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Posts posted by Ayrilana.1396

  1. The break bar is bugged as the boss can still gets boons if it's broken too quickly which significantly increases its damage output. Other than that, everything else is fine.

  2. > @"Nightcore.5621" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > 10K is the cap on the TP so it was never 19K there


    > IT was sold for 18k / 19k on reddit


    Reddit is not the TP.


    I also went back on that subreddit, well past the recent update that increased the drop rate, and it has been selling between 10-11K for months. About seven months ago it was selling for around 16K. So I'm not seeing how you're attributing the recent update to the price reduction.

  3. > > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > > > @"Cuks.8241" said:

    > > > > @"Fangoth.4503" said:

    > > > > just don't, it's super annoying to receive invite when you choose to go in public to not have to deal with a group

    > > >

    > > > If you want to be alone play private. Party forming is one of the basic concepts of mmorpgs. Of course, I'm going to invite people into a party if we do the same activity. Besides decline is one click away.

    > >

    > > Have to correct you, "Party forming is one of the basic concepts of **other** mmorpgs. "


    > "Party forming **used to be** one of the basic concepts of other mmorpgs. "



    It still is.

  4. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > Along with removing daily AP, all of the AP tied to unavailable achievements should be removed as well. This way those who actually care to compete are on even ground as every AP is obtainable. It'll be an actual achievement system.


    > Given how they never removed achievement points even when they replaced an achievement with another one (remember Drakkar?) it's quite likely that they do not want to mess with achievement point totals in any way. Probably due to the problems it would create with rewards. The better option for unavailable achievements is to provide a new way of acquiring them. An increase of the daily AP limit up to the amount of unavailable AP is one such proposal that appears often on the forums.


    Yeah. I'm saying the daily AP and such should be removed knowing full well that it will very likely never ever ever happen. Increasing the AP cap for dailies by the amount of unavailable AP would apply to everyone including those who already have some or all of that AP. So as far as the "competition" argument goes, this would have zero impact. Raising the cap would have zero impact as everyone, including those high up, would have equal access to obtaining that AP. This is why I believe that the entire reason that people want the daily AP cap to be increased is because they want the AP armor skins but don't want to do the achievements to earn them. Why spend all the effort to grind out achievements like others did when one can simply request the daily AP cap to be increased so that you can spend a few minutes every day getting an easy 10 AP.

  5. > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > > > I think it should be simple and shouldnt be capped. I think fair for all sounds like everyone getting the same access to the same AP. People who grinded AP when it was easier to get dont deserve a special spot at all. Also everyone should have to continue to compete to stay on top of things like ap because its a game. That is the nature of games. I would love some rewards to motivate me to do dailies.

    > >

    > > They compete by doing all of the achievements in the game and not by who can get ported to the end of a JP every day.


    > I don't think it makes any sense to remove a large motive for people doing daily content to please people who dont actually login daily and like play...



    My reasoning wasn't to appease players who don't login or like to play. It was about making AP mean something beyond who can get a port every day to the end of a JP or to run to the easiest rich node.


    > Anyone who actually does everything as you say would also to the daily 10 ap. Sothat seems like a kitten reason. It seeems more like that just lets people do less to _compete_ which, at that point, sounds allot like cheating.



    The daily 10 AP is requires players to do substantially less to "compete" so having that in a sense is cheating as well as trying to increase the cap in order to make it easier. One of the reasons that players use for the cap to be increased is to make it easier for them to compete. The other reason is that they simply want it to be easier to obtain the AP armor skins and don't want to put in the effort to do the other achievements which players who earned those skins have already completed.


    > In other words, people you speak of would still be ahead in what ever competition for ap they feel they are in if they actually play and do everything and are active. If they only login once in a while when things like festivals are around they will fall behind as they should. I dont care who has the most ap, but I like getting progression from the dailies to get new chests and stuff once in a while. It gives me things to look forward to. It seems to remove a good motivation to cap ap at 15k. Furthermore, it seems to encourage some unhealthy ways of looking at ap.


    Along with removing daily AP, all of the AP tied to unavailable achievements should be removed as well. This way those who actually care to compete are on even ground as every AP is obtainable. It'll be an actual achievement system.

  6. > @"Nemesis.8576" said:

    > After playing some of both Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire, I can't see myself buying End of Dragons. Why do the mobs have more HP in these expansions?


    > Why is the aggro radius so high?


    It's really no higher than elsewhere in the game with very few exceptions. I think the mobs with the largest aggro range are the white mantle knights or whatever which you see in LS3E1.


    > It seems that some content will require different mounts to reach. This is rather annoying.


    That's kind of the point but after you get the mounts you have permanent access. You can obtain the first four mounts within 8 hours so it's not like players are severely impacted.


    > Why are portals to the zones obscured in many cases?


    Obscured? Do you have an example?


    > Where are the roads in these new areas?


    In HoT, there are none because you're in a jungle. That said, there are some clearly identifiable paths on the map and mini map which can be followed to get around. For PoF, it felt about the same as some core Tyria maps.


    > the fact that things are constantly attacking you make the game nearly unplayable


    The enemies are not really so clustered that you're constantly getting attacked with the exception of enemy camps such as the one in Crystal Desert.


    > You should not have to do anything special for that glider.


    You don't. You simply spend like 10 min doing events to gain enough XP to unlock it.


    > The glider seems to be a must have in this region.


    It makes things easier but it's not a necessity for the majority of the content.


    > why do something special for the PoF mounts considering you can't seem to complete content without them?


    Some content is behind them but the majority of content should be available without them. That said, you can get the first four mounts within 8 hours.



  7. > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > I think it should be simple and shouldnt be capped. I think fair for all sounds like everyone getting the same access to the same AP. People who grinded AP when it was easier to get dont deserve a special spot at all. Also everyone should have to continue to compete to stay on top of things like ap because its a game. That is the nature of games. I would love some rewards to motivate me to do dailies.


    They compete by doing all of the achievements in the game and not by who can get ported to the end of a JP every day.

  8. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > To be honest, they should just remove AP from dailies, as well as retroactively, and then balance the rewards around that. AP has become so watered down because of the dailies.


    > What about rewards from AP people have already gained? How would that work? Would they have to gain that many AP again before they restart the reward track?


    Depends on how they're reworked but I'd say that they wouldn't earn the rewards a second time. Those who relied heavily on daily AP will have more work cut out for them than those who did not.

  9. > @"TheThief.8475" said:

    > maybe when there was no expansion plan, the drm would have been released alongside a new map (who knows, they said **plans changed** when they were told to develop a new expansion this is the reality - i'm not inventing it).


    This all assuming that DRMs were actually planned to be included from the start of the saga and not added as cheap filler content later on in order to keep us busy until the expansion.


  10. A lot of the players tend to make empty claims so while you may get a lot who say they wouldn't buy the expansion until there's a way to hide special effects, the vast majority would still buy it. While excessive special effects can get annoying at time, I don't believe that it's really a large enough issue for people to forego new content. Depending on how long they hold off on buying the expansion, this can set them back significantly, as well as make it more difficult to complete content tied to groups, as people have undoubtedly experienced with LS and PoF content.

  11. The announcement of legendary armory caused me to stop making them but honestly that was only the light armor raid set as I have one from WvW. Everything else I already had from before it was made. There’s really no point in creating something that would end up being a duplicate other that the two exceptions having AP tied to them.

  12. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > > > Prime time is when the most people are using their internet so that's when there is likely to be congestion issues on the networks.

    > > > > > > > Thats not how server lag works.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > You’re assuming the issue is the servers themselves.

    > > > > > We know it is since Anet has described the server skill queue not keeping up with the amount of players (hence their solution has been to reduce player counts).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > This has nothing to do with prime time however. 50vs50 at 20:00 or 50vs50 at 03:00 is the same scenario for the skill queue.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Source?

    > > > >

    > > > > ...

    > > >

    > > > It's not exactly obscure knowledge.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Then a source for that particular reason should be easy to provide.


    > If the search function worked on the old forums, yes.

    > Funny a software company needed two tries to make a working bulletin board, but that's Anet.


    Forum post from well over three years ago when the issue could very well be entirely different and especially considering the sharp uptick in complaints since about a year ago?

  13. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

    > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > +1

    > > How do you know there is a zerg in map - your skills are not responding. Been like this for years :<

    > for me its only if i am nearby that happening. and at some (lately rare) occasions, all maps have odd lags for no reason. especially during reset/relink/prime


    > @"Ayrilana.1396" they're correct there, this has been mentioned somewhere.


    > overall, the skill/lag and rubberbands overall have gotten more rare ... but yes, anet should just make the servers less potato. latest with steam release (should that ever come) they'll have to get more or better servers anyways.


    I’ve been in zerg fights before with no skill lags or anything. I don’t recall ever seeing them give the reason that the poster had given. I’ve seen things that start as a lie or misinterpretation and spread around enough to be taken as if it were fact.

  14. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > It's probably more likely due to the difficulty of completing them with pugs than difficulty with the encounters themselves. Anyone who raids regularly is more than capable of doing the mechanics presented in the DRM CMs.



    > This particular group of people was a guild group. When i've done training runs with these guys their DPS has usually been on-spot.


    > Also, my other comments still stand, I would do just as poorly on ranged as I would melee if I'm a bad player, so there is use for ranged on this fight. You also still don't mention swapping to range while he's standing in the left over AOE puddle when you talked about that being a given before, the conversation had gone far past instructional at this point, I was just calling out previous posts for how toxic they were.




    That was because you were calling for ranged attacks to be primarily used since you’re calling it the meta or think it is. The argument was over that and not about using ranged attacks when applicable.

  15. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > Which is hilarious because everyone here is acting so arrogant about these encounters, but their advice doesn't even match the CM mechanics, there's a hell of a lot more than "just dodge" which has been featured at least twice as the solution to running melee.


    **~ Field of Ruin ~**


    * At every 20% the boss phases and you'll need to stand in the large green circle in the middle before the attack goes off. I believe the location of the circle is the same for each phase so it's easy to predict where you need to go although you're given plenty of time assuming you don't get chain CC'd by the shock waves and then downed.

    * Jump over or dodge through the shock waves. You can also put your back against something, such as the statue, to limit how much you're knocked around.

    * When you see him lift his arm, and a pulsing animation on the ground in front of him, get away from the boss. Be prepared to either jump or dodge the shock wave but stay away from the boss. Here is where you'd use range attacks until the boss leaves the fire AoE on the ground.

    * Avoid the large conic attack as this will pull you into the boss and most likely the fire AoE field. Either walk or dodge out of it.


    **~ Thunderhead Peaks ~**


    * Dodge through or jump over the shock waves.

    * Destroy the eggs left by the boss after it dashes so that elite destroyers don't spawn.

    * Destroy the lava mounds/fissures to reduce the lava elemental spawns.

    * Use CC on the break bar to prevent the massive attack that will likely down everyone.

    * Don't stand in fire.


    **~ Snowden ~**


    * Boon strip the boss. There are sigils that can do this if your class doesn't have access to boon removal/corruption.

    * Avoid the AoE ice circle attacks. Three circles always spawn on three sides of the boss with the fourth side always safe. Just stand there.

    * Dodge the expanding large circle attack that occurs immediately after the AoE ice circles attack.

    * Dodge out of the cone attack.

    * CC the boss.


    **~ Lake Doric ~**


    * CC the boss

    * Have condition removal to counteract chill

    * Dodge the circle attacks that spawn under each players feet


    > Decent =/= master. You're twisting my words to embarass me. 20k+ is acceptable DPS in many raid encounters. I'm saying I can pull my weight as a raider, not that I'm super proficient. It's crazy I have to spell this kitten out for you guys, like you can't math the average DPS on a boss and see that'd work. Which both of these things in context are hilarious. It's obvious the skill level of some of the snobs here is non-existent if they can't intelligently explain how they're dealing with mechanics, but I'm open about my skill level and get mocked and a "like" pileup on it when it's entirely irrelevant to the conversation.


    20k on a golem doesn't translate to 20k when fighting an actual boss. More skilled players can come close to that on certain bosses but you almost always will not DPS a boss as much as you would a golem. So you say that you can do 20K on a golem but with mechanics taken into account, it'll be much lower. How much DPS do you do on the FoR and Snowden bosses with power Chrono?


    > On a somewhat unrelated note, I'm seeing lots of complaints about the difficulty on these, even from more seasoned people than me in my guild's discord (that actually raid and try to hit the benchmarks).


    It's probably more likely due to the difficulty of completing them with pugs than difficulty with the encounters themselves. Anyone who raids regularly is more than capable of doing the mechanics presented in the DRM CMs.


    The primary reason that players fail the CMs is because of very poor DPS. This is due to a combination of them doing very poor damage with their build in general (e.g. auto attacks/mashing skills with defensive gear) and failing mechanics.


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