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Frequent Balance Adjustments?


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> @"beastudyr.4691" said:

> I thought we were promised frequent balance adjustments, but so far that seems to have been a lie. There's some very clear outliers and outright broken skills out there that should've been fixed 3 weeks ago. The most notable one being that bombkit auto.


I know as a gamer we dont go outside but maybe you heard about this thing called Corona Virus?


You know? That things that make people not able to work?



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Even while working from home, communications have slowed down in all fields of work, whether or not nigh on 100% of it can be done digitally.

There's things to keep in mind like refactoring and reviewing of code, test servers for QA jadajadajada. Processes simply slow down because everyone needs to get used to the new and evolving situation...

While playing games doesn't require you to do much, creating them kind of does... Give them some room, sheesh.

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> @"beastudyr.4691" said:

> I thought we were promised frequent balance adjustments, but so far that seems to have been a lie. There's some very clear outliers and outright broken skills out there that should've been fixed 3 weeks ago. The most notable one being that bombkit auto.


yeah, would like to know if this outlier is gonna get toned down to reasonable levels... otherwise i need to roll a engi

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The balance is quite good (the best since at least 4 years). No hotfixes are needed. No broken mesmers, no broken revenants, no broken thieves and no broken necros.


They could lower the overall (every single class! not just necro) sustain a bit more but this takes more time than 4 weeks.


At the moment power builds run full berserker or full marauder to be able to kill condi bunkers. And condi builds run bunker gear because power builds can afford to run full berzerker or full marauder. Every other gear is useless. The damage is not too low. The sustain is too high.

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> @"Vornollo.5182" said:

> Even while working from home, communications have slowed down in all fields of work, whether or not nigh on 100% of it can be done digitally.

> There's things to keep in mind like refactoring and reviewing of code, test servers for QA jadajadajada. Processes simply slow down because everyone needs to get used to the new and evolving situation...

> While playing games doesn't require you to do much, creating them kind of does... Give them some room, sheesh.


Agree, I work in the software industry while most people in my office are more prepared to be able to work from home, not everyone is setup for maximum functionality, efficiency and production and it is a change.

They dont have a decent work setup or anything near as efficient as multiple monitors and PCs like in the office. They are using laptops to remote in but it's not as efficient as their office setup.


If you're use to team collaboration in person and talking issues and approaches out, this takes time to get accustom to.


Its understandable Anet and other MMO studies have had to slow some rollouts down.


Not to mention anyone with young kids and children are home that dont give you 8 hours of silence to work. Its reasonable things would slow down and cutting them some slack is the right thing to do.

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I think condi dmg is too low still. they could remove dmg from condi applicating skills to make it more inline and change the dmg to an additional condi stack. the players going for long condi duration just punish players that don't use condi cleanse. at the moment we have hybrid dmg builds and not really pure condi builds.

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