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Posts posted by Mikeskies.1536

  1. > @Tzozef.9841 said:

    > Curious of fellow warriors' thoughts.


    > Personally the CD time nerfs are not terrible. Overall the class is still fun.


    > HOWEVER I think it got over-nerfed when it comes to reducing the about of condi's reflected from Revenge Counter. It should have stayed from 5, simply because of the current condi meta.


    > It was a good counter balance to what is pre-dominantly occupying the current meta right now. AND its currently at 10 second CD at lowest.


    > I also think Full Counter should be FLAT 10 second CD and not considered a Burst, this way discipline doesn't have to be mandatory as a traitline.


    Defence is not mandatory. Discipline is not mandatory. There are trade offs depending on how you design each build. There are multiple Spellbreaker builds that work, especially for Gold and lower. The pre-patch meta-build can't completely ignore condition damage anymore, so it'll take people some getting used to. Mix things up and you'll be surprised.

  2. > @Oberwaldmeister.8239 said:

    > > @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

    > > A few thoughts: Signet of Stamina isn't worth it. It's too punishing to pop it, since it's unlikely you'll remove that many conditions if you're just roaming. Cleanse in general isn't worth it. On that note, I wouldn't bother with Cleansing Ire. I would get traited stances and berserker stance with some boon duration. Another thing is... Might Makes Right isn't that great imo. It just takes too long for it to be worth it, not to mention GS hits pretty weak and slowly. But since you feel good about landing your bursts you might aswell opt for Berserker's Power. Also, don't forget that traited stances will give you vigor anyway, which is better than Signet of Stam.


    > Signet of Stamina is just there because of the nerfed Stances. Before the patch my utility-skills where Berserker Stance, Endure Pain and Balanced Stance. Since Both Stances were nerfed I switched them to the buffed physical skill Bull´s Charge and just for more mobility + might gain I added the Signet of Stamina. I think wouldn´t pop it or maybe never pop it because of what you said. But imo there isn´t any better Signet. As I said I think the both stances aren´t that reliable more. I just have to run away if I see any Condi-Player... :D

    > Maybe I switch the Signet of Stamina with one of the stances and apply the trait Last Stand, but I think less adrenaline gain isn´t good for this build as I might switch Burst Mastery to Axe Mastery from time to time.


    > > @Turk.5460 said:

    > > > @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

    > > > A few thoughts: Signet of Stamina isn't worth it. It's too punishing to pop it, since it's unlikely you'll remove that many conditions if you're just roaming. Cleanse in general isn't worth it. On that note, I wouldn't bother with Cleansing Ire. I would get traited stances and berserker stance with some boon duration. Another thing is... Might Makes Right isn't that great imo. It just takes too long for it to be worth it, not to mention GS hits pretty weak and slowly. But since you feel good about landing your bursts you might aswell opt for Berserker's Power. Also, don't forget that traited stances will give you vigor anyway, which is better than Signet of Stam.

    > >

    > > I agree with the MMR. I feel like Might Makes Right synergized better with SB than core since you could fill the dodge gaps with FC. Though the increased cooldown might affect the total mitigation now.


    > I don´t play SB and I dont want to play SB just because I don´t like it. I can live with the fact that I don´t play the best specs but imo core is better and I can handle it better, but thats just me. )> @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > @Turk.5460 said:

    > > > > @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

    > > > > A few thoughts: Signet of Stamina isn't worth it. It's too punishing to pop it, since it's unlikely you'll remove that many conditions if you're just roaming. Cleanse in general isn't worth it. On that note, I wouldn't bother with Cleansing Ire. I would get traited stances and berserker stance with some boon duration. Another thing is... Might Makes Right isn't that great imo. It just takes too long for it to be worth it, not to mention GS hits pretty weak and slowly. But since you feel good about landing your bursts you might aswell opt for Berserker's Power. Also, don't forget that traited stances will give you vigor anyway, which is better than Signet of Stam.

    > > >

    > > > I agree with the MMR. I feel like Might Makes Right synergized better with SB than core since you could fill the dodge gaps with FC. Though the increased cooldown might affect the total mitigation now.

    > >

    > > Might Makes Right works best with Magebane Tether, since you generate lots of might, but if you use Might Makes Right, best to have a might-centric build (e.g. Runes of Strength, Sigil of Battle on GS).


    > As I said before I dont play SB therefore I can´t apply this trait. Furthermore I like MMR and think it´s a good trait with core-warrior.


    > **PLEASE REMIND: You can offer me different options, but please stay on topic. I didn´t ask for SB build-recommodations!**


    Might Makes Right can work with Core Warrior. As I said, focus on maximizing might generation.

  3. > @Turk.5460 said:

    > > @ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

    > > A few thoughts: Signet of Stamina isn't worth it. It's too punishing to pop it, since it's unlikely you'll remove that many conditions if you're just roaming. Cleanse in general isn't worth it. On that note, I wouldn't bother with Cleansing Ire. I would get traited stances and berserker stance with some boon duration. Another thing is... Might Makes Right isn't that great imo. It just takes too long for it to be worth it, not to mention GS hits pretty weak and slowly. But since you feel good about landing your bursts you might aswell opt for Berserker's Power. Also, don't forget that traited stances will give you vigor anyway, which is better than Signet of Stam.


    > I agree with the MMR. I feel like Might Makes Right synergized better with SB than core since you could fill the dodge gaps with FC. Though the increased cooldown might affect the total mitigation now.


    Might Makes Right works best with Magebane Tether, since you generate lots of might, but if you use Might Makes Right, best to have a might-centric build (e.g. Runes of Strength, Sigil of Battle on GS).

  4. > @Choppy.4183 said:

    > > @Miko.4158 said:

    > > Better to take superior sigil of cleansing (both weapon sets) add it to fast hands and brawlers recovery for a background cleanse,


    > Sigil of Cleansing is certainly more powerful than it appears, but unless you tend to camp weapons you're better off just putting it on one. The ICD is 9s (iirc) so you won't get much value by putting it on your second set.


    > Runes and foods that reduce condi duration are also excellent for keeping the number of condis on your bar low, which increases the impact if your cleanses (fewer cover condis).


    Sigil of Cleansing on Dagger/Shield is useful.


    Also, people should give Natural Healing a chance. It clears all your conditions, gives you a stack of Attacker's Insight per self-boon removed and heals you for 12k, pretty much resetting the fight. It is more HPS than Healing Signet and you reapply all your major boons quickly anyway.

  5. > @ButterPeanut.9746 said:

    > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > > > > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > > > > > @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

    > > > > > > > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

    > > > > > > > > > Prepare for grace of the land stack or duration nerfs, we cant have nice things in this game they nerf them to the ground

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I don't think so. I made a post in Ranger forum and ArenaNet responded saying its intended how it is.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > isnt every balance update supposed to be as intended? Otherwise they wouldnt release it. Give it time they will gut it for no reason. Seriously there was no reason for grace of the land changes other than making druid less desirable and to kitten on warrior even more by making him redundant now that druid has better might giving abilitites,that little niche the warrior had was his phalanx strenght and banners, now will banners alone justify having warrior on the team or will there be an alternative to the banners that will give more damage and survivability?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Banners are still very strong DPS buffs. Even if Banners weren't needed, cDPS brings competitive DPS in its own right, as it wasn't nerfed in this patch, unlike everyone else. Also, cDPS brings supplemental might by blasting banners on Torch 5 and blasting Bow 3 on Bow Primal Burst, if needed.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Yes but they're working on making us less viable one step at a time, they've already started by handing over our might stacking to another class that already has a VERY big roll in raids.

    > > > >

    > > > > They're never going to delete Banners. And it opens flexibility for some groups to not even run a druid at all, and have a Soulbeast and cPS warrior.

    > > >

    > > > They might not delete them but they might make other classes have something more viable.

    > >

    > > If they ever did that, the same thing would happen to Ranger Spirits and no specialization would have > @SrebX.6498 said:

    > > > Yep, Warrior is still necessary for the Banners. It's just that the whole Warrior class starts to feel like a sinking ship (PvE-wise) after we've been having a very steady and important place in it. A place where it wasn't OP (A bit more powerful than fair at times, yes, but not OP) but it was still very strong. Now we're kinda losing our place and it worries me.

    > > > cDPS isn't a very strong DPSer, there are much better DPSers, so it looks like the only thing still keeping us in comps is our banners, which we'll now HAVE to run both of them, which means only 1 available skills.

    > >

    > > cDPS is a strong DPSer. It's clocking in at 32k DPS post-patch. All over performing specs pre-patch were nerfed. The only spec that received actual buffs was Holosmith. Once the benchmarks are out, I suspect only Weaver and Holosmith will be more than 1k DPS ahead.

    > >

    > > Also, having to run both banners is only a 1.5k DPS loss, as opposed to Signet of Fury and Outrage.


    > We haven't seen the full analysis, but IMO one other factor is that the difference between cDPS warrior and cPS warrior is pretty small too. It used to only be around 3-5k pending on a number of factors.


    > There are other viable might stacking builds now, but IMO if you are going to bring a warrior you might as well still take PS and might stack. This may not be true for all bosses or all groups, but the might is much more consistent than druid for example.


    cPS is around 27k DPS. I don't think you need to run cPS. If needed, you can always blast fire fields with LB3 or switch to PS and equip FGJ to fill in the gaps. I think default build should be cDPS though in terms of gear setup.

  6. I had someone with the 40k DPS clone build last night on Gorseval only pulling 12k DPS. I was expecting at least 25k, if not 30, based on buff uptime. Not sure if person was bad or if clones were not surviving, or what.

  7. I'd like to see it as well. I'm not sure how much will be changed, except for reducing the hit box differences. Ice Bow and Fiery Greatsword were nerfed, and there's a 10% damage loss from GOTL rework. What I can tell you is that I had a skilled Fresh Air Sword Weaver in a raid pug last night, and was doing the same damage as me as a cDPS warrior. Based on that, I assume Fresh Air Sword Weaver will be around 33k DPS.

  8. > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > > > @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

    > > > > > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > > > > > @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

    > > > > > > > Prepare for grace of the land stack or duration nerfs, we cant have nice things in this game they nerf them to the ground

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I don't think so. I made a post in Ranger forum and ArenaNet responded saying its intended how it is.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > isnt every balance update supposed to be as intended? Otherwise they wouldnt release it. Give it time they will gut it for no reason. Seriously there was no reason for grace of the land changes other than making druid less desirable and to kitten on warrior even more by making him redundant now that druid has better might giving abilitites,that little niche the warrior had was his phalanx strenght and banners, now will banners alone justify having warrior on the team or will there be an alternative to the banners that will give more damage and survivability?

    > > > >

    > > > > Banners are still very strong DPS buffs. Even if Banners weren't needed, cDPS brings competitive DPS in its own right, as it wasn't nerfed in this patch, unlike everyone else. Also, cDPS brings supplemental might by blasting banners on Torch 5 and blasting Bow 3 on Bow Primal Burst, if needed.

    > > >

    > > > Yes but they're working on making us less viable one step at a time, they've already started by handing over our might stacking to another class that already has a VERY big roll in raids.

    > >

    > > They're never going to delete Banners. And it opens flexibility for some groups to not even run a druid at all, and have a Soulbeast and cPS warrior.


    > They might not delete them but they might make other classes have something more viable.


    If they ever did that, the same thing would happen to Ranger Spirits and no specialization would have > @SrebX.6498 said:

    > Yep, Warrior is still necessary for the Banners. It's just that the whole Warrior class starts to feel like a sinking ship (PvE-wise) after we've been having a very steady and important place in it. A place where it wasn't OP (A bit more powerful than fair at times, yes, but not OP) but it was still very strong. Now we're kinda losing our place and it worries me.

    > cDPS isn't a very strong DPSer, there are much better DPSers, so it looks like the only thing still keeping us in comps is our banners, which we'll now HAVE to run both of them, which means only 1 available skills.


    cDPS is a strong DPSer. It's clocking in at 32k DPS post-patch. All over performing specs pre-patch were nerfed. The only spec that received actual buffs was Holosmith. Once the benchmarks are out, I suspect only Weaver and Holosmith will be more than 1k DPS ahead.


    Also, having to run both banners is only a 1.5k DPS loss, as opposed to Signet of Fury and Outrage.

  9. > @Ario.8964 said:

    > Sb is bad. The nerf to fc was good but the nerf to berserker stance went too far. It would've been fine if they has done 4 second duration but kept the pulse duration at 3sec per pulse or reduced pulse duration to 1 and kept original duration with the reduced cd but doing both was way too much of a hit. Now sb and core war get farmed by anyone with a brain as they no longer have the proper tools to deal with conditions the way that scourge and mirage are outputting them. Core>espec once again.


    You have to change your approach. You can't just ignore conditions anymore, meaning you have to be smarter in how you engage/disengage and use your skills. Maybe even change your build setup.

  10. > @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

    > > @musu.9205 said:

    > > > @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

    > > > I'm happy that Mirage is now a top tier DPS pick with the Axe Ambush buff and bug fix.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > I'm sad that I fear that this will end abruptly next patch... Now I feel what the Scourges felt.

    > >

    > > well tbh all other op condi specs are nerfed in this patch . they could nerf bleed from duel line a bit .we are not those AI Build anymore except maybe matt but we dont need help there so its fair .

    > > with ps nerf . might stack scourge might be a thing again


    > You don't understand, all classes are supposed to be nerfed by 10% if left untouched. But the Axe ambush and bug fix, pushed the clone IH build significantly, that it gets to 40k DPS. From what I've heard other classes are now around 35k~ which is fine. It's not gonna be long till Mirage becomes a meta pick for most single target bosses, and also pretty good for AoE, since Axe clones do cleave.



    Not many classes are at 35k, more around 30-32k DPS. The 40k Mirage build is going to get bug fixed.

  11. > @savacli.8172 said:

    > > @Pyroatheist.9031 said:

    > > > @OriOri.8724 said:

    > > > > @Sojourner.4621 said:

    > > > > > @OriOri.8724 said:

    > > > > > > @Sodeni.6041 said:

    > > > > > > This "balance patch" is very small and just fixed stuff that should've been fixed since day 1 of the Mirage.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Anet hasn't adressed any of the **mirage's core issues**. No rework to mirrors, no rework of phantasms as a mirage, no adjustments to shatter skills as a mirage, etc. This patch is just a small bugfix with minor adjustments to axe and some traits. That's it.

    > > > > > > But at least we got a new UI effect that tells us that we're mirages, without actually changing f-skills. How cheap!

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > It's a shame that these patches are called *"balance patches"*. We have to wait **another 3 to 4 months** for another "balance patch" like that that only adresses a specific aspect of the mesmer again... **It's just not enough**.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I agree with you, but considering what we usually get, this was a great balance patch for mesmers. No nerfs. Various small buffs. Improvements to axe. Its a better patch for mesmers than many in the past have been

    > > > >

    > > > > The "small" buffs have people already hitting 45k DPS on golem in pve, without fully optimized rotations.

    > > >

    > > > I need to see a video of this 45k damage, one that doesn't rely on cheese gimmicks like SB sharing stances with our illusions. I hadn't had a chance to login and test the changes myself when I wrote that comment, I'm not too surprised that all together they were more impactful than I originally thought.

    > >

    > > 45k is with SB stance sharing. However, it looks like 40k is possible legit.


    > Yeah, the 45k DPS was already debunked. Stance sharing + Burning Stacks from Sun Spirit apply to both Mirage and all 3 illusions. Frost Spirit was in place too but I imagine that made no noticeable difference on the clones.


    > I saw the 40k DPS as well but, alas, that was a screenshot. Sounds more realistic but waiting on video proof or time tonight to sit down and beat up a golem myself.


    Has this build been tested sans Fencer's Finesse and on a small hitbox while not standing inside of it?

  12. > @PassionWhisky.3457 said:

    > > @reukies.6418 said:

    > > If you didn't see SB nerfs coming I dont know what to tell you. Not to mention the nerf to SB isn't even that big, it's not like they have been nerfed to the ground. They are still top tier for sure.

    > >

    > > And it is about time Thief got nerfed...people have been complaining about them for a long time.

    > >

    > > Scourge got its OP'ness due to 2 "bugs" which now have both been fixed. It is in an alright place atm, too bad people don't want to learn how to counter as much as they wanna complain. Scourges "bug" fixes were a heavier nerf than today SB nerfs.

    > >

    > > FB is not OP by itself...but scary with a team even then, not as broken as SB was.


    > u say SB is broken, u are really Braindead, they destroys Warrior with that Patch, u dont have any chance in a 1 vs 1 Situation vs. 1 Conditional Player. Anet lies with, saying that they fixed Conditionals, who is the nerf about it?


    I can tell you that this isn't true. You just don't know how to fight them yet because having permanent resistance carried Spellbreaker against condition builds.

  13. > @"Rising Dusk.2408" said:

    > > @Talindra.4958 said:

    > > g1 chrono dps dps dps

    > > g2 chrono dps dps dps

    > > g3 druid

    > > g4 cps

    > You don't want this because the Druid and Warrior aren't guaranteed Quickness, Alacrity, or Distortion shares in this set up. My guess is that the Druid will go in one subgroup and the Warrior in the other, and both will be the might stackers for their respective parties.


    My guess is;

    1: Druid, Chronomancer, DPS, DPS, DPS

    2: Soulbeast*, Chronomancer, Berserker**, DPS, DPS/Healer

    *Taking Sun Spirit and Spotter.

    **Taking Banner of Strength and Banner of Discipline.

  14. > @cryorion.9532 said:

    > This thread applies for PvE only.


    > * cPS is now obsolete, there is no reason to use cPS for might stacking in raids anymore

    > * there is no reason to use max dps condi warrior (not banner cdps warrior) because other classes can bring higher dps

    > * power warrior is STILL a bad joke, not even close to be competetive with other power/condi dps classes, why giving us 33% 5 sec buff and axe buffs, when it did not change anything

    > I think there was enough feedback for how to improve power warrior, completely ignored.

    > * daggers are joke, less target cap than axe, and damage difference is beyond tragical, daggers should be the king of single target enemies in terms of dps obviously

    > * SB still useless in PvE


    > I don't get this. It feels like the feedback from people actually playing warrior class was completely ignored. And there is not even a word from balancing team about the ideology of current and future warrior class in PvE. Worst thing is, that now, we will be stuck with this nonsense for another 3 months. Disappointment and I believe it is righteous.



    A lot of DPS builds were levelled to 30k DPS (and under), which is where banner cDPS Berserker is. Max DPS condition Berserker can probably pull off 32k DPS. Only Weaver and Soulbeast are probably higher. Power Warrior will never be viable in PvE unless they somehow add in a 50% multiplier.

  15. > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

    > > > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > > > @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

    > > > > > Prepare for grace of the land stack or duration nerfs, we cant have nice things in this game they nerf them to the ground

    > > > >

    > > > > I don't think so. I made a post in Ranger forum and ArenaNet responded saying its intended how it is.

    > > >

    > > > isnt every balance update supposed to be as intended? Otherwise they wouldnt release it. Give it time they will gut it for no reason. Seriously there was no reason for grace of the land changes other than making druid less desirable and to kitten on warrior even more by making him redundant now that druid has better might giving abilitites,that little niche the warrior had was his phalanx strenght and banners, now will banners alone justify having warrior on the team or will there be an alternative to the banners that will give more damage and survivability?

    > >

    > > Banners are still very strong DPS buffs. Even if Banners weren't needed, cDPS brings competitive DPS in its own right, as it wasn't nerfed in this patch, unlike everyone else. Also, cDPS brings supplemental might by blasting banners on Torch 5 and blasting Bow 3 on Bow Primal Burst, if needed.


    > Yes but they're working on making us less viable one step at a time, they've already started by handing over our might stacking to another class that already has a VERY big roll in raids.


    They're never going to delete Banners. And it opens flexibility for some groups to not even run a druid at all, and have a Soulbeast and cPS warrior.

  16. > @Kam.4092 said:

    > Right now I'm full Sinister, and Axe seems to be doing more than Scepter for me. If I go with Grieving gear is it still ok to use Axe, or does Scepter become a lot better then?


    Axe is about 1k more DPS than Scepter, if camping either one. Using both Axe and Scepter together is 500 more DPS over camping Axe.

  17. > @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

    > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

    > > > Prepare for grace of the land stack or duration nerfs, we cant have nice things in this game they nerf them to the ground

    > >

    > > I don't think so. I made a post in Ranger forum and ArenaNet responded saying its intended how it is.


    > isnt every balance update supposed to be as intended? Otherwise they wouldnt release it. Give it time they will gut it for no reason. Seriously there was no reason for grace of the land changes other than making druid less desirable and to kitten on warrior even more by making him redundant now that druid has better might giving abilitites,that little niche the warrior had was his phalanx strenght and banners, now will banners alone justify having warrior on the team or will there be an alternative to the banners that will give more damage and survivability?


    Banners are still very strong DPS buffs. Even if Banners weren't needed, cDPS brings competitive DPS in its own right, as it wasn't nerfed in this patch, unlike everyone else. Also, cDPS brings supplemental might by blasting banners on Torch 5 and blasting Bow 3 on Bow Primal Burst, if needed.

  18. > @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

    > Prepare for grace of the land stack or duration nerfs, we cant have nice things in this game they nerf them to the ground


    I don't think so. I made a post in Ranger forum and ArenaNet responded saying its intended how it is.

  19. > @Dragon.2046 said:

    > Yeah, I just tried the new Druid and it's Grace of the Land is insane.. keeping 25 might for 10 people. It doesn't look good for CPS but I am pretty sure like what the others said. CDPS is alive and kicking!


    > @Cyninja.2954 said:

    > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > Condi DPS is going to be the new meta with both banners and still over 30k DPS.

    > >

    > > Edit: 30.5k DPS with Realistic buffs.


    > This.


    > Basically warrior is down to 1 fixed banner spot (down from 2 fixed spots for banners and might) and any number of dps spots as condi dps.


    Yup. I tested a lot of DPS builds last night. All seemed to settle around 30k DPS. Nerfs combined with 3k DPS loss from GOTL rework brought all the overperforming specs down a notch.

  20. > @Miellyn.6847 said:

    > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

    > > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > > > No question that we will still have double Chrono, but I think we'll still see double CPS Warriors. They're still the most efficient Might sharing, they just won't be able to do 25 stacks on their own.

    > > >

    > > > There is better might stackers which do reach 25 stacks. Why settle for a might stacker which does not provide 25 stacks over one that does?

    > > >

    > > > Warrior will likely get run as cdps and 1 banner warrior.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Consistency, really. Phalanx Strength may not be able to hit 25 Might anymore, but what they do give is not going to drop at all. 25 stacks on other professions has very little wiggle-room before they drop several stacks at once. Having a PS Warrior means those cooldowns can be spaced out a little more for much higher consistency.


    > Nah, Druid can apply 16 seconds might, reaches 25 stacks alone on 10 people. With alacrity you have around 9 seconds between CA cooldown and might running out. Fill the rest with other skills. PS warriors are not good anymore. Just take a DPS warrior with 2 banners.


    Condi DPS warrior is strong and can supplement might if need be.

  21. New Meta is going to be Druid, Chronomancer x2, Soulbeast, Condi DPS Warrior, Fill x 5.


    From initial testing, it appears as though all DPS builds have been brought down to 30k DPS. Might-stacking builds (cPS, Renegade, Scourge, Deadeye) are around 26k DPS.

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