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Posts posted by Ayrilana.1396

  1. It'll be more tedious if you're going for the two new weapon sets. You'll need 1,664 prismaticite crystals to craft all of the weapons. If you do the daily three DRMs for the daily achievement, it'll take you about 151 days to acquire those unless you do more than three a day and/or mix in CMs which I believe drop more. Or you can spend around 1,760 gold and buy them off the TP although I don’t believe there are that many listed and the price would certainly go up.


    Better get farming.


    Edit: The new mastery tier doubles the crystal drop assuming you have the opposite dragon's buff.

  2. > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > > > Different dialogue when? Like 99.99% of the dialogue, outside of the first three personal story arcs, are exactly the same across all races.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I still ask:

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > **What would a new playable race really offer that couldn't be accomplished without one being added?**

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > In the case of the Tengu it would add a new starter city with a new cultural immersion. Dominion of Winds could be added without playable Tengu but the PC would automatically be an outsider. Playing through the early story line before the Pact arc would be cool imo through the eyes and experiences of a Tengu. I know that doesn't sound like a lot of value for the work involved but it would be huge for some of us. The problem with a new playable race is that it adds massive value to some of us and little to none for others. I think the expansion needs a new playable race and something else that is just as big. This is unrealistic, however.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > None of what you've mentioned are dependent on there being a playable race though. There's nothing preventing Anet from dedicating a city and zone map for Tengu nor is there anything preventing them from dedicated some story arcs around the Tengu. The only thing a new race really adds is a means to RP as a Tengu.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You aren't wrong but that RP element is a big seller for some of us.

    > > > >

    > > > > But for how many? The cost to Anet would be considerable just to give some players another way to RP.

    > > >

    > > > I wish there was a way to know. We just have to trust that Anet is doing thier research and appeals to as many players as possible with new content. I personally think more people want a new race than don't but there is no way for me to confirm or prove that. All we can do is speculate and agree to disagree on this point.

    > >

    > > It’s not really about whether they want a new race or not but rather their reasons for wanting it. For pretty much every reason that doesn’t have to do with RP, Anet could add to the game without having to deal with the personal/living story implications as well as the costs associated with voicing a new race and updating/creating armor skins for it.


    > I personally want the lore from playing as a Tengu and want to create one from scratch which is why tonics are too limiting. There is so much potential story there. I would be happy with any new race really as long as they add meaningful story with them. I don't really RP independantly of the story anyway. It is a tall order though and at the end of the day I want them to go the route that brings the most success to the game. If that isn't a new race I will be perfectly happy with thier decision.


    You can get lore without playing as a new race such as the Tengu. It's not dependent on playing as the race. You could technically delete all but one race from the game and slightly modify the deleted races' personal story-lines to have the playable character of the kept race be a third party assisting what used to be the playable characters for those racial story-lines. You'd get basically the same story and lore but without the RP aspect of it.

  3. > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > Different dialogue when? Like 99.99% of the dialogue, outside of the first three personal story arcs, are exactly the same across all races.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I still ask:

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > **What would a new playable race really offer that couldn't be accomplished without one being added?**

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In the case of the Tengu it would add a new starter city with a new cultural immersion. Dominion of Winds could be added without playable Tengu but the PC would automatically be an outsider. Playing through the early story line before the Pact arc would be cool imo through the eyes and experiences of a Tengu. I know that doesn't sound like a lot of value for the work involved but it would be huge for some of us. The problem with a new playable race is that it adds massive value to some of us and little to none for others. I think the expansion needs a new playable race and something else that is just as big. This is unrealistic, however.

    > > > >

    > > > > None of what you've mentioned are dependent on there being a playable race though. There's nothing preventing Anet from dedicating a city and zone map for Tengu nor is there anything preventing them from dedicated some story arcs around the Tengu. The only thing a new race really adds is a means to RP as a Tengu.

    > > >

    > > > You aren't wrong but that RP element is a big seller for some of us.

    > >

    > > But for how many? The cost to Anet would be considerable just to give some players another way to RP.


    > I wish there was a way to know. We just have to trust that Anet is doing thier research and appeals to as many players as possible with new content. I personally think more people want a new race than don't but there is no way for me to confirm or prove that. All we can do is speculate and agree to disagree on this point.


    It’s not really about whether they want a new race or not but rather their reasons for wanting it. For pretty much every reason that doesn’t have to do with RP, Anet could add to the game without having to deal with the personal/living story implications as well as the costs associated with voicing a new race and updating/creating armor skins for it.

  4. > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > Different dialogue when? Like 99.99% of the dialogue, outside of the first three personal story arcs, are exactly the same across all races.

    > > > >

    > > > > I still ask:

    > > > >

    > > > > **What would a new playable race really offer that couldn't be accomplished without one being added?**

    > > >

    > > > In the case of the Tengu it would add a new starter city with a new cultural immersion. Dominion of Winds could be added without playable Tengu but the PC would automatically be an outsider. Playing through the early story line before the Pact arc would be cool imo through the eyes and experiences of a Tengu. I know that doesn't sound like a lot of value for the work involved but it would be huge for some of us. The problem with a new playable race is that it adds massive value to some of us and little to none for others. I think the expansion needs a new playable race and something else that is just as big. This is unrealistic, however.

    > >

    > > None of what you've mentioned are dependent on there being a playable race though. There's nothing preventing Anet from dedicating a city and zone map for Tengu nor is there anything preventing them from dedicated some story arcs around the Tengu. The only thing a new race really adds is a means to RP as a Tengu.


    > You aren't wrong but that RP element is a big seller for some of us.


    But for how many? The cost to Anet would be considerable just to give some players another way to RP.

  5. > @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

    > > > > > Read these forums, they are full of 8 years worth of suggestions. **None of them have been addressed** as ArenaNet does not care about WvW.

    > > > >

    > > > > With how many things that Anet adds/changes based on player feedback in this game, I find it doubtful that not one of them had anything to do with WvW.

    > > >

    > > > Ah, yes. Dollies desyncing, a certain camp in eb never showing as contested, population imbalance, lag issues, the list will be long when one means meaningful changes instead of your average "pLs NeRf *insert random class skill/utility* CaUsE i CaNt OuTpLaY iT". Not that certain skills aren't in the need of fixes, but there are more pressing issues.

    > >

    > > There’s a difference between stating none of the issues have been addressed versus stating none of the issues which matter to you have been addressed. I took issue with your statement doing the former.


    > For someone who comes to argue semantics you sure seem to take things very literal and have trouble reading into context.


    What context? You mean the one where someone asked what Anet can do to lift WvW up again and you responded by saying that Anet doesn't care about WvW because out of the 8 years of suggestions, **none** of them have been addressed?


    A new map was requested on the forums and a new map was later added. Mounts were requested for WvW and a mount was later added. There were complaints about night capping so skirmishes were added to reduce their impact. They addressed culling during the first couple of years which was often complained about. I'm sure that I could find more if I searched.


    But yeah, none of the suggestions made on the forums over the past 8 years have been addressed... Those don't count.

  6. > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > Different dialogue when? Like 99.99% of the dialogue, outside of the first three personal story arcs, are exactly the same across all races.

    > >

    > > I still ask:

    > >

    > > **What would a new playable race really offer that couldn't be accomplished without one being added?**


    > In the case of the Tengu it would add a new starter city with a new cultural immersion. Dominion of Winds could be added without playable Tengu but the PC would automatically be an outsider. Playing through the early story line before the Pact arc would be cool imo through the eyes and experiences of a Tengu. I know that doesn't sound like a lot of value for the work involved but it would be huge for some of us. The problem with a new playable race is that it adds massive value to some of us and little to none for others. I think the expansion needs a new playable race and something else that is just as big. This is unrealistic, however.


    None of what you've mentioned are dependent on there being a playable race though. There's nothing preventing Anet from dedicating a city and zone map for Tengu nor is there anything preventing them from dedicated some story arcs around the Tengu. The only thing a new race really adds is a means to RP as a Tengu.

  7. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

    > > > Read these forums, they are full of 8 years worth of suggestions. **None of them have been addressed** as ArenaNet does not care about WvW.

    > >

    > > With how many things that Anet adds/changes based on player feedback in this game, I find it doubtful that not one of them had anything to do with WvW.


    > Ah, yes. Dollies desyncing, a certain camp in eb never showing as contested, population imbalance, lag issues, the list will be long when one means meaningful changes instead of your average "pLs NeRf *insert random class skill/utility* CaUsE i CaNt OuTpLaY iT". Not that certain skills aren't in the need of fixes, but there are more pressing issues.


    There’s a difference between stating none of the issues have been addressed versus stating none of the issues which matter to you have been addressed. I took issue with your statement doing the former.

  8. > @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

    > Read these forums, they are full of 8 years worth of suggestions. **None of them have been addressed** as ArenaNet does not care about WvW.


    With how many things that Anet adds/changes based on player feedback in this game, I find it doubtful that not one of them had anything to do with WvW.

  9. > @"Fangoth.4503" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:


    > > I already mentioned how it was harmful. I'll copy and paste it again (and likely a third time in a future post).

    > >

    > > What do you think would have happened had you been able to get them much quicker and faster such as from grinding Mursaat Overseer over a weekend or two? Would you have done the other bosses beyond what was required for the collections? The current time-gated incentivizes players to do all bosses to maximize their LI gain. Removing this time-gate would essentially remove players from the raid playerbase pool as they'd just follow the path of least resistance. This is harmful to raids.


    > So it is bad because it will remove player that don't like raiding while those that enjoy it will stay? how this is a bad thing?



    There are many things that people don't necessarily like but do because of the achievements and/or rewards. Less people doing raids obviously means a lower raiding population. That's hardly a good thing. But of course you appear to disagree... repeatedly.


    > > New players who would take the path of least resistance and grind out the easiest and quickest boss? Those same players who would likely not touch the other bosses except for the one time needed for the collections? Yeah, I doubt I'd ever see those players when pugging. What about those who raid solely for legendary armor and the ring? Now that they can get LI much quicker they'll stop doing raids so much sooner. All that's left are those who don't care for LI.

    > >

    > > Real beneficial to raids. (hint: it's not)

    > What a selfish thinking, forcing player to play with you for longer because they want an armor...

    > you should rather focus on player that mentionned below rather than those that don't like the content. forcing player to do something they don't like for 9-12month is just bad




    Funny that you should focus solely on the timing aspect it would take to acquire legendary armor and not the real issue that I have brought up twice to you so far. Why not argue against that instead of choosing the parts that are easier to argue against for you?


    Having a raid population, as well as one that encourages players to participate, is beneficial. The weekly timegate encourages players to participate in raids over a long term as well as in doing all of the bosses each week. This helps maintain the population.


    > > Some people like the challenge and content. That doesn't apply to everyone.


    Then raids are not for them. Raids were designed to be the most challenging content in the game.


    > > Your suggestion would take away players from the existing playerbase and reduce the number of new players. It would also diminish the effort taken to obtain the legendary armor and ring.

    > mine is to let player that don't enjoy raid get over it quickly while player that enjoy raiding for the challend and or improve to continue which will improve lfg quality.

    > While yours is to force player to play content they don't enjoy, how does it makes thing better? have you tried to force people to be your friend IRL? its pretty much as bad as that.

    > and legendary armor isn't really an effort anymore since a player that would have done easy stuff since release have it by now (sw, trio, escort cover 750 if you've been steady to it) so it's not less an effor that those who decided to cheeze it from start.



    If they do not enjoy raids then they can simply not do them. Having LI time-gated makes things better as it helps maintain the population over the long term. It also encourages players to complete all of the wings every week. Rewards are a driving force for a large percentage of players in the game. What happens if Anet reduced the amount of gold players could obtain from fractals. Would just as many players still do them or would they abandon them like they did dungeons? Surely there are players who do fractals who don't necessarily enjoy them. How about all of the various farms in the game. There are people that don't enjoy the grind so would taking them away from the population that do the metas be beneficial? The Serpents Ire meta is sure flourishing.


    > > I rarely see LI as KP is a better estimate of someone's experience at a particular boss. All bosses give KP included wings 1-4.

    > well I guess you're playing on NA. EU lfg are mostly made with LI for w1-4 and kp for w5-7

    > as you say all boss (except trio) gives kp so doesn't matter if you gives the opportunity to to have more LI as kp will still be a proof of knowing X or Y boss



    It's odd that W1-4 and W5-7 are treated different as far as requirements. Players using something as a means to filter out players in their LFG isn't a reason to increase the speed one can acquire them when they're tied to rewards. Especially a reward which is a motivator for players to do raids.


    EDIT: Since I'm finding myself repeating myself there really isn't much left to say. If you feel that a lower population is better then that's your opinion but it's one I believe that the vast majority would disagree with. It's also a change that's incredibly unlikely to ever happen.

  10. > @"Fangoth.4503" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > >

    > > You stopped doing raids when you lost use for them. What do you think would have happened had you been able to get them much quicker and faster such as from grinding Mursaat Overseer over a weekend or two? Would you have done the other bosses beyond what was required for the collections? The current time-gated incentivizes players to do all bosses to maximize their LI gain. Removing this time-gate would essentially remove players from the raid playerbase pool as they'd just follow the path of least resistance. **This is harmful to raids.**


    > I didn't stop playing raid and still does 2-3 fc/week even though after first kill there is no reward. ofc i would do other than cairn and mo as those boss aren't that interesting by themselves, i'm most often doing dhuum and q2 often up to 10 times a week.


    Ok. The whole "stopped" part was confusing and that was what I interpreted it as.


    > How is it harmful though? You mentionned below that LI are not a proof of experience so according to you it shouldn't influence lfg quality, the only thing that it would create is to allow player that don't care much about raid to get their armor faster and quit raid faster. but if you realise that w1-4 are mostly asking li then lfg might switch to kp which is totally fine.


    I already mentioned how it was harmful. I'll copy and paste it again (and likely a third time in a future post).


    What do you think would have happened had you been able to get them much quicker and faster such as from grinding Mursaat Overseer over a weekend or two? Would you have done the other bosses beyond what was required for the collections? The current time-gated incentivizes players to do all bosses to maximize their LI gain. Removing this time-gate would essentially remove players from the raid playerbase pool as they'd just follow the path of least resistance. This is harmful to raids.


    > Nothing harmful, you just need to stop fearing new players



    New players who would take the path of least resistance and grind out the easiest and quickest boss? Those same players who would likely not touch the other bosses except for the one time needed for the collections? Yeah, I doubt I'd ever see those players when pugging. What about those who raid solely for legendary armor and the ring? Now that they can get LI much quicker they'll stop doing raids so much sooner. All that's left are those who don't care for LI.


    Real beneficial to raids. (hint: it's not)


    > > It's the same exact thing that you see in open world maps once players have gotten all of the rewards and achievements. Surprisingly, they stop playing those maps.


    > why people still raid then? above 750li for armor and 150 ld for coalescence you have no need for any li/ld, and farming maps are more interesting goldwise.



    Some people like the challenge and content. That doesn't apply to everyone. Some people like dungeons and still do them despite having all of the skins. Others could care less about them and haven't touched them since getting all of the skins. The same can be said about the countless LS maps including those of the expansions. Just because some players still do them despite having all of the primary rewards doesn't mean than everyone else will do the same.


    Your suggestion would take away players from the existing playerbase and reduce the number of new players. It would also diminish the effort taken to obtain the legendary armor and ring.


    > > Experience is primarily measured by KP, not LI.


    > this is why w1-4 lfg ask for 100 to 500 LI (sometimes even more but for some reason the quality drops)


    I rarely see LI as KP is a better estimate of someone's experience at a particular boss. All bosses give KP included wings 1-4.

  11. > @"Fangoth.4503" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"Fangoth.4503" said:

    > > > > @"The Fear.3865" said:

    > > > > > @"Fangoth.4503" said:

    > > > > > 25gold an hour isn't that much anyway. magnetite/gaeting and ascended gear should be weekly. Gold, exotics, li and kp should be per kill so people are not timegated for li/kp and raid income would get a bit closer to pve farms. the biggest issue would be people farming cairn or mo and get 2 gold every 1.5-2 min and i guess it can be countered by reducing the reward if its repeated too often.

    > > > >

    > > > > LI should remains weekly rewards, it would be unfair for peepo farming raids for years.

    > >

    > > LI should be time-gated otherwise players would just farm the easiest boss over and over. Before you counter me about players currently being able to do that, realize that doing so takes about 3 years for the first legendary armor set. Having LI not timegated to weekly would be harmful to raids.


    > not at all, i stopped to raid for the LI long ago, when you reach 750LI and 150LD they are just worthless so it's not an issue having player able to earn them faster and armors would still be timegated behind provisioner token. no harm done to raid at all.



    You stopped doing raids when you lost use for them. What do you think would have happened had you been able to get them much quicker and faster such as from grinding Mursaat Overseer over a weekend or two? Would you have done the other bosses beyond what was required for the collections? The current time-gated incentivizes players to do all bosses to maximize their LI gain. Removing this time-gate would essentially remove players from the raid playerbase pool as they'd just follow the path of least resistance. **This is harmful to raids.**


    It's the same exact thing that you see in open world maps once players have gotten all of the rewards and achievements. Surprisingly, they stop playing those maps.


    > but not having a catchup mech is harmfull for raid as newcomer have their "experience" timegated even though if they kill vg over and over for a week they can reach a level above pug average for this boss


    Experience is primarily measured by KP, not LI.

  12. > @"Fangoth.4503" said:

    > > @"The Fear.3865" said:

    > > > @"Fangoth.4503" said:

    > > > 25gold an hour isn't that much anyway. magnetite/gaeting and ascended gear should be weekly. Gold, exotics, li and kp should be per kill so people are not timegated for li/kp and raid income would get a bit closer to pve farms. the biggest issue would be people farming cairn or mo and get 2 gold every 1.5-2 min and i guess it can be countered by reducing the reward if its repeated too often.

    > >

    > > LI should remains weekly rewards, it would be unfair for peepo farming raids for years.


    LI should be time-gated otherwise players would just farm the easiest boss over and over. Before you counter me about players currently being able to do that, realize that doing so takes about 3 years for the first legendary armor set. Having LI not timegated to weekly would be harmful to raids.

  13. > @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

    > If you ask me, ArenaNet wanted more people to be raiding, and their explanation of strike missions was 'look guys! a ramp to help you get into raiding!!'. When that didn't work, they switched over to Dragon Response Missions and Sunqua Peak (the upper level fractal) as additional ways of trying to get people into more 'challenging end-game content'.



    DRMs and Sunqua Peak are not replacements for strikes.



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