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Please extend the daily achievment point limit

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Around 2 years ago I hit the limit of 15'000 temporary achievment point. And looking back that harmed my motivation to play daily in a desasterous way.

Before I was online nearly all day, now I play less than 2 month per year.


I hope to recover my previous motivation, when they got extended, but I don't see it happen without!


How do you think about that?

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There should be a reasonable cap where most new players can catch up in a few years of playing. I think the current cap is already fine. The game should have other incentives to keep players playing.


Like the fun ... from stuff you can do repeatedly while having fun. Other permanent 1-time achievements not done yet? PvP? WvW? (Yeah those need improvements ... also for PvE a new expansion is announced. They should consider adding a separate AP source with cap to those "daily season 3/4" and making one for the new expansion for playing on the new maps then when it gets released.)

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> Daily achievement points are the only thing getting you motivated to play the game?


Did not said, only, I said an important especially for daily login, as all other things can be moved to later without loss, so I payed all last years new content within 2 month and where not online the other time.

You don't have to earn money, if you don't login you don't spend it,

You don't have to do the new living story episode when it coumes out, you can collect several before plang them in short time.



I think these daily achievement points are important for daily login, at least for me.

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> @"Luthan.5236" said:

> There should be a reasonable cap where most new players can catch up in a few years of playing.


New player will never catch-up with a still active veteran. They will never be able to get LS1 and past festival achievements.


Therefore the ranking is a bad thing. And I saw achievement points as my progress indicator for all the long time beyond lvl 80, and without these daily points there is no progress between LS episodes/festivals. So I made a break when only "not liked achievements" where left, and hey when the next episode appeared. ah, you can do them anytime, no reason to do next within the next week, and so the breaks took longer and longer.

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Absolutely not. I used to think they should, too, but they really cheapen achievement points in general.


Don't look at it as incentive to login. Think of them as freeing you from feeling OBLIGATED to login.


If you actually want to play the game, and get the NEW achievement points, you'll have to actually play. If you don't want to I suspect that indeed, you don't want to play.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"Luthan.5236" said:

> > There should be a reasonable cap where most new players can catch up in a few years of playing.


> New player will never catch-up with a still active veteran. They will never be able to get LS1 and past festival achievements.


> Therefore the ranking is a bad thing. And I saw achievement points as my progress indicator for all the long time beyond lvl 80, and without these daily points there is no progress between LS episodes/festivals. So I made a break when only "not liked achievements" where left, and hey when the next episode appeared. ah, you can do them anytime, no reason to do next within the next week, and so the breaks took longer and longer.


Well there is one reason some require meta events and after afew months the map might be a wasteland.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"Luthan.5236" said:

> > There should be a reasonable cap where most new players can catch up in a few years of playing.


> New player will never catch-up with a still active veteran. They will never be able to get LS1 and past festival achievements.


> Therefore the ranking is a bad thing. And I saw achievement points as my progress indicator for all the long time beyond lvl 80, and without these daily points there is no progress between LS episodes/festivals. So I made a break when only "not liked achievements" where left, and hey when the next episode appeared. ah, you can do them anytime, no reason to do next within the next week, and so the breaks took longer and longer.


This was brought up in an earlier discussion, it's been taken care of already...a new player can get just as many AP points as a player that played LS1...if you want the answers do a search for it on the forums. Taking a break from playing is the whole point behind part of the design decisions made with GW2, they didn't want to force anyone to have to play every single day to keep with others.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"Luthan.5236" said:

> > There should be a reasonable cap where most new players can catch up in a few years of playing.


> New player will never catch-up with a still active veteran. They will never be able to get LS1 and past festival achievements.


> Therefore the ranking is a bad thing. And I saw achievement points as my progress indicator for all the long time beyond lvl 80, and without these daily points there is no progress between LS episodes/festivals. So I made a break when only "not liked achievements" where left, and hey when the next episode appeared. ah, you can do them anytime, no reason to do next within the next week, and so the breaks took longer and longer.


But, they will more easily catch up with players that don't log in daily, and only log in a couple of months per year.

There's still the 2 Gold and the Daily log-in rewards.


What is the main incentive you desire? Just the points on the leaderboard? The Pinnacle weapons? The armor? The very occasional 400 Gems?

Are all achievements that comes with the monthly releases finished in such a short time?

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No. Achievement system has already been watered down enough with the dailies/monthlies.


> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"Luthan.5236" said:

> > There should be a reasonable cap where most new players can catch up in a few years of playing.


> New player will never catch-up with a still active veteran.


And they never would if there was no cap. And unless you're trying to actually compete and do every achievement in the game, why does it matter?


> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> I think these daily achievement points are important for daily login, at least for me.


That's what login rewards are for

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As I've said dozens of times, diminishing returns is how they should have "capped" it when the cap was first instantiated. A flat cap cannot be justified either mathematically or in game terms. I support ANY rise in the cap, but I would recommend diminishing returns rather than a flat rise in the number. Unfortunately, it would be really hard to implement either a raised cap or even diminishing returns now, due to the large time-gap between people hitting the cap and now. So, I don't think it will happen, even though it absolutely SHOULD happen.


Right now, it is physically impossible for me to attain a full set of radiant armor, something I strove for early in the game's life. The cap almost got me to quit, but I stuck to it because I still like the game. I'm sitting somewhere near 29,000, but still need more than 7,000 to get it, and there aren't 7,000 even available to me (I never touch PvP or raids, and only do limited WvW.)


It saddens me that that armor set is out of my reach, but I'll continue to play the game anyhow. (I will say that it has caused me to spend slightly less money in the gem store, though, if anybody from ANet cares.)

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Achievement points are optional enough that people can pick and choose what achievements they invest their time into without disrupting their gameplay, but valuable enough that they make a nice casual goal to work toward. I've never felt pressured to log in every single day to get them, but I feel good on the days that I do and **I feel like my time is rewarded.**


The cap should be lifted, not so anyone can 'catch up', but so that the effort you put in continues to put out a reward. I also think keeping dailies motivational is good for the health of the game by reviving old content and maps to bolster the population for newer players.


Dailies do currently award small amounts of map currency, materials, or karma in additional to AP, but hitting an AP wall after years of steady accrual is jarring and acts as an unintentional deterrent. Dailies aren't really an efficient way to collect map currency (and the other things they award), but they _are_ a good way to accrue AP over time; this is why removing AP feels so demotivational. Dailies don't have the same value without them.


AP are an easy way to reward active playtime, long-term membership, and completionism without dividing the playerbase into separate groups.

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Oh, and (thanks for the idea, AgentMoore) it would be a good idea to add more dailies when this happens. Give people more options (and require more of them), so that more maps can get better populated than now.


For example, add the daily LS maps to the daily for-reward "dailies". Metas on certain maps (like, rotate through the HoT and PoF maps as well as LS maps). Put the dungeons in the list more often. Have 20, 30, maybe more things in the list, rather than just the 12 today.


Another way my diminishing returns idea would work is by requiring the capped to do more dailies. Takes 4 or 5 or 6 dailies to get the laurel reward rather than the three that other folks can do. In fact, just keep giving out the (uncapped) rewards, but keep raising the amount you have to do to get them once you hit certain thresholds. It's like diminishing returns from the supply side.

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I actually was glad when i reached the cap because that meant that i didnt have to bother about the daily achievements anymore. I still do some of them from time to time, but then mostly for wvw/pvp-potions or the occasional mystic coin.


Also, the more AP are available through dailies, the less valuable the AP from permanent achievements become. And the latter require much more effort and playtime in general.

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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> Also, the more AP are available through dailies, the less valuable the AP from permanent achievements become. And the latter require much more effort and playtime in general.


That may seem to be the case except for the small caveat that permanent achievements are, well, permanent.


You can do as many or as little as you want within any time frame and always get the maximum amount of points on offer. Daily achievements are timegated (and missing a day means you miss your shot at them), meaning it will always be more beneficial to go after story and gameplay achievements if your goal is to accrue large numbers of AP.


The benefit of permanent achievements remains the same: Put in a lot of effort whenever you want, get a lot of AP.

The benefit of daily achievements remains the same: Put in moderate effort, get limited AP once each day.


Add to this that both kinds of AP add up to the same overall AP count, and it doesn't matter so much how you're collecting them. You're still working toward the same goal whichever method you choose, you just have more liberty as to where you spend your time and how much time you spend.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> > @"Jojo.6140" said:

> > Also, the more AP are available through dailies, the less valuable the AP from permanent achievements become. And the latter require much more effort and playtime in general.


> That may seem to be the case except for the small caveat that permanent achievements are, well, permanent.


> You can do as many or as little as you want within any time frame and always get the maximum amount of points on offer. Daily achievements are timegated (and missing a day means you miss your shot at them), meaning it will always be more beneficial to go after story and gameplay achievements if your goal is to accrue large numbers of AP.

> *snip*


If they removed the cap, you have that backwards. It would ALWAYS be more beneficial to go after the points that will disappear. removing the cap on dailies would essentially mean adding 365 mini festivals of dailies. Miss one, miss 10 ap. You can always go after story and gameplay achievements after getting the ap that will vanish. This, as I and others have said, means the others are always less important.


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> @"Etria.3642" said:


> If they removed the cap, you have that backwards. It would ALWAYS be more beneficial to go after the points that will disappear. removing the cap on dailies would essentially mean adding 365 mini festivals of dailies. Miss one, miss 10 ap. You can always go after story and gameplay achievements after getting the ap that will vanish. This, as I and others have said, means the others are always less important.


It's possible we just disagree about it then, since I haven't hit the cap and have daily AP available to me, yet don't feel a sense of urgency to go after them instead of the permanent fixtures. If there were no cap, it would reward people who log in every single day to do their dailies and they could potentially zip past me in their AP counts, but it wouldn't hurt me in any way, so that urgency isn't universal. I pick at it when I can, and would continue to do so cap or no cap.


No cap, at least, continues to offer something to people who have hit their limit and now feel unmotivated to continue with dailies or people like me who play often but are unable to complete certain achievements and appreciate being able to work on my AP in other ways. If I miss the dailies (or if the dailies are lame), I do the permanents, if I dislike the permanents, I do the dailies.


It's probably also important to note that 10AP doesn't have to be a hard set reward. Some people have suggested that after 15k, you should still get AP, just less of them. Even if it got down to the point where dailies awarded only 1AP, you'd still be chipping away at your long-term goal and being rewarded for your time.

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The LWS1 and monthly points are baked into the daily count for the 15000 points cap. So new players can catch up on these.

Once reached 15000 points obtained in the daily count, daily achievements only yield 1 points per day instead of 10.

So it still increase, but very slowly. Deal ?

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"It's possible we just disagree about it then, since I haven't hit the cap and have daily AP available to me, yet don't feel a sense of urgency to go after them instead of the permanent fixtures. If there were no cap, it would reward people who log in every single day to do their dailies and they could potentially zip past me in their AP counts, but it wouldn't hurt me in any way, so that urgency isn't universal. I pick at it when I can, and would continue to do so cap or no cap."


Because there currently is a cap, indeed there is no urgency. We do agree about that. I or you or anyone can decide that we don't want to complete the daily today and we lose nothing save the opportunity for 2 gold. Eventually we will reach the 15k cap. I might reach it sooner than you, my daughter will reach it sooner than me, others may already be there. I am over halfway, and indeed, there are many many days when I do not complete it. I play a festival, or work on season 2 ap, or help a guildie with his skyscale, or do raids, or literally anything I feel like. My opportunity cost is 2 gold, which can easily be made up in other ways.


Should that cap be removed, the opportunity cost is 2 gold AND 10 ap which CANNOT be made up. Doing a different achievement does not make up the loss; it would have been in addition to it.

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> @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> The LWS1 and monthly points are baked into the daily count for the 15000 points cap. So new players can catch up on these.

> Once reached 15000 points obtained in the daily count, daily achievements only yield 1 points per day instead of 10.

> So it still increase, but very slowly. Deal ?


ANYTHING is better than nothing. But, to drop by 90% all at once is too much (IMO). I think they should drop it progressively from 10 down to 1, rather than all the way at once.


But, I would also try to do some math and figure out what that means for veterans who've been capped for a while. Perhaps make the first cap at 5000, dropping to 9 per day. Then @ 8000 drop it to 8, 10,000 drop to 7, etc.


Then, when it hits one, make a higher number of dailies be required in order to get the 1 AP.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > The LWS1 and monthly points are baked into the daily count for the 15000 points cap. So new players can catch up on these.

> > Once reached 15000 points obtained in the daily count, daily achievements only yield 1 points per day instead of 10.

> > So it still increase, but very slowly. Deal ?


> ANYTHING is better than nothing. But, to drop by 90% all at once is too much (IMO). I think they should drop it progressively from 10 down to 1, rather than all the way at once.


> But, I would also try to do some math and figure out what that means for veterans who've been capped for a while. Perhaps make the first cap at 5000, dropping to 9 per day. Then @ 8000 drop it to 8, 10,000 drop to 7, etc.


> Then, when it hits one, make a higher number of dailies be required in order to get the 1 AP.


> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > The LWS1 and monthly points are baked into the daily count for the 15000 points cap. So new players can catch up on these.

> > Once reached 15000 points obtained in the daily count, daily achievements only yield 1 points per day instead of 10.

> > So it still increase, but very slowly. Deal ?


> ANYTHING is better than nothing. But, to drop by 90% all at once is too much (IMO). I think they should drop it progressively from 10 down to 1, rather than all the way at once.


> But, I would also try to do some math and figure out what that means for veterans who've been capped for a while. Perhaps make the first cap at 5000, dropping to 9 per day. Then @ 8000 drop it to 8, 10,000 drop to 7, etc.


> Then, when it hits one, make a higher number of dailies be required in order to get the 1 AP.


It takes a bit over 4 years of not missing any daily to reach the 15000 pts cap to a new player.

Making a hard drop to 1 AP is perfectly fine.


Making a progressive threshold is useless to veterans players.

Either it lengthen the number of dailies needed to reach the last cap which is bad for new players. Or it slow the new players down which is also bad.

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> @"Kulvar.1239" said:


> Making a progressive threshold is useless to veterans players.

> Either it lengthen the number of dailies needed to reach the last cap which is bad for new players. Or it slow the new players down which is also bad.


Wrong and mostly wrong. The whole point is that there is no cap. The amount earned keeps going down, forever.


And, it doesn't slow anybody down unless my more radical suggestion is implemented, to start the downward progression earlier than at 15,000.

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