a few hours.


    Limiting Full Counter to the person who triggered it is impractical and would severely hamper the use of Full Counter outside of 1v1s by making Full Counter extremely difficult to use. Full Counter needs a radius reduction. 300 unit radius is far too large.


    > @Loop.8106 said:

    > > @Kaga.7629 said:

    > > > @Chaith.8256 said:

    > > > Reaching very high levels of denial from Spellbreakers in this thread.

    > > > *- Straight up denial: "The Spellbreaker probably STOLE resistance from a player before the scene in the video, and stole resistance again during." Mental gymnastics at it's finest, how do warriors reliably "steal" resistance

    > >

    > > 1) i actually sat down and ran back the vid several times to analyse it. And the warrior clearly started the fight with 3-4 seconds of resistance before blowing Bezerker stance at second 5. He didn't produce it out of frikking thin air. it had to come from someone else.

    > > 2) Dagger f1 steals boons and full counter resets bursts cooldowns, so it is possible to steal boons, FC then steal again depending on adrenal levels. Sigils can also help.

    > > 3) Spellbreakers not using STR ? Now's who's in denial......

    > >

    > I'm on my phone so the formatting will be garbage, but I'll give it a shot.

    > EVERY mid-top-tier spellbreaker runs defense, discipline and spellbreaker. No one is running strength because warriors can't afford losing fast hands.


    > The video started with a newly proceed full counter. Not done imaginary 4th player that's supposed to be done holy beacon of resistance uptime just waiting to be stolen.


    > Get real homie.


    The meta-Spellbreaker build does have too much access to resistance, but having that much resistance comes at a cost. It takes 2 utility skills and a 1 grandmaster trait to achieve it. That being said, it completely nullifies condition specs, which is unhealthy to the game and boring to play (which is why I don't run it).


    I am in Platinum and run Strength, Discipline, Spellbreaker with Greatsword / Daggers. No shield. No stances. Might Makes Right and Magebane Tether for survivability. It counters the meta-Spellbreaker build pretty well, since your damage output is much higher and Dagger Burst is unblockable, and you can dodge pretty much all attacks. Sure, it is weak when you are fighting on a small point when there is more than 1 Scourge, but, then again, the focus is on sides and bursting down unsuspecting enemies.

  5. > @Loop.8106 said:

    > > @Hitman.5829 said:

    > > How about you bring some boon removal sigils, traits, utilities instead of complaining about resistance. The condi spam is too much right now that resistance is a must for every class, heck I say Anet needs to do more and give more resistance to everyone because the condition spam is too much.

    > >

    > > You outman him 3 vs 1 and not a single one of you had boon removal sigils, traits, or utilities? Don't expect to go in PvP with out the right builds and win.


    > You have proved time and time again how clueless you are. Everything from stating Guards (not Firebrand) has the highest stab uptime to saying Annulement is a valid counter to pulsing resistance.


    > As for boon removal skills / traits. The 3v1 was War vs Double Engineer + Ele. Would you be so kind as to list all of the boon removal skills and traits those classes have between them? Nothing? Really?


    Why does Double Engineer + Ele need to worry about Resistance? (Spellbreaker does have too much Resistance access though)

  6. > @Felipe.1807 said:

    > kitten, theres people actually defending Spellbreaker??!! Come on guys, the spec is completely broken. Its not just Counter. Warrior is overloaded with defences allready, between healing signet, adrenal health, shield block, double endure pain, berzerker stance, and extreme mobility from greatsword and now Full Counter on top of all this is way to much. Full counter have like what? 6 secs cooldown? Thats insane...and its not even just a counter attack like Guard Mace 3# skill, it reflect condis, daze, give protec, resistence and stab, and maybe a few other things that i had forgotten...all this every 6 secs...its to much, so much that allows warrior use full damage gear and be as tanky as a bunker spec....this is the worst part, high damage, high mobility and HUGE survival...Defence trait line and Spellbreaker cannot coexist at this moment if you want a balanced profession. I vote to nerf Counter and leave Defence line the way it is...rather see Spellbreaker take a hit then both Warrior and Berzerker get destroyed.

    > Lets not forget that Spellbreaker can easily take Might Makes Right with Megabane Tether and have unblockable dodges or days, if you think Daredevils are bad you havent seen this kitten yet.


    I didn't know Spellbreaker could take 4 traitlines and multiple grandmaster talents from same traitline.

  7. > @Svarty.8019 said:

    > I decided to play WvW for the first time in a while tonight. A couple of times I encountered Spellbreakers who had a REALLY long Resistance buff. I wonder what is my condition build supposed to do against this, since trying to wait it out got me killed?


    What is your condition build? I think most meta-ish condition builds have access to boon strip/corruption.

  8. > @Choppy.4183 said:

    > > @Juba.8406 said:

    > > IMO FC just needs another small damage shave.


    > Another one? The damage already took a substantial hit the last time around. I'm not saying that was wrong, but I haven't found the damage particularly OP, assuming I take it at all.



    It needs a slight radius reduction, not damage shave. Right now, Full Counter hits you beyond the 300 unit radius listed by just a tad.

  9. > @starlinvf.1358 said:

    > > @tongpo.3184 said:

    > > Its not much of a thought really. Spellbreakers are unplayable in high end pve. Period. They have one of the lowest dps's and offers nothing to the group. Its a pure pvp spec and it was intended to be that way. You would need to be playing with pretty geared and experienced friends that don't mind dragging your butt through high fractals or raids, but no serious guild or group will take a Spellbreaker as they are beyond useless. The only thing that a Spellbreaker brings; a Chrono can do it while providing better buffs and better dps. Spellbreakers are a menace in pvp though.

    > >

    > > Berserker's are still required for most raid comps. However, you will be locked into playing condi - longbow into a torch off hand swap. Until they revert or buff back some power changes, Berserkers don't feel very berserkery or warriory in pve. I am not even sure how to describe it. Assume this is the movie Braveheart. You would be one of the archer dudes that lights the battle field on fire, whereas being a Warrior, you would assume you were William Wallace charging up the middle. But nope, you are the nameless fire arrow guy in the back.


    > And watch as that line thought turn 180 when Boon strip gets added as a mandatory mechanic for a Wing. Suddenly SB and Scourge have a clear role the way ChronoTank and Druid (other non-DPS specs) found their way into the Meta. Or have you forgotten the Revenant/Facet of Nature time line already?


    But Chronomancers already remove boons on Sword autoattack.

  10. > @Vertep.2498 said:

    > > @Juba.8406 said:

    > > You got a problem with Spellbreakers, OK i get it, that is fine with me.

    > >

    > > But why the hell are you nerfing Core Warrior ??!!

    > >

    > > Nerf Spellbreaker to the ground for all i care, Anet took years to get Core warrior balanced as of today only to get destroyed because you didn't like SB ?!


    > nah, because they did spellbreaker to get people call nerf core warrior on the way


    Meta Core Warrior has: Strength, Defence, Discipline

    Meta Spellbreaker has: Defence, Discipline, Spellbreaker


    If Defence needs nerfs because of Spellbreaker, more power can be shifted into Strength to compensate.

  11. > @Juba.8406 said:

    > For Spellbreakers, 100b is not worth it, unless you run STRENGTH trait line which unlikely, Even so your Burst spam F1-F2 is way better, even for downed cleaving.


    > Now for Core Warrior which runs STRENGTH trait line and with proper rune set, 100b is not bad especially when combined with Might Makes Right trait, But 100b as a Damage source is kinda meh, I mean even with a good setup (Bull's Charge > 100b) most of times Bull's Charge alone will net you more damage than 100b, Axe Auto Attacks damages more and its mobile.


    > 100b was always a reward for a good setup (stun/immobilize), But when the setup itself doing more damage than 100b and when other skills that need no setup also out damaging 100b, then this High cost high reward thing is not working, 100b in need of a serious damage buff to make the investment to setup it worth the reward.


    100b is good for downed cleave and baiting attacks. In general, GS 1 and 2 needs buffs.

  12. Those Spellbreaker changes are mostly non-sensical.

    Full Counter only hits for like 3-4k. The damage is fine. Full Counter needs a slight radius reduction to 240 units.

    Revenge Counter needs to lose the resistance and limit copied conditions to 3 (at most).

    Sun and Moon Style healing needs to be increased to 10%. The quickness ICD needs to be removed.

    Natural Healing needs an activation time reduction to 1 second.

    Featherfoot Grace is perfect as is.

  13. > @Aza.2105 said:

    > I seen a SB player in chat yesterday dissing other players. He said they couldn't kill him because their dps was too weak. Even though it was a 3 v 1. Comic really.


    > The crux of the SB issue is that its a tiny risk and extremely high reward build. They don't get punished for mistakes often due to the fact that they nearly always have a defensive ability to cycle through. And if all of them are blown, they'll just swap to greatsword and run run run. While healing up and waiting for cooldowns to come back. This is very poor design.


    > Very curious how Anet will deal with it. I don't expect much to be honest.



    The meta Spellbreaker, Defense, Discipline build variant needs a nerf. I don't run it because I don't find it as fun as Spellbreaker, Strength, Discipline, but I was messing around with it the other day and its completely brain dead to use. You're just a bulldozer who doesn't care about anything that barely suffers any consequences for misplaying.

  14. > @reukies.6418 said:

    > > @Alwayshappy.2549 said:

    > > The balance patch will be tomorrow, pretty sure. Expect scourge to be buffed even more and expect SB's to be nerfed hard (they have to listen to the scourges who cannot win easily against them after all). Also expecting weird and unnecessary nerfes for most other specs, especially soulbeast.


    > SB needs to be nerfed hard you need to 2v1 the bad ones or 3v1 the really good ones unless you have a SB on your team. Scourge might get further pvp nerfs and pve buffs OR a massive balance to make it "heavy support". So nerf dmg more but add support.


    Well, Power Reaper is a surprising counter to Spellbreaker. People are only playing PoF specializations for the most part. There a sleeper HoT specializations that no one is paying attention to right now.

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