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Super high ping in the last few days

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Hi guys, I am from Brazil. Currently running a pretty good and stable connection.

Just tested my connection on twitch streams, youtube, US sites, etc... everything running smooth and normal.

Usually I play under 160 ping, but in the last few days I am getting insane ammounts of latency, 1000+, 2000+, 4000+, DCs, etc. Only on guildwars 2, everything else is pretty normal.


Anyone experiencing the same issue?

Any tips for me to fix things out?



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I've posted in many threads and there never was really an answer, this also seems to be on a player basis because my internet is never having any problems anytime it happens. I do keep ping spikes of 1k plus mostly in the HotM but it can also happen in conquest games too.

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It has been quite laggy since my return to the game 4 days ago. I have experienced the extremely high ping (between 450-4,650) all day and all night despite the fitting internet connection . I can barely move my character to do anything in PvE including WvW (with or without a zerg around). ;-;

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It just completely lagged out for me too and many other players in the SAB hub, throughout multiple restarts and logins. PMs don't go through, ping is at 3000, interactions are not happening. Fun times :P


OH by the way. This may be another yearly reminder to finally make mushrooms and trampolines client-side so they're not behaving (completely) ridiculous at a ping of 150 or higher.

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SEA (Singapore) player here. Lag has been EXTREMELY bad over the past week or so, and I'm getting similar feedback from other friends in SEA, OCX and south Asia. I strongly suspect that the problem lies with whatever login server ANet is using to service those regions because if I use a VPN to tunnel straight to the US (and therefore trick the game servers into letting me use whatever login server US players use), the lag spikes disappear. My ping doesn't improve above its normal level of ~250 of course, but the higher ping of 500-800, with the occasional spike to 1k-2k, vanish.

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Australia. Having the same problem with lag spikes 320-5k (serious on the 5k too). The same problem is being experienced by a significant amount of people in Oz as contacted our National Broadband Network (NBN) techs. The problem allegedly is at the Amazon bottleneck (not enough capacity) and the length of time the server is taking for computations before the RTT resumes. In my case: wvw is unplayable as is pvp. Normal maps either wont load past opening screen or the laf spikes simply are never ending 350-1200+ every 10-15sec

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> @"Darkbeefy.5729" said:

>The problem allegedly is at the Amazon bottleneck (not enough capacity) and the length of time the server is taking for computations before the RTT resumes.


I'm in Good Korea. Amazon-owned hops are just one of the spots where my data drops out (It's always once it hits America mind you), but Amazon is definitely the most consistent name that comes up when I do my due diligence. Since it's been happening for a long time either Anet can't do anything about it, or don't see it as a priority due to low numbers of players playing from across the Pacific. Probably a bit of both.

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I am from Singapore, the game has been totally unplayable for the past one week, keeps getting disconnected and got booted out of the game to the character selection screen, and sometimes i cant load at the loading screen it just freezed there loading for a long time.


Its been one week and i am surprised that no action is taken by Anet to solve the problems. Wtever it is, fix the problems.

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Bumping this thread up as getting same issue as well. From SEA - past week the pings is mostly 3~4K, it is impossible to play. Weird things like the chat would be people talking about the end of the fight/meta but the whole screen is just going through the fight. Most of the time, i will get kicked out to the login screen. And then once in awhile will get bombarded by a lot of code 42 login error message. Come on, Anet, do something.

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> @"Imbris.5782" said:

> Bumping this thread up as getting same issue as well. From SEA - past week the pings is mostly 3~4K, it is impossible to play. Weird things like the chat would be people talking about the end of the fight/meta but the whole screen is just going through the fight. Most of the time, i will get kicked out to the login screen. And then once in awhile will get bombarded by a lot of code 42 login error message. Come on, Anet, do something.


This is exactly what's happening to me. Game is unplayable atm.

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I only get ping drops at late day eu (NA server, essentially, whenever all the NA players come online) and while I cannot do the content i am most dedicated to at NA prime anymore, i can play fine early in the day - likely too much load on servers in this case.

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It's been unbearable lately, so much so that instead of just ignoring it like I usually do I went googling to find out what exactly the problem is. There is regularly a huge delay (multiple seconds) when doing pretty much anything. (Activating mount, activating skills, gathering...) I checked my ping and it was between 77-2500. Two thousand five hundred. That's ten times what the guide says will cause issues. My other games aren't doing this, so it isn't just the increased traffic due to quarantine or whatever. I also play in the morning when there aren't as many people around, and it's still doing this. I am in the EU and playing on EU servers.

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I'm from Brazil, I have format PC, called internet support and is not my internet, not even my PC. And the anet told on ticket that my internet is having loss on game files, but why all other games run so smooth?

The game is really unplayable last days, and this quarentine time is a time to play and relax.

I love this game, but if this keep happening I will call for it.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"suzako.1526" said:

> > Arenanet silence is deafening


> If you want a response, you can contact the Tech CS Team.

> Those in the know on tech issues rarely post on the forums.

> During this crisis, when everyone is working from home, it seems only the Moderators/Forum-focused Devs are posting, at all.


> Good luck.


Oh, thanks!

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