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If Tengu becomes playable.....

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Don't need racial skills - they're so useless it's hardly even worth mentioning.


Don't need personal story with Zhaitan or all armors in the game, but we DO need A personal story, and at least some armors in the game. A decent selection, since fashion wars is a main reason to make new characters. Would like their own leveling zones, like around the dominion of winds. And enough animations to feel unique from the other races. That's it really

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Players: just make it bare bones. I don’t care about the extras.


> ANet makes a bare bones new race


> Players: I bought the new race and this is all I get? Where’s my Personal Story, my starter map, my armor??? WHAT A MONEY GRAB!


> ANet: ?


I hate how true this is because I really want Tengu added. If they don't go all in this statement is our future. If they don't do it at all I don't get Tengu. Frankly, I'm cool with it if they go bare bones and tick a lot of you off later. At least we get Tengu that way (he says until it happens then quietly slips onto the money grab accusation train...)



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DO need:

-Home city and beginner level 5-15 map.

-Full personal story, including all zhaitan arc. MUST have this. Doesnt need to have branching options or voice acting.

-Full customization equivalent to other races.



DONT need:

-Armor/outfits to work fully on tengu. I dont mind clipping.

-Voice acting.

-Tonics. Will never use a tonic, worthless to me.

-Cultural armor, racial skills, dances.

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> @"Poormany.4507" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > If they're adding tengu then I'd expect them to work like every other race, personal story and all. Their level 30 story could end up with them joining an order as an exile or emissary. No problem there, there's no reason why the commander couldn't be a tengu instead of an asura, charr, human, norn or sylvari.


> I really doubt Tengu would be made to go through the regular Personal Story, HoT, PoF, or the LW seasons in between/after them. It would just be a really crazy large amount of dialogue, including unique lines, to add (unless they just use a voice filter or something, but even then it would look very weird lorewise since there's no Tengu in Destiny's Edge, the Pact, or Dragon's Watch).


> I think if there is a new Tengu race, it would either start in Cantha/Dominion of Winds with entirely new level 1-80 areas/story, or, more likely, it would just start immediately with a level 80 character jumping into the expac story. As for how Tengu players could be the "commander," I think Tengu characters could have an intro cinematic after character creation, where its explained how they became a commander among the Tengu, which would work lorewise, as the current PC isn't even the "Pact" commander anymore.


If they did this I would never play a tengu, and Im one of the people who proabbyl wants them most. Unless they are equal to other races, like they made rev equal to other classes, it would just feel half asses and worthless to me. I dont want tengu to be the odd one out with a weird story, or just have half the story other races get. Do it right or dont do it at all IMO.

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