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Posts posted by Ayrilana.1396

  1. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > One of the primary arguments for tiers is it would allow progression. The only other time that you really see another reason used is they want to experience the nearly nonexistent story.

    > That's not quite correct. Sure, this argument is way overused, but that is mainly because it is the only argument raiders are even willing to hear. Any argument that treats easy mode as something more of an independent entity, and not just a crutch for the Real Raids is immediately ignored. Often not getting even a response.


    > It's just, as i said, this is probably one of the worst uses for the easy mode idea


    > > Raids were developed to be the most challenging content in the game. The other 99% of the game doesn’t require any thought or skill to do. If players don’t want to do challenging content then they have other areas of the game to play.

    > Sure, they were developed to be that. Doesn't mean this is the only choice. Again, look at FF XIV, where both the easier and harder modes exist side by side, with neither being more important than the other. And where existence of normal difficulty raids and trials does not diminish in any way status of savage/extreme tiers.


    > Like i said, you are looking at this whole case way too narrowly, and thus are unable to see a bigger picture. Your desire to see current raids as the only raid content that matters colors your perception and makes you unable to see any options that do not fit that narrow viewpoint.



    When the game was developed, there really wasn’t any challenging content for those that wanted it. Raids was the solution to this and why they were added. Anet’s actions on adding strikes over additional difficulty modes indicates that they still prefer for raids to be the most challenging content in the game.


    Those that don’t want to play challenging content simply don’t need to play raids. The entire game doesn’t need to cater around those players as 99% of the game isn’t really a challenge. I have a friend who has a son and a daughter. Each was given a toy. The son also wanted the toy that the daughter had and got upset. This is how I’m seeing this situation. So much of this game is catered to those that don’t want to play challenging content and they got upset when they saw those that wanted challenging content get content specifically for them.

  2. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > As i see it, there's nothing wrong about the _idea_ of rotations, but there's indeed quite a lot of problems with how this got implemented in GW2.

    > > >

    > >

    > > You need to understand what a rotation is. Practically any way that a player commonly uses their skills is a rotation. Mashing their skills is a rotation. Removing rotations is practically impossible.

    > Then we understand the term differently. For me, random mashing buttons is not a rotation. It is random mashing buttons. Rotation for me is having a certain sequence of skills you need to follow in the right order. The alternative would be a dynamic system, where you use skills according to the current situation and certain priorities, and have no set rotation to follow.



    Rotation is simply a sequence that players normally follow when using their skills. It can range from super specific, highly efficient rotations as you see on SC to those that players make up for themselves and get in the habit of using. A shortbow ranger hitting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and then using those skills off cool down is doing a rotation.


    The dynamic system you’re speaking of would not happen in GW2 as it would be an entire overhaul of the combat system.


    > > > As we already know, this in itself is a highly debatable issue, big enough to be worth a separate thread. And, again, very subjective one. For me, i will say that you are just plain wrong. Sure, tiers would not resolve _some_ issues, but they would help with others. You not caring about those other issues doesn't mean they don't exist or would not be helped by tiers.

    > > >

    > >

    > > The mechanics don’t really have all that much scalability. This is especially true if you only add one additional “difficulty mode”.

    > >

    > > What will happen is that players will ignore the mechanics if it’s not dangerous enough to the party. You see this during world bosses as well as the ice construct strike mission.

    > Like i said, you caring only about certain issues doesn't make all the others disappear. You are still thinking only in the context of progression, of easy modes being a training ground for the modes above. That's not the only (or the best) use of the tiers idea though.

    > Just look at FF XIV, for example. They happen to use the idea far better.



    One of the primary arguments for tiers is it would allow progression. The only other time that you really see another reason used is they want to experience the nearly nonexistent story.


    Raids were developed to be the most challenging content in the game. The other 99% of the game doesn’t require any thought or skill to do. If players don’t want to do challenging content then they have other areas of the game to play.

  3. > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

    > For me it has nothing to do with droprates.


    > More so about GW2 vibes with missions, dungeons, etc.

    > GW2 vibe is, people hate those that don't know the mission.

    > You gotta have DKP, you gotta have watched youtube videos beforehand


    > ALSO

    > GW2 making missions, dungeons, fractals, too dang long.

    > People are wanting more fast pace, not 20+ minutes to do something.


    > ALSO

    > Too much stuff to grind

    > Gotta do daily fractal

    > Gotta do daily T4 story

    > Gotta do daily Icebrood saga

    > Gotta do daily daily

    > Too much kitten gotta do,

    > who has time for DRM when you have all this other kitten GOTTA do


    > Gotta work on my legendary

    > Gotta work on my skyscale

    > Gotta do guild missions


    > Thing is some of this stuff, people only have time for one of em, like Fractals, usually takes about an hour unless you some pro and have friends you do it with. PUGs usually take an hour. And they burn you out.


    > ALSO

    > MMO trifecta

    > sure it maybe not healer tank, but its GW2 trifecta, you aint that healerbrand or whatever, nobody wants you.

    > Nobody wants to deal with looking at LFG, I aint a healerbrand but thats all I see people want, screw this, kitten DRM.

    > Got a lotta other stuff to do than be depressed I'm not healerbrand and can't find a group for DRM.


    What does this have to do with the OP’s issue?

  4. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"LordMorgul.9845" said:

    > > > 1 - no time

    > >

    > > The timer isn't why players fail.

    > Correction. While timer usually isn't the _direct_ cause of failure, but it can, and does often cause failures by removing some options from the table, as well as putting the group under pressure. Doubt removing it would help the current raids any, but it would be a possibility for any potential easy mode.



    It really doesn’t once you calculate the minimum DPS a group would need if they spent the full duration of the timer. Groups fail to the mechanics; not the timer.


    > > > 2 - fix damage system to avoid rotations

    > >

    > > There's nothing wrong with rotations and every single build can have them.

    > That's highly subjective. There's nothing wrong about them _to you_. It doesn't mean there's nothing wrong about them to others.

    > As i see it, there's nothing wrong about the _idea_ of rotations, but there's indeed quite a lot of problems with how this got implemented in GW2.



    You need to understand what a rotation is. Practically any way that a player commonly uses their skills is a rotation. Mashing their skills is a rotation. Removing rotations is practically impossible.


    > > > 3 - TIERS

    > >

    > > Tiers wouldn't resolve anything as the mechanics would still need to be learned and the weakened versions would be ignored in lower tiers.

    > As we already know, this in itself is a highly debatable issue, big enough to be worth a separate thread. And, again, very subjective one. For me, i will say that you are just plain wrong. Sure, tiers would not resolve _some_ issues, but they would help with others. You not caring about those other issues doesn't mean they don't exist or would not be helped by tiers.



    The mechanics don’t really have all that much scalability. This is especially true if you only add one additional “difficulty mode”.


    What will happen is that players will ignore the mechanics if it’s not dangerous enough to the party. You see this during world bosses as well as the ice construct strike mission.

  5. > @"LordMorgul.9845" said:

    > 1 - no time


    The timer isn't why players fail.


    > 2 - fix damage system to avoid rotations


    There's nothing wrong with rotations and every single build can have them.


    > 3 - TIERS


    Tiers wouldn't resolve anything as the mechanics would still need to be learned and the weakened versions would be ignored in lower tiers.


    > 4 - Story Mode


    There's very little story in raids and a one and done mode doesn't wouldn't be worth the effort to make.


    > 5 - Make Anet Guides by Dev to how to do a raid, (wiki is not helpfull and is ilarius how the game got tons of specs but is closed to 3-4 setups and all guides are for elitis and speedrun not common playerbase)


    What's wrong with all of the guides created by players? All guides and builds are for all players.


    > 6 - Make legy weapon and armor more powerfull or make stat encreased on mastery base like 1% = 1 mastery


    No. We don't need more power creep.


    > 7 - cm still activable on choice


    You can do CMs anytime.



  6. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > I wish Arenanet would at least split outfits into pieces with their individual dye channel each piece,

    > > > so they could at least be matched with other outfit pieces.

    > > >

    > > > This wouldn't involve the mixing of armour and outfit pieces, since it'd all be done of the fourth body type.

    > > > But, in my opinion, having multiple body types at all is a mistake.

    > >

    > > They wouldn’t be outfits then.


    > I coordinates my outfits in RL piece by piece, too.

    > They'd still be outfits, as that's just the name of the _gear_ for the fourth body type.


    Outfits in RL are different from outfits in GW2.

  7. All content is open to everyone already and that would not change with additional KP usage. The game does not lock you out of content for not have an arbitrary number of KP. If you don’t meet the requirements that players set for their own group then you’re more than welcome to create your own. Removing KP will do nothing but make the situation worse.

  8. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > I wish Arenanet would at least split outfits into pieces with their individual dye channel each piece,

    > so they could at least be matched with other outfit pieces.


    > This wouldn't involve the mixing of armour and outfit pieces, since it'd all be done of the fourth body type.

    > But, in my opinion, having multiple body types at all is a mistake.


    They wouldn’t be outfits then.

  9. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > I would be against it. I have an alt account that doesn't have xpac (got it before GW2 became f2p). I enjoy playing it for fun and do some ranked on it as well. I don't think one need to limit pvp for f2p accounts just because of few hackers. I think it would be better if Anet support actually spent more time banning few hackers than limit experience of thousands of players. It shouldn't be THAT hard. Also, pvp community is small as it is - why make it even smaller?


    > Apparently some hackers have been banned multiple times but getting back in to resume is as easy as making a f2p acount.


    > In wp's vid the hackers had 19 ap (the baseline for new acounts) so its obvious that they are using f2p throwaway acounts.


    Or they had recently purchased the game. You can't really prove whether an account is F2P or not; only Anet can.

  10. Anet has a habit of creating content and then abandoning it. Guild mission content would be a part of that as guild it hasn’t seen any updates since 2015 and the missions haven’t really changed since they were added back in like 2013.



  11. > @"dani.5680" said:

    > > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

    > > > @"dani.5680" said:

    > > > Impossible for new players to get in a new raid! All require 150+ LI and all training require ascended so you are in a farming space of over 3 months for ascended gear just to get in the training! Then 1 year to get those 150 LI! What the hell is going on?

    > > > Most of training guilds take you on weekends if they are free, if not, not!

    > > > So as a new player you have to farm 1year to be in a LFG? Thats stupid isn't it?

    > >

    > > Your numbers arent right mate. You can make an ascended armor set within a week (even faster)

    > > Also... some raid encounters like vale guardian, bandit trio,escort, keep construct, twisted castle, cairn, mo, samarog, ca are fairly easy and all new raiders can learn and do it very easily. That is 9 easy LI per week (assuming u dont do other bosses that are also easy but need more focus on mechs). 250 LI can be earned in 28 weeks assumung u earn atleast these 9 li per week... a year is...52 weeks? Lol anyways u also get better each as weeks pass and even with more trainings ( guild runs/ your own runs/ random lfg trains) you can do more and more bosses and get more LI per week which lets u reach 250 li faster. Also if u think u are a good enough player u can join 150-250 li groups and ask them if they give u a chance! Most people in raids are nice as long as u do ur role properly! (Ppl dont like to carry u)

    > > I started like 7 months ago and im now at 550 li +... it wasnt easy as i didnt had any guilds to help me out. But i went to the training area and learned my class as a dps role. Then joined groups each week and got my first LIs as weeks passed until after 3 months i had 250 li.( always pugs )

    > > The thing is u shouldnt take what everyone says seriously and move on and dont give up if u really wanna raid easily. Just keep on getting better and one day you will earn ur 250th li


    > How can you make full ascended in 1 week? please share it!


    You buy the time gated materials.

  12. > @"dani.5680" said:

    > > @"Excursion.9752" said:

    > > Unless you make your own group with like minded people then you will always get a pretty heavy dose of needing KP or "L2p".

    > >

    > > I am a fairly experienced in raids. Not god tier by no means but what I have found is that just because you learn something one way does not mean that is the way it is ran by the next group. You will be judged constantly. Everyone will be running arcdps (not really but assume so) and watching your performance. Giving you tips on how to do your rotation. Just assume when your a healer if someone dies its automatically your fault. Even if they didn't know the mechanics or made a mistake. You must prove yourself.

    > >

    > > When you decide to partake in raids this is the agreement that you sign up for. Either you have tough enough skin to brave the flames and let the words roll off your back or you will get upset and quit. You may think its dumb but so is waiting 15 min for a specific class to join so you can clear something 2 min faster and that happens. So normal logic does not always apply.

    > >

    > > If you want change, you have to be the one willing to take the first step. There is more than enough content to teach you what you need to know to command your own group. Or you can be like me and roam the LFG looking and waiting for things that I want to do. I am at the mercy of people making groups or needing more. I choose this just as you choose to be restricted by KP and armor requirements.

    > >

    > > So you can let this dictate you or you can control it. The choice is yours. Here is a funny story to leave you with. I joined a group we 1 shot the whole wing. No one died no mistakes. I asked if we were doing more. The commander replied we are! but your not because you suck! and kicked me. I laughed so hard tears came to my eyes. Sure they could have been serious but I took it as a joke. This game and life is about how you react to it. Don't get upset do it as how you feel it should be done. Good luck!


    > I run arcdps myself and i can say i top dps in all raid bosses i've made or 2nd place! So those 250 LI dont mean anything! Internet is full of mechanics and how do you run bosses in 4-5 lines to read! I feel like this stupid things should not be able to be linked! Its not a player ability to play a game! And we all saw that some bosses can be made 6-man so 4 leeched in that case? So there is a surplus of LI out there in the world as some player leeched their way thru it!


    There is a wide range or skill levels in this game and players learn at different rates. You're also neglected that those low-man runs are by very experienced players and it's not something you would see in a pug nor something to be expected. You also need to be aware that just because a raid has been done with X number of players, this doesn't mean that the remaining leached. Dungeons can be done solo so does this mean that four players leached?

  13. The groups that you see requiring LI are those trying to do clears. They're not intended for new players as they would slow things down and even possibly cause a wipe. Those players are free to create their own LFG with specifications that all are welcome. There are also training guilds/discords which will help teach players new to raids.

  14. > @"Valfar.3761" said:

    > I like dangerous mobs, but I do not like damage sponges.


    > I liked how dangerous HoT mobs were (before the nerfs). If you made a mistake and dropped into a pack of tiny little raptors, you were dead.


    > What I do not like are damage sponges. I don't want to spend 2 minutes trying to kill one guy. I want to kill him in 30-45 seconds and move on with my life. If the mob is a champion, then I will accept the fight taking longer, but the fight needs to introduce new mechanics as it goes on. I don't want to be doing the same mechanics for five to ten minutes.


    > So for generic mobs I'd prefer highly dangerous mechanics that force me to move/do something/be skilled, but a low time to kill.


    Fortunately none of the mobs that you can solo in PoF are damage sponges unless the player is fighting them with a wet noodle.

  15. Since you said you wanted to optimize your gold making routine then I assume that you’re looking to make the most gold within the amount of time that you’re playing? If that’s the case then it’s pretty much farming Dragonfall and/or Drizzlewood. There are people/guilds who track these sort of things so there may actually be other activities which produce high gold/hour. I vaguely remember something about a forged farm.


    I don’t farm for my gold in this game or at least not in the typical sense that most players do.

  16. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > Bounties were **not replaced** by strike missions. They’re were being phased out during LS4.


    > When I say "replaced" I mean that ANet frequently drops one game mode and introduces a new one, and my point was that they should instead stick to an idea when it's good (like Dungeons and Strikes) and expand on it.


    Ok. “Dropped to do something else” is much different from “replaced”. I used the same meaning of “replaced” as you had used in the previous bullet point about fractals and dungeons. In that case, fractals has replaced dungeons. You’re using the word “replaced” through your post but giving what “replaced” means different meanings throughout.

  17. The DRMs are passable as current events. What I think happened is that they had planned to have **actual** episodes to finish out LS5 but covid hit and it proved difficult to develop content as they had before.


    I’m assuming that NCSoft is still set on the expansion being released at a specific target date so something had to give to make this happen which unfortunately was the last half of LS5. We’ll likely see current event level content up to the release of the expansion.


    I hope that I’m wrong about all of this but this is what it appears to be from my perspective.

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