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Posts posted by Ayrilana.1396

  1. > @"radda.8920" said:

    > > @"hugo.4705" said:


    > > -Top Dragon Responder: Metrica Province (Completing the DRM) => IMPOSSIBLE

    > > -Top Dragon Responder: Gandarran Fields (Completing the DRM) => IMPOSSIBLE

    > > -Top Dragon Responder: Brisban Wildlands (Completing the DRM) => IMPOSSIBLE


    > W T F? l2p issue

    > there is nothing else to say

    > And the excuse of groups is not valid, there are plenty of them. And it's almost impossible to fail the mission (at least the first 3).



    I'm 3 for 8 on them and it's entirely to them wiping and the timer running out. The timer is where people will fail for DRM.

  2. > @"nopinopa.4861" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > A couple of the new CM DRMs seemed over-tuned.

    > > > No they really aren't.

    > >

    > > You're saying that the Snowden one isn't? Such a wide area around the boss gets frequently covered in AoE which can instantly down you. In order to get around this you either need to attack from range the entire time or avoid the AoEs with a precision that isn't even expected of players in raids.


    > I found the Snowden the second easiest DRM... You just stand in a white field or between aoe. Or dodge after a couple of seconds.

    > The easiest one is Lake Doric, I'd say.


    I haven't done Lake Doric yet. Thunderhead was good assuming people use the spears when the breakbar is up.


    I'll have to look for the white field. It was difficult to see the AoEs at times and the game camera was having issues at certain angles. What's being asked for that CM just isn't something I would expect to be asked of the demographic that does story instance and open world content.

  3. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > A couple of the new CM DRMs seemed over-tuned.

    > No they really aren't.


    You're saying that the Snowden one isn't? Such a wide area around the boss gets frequently covered in AoE which can instantly down you. In order to get around this you either need to attack from range the entire time or avoid the AoEs with a precision that isn't even expected of players in raids.

  4. A couple of the new CM DRMs seemed over-tuned. This is when comparing them against the first three and the audience that the LS is marketed towards.


    One major issue that I'm seeing is how Anet is designing private DRMs to be story instances rather than instances used for dungeons, fractals, strikes, and raids. If someone leaves the group, you pretty much have to abandon the entire instance as someone new cannot join.

  5. > @"Luthan.5236" said:

    > True. Still the gold you earn ingame takes time to earn. And converting gems to gold is really inefficient/expensive. (Different exchange course than when converting gems to gold.) They would still need to spend time in real life to earn money which they can use to buy gems. (Unless they are lucky and just have tons of money inherited or won.)



    It’s not inefficient. It costs like $5.31 for 100G. The hourly pay rate IRL is greater than $5.31 and you’d be very hard pressed to find anything that consistently awards over 100G per hour in the game. Legendary weapons are expensive whether you buy them off the TP or craft them.


    > The weapons on the trading post still needed someone to do this work (and then put it on the TP). If the gift was sold directly for gems there would be no changes in the price (determined by supply/demand). Fixed gem price. And nobody would have to do the completion anymore. They could just vanish from the TP if the price for gems was cheaper than what the players would consider a reasonable amount for farming the gifts. (Which they later include in their total price for the weapon.)



    There would be a change. Adding a means to purchase something at a fixed cost almost always impacts the prices when it comes to the TP.


    If someone is willing to buy the gift then they can simply buy the legendary weapon off the TP.

  6. > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > 1) And I'm not seeing an argument on why there should not be an alternative other than that you don't care (not that I'm here for arguments in the first place). I'm simply coming to a GW2 forum and stating what I personally want to see. Also, I already did state why there should be an alternative; to make it more fun and give players more incentive to play. Whether you agree or not this is a good "argument" is up to you, you have a right to your own opinion, but I did give my opinion on why there should be.



    I already stated it. Anet designed legendaries to be something that requires players to experience different areas of the game. They don't have it so that you do just one thing and obtain them (outside of buying off the TP). You also need to realize exactly what the impact would be if everyone got their way and were able to play whatever they want to earn whatever they want. If you got your way with legendaries then you can be certain others would feel entitled to get their way as well.


    > 2) Why should Anet put more incentives for players to play the game? To get players to enjoy the game and play more. Simple as that.



    Why do those incentives have to be gifts of exploration?


    > 3) Comparison by time spent is not my reasoning; it's yours. The reason I posted the comparison by time is because you are the one talking about players doing the quickest method and saying the Gift of Masteries are not comparable. Me, I want to do what is more fun, which is why I made my own personal suggestion in the first place, and why I prefer to do the Gift of Maguuma Mastery over the Gift of Mastery; because for me, it's not about the time, it's about what I find more fun.


    I stated time **and effort**. You ignored the latter.

  7. > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > I like that gen 1 legendaries can be sold in the TP, while gen 2 legendaries cannot. Players can sell gen 1 legendaries for gold (that's how I make/made my gold), while players can work to obtain gen 2 legendaries (for legendaries I want to use, I prefer to make my own legendaries rather than simply buying from the TP). More options and variety.


    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > > > Personally, I'd like to see them change Gift of Exploration requirement to any 25 map completions (from any chapter, LWS, IBS, etc.).

    > >

    > > This would cause players to go to the easiest/quickest maps.

    > >

    > > > Not only is core Tyria map completion mind-numbingly boring for veterans, this would also give incentive to map complete outside of core Tyria.

    > >

    > > There are already existing incentives.

    > >

    > > > Another option is to let the Gift of Mastery, Gift of Maguuma Mastery, and Gift of Desert Mastery be interchangeable.

    > >

    > > Those are not a comparable exchange.

    > >


    > 1) More choices is good. If some players prefer the easiest/quickest maps, it's their choice. If some players prefer the most fun maps, it's their choice. Also, we don’t have anywhere near enough quick and easy maps for 25 map completions for this to be an issue.


    > Southsun, Dry Top: Quick/easy, IIRC.

    > Silverwastes: PoI that can’t be accessed at will. Need meta. Quicker than core Tyria maps depending on luck finding squad.

    > HoT maps: No hearts, but have many HP’s that are not easy to solo.

    > LWS3 maps: Less hearts, but harder enemies. Bloodstone is the only quick/easy one.

    > PoF/LWS4 maps: Less hearts than core Tyria, but harder enemies. Many maps have PoI that can’t be accessed at will. They require events, story, JP, etc.



    The issue isn't that there are choices but that the choices themselves are require significantly less time and effort to do map completion. I have yet to see an argument on **why** there should be an alternative means for Gifts of Exploration other than "I don't want to do it".


    > 2) Many players have no incentive to map complete, even with the my suggestion. Again, more incentive to do stuff is good.


    There are already incentives as I had previously stated. Why does there need to be more incentive to map complete? If people don't want to map complete core Tyria then why would they want to map complete other areas?


    > 3) As for the 3 Gift of Masteries, I can't speak for the Gift of Desert Mastery since I hate PoF maps and avoid it like the plague, but the Gift of Mastery and Gift of Maguuma Mastery are very comparable.



    No, they are not.


    > Gift of Mastery: 1 GoE takes about 10~12 hours (about 20~25 hours for world completion, and you get 2 GoE's). 1 GoB takes about 4 hours without any boosters (I do the easy solo WvW dailies for potions). No additional gold cost.


    > Gift of Maguuma Mastery: Getting the account bound HoT mats and 250 Amalgamated Gemstones takes about the same amount of time, though how long it takes to get AG's will vary greatly depending on how many you plan to manually farm vs buying through TP.


    If you're equating that the time is the same then why does it matter? They'd be spending the same about of time according to you. Acquiring legendaries outside of the TP require playing different content in the game. The request for change seems to center around "I just don't want to do it". The game isn't Burger King where you can have it your way and obtain anything in the game in whatever way you prefer.





  8. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > > > Personally, I'd like to see them change Gift of Exploration requirement to any 25 map completions (from any chapter, LWS, IBS, etc.).

    > >

    > > This would cause players to go to the easiest/quickest maps.

    > >

    > > > Not only is core Tyria map completion mind-numbingly boring for veterans, this would also give incentive to map complete outside of core Tyria.

    > >

    > > There are already existing incentives.


    > and when combined with the first issue it becomes just as mind numbingly boring


    > Although some sort of thing for all of a season's maps might be nice.



    You can have Anet require map completion on the LS maps in order to obtain their respective legendary trinkets.


    If it’s found to be mind numbingly boring then imagine doing the rest of what is required.

  9. On the plus side, after this upcoming expansion is out, we should finally get new, original content added to the game which isn’t simply a re-hash of GW1. It’ll be the first time in like 15 years not counting Orr.


    Edit; The above is referring to content after the expansion assuming LS6 doesn’t revisit areas in Cantha that were not a part of the expansion as LS4 did.

  10. > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > Personally, I'd like to see them change Gift of Exploration requirement to any 25 map completions (from any chapter, LWS, IBS, etc.).


    This would cause players to go to the easiest/quickest maps.


    > Not only is core Tyria map completion mind-numbingly boring for veterans, this would also give incentive to map complete outside of core Tyria.


    There are already existing incentives.


    > Another option is to let the Gift of Mastery, Gift of Maguuma Mastery, and Gift of Desert Mastery be interchangeable.


    Those are not a comparable exchange.


  11. > @"Bezerker.2379" said:

    > Wow. I agree the mac client is garbage, and as a result nobody plays on it, but I used it to check the AH on my work pc often etc. I would play full time on the client if it ran well like the wow client... but now you guys are killing it? What the heck are all my gem purchases funding?


    Blame Apple.

  12. > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > I think the Trahearne hate is just unreasonable, he never stole the commander's glory he actually congratulates him more than once. The reason why people hated him is because he was in command as a Marshal and some people don't like to be the second in command, unfortunately that is how hierarchy works, even in life and there is nothing wrong with it. I have been quite happy to have him as my superior as he was taking all the responsabilities of leading an army for me.


    I feel that it just became a meme than people eventually started to take seriously for some reason.

  13. > @"Wolfb.7025" said:

    > Killing monsters for drops is really unreliable. GW2 is way too different from other MMORPG. There isn't specific droptables where X enemy drops stuff.



    Technically that isn't entirely true. Certain enemies do drop specific things.


    People used to farm the sparks in Malchors for charged lodestones and farming minotaurs for powerful blood was briefly a thing around launch. People farm karkas for powerful blood and karka shells. In fact, the majority of the fine crafting mats can be farmed.


    Some champions, and even world bosses, have the potential to drop an item that is only available from them.

  14. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > I'd prefer to see a video of an entire playthrough of someone leveling to level 80 in under 10 hours by killing just mobs only although there have been many people that have claimed to have done so based off some YouTube videos. One person claimed to do it in under 5 hours. Still, with how spread out mobs are, and how the bonus XP reduces after you've killed them, I'd prefer to see a video regardless. One of the videos from 2016 was misleading as they're doing their route once or twice in Queensdale and then essentially log off for many hours based on the clock.


    > What you'd need to see is not just a video of this, but a video of this and other methods that are supposedly faster. WIth the exception of crafting and tomes, I'm not sure another faster method exists. Doesn't matter if you see a video like that or not, if you don't have videos of all the other methods.


    Actually there are and they have been posted over the years.

  15. I'd prefer to see a video of an entire playthrough of someone leveling to level 80 in under 10 hours by killing just mobs only although there have been many people that have claimed to have done so based off some YouTube videos. One person claimed to do it in under 5 hours. Still, with how spread out mobs are, and how the bonus XP reduces after you've killed them, I'd prefer to see a video regardless. One of the videos from 2016 was misleading as they're doing their route once or twice in Queensdale and then essentially log off for many hours based on the clock.

  16. > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > > > If they restricted f2p accounts to unranked only then this would solve a lot in the short term.

    > >

    > > You’re basing this on what? We as players can not determine whether someone is a F2P or not so I’m confused how you’re able to determine that all of the bots are F2P accounts.


    > If theyre using elite specs it means they are not f2p


    I should have left out the “or not” as people are latching onto that and ignoring the rest. The point I was making that it’s impossible for us to determine if someone is F2P on our end and yet that poster is making the claim that restricting F2P accounts to unranked would resolve anything.

  17. > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > > > If they restricted f2p accounts to unranked only then this would solve a lot in the short term.

    > >

    > > You’re basing this on what? We as players can not determine whether someone is a F2P or not so I’m confused how you’re able to determine that all of the bots are F2P accounts.


    > Never did I say they were bots. But as Khalisto mentioned if they are using elite specs then they are not f2p.


    Bots or not, you didn’t answer my question regarding how you’re so sure that they are using F2P accounts. There’s absolutely no way to determine that they are using a F2P account from your end.

  18. > @"Excursion.9752" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"Excursion.9752" said:

    > > > Dungeons, Fractals, Raids, Strikes and coming soon Dragon Response Missions to be forgot about in future updates.....

    > >

    > > Unlike everything else listed, DRMs were never intended to be standalone game modes. They’re essentially stripped down, hollow living story content.

    > All instanced content... All will be left on the back burner eventually... This is uninspired content is just more stuff to manage that wont be.




    The same can be said for all personal story and living story instances as well. All of those were “left on the back burner” too.

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