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Making PVE viable again

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > I never said I would not do the work I have done the work I have legendaries and the fact that in GW1 I vanquished 21 maps in 3 days on hard mode should tell you that I am not afraid of the work. The issue is this, and it is very easy to understand when you look at it and stop thinking of legendaries as end game, they are not end game as there is no end to the game.

> > 1 The items you need to make most legendaries come from 2 areas PVE which is the mats and what not and maybe a story line

> > 2 WvW or PVP where you need to get gifts of battle or what not.


> Neither of those are issues. If you aren't willing to do what is needed to get a legendary, you don't get one. So many of the things you claim are just wrong. there are too many to even address.


No they are not wrong yes gift of battle you can not get from PVP, agreed but the fact that you think I would not be willing to do the work that is wrong wrong wrong, I just think the time line is to long on them, it needs to be shorter so that is does not take years to make one. But I guess that understanding is so high over your head that you can not grasp it and for that I feel sorry for you.


The game needs growth in areas and drop rates and shorted accomplishments are all viable ways to do that. Accomplishments of finishing legendaries in a timely manner where you get to enjoy them instead of being maybe in the middle of doing one and have the game die or get replaced. That would be the biggest slap in the face after working for such a long time and then getting it take away form you because of X reason. Remember this game is 7 years old how much longer do you truly think it is going to continue before they are looking at a replacement for it. My guess is 3 years before there is a replacement.

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Both of those thing you mentioned the memories of home and Perseverance are both restricted. 1 memories is only during the lunar new year which is only once a year and Perseverance (IS ONLY IN THE SILVER WASTES ) once you leave the map you no longer have it. 2. that makes your max level of MF across the whole game 465% or 485% during a lunar new year. Who on earth wants to run SW over and over and over and ooovveeer again the answer is no one. There is no reason for MF to be that high in one area none what so ever. After doing 2 or 3 runs of SW you want to smash yourself in the face with a hammer. So you are correct a little but I am correct fully.


Filling a reward track in WvW will take 8.5 hours without boosters and yes boosters may cut down the time by half or so but that still makes it 4.25 hours per run which is not horrible but still not what it could be. If it can get down to 2 hours than you are talking my language but I have never found a way for this to happen plus being jumped killed trying to go from camp to camp. Plus you have to hope that the camps you took over got taken so you can recap them. Which is where the whole thing about cap recapping comes in. But players defend them and hold them for no reason at all. Like i stated earlier there is no reward for being the top world none what so ever. If everyone that was in WvW at the time of the top world was announced got 100g that is a reason to play WvW.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> I except the game for what it is just fine I am saying I would like to see some growth in the areas of x y z, If that makes me the bad guy than fine I am the bad guy. There is no reason for a legendary item to take so long to get simply because of the mats it takes to get because there is no viable way to farm them. Mystic coins and clovers are two if the hardest mats to get that do not drop from enemies.


Yes there is a reason for it to take as long as it does ... because there are things you have to do to get one determined by how Anet makes the game ... and it takes however long it does depending on the player. It doesn't matter if things don't drop from enemies. These aren't issues; these are just basic ideas about how games work ... you do A, B, C ... you get something. The game isn't programmed around what individual players are willing to do to get something. Any idea that the game should change because of that is ridiculous.


> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> The game needs growth in areas


... does it? based on what? Your need to justify the changes you want in the game?


> and drop rates and shorted accomplishments are all viable ways to do that.


Maybe ... but that's not the ONLY way to do that.


> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> Accomplishments of finishing legendaries in a timely manner where you get to enjoy them instead of being maybe in the middle of doing one and have the game die or get replaced. That would be the biggest slap in the face after working for such a long time and then getting it take away form you because of X reason. Remember this game is 7 years old how much longer do you truly think it is going to continue before they are looking at a replacement for it. My guess is 3 years before there is a replacement.


If you can't get your legendary in 3 years of playing, you didn't play enough to deserve one in the first place. You see, this isn't a problem with the game, it's a problem with players putting time into it. The fix here isn't for Anet to simply give everything away to whoever can't do what is needed to get what they want. That's not EVER how the game will work.


Honestly, the answer to this problem is this: If you can't put the time into getting a legendary, that's simply too bad. It's not a problem. It's actually ANTICIPATED that it's a goal many players won't meet. That's OK ... It's designed to work that way. If snowflakes melt because they don't get what they want doing what they want to do ... no problem.

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Do ABC and get something is how most game work, except that it normally does not take a year or more to get that reward. So your point there is mute and not viable at all.


Yes the game needs growth that is how you keep the old timers around by changing things for the better, adding things and making things better.


I never said that drop rates were the only way to make the game grow I said it was a way to do it.


A casual player who is not focusing all there playing time to working on a legendary can take more than over 3 years to make a single legendary. But you do not care about that because you are most likely sitting on a treasure trove of gold where you can go buy whatever the hell you want. Just because most players play the game for enjoyment or try to and not like it is a life style or their job you hold that against them and not allow them to get those achievments? That is heartless, and people who bring up issues are not snowflakes, I am anything but a snowflake I was not born in the 2000s thanks. I have seen 6 decades 2 different centuries and I am not even 50 yet. I have see two versions of this game, have gone through the good bad and ugly of both games. So yes I have first hand knowledge of what can and will help and as much as you may fight it because it would make all those legendaries you have feel void because they took you forever to do. Casual players deserve the ability and the possibility to get them as they are the main staple of the game as much as you may not like it they are


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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> Do ABC and get something is how most game work, except that it normally does not take a year or more to get that reward. So your point there is mute and not viable at all.


No, it's not mute ... what you think is normal is irrelevant and there is no 'rule' that says Anet needs to accommodate your interpretation of normal because you want easier loot. If it takes over a year to do something, that's not an indication the game needs to be fixed. It's simply an indication of how much time you can play the game.


> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> Casual players deserve the ability and the possibility to get them as they are the main staple of the game


1. No one 'deserves' anything just because they want it. If you want something you earn it. That's the very definition of entitlement and there is NO reason for Anet to change the game for that

2. Casual players actually DO have that ability and possibility to get legendaries; the only barrier to that is the amount of time a player can dedicate to do that

3. Just making statements like 'Legendaries are a main staple of the game' means nothing. If that's some implication that you need legendaries to be successful in this game, you're wrong.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > Do ABC and get something is how most game work, except that it normally does not take a year or more to get that reward. So your point there is mute and not viable at all.


> No, it's not mute ... what you think is normal is irrelevant and there is no 'rule' that says Anet needs to accommodate your interpretation of normal because you want easier loot. If it takes over a year to do something, that's not an indication the game needs to be fixed. It's simply an indication of how much time you can play the game.


> > @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > Casual players deserve the ability and the possibility to get them as they are the main staple of the game


> 1. No one 'deserves' anything just because they want it. If you want something you earn it. That's the very definition of entitlement and there is NO reason for Anet to change the game for that

> 2. Casual players actually DO have that ability and possibility to get legendaries; the only barrier to that is the amount of time a player can dedicate to do that

> 3. Just making statements like 'Legendaries are a main staple of the game' means nothing. If that's some implication that you need legendaries to be successful in this game, you're wrong.


i guess my 90% playtime in pve only self isnt casual cause i have a bunch of legendaries :(

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> It is wrong for them to do the same thing to me, and others like me that do not run META and play the game our way. This is a tic for tack and again sorry if this hurt your feelings but like I said until I meet player and people that do not have that mind set ( and I am sure they are out there ) they are lumped into that category and yes I speak my mind I always have I always will I do not pull punches.


> If you said that and you got looks than that is their issue, if you have that experience it is on them to change it, but on you to try and see things differently. I am always willing to see things differently but the moment someone is like you need to run the META than that is the end of it. I do not give up and I am hopeful that there are players out there that do not require you to be a META hound and run META, because I do not I will not and I can not.


> Here is an example Power builds are based off of zerker gear I have never used zerker gear for long I have tried it a few times and I die to fast so I do not use it period, most raids require you to have zerker or for condi vipers and again the same thing I die to fast so I do not can not and will not run them.


> That is not my issue if the raid group wants me in zerker gear or vipers gear and I can not play them because I die to fast. So again like I said sorry if this hits a nerve but this is the ugly truth about all raid groups I have ever tried to be part of and that has not and most likely will not change.



Noone is saying you have to run raids. Calling people toxic for wanting dps gear on a dps is ridiculous. Its not a big ask to expect you to do the job you joined as. I think you underestimate how much the proper gear affects dps. In raids its 10x increase. you will be doing 1000% more damage. I hope you can understand why people dont want to bring someone who does 10x less damage than an average player.


I think you underestimate how many raiders play in open world too. Chances are, if you have been helped on a champion or bounty, a few meta players were the ones that helped you. Not to mention the 3-4 meta players on big meta events are the ones carrying the other 50% of the squad by doing 20x their dps.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

>There is no reason for a legendary item to take so long to get simply because of the mats it takes to get because there is no viable way to farm them.


And what qualifies you to be the judge of this? Sure, you're allowed to feel however you want about the time/investment it takes to get legendaries. That in no way means you're even remotely on target with your judgment.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> Yes a champ will drop a bag but that bag can be 1 of four levels and if you solo a champ you have a greater chance at getting the higher level bags. I know it says that this is not the case but under my testing I can tell you this is very much the case. I have done hundreds of tests and can confirm that if someone jumps a champ while you are soloing it you have a higher chance at getting a lower lever bag than if you soloed it.

I'd like to see your numbers and methodology - and an explanation what about your method makes it so different from all other attempts to verify drops that all practically agree that the number of participants does not have ant impact on your drop chances. Obviously, you are doing something differently, and i'd very much like to know what it is. I mean, improving my chances for good drops is always valuable.


> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> Also I've never seen anyone get 10g from a fractal, not even a daily t4. Maybe the T4 dailies put together if you infuse and salvage your ascendeds and get lucky.

Yes, it's from _all_ the t4 dailies together. No, that does not include the stuff you can sell on tp. Just the trash loot you get from opening encryption boxes (and that's a net gain, even assuming you need to buy the keys). 10g doesn;t seem all that special, btw - had up to 20g from those on lucky days (and only very rarely- if ever - i'd get below 8g).





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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> I'd like to see your numbers and methodology - and an explanation what about your method makes it so different from all other attempts to verify drops that all practically agree that the number of participants does not have ant impact on your drop chances. Obviously, you are doing something differently, and i'd very much like to know what it is. I mean, improving my chances for good drops is always valuable.


When I solo champs I have found I have a greater chance of getting a high tier drop than if someone jumps the champ while I am soloing it or if there are more than a solo kills. I do not know if this is from the damage done or from the number of players in the kill I just know what the results are when I solo in relation to when others are there.


> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> Noone is saying you have to run raids. Calling people toxic for wanting dps gear on a dps is ridiculous. Its not a big ask to expect you to do the job you joined as. I think you underestimate how much the proper gear affects dps. In raids its 10x increase. you will be doing 1000% more damage. I hope you can understand why people dont want to bring someone who does 10x less damage than an average player.


> I think you underestimate how many raiders play in open world too. Chances are, if you have been helped on a champion or bounty, a few meta players were the ones that helped you. Not to mention the 3-4 meta players on big meta events are the ones carrying the other 50% of the squad by doing 20x their dps.


There is a 1000 reason to call people toxic for that. 1 All gear is DPS gear period there is no gear that does not have some form of DPS that is simply because of the base power being 1000 so even no gear is still DPS gear. Now you saying that someone is doing 1000% more damage is wrong wrong and more wrong. If someone does 10x less damage and the event is still completed does it really matter ? That answer is NO it just was not completed fast big deal it was finished and that is what counts. I do not care if raiders also play in the open world I could care less I do not ask or seek help for champs and can solo most champs in the game. There are a few that are special like they are in lava and what not that I can not do because of the area around them.


The simple fact that if you require someone to run exactly the way you want and you kick them or not take them in the first place if they do not that is toxic. There is no grey area in this none what so ever.


> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You are absolutely wrong about Magic Find, as you are omitting the 300% from Essences of Luck.

> 300% Luck + (up to) 24% Achievement Bonus + 465% Boosters = 789% before any location or time-sensitive boosts.


You are completely correct on this I though that was with the 300% already added in I looked again and see that it was not I apologize for that you can get up to those numbers with full boosters, and over the 1000% if you are in the areas like SW or if it is a Lunar New Year.



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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > I'd like to see your numbers and methodology - and an explanation what about your method makes it so different from all other attempts to verify drops that all practically agree that the number of participants does not have ant impact on your drop chances. Obviously, you are doing something differently, and i'd very much like to know what it is. I mean, improving my chances for good drops is always valuable.


> When I solo champs I have found I have a greater chance of getting a high tier drop than if someone jumps the champ while I am soloing it or if there are more than a solo kills. I do not know if this is from the damage done or from the number of players in the kill I just know what the results are when I solo in relation to when others are there.

By asking about your numbers and methodology i was not asking about how you were killing the champs. I was asking about your _research_ methodology. Specifically, how did you perform the experiment, and what data did you acquire during that research. I am asking, because people _were_ doing such kinds of research about drops, and so far those that did it agree that there's no evidence that other people in any way affect your chances of obtaining loot (beyond the obvious case of someone else killing the mob so fast you didn't manage to qualify for drops at all, of course). Notice, also, that this is in line with the official Anet stance about drops, where supposedly the whole system is specially designed in such a way so other people would never be detrimental for you.


So, if you actually have some hard data that proves otherwise, i'd not only very much want to see it (because it would completely change some things we so far thought we knew about the game), but i'd also want to know how you gathered that data in order to reason why in your case the results are different than in all the other cases. Because, if you're right, then either you have considered some factor everyone ignored so far, or something changed in the game recently.



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> @"Stajan.4581" said:



> There is a 1000 reason to call people toxic for that. 1 All gear is DPS gear period there is no gear that does not have some form of DPS that is simply because of the base power being 1000 so even no gear is still DPS gear. Now you saying that someone is doing 1000% more damage is wrong wrong and more wrong. If someone does 10x less damage and the event is still completed does it really matter ? That answer is NO it just was not completed fast big deal it was finished and that is what counts. I do not care if raiders also play in the open world I could care less I do not ask or seek help for champs and can solo most champs in the game. There are a few that are special like they are in lava and what not that I can not do because of the area around them.


> The simple fact that if you require someone to run exactly the way you want and you kick them or not take them in the first place if they do not that is toxic. There is no grey area in this none what so ever.




DPs gear is gear that has stats to increase your damage per second. If the gear doesn't increase that, its not dps gear. Its support or tank gear. Having 1k power means you might as well play naked when it comes to your ability to deal power damage.


1000% increase is correct. Using the wrong build and rotations averages about 1-2k dps. Proper build and rotations can achieve 10-20k dps easily. Thats a 1000% increase.


Raids have a time limit. Most raids require all players, other than heals/supports to achieve at least 10k dps on average, in order to beat the raid timer. If one player is doing less than 10k damage, as a dps in a raid, then they are a liability to the team, as they are not doing the minimum required to beat the encounter, and are being carried by everyone else. Putting it more simply; If everyone in the group contributed equally to the 1k player, the raid would fail. Every single time.


There is a massive grey area, just because you state something, does not mean its true. In my opinion, its 100% toxic to demand people accept you into their group when you contribute nothing, and actually make it harder by being there.


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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> But your not excluded from the content you can go in right now and do it, just gather 9 of your none toxic mates and wack away at it.


And I have done that in the past. also are you acknowledging that you're toxic? cause that would be great, would solve a lot of issues


> Manchester United F.C is not being toxic becouse I cant join them to play soccer, I dont pass the minimum bar to qualify for the team.

> So then people in raid groups are not toxic either just becouse you dont happen to pass the bar they set for themselfs.


there's a massive difference between professional sports leagues and raiding in a video game, and you know it. that's a really disingenuous argument. it's also whataboutism which i don't engage with.


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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > But your not excluded from the content you can go in right now and do it, just gather 9 of your none toxic mates and wack away at it.


> And I have done that in the past. also are you acknowledging that you're toxic? cause that would be great, would solve a lot of issues


> > Manchester United F.C is not being toxic becouse I cant join them to play soccer, I dont pass the minimum bar to qualify for the team.

> > So then people in raid groups are not toxic either just becouse you dont happen to pass the bar they set for themselfs.


> there's a massive difference between professional sports leagues and raiding in a video game, and you know it. that's a really disingenuous argument. it's also whataboutism which i don't engage with.



Wait ... no one is toxic because they have a way they want to play ... that's the whole philosophy the game is built on. It only becomes toxic when party A's idea of playing how they want impacts party B's idea of playing how they want.


Ironically, people who QQ about elitism because they got kicked from a team are the toxic people in most cases because they are impacting the party's idea of how they want to play. For this game philosophy to work, EVERYONE needs to understand these ideas.


"_No one is saying you can't play how you want, they are just saying you can't play how you want in THIS team_".


Again, make good choices, understand how your actions impact others ... and everyone can get what they want.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > But your not excluded from the content you can go in right now and do it, just gather 9 of your none toxic mates and wack away at it.

> >

> > And I have done that in the past. also are you acknowledging that you're toxic? cause that would be great, would solve a lot of issues

> >

> > > Manchester United F.C is not being toxic becouse I cant join them to play soccer, I dont pass the minimum bar to qualify for the team.

> > > So then people in raid groups are not toxic either just becouse you dont happen to pass the bar they set for themselfs.

> >

> > there's a massive difference between professional sports leagues and raiding in a video game, and you know it. that's a really disingenuous argument. it's also whataboutism which i don't engage with.

> >


> Wait ... no one is toxic because they have a way they want to play ... that's the whole philosophy the game is built on. The only toxic that occurs is when someone tells YOU how you must play.


and that includes-


> And no, that doesn't include joining a team that wants specific people on it and them kicking you off because they don't want you, for whatever reason. If play how you want is going to work in the game, EVERYONE has to respect how EVERYONE ELSE wants to do that.


but it does include it. that is the essence of the toxic elitist. that you don't get to play with them and are thus excluded from the mode. there's a difference between a toxic attitude and a normal attitude and the way these toxic elitists do it IS toxic. i don't have a problem with raiders, i have a problem with toxic attitudes.


> "_No one is saying you can't play how you want, they are just saying you can't play how you want in THIS team_".


and that is the essence of toxic elitism, the "you can't play on THIS team" part. exclusion of a mode via exclusion from any teams that play that mode. It's why players don't engage with raiding when the raiding scene is full of those players. you know what would reduce toxicity that the devs can do? easy mode raids. that way the toxic elitists have their own little corner where they can have fun and everyone else gets to play the easy mode raids and discover the content that way and not be forced to interact with the toxic elitists.

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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> and that is the essence of toxic elitism, the "you can't play on THIS team" part. '


No, you missed the point entirely ... the toxic elitism coming from the guy that is being told he can't play on that team ... because his ideas of how to play are an imposition on the teams ideas of how they want to play. Playing how you want isnt' about everyone just accepting how you want to play, regardless of the impact it has on them. You can play how you want and if you truly understand that, you will understand and ACCEPT why you aren't wanted on those teams. It works BOTH ways. Playing how you want is not a license to force your way into teams you aren't wanted, just like playing how you want is not a license for someone to tell you what equipment you have to use or rotation to learn.


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> No, you missed the point entirely ... the toxic elitism coming from the guy that is being told he can't play on that team ... because his ideas of how to play are an imposition on those of the team. Playing how you want isnt' about everyone just accepting how you want to play, regardless of the impact it has on them. YOu can play how you want and if you truly understand that, you will understand and ACCEPT why you aren't wanted on those teams.



like i said, arenanet can fix the toxicity issues by making an easy mode. the sheer difficulty of the raids invites elitist toxicity because it's no longer about playing how you want, it becomes necessary to fulfill requirements and that by it's very nature invites toxicity.


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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > No, you missed the point entirely ... the toxic elitism coming from the guy that is being told he can't play on that team ... because his ideas of how to play are an imposition on those of the team. Playing how you want isnt' about everyone just accepting how you want to play, regardless of the impact it has on them. YOu can play how you want and if you truly understand that, you will understand and ACCEPT why you aren't wanted on those teams.

> >


> like i said, arenanet can fix the toxicity issues by making an easy mode. the sheer difficulty of the raids invites elitist toxicity because it's no longer about playing how you want, it becomes necessary to fulfill requirements and that by it's very nature invites toxicity.



Sure they could ... we could dream up ALL sorts of ideas of how Anet could fix it ... BUT


That doesn't change what I said ... EVEN with an easy mode, you STILL need to respect other people's ideas about how they want to play the game if you want that respect back for how you want to play the game.


... and if you think an easy mode will rid you of people who want to play optimally ... you just haven't given it much thought. What makes you think easy mode will make people decide they dont' want fast clears? That doesn't make sense.

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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > No, you missed the point entirely ... the toxic elitism coming from the guy that is being told he can't play on that team ... because his ideas of how to play are an imposition on those of the team. Playing how you want isnt' about everyone just accepting how you want to play, regardless of the impact it has on them. YOu can play how you want and if you truly understand that, you will understand and ACCEPT why you aren't wanted on those teams.

> >


> like i said, arenanet can fix the toxicity issues by making an easy mode. the sheer difficulty of the raids invites elitist toxicity because it's no longer about playing how you want, it becomes necessary to fulfill requirements and that by it's very nature invites toxicity.


There is nothing they need to fix you can fix it yourself by playing with likeminded people.

If there are to few people who think like you maybe you are the one that need to change?


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Sure they could ... we could dream up ALL sorts of ideas of how Anet could fix it ... BUT


> That doesn't change what I said ... EVEN with an easy mode, you STILL need to respect other people's ideas about how they want to play the game if you want that respect back for how you want to play the game.


sure, as long as those people don't hold toxic elitist attitudes that, by definition, don't respect other people.


> ... and if you think an easy mode will rid you of people who want to play optimally ... you just haven't given it much thought.


i have given it a ton of thought, and an easy mode would make it far less likely to bump into people that want to play it optimally because the sheer number of people who could access raids would overwhelm any small number of optimal players that would want to do normal mode.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > No, you missed the point entirely ... the toxic elitism coming from the guy that is being told he can't play on that team ... because his ideas of how to play are an imposition on those of the team. Playing how you want isnt' about everyone just accepting how you want to play, regardless of the impact it has on them. YOu can play how you want and if you truly understand that, you will understand and ACCEPT why you aren't wanted on those teams.

> > >

> >

> > like i said, arenanet can fix the toxicity issues by making an easy mode. the sheer difficulty of the raids invites elitist toxicity because it's no longer about playing how you want, it becomes necessary to fulfill requirements and that by it's very nature invites toxicity.

> >


> Sure they could ... we could dream up ALL sorts of ideas of how Anet could fix it ... BUT


> That doesn't change what I said ... EVEN with an easy mode, you STILL need to respect other people's ideas about how they want to play the game if you want that respect back for how you want to play the game.


> ... and if you think an easy mode will rid you of people who want to play optimally ... you just haven't given it much thought. What makes you think easy mode will make people decide they dont' want fast clears? That doesn't make sense.


Fast clears only mean you're not doing things for fun.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> There is nothing they need to fix you can fix it yourself by playing with likeminded people.

> If there are to few people who think like you maybe you are the one that need to change?



playing with likeminded people would be the solution if there were an easy mode. but there isn't. difficulty invites toxicity.


and there are a lot of players who think like me, I'm not the only one. there have been countless threads asking for easy mode raids because they want to experience the content too AND not have to deal with toxic raiders.

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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Sure they could ... we could dream up ALL sorts of ideas of how Anet could fix it ... BUT

> >

> > That doesn't change what I said ... EVEN with an easy mode, you STILL need to respect other people's ideas about how they want to play the game if you want that respect back for how you want to play the game.


> sure, as long as those people don't hold toxic elitist attitudes that, by definition, don't respect other people.


Except they don't **until the point** where someone that doesn't respect theirs joins their team ...

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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > There is nothing they need to fix you can fix it yourself by playing with likeminded people.

> > If there are to few people who think like you maybe you are the one that need to change?

> >


> playing with likeminded people would be the solution if there were an easy mode. but there isn't. difficulty invites toxicity.


> and there are a lot of players who think like me, I'm not the only one. there have been countless threads asking for easy mode raids because they want to experience the content too AND not have to deal with toxic raiders.


No, easy mode has nothing to do with it. People are still going to want to optimally play an easy mode.

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