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Posts posted by Ayrilana.1396

  1. > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > "Community", that's a good one. Community feel would be team work, but since this is an MMO, that isn't going to happen unless it improves/increases rewards, and then you would just get the raid community BS.


    “Community” doesn’t necessarily have to be teamwork nor does it have to revolve around efficiency.


    > You know, show some "skill" by proving your amazing ability to copy meta builds.


    If it was simply that then everyone would be doing raids. How many players are on the forums looking for random open world builds? How that any different?

  2. > @"Ultramex.1506" said:

    > > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

    > > Why does this need to be a thing? It'd be understandable if this game used things like health and energy potions, but with the way consumables work in this game with effects (mostly) lasting half an hour or longer seems to make dedicated slots not worth the time and effort for the devs.


    > Same can be said for novelty slot yet they still add it anyway, and most people keep lots of stuff in their inventory, easier for one click to refresh duration

    > Also it may have long duration but time flies when you engage in activities.

    > Seriously! they waste their time and efforts for a novelty slot but not for consumables? ESO prioritize that over trivial stuffs


    Well the novelty system came because of the large number of item slots these were all taking and it was highly requested for this reason. There were other reasons but this was the primary reason in the threads requesting it. Similar to how space is the primary reason that people are asking for a library although I'm sure you could come up with some minor reasons to also do it. This paints it in a completely different situation than consumables.

  3. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > I feel like these are the two weakest maps in the game, overall.


    > They were clearly unfinished at their time of release (especially Kourna), are both connected to each other, came one after another in the story and have some of the lowest player populations I've seen in the game except when Jahai meta is up.


    > I think they should be merged together like IBS maps are, which would help with some of these problems.


    You can say that many, if not all, of the LS maps seem unfinished. People criticized Kourna for all of this unused space but praise Sandswept despite it having even more unused space. If I wanted to, I could claim that Grothmar is unfinished because the Murakai event seems lame and rushed and we should have gone into Doomlore just like people say about the Gandara meta. People have also criticized episode/story length for many episodes but back during LS2, they praised the Glint lair episode despite that.


    People are just very inconsistent with their criticisms and what they consider an episode to be good. What they may find bad in one episode isn’t an issue in another for some reason.

  4. > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > Raptor can technically be obtained under level 80 if you’re carried as there is no level restriction. I believe you can unlock it without completing the mission entirely.


    > Apparently, you do have to participate in the "save the village" portion (no further details due to spoilers), but that is a non-combat activity so safe for low-level characters. At least my brother, who was playing a level 80, did not get the raptor unlocked and I assume because the rest of us finished that stuff off too quickly and he didn't get enough participation.


    The issue low level players will face, and why they’d need to be carried, is that there is some required fighting before that part. I’m not entirely sure how participation works in a group setting as I did it solo and it functioned like the heart.

  5. There’s always complaints of balance issues one way or another. They nerf whatever the flavor of the month complaint is and then whatever was below it is moved to the top of the list and the cycle repeats. The health of the game won’t really be affected because they chose to do a festival release over balance updates when the two are not done by the same team and are unrelated to each other.

  6. > Updated the Challenge Mode variant of the Incinerating Shock Wave skill used by the champion boss in the Fields of Ruin Dragon Response Mission. The telegraph for this skill should now match the radius of the initial impact. Additionally, the persistent fire-field effect is now enveloped by a red ring to denote the size of the damage radius. This skill has been updated such that the initial impact will deal significantly more damage. Don't stand in the fire!


    Thank you for fixing this.

  7. > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > " is a human from Winterknell Shore" is probably where they got the Orr part from


    > Didn't see that the first time for some reason...but how could she actually be _from_ Orr? This character is an adult and Orr was shown in season 3 to still be unfit for human habitation, or any other race for that matter. How could someone be born and raised in a land completely dominated by an Elder Dragon and flooded with its minions? None of that makes sense.


    Not sure. There wasn’t any source listed for it.

  8. It should remain in core Tyria for those that are F2P or don't have the new expansion. The citizens of Tyria should also be able to celebrate it as well without having to go to Cantha. That's not saying that Anet couldn't do something special in Cantha for the festivals after it's released. Given that they haven't added a city instance since 2012, and every city since has been on an open map, it's very unlikely that they'll change direction for Cantha. It's "possible" but I just don't see it happening. Without a city instance, it's unlikely those without the expansion will be able to participate. Leaving it in DR is also low effort for Anet as the assets are already in place leaving them more time to focus on other projects.

  9. > @"Dixa.6017" said:

    > these meta discussions are as they are in a game that tried to eschew the holy trinity AND add content that typically requires the holy trinity.

    > now your only way to beat things is to burn it as fast as you can to ignore as many mechanics as you can.


    > this is a balance issue that this game will never be able to fix unless it decides to move towards an actual holy trinity.


    Tanks don't work in DRM's as you cannot control who gets aggro. Healers are helpful but won't matter if people constantly fail mechanics. So no, the "holy trinity" doesn't exist in DRMs. If you do decent DPS, do the mechanics, and have some sustain then you're more than capable of doing them.

  10. > @"LittleYoshi.2548" said:

    > If you have 10k+ dps on the log after dhuum thats usually fine for a normal pug imo.

    > As shortbow soulbeast you can prolly get up to like 12-13k i would guess, but ill try it today to get some numbers.

    > Problem with dhuum is that depending on mechanics your dps can fluctuate quite a bit (Getting a lot of bombs/shackles) + in inexperienced groups or groups that play bad comps on dhuum your boons might be lacking and youre gonna lose some dps aswell.


    It's possible to get over 15K, but like you said, it depends on a lot.

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