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Posts posted by Ayrilana.1396

  1. > @"danfenton.7329" said:

    > So I'll say that I've player GW2 on at least three different systems since I started and all were far from gaming powerhouses. I started playing when I was in the US, but I moved to Germany a while ago. Even my old crappy laptop will run things fairly smoothly if it doesn't overheat--as long as I'm playing before like 5PM. I get the impression that this may have to do with when people in the Americas are getting up an logging on, because there is a MASSIVE difference in the number of people I see at events.

    > This has definitely been more of an issue in the past year, definitely starting not long after COVID lockdowns started going into effect in the US. In the last month, especially around Christmas and NY when people are home from work and school, it's been REALLY bad. If I really want to get anything on the game done, I make kitten sure I do it before 5PM here because after that I start getting massive lag and disconnection issues. When it lags, it seems to lag for everyone, not just me, so I'm guessing it's on the server end. Sometimes it's bad enough that the game flat out won't connect.

    > The GMs asked me to try redownloading the game to fix a story chapter graphic bug, and I made the mistake of starting this at like 6PM. And the later it gets, the longer the DL estimate gets. A little while ago the estimate would have given me a total time of like 14 hours. It took like an hour and a half tops to do the installer and start playing when I ran it the first time on this computer a few weeks ago.

    > Given the specs you've listed, the fact that it seems to largely be an issue when you play GW2, and my own experiences, I'd say the issue isn't really on your end. There are things you can do to speed up the game in general, which some other folks have suggested, and there's no reason you can't do those anyways, but if the problem lies on the server end, you're still likely going to have some issues.


    That sounds more like network congestion rather than anything on the server end.

  2. > @"nopinopa.4861" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"nopinopa.4861" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > @"nopinopa.4861" said:

    > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Alexchaos.6528" said:

    > > > > > > > Maybe they should've made the DRMs as new semi-Meta events in old maps instead of instanced content. I find it more engaging while doing events with lots of people and it also makes the world more "alive" hence why it's called living world I guess. This doesn't feel like a living world update at all imo.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > They'd end up as other maps' events. Unfortunately the biggest driver to keep players playing are rewards which hold their value over time.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > They could do it meta on older map and still give us good reward. Just like Anomaly: everyone come there for their 1 MC a day

    > > > >

    > > > > A meta event on the map itself would make it nothing but a boring zerg fest. The reward shouldn’t be tied to a single item as a reward as it would tank the price of that item and we’ll be right back to where it’s not worth doing.

    > > >

    > > > Well, we always get new currencies with a new low episode, so give this currency, [bring back trikey chest] — actually, literally anything, even plain zergs, are way better than what we have now in drm

    > >

    > > So the pinnacle of PvE content when it comes to greatness is content which all players in the map just mass up and wait their auto attacks? I guess I see why this game isn’t so as well as other MMOs. Such appeal!

    > >

    > > Making DRMs open world wouldn’t fix anything. They’d be no different than the majority of the other metas which players have abandoned once they got all of the unique rewards and/or achievements.

    > >

    > > DRMs already have a currency. Actually, they technically have three at the moment. What they need are better rewards which won’t lose value over time. But let’s be honest, this is LS and likely not intended to be done over the long term like the majority of the other LS content.

    > >


    > Hmm. Looks like we start to argue about different things now.


    We're not talking about different things..

  3. > @"nopinopa.4861" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"nopinopa.4861" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > @"Alexchaos.6528" said:

    > > > > > Maybe they should've made the DRMs as new semi-Meta events in old maps instead of instanced content. I find it more engaging while doing events with lots of people and it also makes the world more "alive" hence why it's called living world I guess. This doesn't feel like a living world update at all imo.

    > > > >

    > > > > They'd end up as other maps' events. Unfortunately the biggest driver to keep players playing are rewards which hold their value over time.

    > > >

    > > > They could do it meta on older map and still give us good reward. Just like Anomaly: everyone come there for their 1 MC a day

    > >

    > > A meta event on the map itself would make it nothing but a boring zerg fest. The reward shouldn’t be tied to a single item as a reward as it would tank the price of that item and we’ll be right back to where it’s not worth doing.


    > Well, we always get new currencies with a new low episode, so give this currency, [bring back trikey chest] — actually, literally anything, even plain zergs, are way better than what we have now in drm


    So the pinnacle of PvE content when it comes to greatness is content which all players in the map just mass up and wait their auto attacks? I guess I see why this game isn’t so as well as other MMOs. Such appeal!


    Making DRMs open world wouldn’t fix anything. They’d be no different than the majority of the other metas which players have abandoned once they got all of the unique rewards and/or achievements.


    DRMs already have a currency. Actually, they technically have three at the moment. What they need are better rewards which won’t lose value over time. But let’s be honest, this is LS and likely not intended to be done over the long term like the majority of the other LS content.


  4. > @"Silvia.9130" said:

    > I agree. I also experience huge lag when in Amnoon, which makes it really problematic when there is a massive crowd of people.



    Lower the character model limit. If that doesn’t work then reduce the other graphic settings.


    > Also, it would be nice to do something about the like 90% of people just afking during the pre-events but getting the same exact rewards as those few fools (like myself) who actually do the pre.

    > Or at least add some new items with those casino coins, that would be awesome too :)


    You’re looking at like 3-5 coins depending on the round in order for them to “do their part”. If adjustments are to be made here then they **must** be made to every other meta with pre-events. People who don’t do portals to spawn SB don’t get credit. People who don’t do the pre-events for Modnir don’t get credit. People who don’t help claim at least one camp in SSC don’t get credit. The list can certainly go on.

  5. > @"nopinopa.4861" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"Alexchaos.6528" said:

    > > > Maybe they should've made the DRMs as new semi-Meta events in old maps instead of instanced content. I find it more engaging while doing events with lots of people and it also makes the world more "alive" hence why it's called living world I guess. This doesn't feel like a living world update at all imo.

    > >

    > > They'd end up as other maps' events. Unfortunately the biggest driver to keep players playing are rewards which hold their value over time.


    > They could do it meta on older map and still give us good reward. Just like Anomaly: everyone come there for their 1 MC a day


    A meta event on the map itself would make it nothing but a boring zerg fest. The reward shouldn’t be tied to a single item as a reward as it would tank the price of that item and we’ll be right back to where it’s not worth doing.

  6. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > How does people who worked on other projects unrelated to GW2 mean missing content from GW2 when they were laid off? Those same people working on other projects were likely doing that during LS4 too.


    > As GW2's is Arenanet primary source of income (if not their only source), it means those side projects were financed with GW2 money.

    > This means, money that had been made with GW2 had not been used to make content or other things for GW2.


    > Imagine these people had worked on GW2 instead of the now-cancelled side projects (which resulted in loss of the GW2 money spent on them).

    > One can easily consider that "missing content".



    As I said in my post, they were working on these side projects during LS4 and yet comments were made that this has impacted content **now** rather than back then. This doesn’t make much sense.

  7. > @"Solvar.7953" said:

    > The reason I want mounts & gliders allowed in jumping puzzles isn't to make it easy to get rewards, but so that instead these no mount/no gliding areas don't exist on the maps, so you don't suddenly get dismounted if you get too close to a jumping puzzle.

    > For JPs that are sufficiently isolated from the map, I don't really care. Though if the goal is to really make sure people do the JP the 'right' way, portals and TP to a friend should also get removed, but people seem upset about that (why is bypassing them one way OK, but another way not?)



    Anet can just expand the warning zone then so plays have more time to react. It’s not like these jumping puzzles are really all in places that inconvenience those using mounts.

  8. > @"Solvar.7953" said:

    > The rewards for the JPs are such kitten anyways, that I can hardly imagine people using mounts would be a very big deal, though it does sort of defeat the point of the puzzle.


    Then it wouldn't matter if they remained not allowed in JPs either. If the loot doesn't matter then people who do not want to run the JP can just not do them.

  9. > @"Alexchaos.6528" said:

    > Maybe they should've made the DRMs as new semi-Meta events in old maps instead of instanced content. I find it more engaging while doing events with lots of people and it also makes the world more "alive" hence why it's called living world I guess. This doesn't feel like a living world update at all imo.


    They'd end up as other maps' events. Unfortunately the biggest driver to keep players playing are rewards which hold their value over time.

  10. > @"battledrone.8315" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > @"DKRathalos.9625" said:

    > > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > > I don't understand why ANet repeatedly introduces "a new thing" only to abandon it soon after?

    > > > > * Dungeons: were replaced by Fractals :-1:

    > > > > * Bounties: were replaced by Strike Missions (_okay, I never liked bounties to begin with_)

    > > > > * Strikes: were replaced by Dragon Response Missions

    > > > > * WvW: also a neglected/abandoned child

    > > > >

    > > > > A lot of players were expecting a new Strike Mission with this episode - I hope there _will_ be one by the end. It's a great game mode.

    > > > >

    > > > > Just stick to _something_ I say. Dungeons were great, why the need for Fractals? Strike Missions were fun, why the need for DRMs, which are lengthy and boring to repeat?

    > > >

    > > > Easy because apparently they laid of too much employee and senior staffs? Or maybe people quitting anet too. If you look at anet career post they look some people to fill crucial position. Which mean they are currently undermanned and of course we got underwhelming "new things" in result.

    > > > They just doing the minimum (or below minimum maybe?) to hold community's interest like when they announce alliance to keep people hope but never deliver it.

    > >

    > > Layoffs had nothing to do with GW2. I really wish people would stop saying so.


    > they were on GW2 payroll, but they were working on "other projects". that is not "nothing".this means is a lot of content missing from THIS game.

    > content they are sorely missing now.


    How does people who worked on other projects unrelated to GW2 mean missing content from GW2 when they were laid off? Those same people working on other projects were likely doing that during LS4 too.

  11. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"leila.7962" said:

    > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > Why is this a problem? Do these players prevent others from achieving the rewards?

    > > >

    > > > The afkers occupy 'players slots' in the current instance. Instead of having more people to help, you have less people actually doing things while these people leech rewards. If the maps didn't have a player cap it would not matter, but since they do, leeching players do matter. Less people doing things will make the metas even longer to complete.

    > >

    > > Everything scales though and AFK players don’t count towards that.


    > DRM mobs scale with the number of players in the event area. It used to be the map, but people can still afk and not participate and still scale up the mobs and champ just by being close.


    Not really based on where people tend to AFK.

  12. > @"Dragon.4782" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > No chance they being playable but probabely one of the allies we rep up get help from in dragon respons mission and buy stuff from.


    > The Devs once said that mounts were not an option. Now we have eight different mounts...


    Do you have a source stating that it was not an option?

  13. > @"levelmakerguru.7210" said:

    > if you want people to farm them then give them one per event, then people would be in silverwastes all the time.


    No they wouldn’t. Increasing the drop rate on something with extremely limited uses would not cause people to farm Silverwastes all the time. If a particular item is the reason people are farming Silverwastes then increasing the drop rate would speed up the time until players no longer need to farm the map.


  14. > @"PulsarianDevil.8125" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > Enough players based on what? How many players in this games are into PvP? Of those, how many do you think would do this activity throughout the year?

    > >

    > > All of this doesn't matter because it's such a niche activity, as well as intended to be a part of the festival, that it's very unlikely that it'll be made permanent. It falls under the same scenario as those who want SAB permanent.


    > I will restate exactly what I said before: "It's better to have the option to play it than not. If you don't want to play it, you don't have to."


    It's not even about that as it's about pulling content away from festivals because someone wants one aspect of it to be permanent. They then fail to realize that the number of players who would play it would fade over time making it unplayable at certain hours if at all.


    Making this permanent would also set the precedent for other players to demand other activities from festivals to be made permanent. If they get their way too then everyone will be left with festivals that are essentially meaningless. Meaningless being content that you could already do throughout the year.

  15. > @"leila.7962" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > Why is this a problem? Do these players prevent others from achieving the rewards?


    > The afkers occupy 'players slots' in the current instance. Instead of having more people to help, you have less people actually doing things while these people leech rewards. If the maps didn't have a player cap it would not matter, but since they do, leeching players do matter. Less people doing things will make the metas even longer to complete.


    Everything scales though and AFK players don’t count towards that.

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