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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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Here's what i would appreciate to come together with Cantha:



I really wish for a big sprawling city with different districts like slums and palaces with its criminal organisations and its oppressive military. Since we're revisting a place of old, i would really like to be hit hard with that nostalgic feeling i had when i explored Kaineng. Even if it was split up into different areas, it was a huge place. The athmosphere oozed everything from desperation to high culture. To not lose the maze like character of the city, a hard restriction on mounts should be placed here.


**A lower limitation of players on each instance of a map:**

Big meta events became a joke to succeed, since giant zergs just rush through everything without strategy. There is just brute force and no coordination. Who cares if someone goes down? Mobs are falling left and right so you get revived anyways or just use a waypont and be back in no time. No sense of thrill or responsibility for certain tasks in a big event like fighting dragons and their champions. I feel like there could be a lot more communication between players if there was need for it. There would probably be a lot less lag and effect fireworks and thus better performance for everyone.


**Harder Story content:**

Story missions are very, very easy. Right now they are scenic routes you watch pass by like on a city trip. Excuse me for again referencing back to Guild Wars 1, but onward from max level 20 those story missions weren't exactly cake walks (let's forget todays broken builds for a moment). You needed to adapt, especially if you wanted to complete the **one** complicated bonus condition. I wish new stories would kinda adapt this system again. Have a somewhat harder mission with one twisty bonus condition (something you have really to think about how to make it work while doing the normal mission). Make us able to fail the mission and have to restart it again. This also might again increase communication within the community since you might need some help. It would increase the usefulness of guilds and possible guild alliances. It would give credibility to the story's stakes and characters, unlike NPC followers that are ment to be powerful allies but do absolutely nothing as long as they join you. I am looking at you Braum.


**Interchangeable weapon skills and new support skills for all weapons and classes:**

As a child of Guild Wars 1 i am very much missing my (still limited) eight slots of skills i can freely set before venturing out. In my opinion this was one of the best things a game of this kind could do. Somewhat limit the player by the amount he could do at a time, but give them a plethura of choice to fill the limited space. This sparked creativity. You could try thousands of builds. Since Guild Wars 2 i only changed my support skills very, very rarely. I did it once for my Guardian, when the new Elite Specializations were released and Dragonhunter with his traps started to feel more useful (especially as i started raiding) than my old tanky build with shouts. And i now do it, when i feel i need to have another heal for my party in fractals, so i switch from elite trap to elite signet. That's it. That is my build variation in the last years playing the game. There was nothing that could not be dealt with in the PvE content that was released so far with the exact same skills, perks and weapons). So i feel there is a lot of room for more skills on weapons and support slots. Skills that go beyond granting boons and inflicting conditions (this design decision might be, what numbs down Guild Wars 2's combat a lot). Enemies in PvE use interesting mechanics that could be adapted for character skills that go beyond that. And PvE content should be designed the way that you as player are tasked to use your creativity to overcome it in interesting ways.


**A new playable race:**

For the race it feels like the Tengu aren't that much of a stretch. They sit at the ready right next to one of the most important hubs in the game, aka Lions Arch. There is enough space to outline two areas that would serve as starting area and border area for the tengu. For the problem with personal story for levels 1-80: lets have a new one, shall we? It should play out in the starting area and then venture forth to Cantha and would only be available to Tengu characters and human characters that get created with a Canthan background. As for the problem with the armor skins: A new race would be a huge selling point, so taking this hurdle seems like a good investment into the games future.

**/or class**

For a new class i see sufficient design space to atleast revive the Ritualist. These few spiritual weapons on the Guardian have little in common with the old Ritualist spirits. The spirits on the Ranger are in line with what they were in Guild Wars 1 and they still coexisted with those of the Ritualist back then. The Ritualist's spirits again could be stationary spirits with ranged attacks or other effects during existence or on vanishing. Enhancing other players weapons is basicly not a thing right now and could easily be, for example a lot of stuff beyond boons and conditions.


**The Spear weapon on land**:

Title says it all. Make it happen. ;) Maybe as a modal melee/ranged weapon.


**A new stance for the Revenant:**

I somewhere read that monk Mhenlo might be a cool new stance for the Revenant, and even though i don't even play one, i agree. That would be great addition.



Bring back instanced content that is rooted in the game's world. Offer a hard mode. Have either three paths again or find a way to have all bosses in one dungeon.

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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> A story that isn't laughable in comparison to FFXIV's Heavensward & Shadowbringers- GW2 story has never been great & more "generic good-guy teams up with other generic blend of good-guys" I just want a good story. Something I can get immersed into. Lore heavy, impactful & meaningful choices & NPCs with whom help drive the story in such a way, you actually are excited for what will happen next. I've never experienced that with Gw2- not even when Aurene "died" because you could see it coming & knew she would reincarnate or come back. It felt like a poor shock factor.

> -- Aside from the sad development of WvW & lack of care for the WvW players- the lackluster story is also why I left GW2. I've slowly been wanting to come back, but I know nothing has changed.


All of FFXIV stories are garbage sorry. Characters with unpronounceable names (thank god for cutscenes). Story is convoluted, linear and at times silly. All the cliche are in there and then alot of the story / quests is lost to no voice acting anywhere else. It sucks tbh. You talk about generic good vs bad but point to the epitome of generic good vs bad. Our Zaitan story is equal to the best FFXIV can cook up.

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Congrats on the great topic!


All and more of Cantha: Shing Monastery , Kaineng, Echovald Forest and Jade Sea (mostly water now) zones!

Need much more underwater zones and content to prepare for Deep Sea Dragon!

Maybe finally redesign the underwater combat get all weapons underwater and allow Spears on land with halberd variants and such! Lots of people are waiting for underwater!

More raids like the Deep and Urgoz! Everyone wants this! An maybe some Dungeons, I have been missing some!

More Legendaries (some Asian style ones and more design contests)

At least one more race Tengu since Dwarf and Kodan don t make much sense in Cantha.

One Elite again per Profession but maybe one more profession if possible! Monk and Ritualist!

Many more masteries maybe a mix of mount and others. We have enough mounts for now but we need an underwater one!

2 fractals at least Based on Kaineng, Echovald since we have Jade Sea one.



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> @"suitedsaskia.6803" said:

> Need more customer creation at least 50- 100 hair styles per race. Wrinkles, moles wider range of tattooes, skin tone. Why does a axe have more skin styles then a sylvari hair.... So stupid


Yes for more customization for character creation but not done as in 1999. I need to see dysmorphia and the ability to create a character who's missing a limb or has a specific tilting/ arching.

What's the point of adding wrinkles if your Gandalf walks upright ?

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > @"Hitomi Shadowleaf.5629" said:

> > 1. A downvote button on the forums.

> > 2. A new playable race like Largos or Tengu

> > 3. Direct X12 Support

> > 4. More customization with hairstyles

> > 5. More story line for the Gods / Celestials

> > 6. More weapon choices options for classes like Theif & Rev with very small weapon pools that arent tied to Elite specs

> >

> >


> Not even mentioning engineer as the class with the most limited weapon pool, lmao.


_Technically_ they have access to a bunch of unique weapons through their skills, but I hear ya.

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TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU TENGU AS A PLAYABLE RACE GOD DAMN IT!!! ..........sorry about that, but I've been wanting them to become a playable race since the initial HoT announcement and the fact that they STILL haven't added any new playable races has been the one and only gripe I've had about this game. The upcoming third expansion is the perfect time to add at least one new race for us to pick in the character creation process and if it still doesn't happen...I might flip all the tables in my house xD

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@"MudkipLover.3792" I agree. I would love to have Tengu as a playable race.

Anet said we wouldn't get Mounts and Cantha in the past, and yet we have and are getting those things now.


I don't care if there is no voice acting for tengu for the core game and dungeon instances. They could do something similar to how they are releasing this next LS episode without voice acting.

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I've only really been playing for a couple of months so still have to experience everything the current game/expansions have to offer but I'd like to see:


New elite specs for all classes. (Maybe a Golum Master for engineer to allow us some minions to play with?)

Additional weapons for each class (likely opened up due to new elite specs)

Option to disable 4-legged running for Charr - I don't mind them running on 2 legs when wielding weapons but something about the four legged lumbering drives me nuts when playing one (a toggle option would be nice, not just having to keep drawing weapon over and over).

More underwater weapon options (especially if there is going to be an underwater zone)

More base customisation options for all races - hairs, facial hair, faces, etc.

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I'd love:

-more customization options.

-being able to mix and match different armor weights

-a good, long storyline to play.

-beautiful maps (this is a given)

-amazing new music.

-a new system that changes how we play, like gliding or mounts.

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More New Ideas!!!!!!!


Not more of the same please, a NEW world boss, I mean "new" not as just another, but rather new as in brand new with brand new mechanics. One that isn't like all the other dragons where you just attack their feet. Please get very creative, try different stuff. this goes for events as well. The events are awesome when they have to do with the story of that region of the world but so many of them are just the same tedious task. And events that require other players as well could be cool, as it is now a lot of stuff can be done, single player.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Underwater (UW) adventuring (which would require more UW weapons).


> Beef up the base professions to elite-spec levels, or nerf down the elites, so they all have the same relative power.


> More PvE APs. The best way to do that: replace the daily AP cap with a diminishing returns progression instead of a cap. But, there are many other ways this could be done as well.


Yes underwater adventureing would be amazing!


they just need to be sure they take their time with the map design of it. Nothings worse then being underwater and its too dark or foggy to actually see anything cool.

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> @"artcreator.4859" said:

> More New Ideas!!!!!!!


> Not more of the same please, a NEW world boss, I mean "new" not as just another, but rather new as in brand new with brand new mechanics. One that isn't like all the other dragons where you just attack their feet.

Isn't the Shatterer different in this way already? From what I understand, it often fails because of the convoluted mechanics?


>And events that require other players as well could be cool, as it is now a lot of stuff can be done, single player.

Silverwastes? Seems like the new expansion will have content similar to this?


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After being a new player and going through the core game, HoT, PoF, and all of the LW seasons (except for season 1 since it's not fully available anymore) in around 2 weeks for everything, I would really enjoy the following:


* A little higher leveling cap (I doubt this would happen or work with the whole mastery system in place)

* New playable classes and professions

* New visually appealing zones. I, for the most part, love all of the zones in the game (except for Tangled Depths. I will never enjoy that zone). I would enjoy a few more zones that are a little bit different from the current zones. I don't exactly know WHAT I want, but I do know that I want something.. if that makes sense.

* More story! This is a given, but to me I have LOVED going through the story and LW content (with the exception of boss fights every 2 seconds) and am excited for more story to play!

* This one is a big ask, but I REALLY wish they would put more focus on dungeons similar to how WoW does for leveling. Dungeons to me are the only thing the game lacks that makes me miss WoW every once in a while. If they would add a few more dungeons that are used primarily for experience gain, I would seriously be the happiest person in the world. If they did this, dungeons would become popular again (although lots of times I have no issues finding people for a dungeon run).

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I didn't read all the comments but here are the things I would like to see in the next expansion:


- More underwater content, maybe one map that is completely underwater even (under the Jade Sea maybe?). Also underwater mount.

- New Dungeons. The dungeons have been somewhat neglected recently, there have been Fractals, Strike Missions and Raids. It is time to bring good old dungeons back. Maybe an Urgoz dungeon?

- New Guild Halls (yes that is plural); also please add a Banker to Guild Halls finally please.

- Larger maps might be something to look into. When GW2 came out the maps used to be huge, but back then there were no mounts. Now with mounts you reach everything instantly more or less. Maybe larger maps would help bring that wow-effect back.

- Would love to see a playable Ritualist class .

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> @"nanomidgy.9180" said:

> 2. Option to enable **standard model in pve** like it already exists in wvw.


If you set character detail settings to their lowest then players around you will use standard models and not their own skins. This works only for armor, not weapons and back items.

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15v15 or 10v10 GvG. (and not that horrible stronghold pvp map. make it simple. attack / defence. a battling ram to defend, a gate to defend. one path. a middle point to capture to set who attack and who defend. in fact a gameplay like the old paladins game beta.)

legendary weapons should not be a priority as i prefer them spending ressources on over stuff BUT the ability to dye legendary weapons and their projectiles would be top!!

new elite specs are a given.

mariokart race track/dedicated race track for beetle mount.

frontline system for WvW ?

the ability to collect usable weapons from maps like the ranger collect its pets and use them whenever you like. (some classless weapons are very fun to use)

maybe open world duels?

the ability to become a monster and hunt players in pve? ^^

new mounts with unique gameplay! (i want a charr vehicle as a mount)

tons of secret areas to explore.

less time gate ressources.

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