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lock weapon stowing in combat to keep players from exploiting the game.


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I just find it a fallacy by anet to not give 100% cd on skills that interrupted by cancelling yourself. If it wasn't for saving dodges I wouldn't have a problem with it. It is just a cheap trick to avoid getting punished by abusing an option that isn't propably supposed to be there in the first place.

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> @"pninak.1069" said:

> I just find it a fallacy by anet to not give 100% cd on skills that interrupted by cancelling yourself. If it wasn't for saving dodges I wouldn't have a problem with it. It is just a cheap trick to avoid getting punished by abusing an option that isn't propably supposed to be there in the first place.


Again: if you think it's unintentional then go make a thread in a bug report section, not sure what you're arguing about here. It's a known mechanic used by most (all?) classes and whether you like it or not is mostly irrelevant.

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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> Imagine beeing in a real fight and you're about to hit someone with a sword but then you stow it.


> Lol, but in all seriousness, I don't really know all the inpacts this might cause since this ''tactic'' is used since the game launched and I am not personnally against or for it.


Imagine beeing in a real fight and trying to throw some magic.

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Why would you dumb down the game? The exploits are exploits like the obsidian flesh bug but they get fixed and really aren't that problematic to begin with so just focus on them instead of weapon stowing. Stowing animations on the other hand such as arcing slice on warrior, trueshot on dragonhunter, maul on ranger and many many more are extremely tactical and important to high level play. The fact that there are people here saying "oh it can give 2k extra DPS in raids" and "oh I wasted a dodge because someone stowed" thats your own fault, you are openly admitting someone better than you used their skill to outplay you, thats it. Stows are part of this game and its mechanics, it would be stupid to remove them now.


and for the one dude trying to compare this to actual 'combat', just want to point out the concept of a feint.

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@MysteryMen.3791 a lot of bugs are related to weapon stowing. that's why the fixes we get for these skills are pretty much just bandaid instead of a fixed solution. If these skills get exploited by using weapon stow and this happens to a ton of skills you can't fix the skills on their own, because they aren't the root of the problem.

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> @"pninak.1069" said:

> as the title says. We have Rangers glitching their animation during barrage into greatsword, stealthed thiefs that use skills which were supposed to do dmg and totally remove the damaging potion of the skill by abusing this and eles that use this mid combat to get slower cooldown on obsiflesh. I think it si best for every profession to lock this option while in combat and theirby minimizing the risk of glitch exploits.


Now i need to know what glitch is that one. If it's any good and it does not cancel the barrage cast.

> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Yeah weapon stow needs to be blocked during combat.


> Also increase the cooldown on weapon swap to help slow down the games combat some more. It's just too fast for me.


I totally agree with Justine here. Also increase the cast time in every skill, i can't see the animations and i want counterplay.

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> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > I like stowing after a 1v1 for my style points lol no? Anybody else?

> I always stow weapons after combat and draw them right before entering a fight. I even stow weapons, if I’m retreating and still being attacked. I just love the “normal” running animations.


Charr player detected

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > I like stowing after a 1v1 for my style points lol no? Anybody else?

> > I always stow weapons after combat and draw them right before entering a fight. I even stow weapons, if I’m retreating and still being attacked. I just love the “normal” running animations.


> Charr player detected

Nope, mostly Sylvari and Humans. The running animation is the only unique animation Sylvari have and it’s cool on both genders.

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This is unbelievable that people make the argument to remove aspects of the game that increase skill cap. Using an animation stow is extremely useful to bait a dodge or reaction to open up an opportunity in wvw and PvP and doesnt have a massive impact in pve.


It might not be recognized by most of the player base but faking skills and baiting as important aspects for higher level play and are examples of well balanced mechanics. This isn't about risk and reward it's about having another layer to the combat mechanics.


I don't think anet should be looking towards dumbing down combat mechanics.

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> @"pninak.1069" said:

> and you see how far it brought the game. you gotta wait for ages to get a pvp match. it is propably quicker getting a match in gw1 compared to current state of gw2 pvp.


To be fair that has more to do with the dumbing down of the game,poor balancing and lack of meaningful changes throughout the years across pvp modes than it has to do with weapon stowing.

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> @"pninak.1069" said:

> and you see how far it brought the game. you gotta wait for ages to get a pvp match. it is propably quicker getting a match in gw1 compared to current state of gw2 pvp.


Yeah, I'm sure that's totally weapon stow's fault. People love making these bullkitten disconnected claims on this forum for some reason.

The game is less popular than x? "that's because especs aren't locked behind the quest chains!"

A mode has low popularity? "that's because weapon stow mechanic exists!"


LOL, no.

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you see all the time bug fixes related to it. Meanwhile people ignore the obvious connection between bugs that exist, because of it. I stated it earlier in one of my posts above. They fix these bugs as a bandaid. they would have it much easier by erasing weapon stow alltogether than fixing each new bug that is created because of it.

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> @"pninak.1069" said:

> you see all the time bug fixes related to it.


Like what? To me it seems more like they fix what they don't want to overperform. And stop calling a bug something that's not one. If you think it's a bug, there's a place to report it.

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> @"pninak.1069" said:

> you see all the time bug fixes related to it. Meanwhile people ignore the obvious connection between bugs that exist, because of it. I stated it earlier in one of my posts above. They fix these bugs as a bandaid. they would have it much easier by erasing weapon stow alltogether than fixing each new bug that is created because of it.


Nonono, all those bugs are related to abilities, we should remove them all and rather use rock/paper/scissor

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