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Posts posted by Ayrilana.1396

  1. I did the two previous episodes to complete the new achievements for when they added voice acting and it reset me back to Metrica. At least you only need to tag the boss in order to get credit for story progression...


    ... actually, that doesn't matter for story progression. The instance just needs to succeed for that. Well I guess that's a no effort way to get progression back.




    After re-obtaining my progression, and seeing how previous episodes were tracked, this is likely either a bug or an oversight. Story step progression within an episode has always been saved. The only progression lost are the steps within the story steps. The DRM episode has three story steps: the first 3 DRMs, FoR &Thunderhead, and Doric & Snowden. Progression should not have been lost at all, or if there's still more to the most recent story step, lost progression on the Doric and Snowden DRMs only.


    Perhaps someone can confirm that progression is tracked on the other episodes like I stated. Can someone also provide confirmation that progression is tracked the same way on your FIRST playthrough?

  2. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > In addition of being expensive, I hate the "you need this other set to make that set" I was very angry that after finally finishing the last mastery, to discover that I need to craft the original dragon slayer weapons to get those crimson and azure ones. No way I put a single gold in them.


    Considering that crimson/azure weapons are upgrades of the dragon slayer weapons, it makes sense that one would need to craft the dragon slayer weapon first.


    > You already did the mistake with stormcallers, and you do it again with dragon slayers. You never learn? Incredible.


    The mistake with Stormcallers was that people got rid of the actual weapons which were needed for the next set (the weapons were part of the recipe). You would only be able to make that comparison if the dragon slayer weapons themselves were actually needed to craft the crimson/azure weapons which they're not.

  3. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > Okay, let us say I am running this build:


    > [https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Daredevil_-_Dagger/Pistol](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Daredevil_-_Dagger/Pistol)


    > I don't...but that doesnt matter.


    > Now, you tell me your build, and how I would beat it with this, or if it is futile.


    > Thank you sensei.


    He talks about thief and has a section about the d/p build.


  4. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > > > > > Also few notice how Kourna have massively silverwastes assets reutilization, this map is just a pickup pieces of silverwastes puzzled in different geography.

    > > > >

    > > > > There's probably only a few since everyone else doesn't see it including myself. I actually can't think of anything from Silverwastes that is on that map to be honest.

    > > > >

    > > > notice the terrain, plains or mountain textures. the buildings textures too, even the Canach "vines wall" is just the SW vines.. i suspect the only area that seems "new" is the final meta area.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > I'm still not seeing it and I ran through both maps just now. At the very most, there are geographical type similarities (i.e. rocky) but I would not go as far as to say "massive Silverwastes assets re-utilization". Furthermore, if you're using that as a reason to criticize the map, then you should look at all of the other maps in the game that share that what you're claiming can be applies towards. Sandswept seems to be the most praised map of LS4 and you can make a claim that many of the map assets used from PoF maps. You can also make the claim about core Tyria maps sharing the same assets as other maps within their regions.

    > >

    > > The player populations on these two maps has been criticized as being low when there are no metas but the same can be stated for any of the other maps. Sandswept barely has any players. Actually, one of the complaints about Kourna is how much of the map is unused but just as much of Sandswept, if not more, is unused as well.


    > The impressive inquest buildings on Sandswept Isles, makes any reuse of textures forgivable, although the map is simplistic in the northern area, its noticeable they put a effort there.



    So re-using assets is now okay? It just feels like a double standard to me.


    > The point inst about "player populations", but rushed work. Kourna has nothing, is a near a random SW pieces throwed with some water, players may not "rationalize" the real reason the map looks tedious and doesn't bring anything new, but that's basically it.


    I brought up player populations because the OP did. The same thing that you're saying about that map, I can say about many others.


    None of the maps have really "wowed" me so I really have no bias towards any of them. Once I have everything from a map, I usually don't go back to it. I see people criticizing maps for things that other maps have with some of those being the same maps they've praised. I see people praising some maps for things but not praising others who do the same or something similar.


    There just seems to be some inconsistencies in how people rate episodes or at least in the reasons that they give. I remember criticizing one of the LS2 episodes for having a very short story but it was being praised because of the lore of going into Glint's lair. Years later we get people criticizing episodes for being just as short but they weren't doing that back then. It just leads me to believe that there's something else that is actually influencing how people perceive an episode. If Kourna somehow had Cantha lore, would it have been received differently? Is believe that LS2 episode I was speaking about was well received because it at lore about Glint.

  5. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > > > Also few notice how Kourna have massively silverwastes assets reutilization, this map is just a pickup pieces of silverwastes puzzled in different geography.

    > >

    > > There's probably only a few since everyone else doesn't see it including myself. I actually can't think of anything from Silverwastes that is on that map to be honest.

    > >

    > notice the terrain, plains or mountain textures. the buildings textures too, even the Canach "vines wall" is just the SW vines.. i suspect the only area that seems "new" is the final meta area.




    I'm still not seeing it and I ran through both maps just now. At the very most, there are geographical type similarities (i.e. rocky) but I would not go as far as to say "massive Silverwastes assets re-utilization". Furthermore, if you're using that as a reason to criticize the map, then you should look at all of the other maps in the game that share that what you're claiming can be applies towards. Sandswept seems to be the most praised map of LS4 and you can make a claim that many of the map assets used from PoF maps. You can also make the claim about core Tyria maps sharing the same assets as other maps within their regions.


    The player populations on these two maps has been criticized as being low when there are no metas but the same can be stated for any of the other maps. Sandswept barely has any players. Actually, one of the complaints about Kourna is how much of the map is unused but just as much of Sandswept, if not more, is unused as well.

  6. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > Also few notice how Kourna have massively silverwastes assets reutilization, this map is just a pickup pieces of silverwastes puzzled in different geography.


    There's probably only a few since everyone else doesn't see it including myself. I actually can't think of anything from Silverwastes that is on that map to be honest.



  7. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > I’d rather they focus on the existing ones over creating yet another system they’ll later abandon.


    > Ouch, this hurt. I was advocating for something with more staying power. Though it is fun sometimes to navigate old content.


    > They're not really building out their existing ones very much -> We haven't had a new legendary in a long time, over a year now, almost 2, we've received like 2 new fractals, but they only matter when they're a daily and most people don't like doing Sunqua. And we've had no new raids (note: not a progression system, it's an end-game activity, which is far different). The only thing they've added is metas in IB. And strikes.


    > Neither of those last 2 things are a progression system. I think we need some end game goals to chase, not necessarily systems.


    I guess I'm just jaded from seeing almost everything that gets added slowly abandoned except for whatever will be the next living story episodes. I'm not entirely against some sort of progression system but how to make that work for all types of players, from the hardcore to the super casual, is a mystery to me. My opinion is just one person's opinion so don't let that stop you from thinking up ideas.

  8. So if WP says it then it must be true?


    I’m not going to watch a drawn out two hour video but i want to point out some things which are NOT market manipulation:


    * Using the gap between buy and sell listings to make a profit

    * Speculating that the price of an item may go up and hoarding those items for when that time comes

    * Seeing that a certain item is now required for a recipe and buying them up while they’re still undervalued to then flip them when the price inevitably increases to reflect their new value


    Edit 2:


    I've sold five stacks of mystic coins at 2.2G each within the past 24 hours at staggered intervals (I only have one listing up at a time). Each stack sold within 10 minutes. There's a very high velocity of sales going on at the existing price. Clearly there are a large number of people that are willing to pay the current price. With the amount of coins that enter the TP and get sold, I'm pretty sure that it would be extremely difficult for someone to try and price fix them. If the price was too high, wouldn't sell listings be piling up with each listing being underbid?

  9. Too be honest, the majority of them don't require all that much skill so you don't have to limit yourself to one arbitrary category.


    > - Crystal Circuit Racer


    Yes, this one is slightly skill-based so if you're worried about those then I'd ignore. It becomes incredibly easy with at least one other player.


    > - Electrophobia


    Once you know what to look out for, it's fairly simple. Most people fail this achievement after the pylons when you attack the boss (the final phase with the small area to move around in) but you technically can just AFK somewhere safe and let Aurene kill it. It'll take some time but it's fairly fool proof.


    > - Lord of the Ley Dance


    This is a skill-based one that you'd probably want to avoid. There is a trick to it but you probably wouldn't find the effort worth it.


    > - Power Player


    This one really isn't skill based. I believe it was just waiting long enough for a veteran to spawn and then kill it in the circle. Kill regular mobs outside of the circles. You then repeat that two more times.


    > - Trial by Fire


    Those attacks really are not difficult as they're fairly telegraphed and you have ample time to react. Just take your time and watch your positioning.


    > - Hazardous Materials: Gold


    It's possible to beat the by more than 40 seconds. Watch a couple of videos to see what they did and see how well you're able to replicate that.


    > - Hazardous Materials: Silver


    You should not have much trouble getting this.


    > - Underworld's Angels


    Watch a video to see what you need to do. I wouldn't say that it's really luck based. I believe I used the prototype position rewinder thatyou can get from Sandswept to save time between fails


    > - Surprise Supplies (npc still disapear from map instance, on new instance is possible, but i dont get credit, despite getting the 8 supplies)


    I'm not sure about this one but you can probably just skip it.


    > - A Different Kind of Shatterer (event dont spawn/need event fail)


    The best time for this would probably be outside of primetime for your region. I remember this being a pain with so many players going for it when the episode was released.




    The following are probably the easiest/quickest to do:


    * Power Player

    * Hazardous Materials: Silver

    * Underworld's Angels



    > @"TeeracK.3601" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > If you’re getting to the boss with only two minutes left on the timer then it’s less about the movement speed of the NPCs and more to do with very low DPS.


    > No one said anything like that :P


    You may be right. I read a post about someone having two min left on the timer after reading their other post about having 7 min on the timer with swiftness. Looks like they were referring to two different points of time in the DRM.


    They’re technically wrong about this CM being the only one where people usually have two min or less on the timer after beating the boss. You see this with Fields of Ruin and Thunderhead Peaks as well.

  11. It’s currently $30 right now although players can wait until the 50% off sales to get them cheaper. I bought multiple copies of the game from the Amazon marketplace for $13 about five years ago. This was back when there were still physical copies.


    You also need to factor in all of the other ways that a new account can help you earn profit. Laurels being a very low effort way as you can buy the material bags with them for quick gold. Players can also get into what’s left of ascended material crafting and do the daily refinement for whatever is still profitable.


    I’m sure someone could go and do the math and would find that the break even for buying a new account is certainly still under a year. Alt accounts have been the primary way that I earn gold in this game as I couldn’t be bothered to grind for gold. They are still a very viable way to obtain mystic coins.




    I did some rough math using T6 bags in exchange for laurels. A player can earn just shy of 61 gold per account every 28 days from login rewards alone. This comes to about 4.5 to 9.5 months, depending on whether they wait for a sale or not, until they break even.


    This time can be shortened further with ascended crafting, home instance farming, charged quartz, etc. I would take into account how much time it takes to do those activities versus spending that time to grind through other farms.

  12. > @"Vyr.9387" said:

    > The research drop pages are sorted by even the specific order of drops, so I imagine that, if the reporters (or, well, one) have been diligent enough to bother with this, they would also not randomly forget to mention five other crystals.


    > Besides, where does the Wiki confirm that you get three crystals with the gold chest and the first boost?

    > I might be missing something, but each category has a number of picks stated immediately, with each item's possible count listed after said item, so it's "**Three** of the following items: Wool Scrap **(2-5)**, Cotton Scrap **(2-3)**, Linen Scrap **(2-5)**..."

    > And the crystals have only a single pick with no count listed after the item.

    > The golden chest doesn't even claim any number of crystals as a guaranteed drop, which, again, agrees with the drop research page.

    > ...and is kinda weird, considering both previous chests have them as guaranteed drops.


    > If there's something truly derailing the issue that You're having, it's Your original post's first four words.

    > Which seems equally as apparent to You, since You decided to promptly end the search once a tangible way to be more or less certain got presented.


    > Well danced, but I'd recommend better shoes.


    Scroll further down the wiki page. I took an excerpt from it in a previous post.



  13. > @"Vyr.9387" said:

    > If You have the data, there's little I can argue with.

    > I'm simply pointing out the fact that taking into account how well "ArenaNet" rhymes with "consistency" and that the crystals, no matter their listings in the Wiki's copied loot table, don't seem to appear as flawlessly in the player-fueled logs, relying on anybody saying "I remember" is the surest way to a cult.


    > Granted, my sole evidence is based on the research pages, and I've no idea how peer-reviewed, so to speak, they are by the Wiki admins.

    > But if You've been doing the DRMs daily since they came out, You can simply count backwards all the Prismaticite You have.


    > >! You get 22 for free from the Dragon Slayer Arms Master achievement,

    > >! Defending Tyria story awards 3,

    > >! Roaring Flames story awards another 3,

    > >! 6 per day from dailies,

    > >! 2 mined from the home instance node (Wiki claims the possibility of 1-2 here, but I've never seen anything else than two.),

    > >! and 5 can be chosen from the Icebrood Saga Material awarded by completing the Icebrood Saga Reward Track in WvW.

    > >!

    > >! 10 crystals are needed per ingot, and 3 ingots are needed per the original Dragon Slayer weapon, with 16 possible weapons, 480 crystals in total funneled into the set.

    > >! Since Truce's release (17th of November), it's been 92 days, excluding today (17th of February), which would mean 552 crystals solely from dailies, and thus 72 crystals spare after completing the aforementioned collection.

    > >! +22 from the DSAM achiev, +3 and +3 from stories, a beautiful 100 in total, excluding home instance, WvW, and today's dailies.

    > >!

    > >! Simply comparing this number to Your stash would probably shut me up in either case, since I ran out of ideas :D and was unable to calculate anything myself, as the only delightful thing about DRMs in my eyes - or, rather, ears - is April Stewart's voice acting, and I'm able to listen to that while actually enjoying the game.


    Research drop pages implies everyone logging all of their drops. Me stating "I remember" was recalling from memory without double-checking on the wiki first. The wiki confirms that it's three if you get the gold chest with the first boost. Counting what I should have obtained in total is a complete waste of time when I can verify that it's not providing rewards properly by simply doing a DRM with CMs.


    I'm not going to argue with you about this any further and derail the issue that I'm seeing. Especially when you're ignoring the wiki pages with the loot tables and relying solely on the drop rate research pages.

  14. > @"Vyr.9387" said:

    > Just finished **one** Ebonhawk DRM:

    > No mastery (bought the Dragon Crystal, though), no CMs, solo.

    > Bronze chest (0/3, duh): karma thimble, common unid gear, emerald crystal, 2 darksteel ingots.

    > 3 crystals from the daily.

    > The Bronze Chest [drop research page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bronze_Rank_Chest/Drop_rate) claims similar results.


    > All in all, a pitifully small sample size, but it still brings Your memory, Ayrilana, into question, even if we disregard my run as already bugged (which would still at least show that the bug comes either from somewhere else, or from the crystal itself. A tiny step closer to the truth, but a step closer nonetheless).


    > On the other hand, the Gold Chest [drop research page](http://https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gold_Rank_Chest/Drop_rate) has exactly one crystal listed as looted in three runs, which would precisely explain the 3 or 4 crystal drops You mentioned.

    > Then again, sample size of a religious anecdote.


    Every single day that I do normal DRMs three times, I get one outside of the daily achievement each time. I've been doing them daily since they came out. You get more if doing CMs.


    Also, please look at the loot table.






    Additional materials while under the effect of a Dragon Boon, with the Crystal Forger mastery unlocked:

    * Prismaticite Crystal


    Additional materials while under the effect of an opposed Dragon Boon, with the Blade of Prophecy mastery unlocked:

    * Prismaticite Crystal


    I shouldn't have to be defending that you can get more than what's from the daily achievement when it's fairly evident when doing DRMs and documented on the wiki.

  15. > @"Vyr.9387" said:

    > Aren't the chests only sparingly parting with Prismaticite?

    > I might've just been spitting in the face of RNGzus too much lately, but I recall getting the crystals mainly as the daily reward (3 -> 2 -> 1), very rarely from drops.

    > Unless the rewards scale with party size; the vast majority of my runs were solo, duo at most.


    Doing normal, I would get one every single time from the chest. Doing CM, it was either 3 or 4 (probably 3). Party size doesn't matter. This is aside from the six from the daily and the two from the home instance node.


    > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > I think your mixing this up with defense seals right?

    > Cm gave alot of those but Prismaticite was only from daily yea if I remember right.


    No. You got these per DRM and they weren't daily restricted.

  16. I seem to recall getting 3 [prismaticite crystals](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prismaticite_Crystal) from doing a full CM. Now I'm getting just two which is the same as on normal. Is the new mastery overriding the CM rewards? My expectation was that I would get double the CM rewards (six), not less.


    EDIT: Wiki confirms that you get three crystals on CM. So I'm not getting the full rewards for CM with the new boost on.


    EDIT 2: It seems a poster continues to make things up about me well after a week of the thread being inactive. They first edited their post (right below this one claiming that I edited the posts after their final post in this thread. After I pointed out for them to check the timestamps, they slightly changed the accusation again. Why they're so obsessed with the personal attacks is beyond me. I've moved on from this thread as I do not care to do the CMs beyond the achievements. I suggest that they move on as well.


    Many of my posts have edits because I'm lazy and do not proof read before posting. The OCD part of me goes back and fixes spelling errors and grammar issues.


    EDIT 3: And they’re still doubling down. How funny that this means so much to them after the thread being inactive for over a week. Whatever fills the void for them caused by the pandemic I guess.

  17. > @"ChiYuri.6943" said:

    > I know that you guys are saying to "blame Apple", but the issue is with ArenaNet. They've been providing a service to Mac users that have machines using Intel processors. Now that Apple has moved forward with their own proprietary ARM processors, it is harder to make a launcher for two different types of machines. Yes, they are using the same MacOS. However, the difference in the processors can impact how the game is programmed and functions. I will say again, that I understand ANet not wanting to program and make the game work for the new ARM processor machines. However, they've happily provided service for those of us with Intel Macs for years. I believe they should continue to do so until the machines are obsolete, which would be years from now. They could just put a disclaimer that the launcher may not function with ARM processor models. Instead, they are abandoning Mac altogether without any consideration to those of us using those Intel Macs (which Apple was producing until only just recently).


    It would probably end up with them redesigning the game to work which probably isn’t feasible. Especially with a very small user base that is impacted.

  18. > @"Nordic Natedog.4360" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"Nordic Natedog.4360" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > @"Nordic Natedog.4360" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > Probably a visual bug where it disappears from the UI while in the keep.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I am pretty sure that death penalty is supposed to clear once you are ressed or waypoint after a full death.

    > > > >

    > > > > Nope. It’s never worked that way.

    > > > >

    > > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Downed_penalty

    > > >

    > > > Yes, it has always worked that way. Those stacks are when you haven't fully died yet. Once dead, you are reset on everything.

    > >

    > > It has never worked like that. If you disagree then please link a source that backs that up. The penalty stacks going away has always been time-based.


    > I has always worked that way. In fact, Anet has fixed it and it now is removed correctly.


    Just tested it. The stacks disappeared when I WP'd but they were back a few seconds later.


    As I stated in my post, if you believe it never worked that way then by all means provide your evidence. The wiki and my experience indicate that the stacks are timer-based.

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