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Is PvP dead?


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Last 10-15 games I had were 500-100 and 100-500 win/loss where only 1 game was fun to play and the rest feels always the same?

Can anet not atleast include RATING from players so you can see that you get wood players or not?

It seems that PvP will never get that equal balancing teams for whatever reason to me.


Another great Idea of mine is to really really remove GOLD from PvP which would make Que times 1 HOUR but at least you would get better teams on both sides.

PvP should give only PvP rewards and would make people want to win even more when you get high rewards.


Last thing including K/D ratio or something in that way or a top stat counter (which sounds like a bad idea) but you could at least see the success of people for example one dude 800 top stat healing could be a good support player the other guy 100-20 K/D ratio and so on.






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1. Rating - Players can choose to display their rating badge or not. There's no point to this as the moment you get into a match you're stuck with that team regardless of rating.


2. Removing Gold from Queue - Wait time taking upwards of 5-10 minutes is already quite high; it would be suicide for them to put in queue times of 1 hour because no one would sit around waiting that long for a PvP match that they might not win.


3. PvP Rewards for PvP - There aren't any PvP specific rewards, unless you mean skins or unlocking Runes/Amulets. The reason the PvP Reward Tracks & League were added was to a) entice people into PvP for the player count and b) allow PvP-focused players to gear up their characters and enjoy other modes without starting with nothing.


4. K/D Ratio - You might have the perfect team, but the enemy is slaughtering you--or you have a team whose composition doesn't work out and the enemy team slaughters you. Or you could be on the opposite team and slaughter a group because their composition doesn't work out. This means that K/D could wildly skew purely at the mercy of random teams. In addition: what point would it serve? The moment you get into a match you're stuck with that team regardless of rating and/or build.


Yes, it's frustrating to lose, but by and large people are trying their best. Sometimes it doesn't work out, sometimes they need more time to learn that profession, sometimes they're just having a bad day and flubbing keys. Other times they legit are throwing matches and/or enjoy griefing people. But all in all it's random teams being thrown together with mild matchmaking.


The best place for ANet to begin would be focusing on Matchmaking but even then they are at the mercy of Player Counts. If they bar off the majority of rewards less people will play it. Just look at Fractal CM and Raids: it's harder content, there's a focus on efficiency rather than new players, thus the player count suffers. There are still newbies getting involved, but it's hard and there's a stigma to it.


Some Matchmaking alternatives they could focus on to make Ranked be more steamlined would be:

* Core Professions Only - Limits the number of professions/traits/skills they need to balance, rather than the variations in Elites. Keeps it still open for F2P players. however, might drive people away due to people's enjoyment of certain Elites.

* Max 1 of any profession - This would make it so you aren't getting steamrolled by 2-3 Necros, and 2 Scrapper/Guard bunkers (or similar). Problem being, this would cause delays to the queue as it is based on waiting for the requisite number of distinct professions. As well, how would the system handle character swaps before match begins?

* 1st/4th Week PvP Skill Updates - ANet is already trying to make this more regular, but having an update wave on the 1st week of the PvP League & the 4th week would keep things fresh throughout the League and shake up the meta. However, this also requires a lot of analysis and manpower, and may cause glitches or game-breaking synergies

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i played a TON during mini 2v2 season. I quit when they got rid of it. I can't go back to conquest. I'm so kitten sick of conquest. they still shoving it down everyone's throat after almost 8 years. I only log in for the log in reward now. If they not gonna develop new game modes, support with a queue, and keep them around I'll just keep getting my log in reward until i find another mmo.

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One major problem is there is no tutorial for conquest so people get rank 20 still having no idea how to play and then queue ranked.


You see people run to mid 1v3 and die and then rage cuz they died with no help. That's a misunderstanding of how to play the mode more than how to play your particular class. Anet hasn't done anything to fix that aspect of the game.


2v2 death match is easier to understand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just had today 1 game losing -19 points by having a team full of low ranks against top 100 players.

500-150 loss waited 5 minutes for this time waste game.


I feel that 90% of the people are playing for gold and the people who tryhard a little bit get punished.

Needed 3 games to get from 1700-1720 just to lose in 1 game -19 where my team was not even close to being the same rank as my enemies.

These are things casuals and lower ranks don't care but still for me it's fun to play the game but really makes me consider to rethink of ever playing this game again.

I decayed most seasons and got always from lower gold to high plat but with such a pain to play just to get those games and get ruined -19 and for a win highest +8 for whatever the reason is.


Remove gold get quality plays or make ranked tier 1-10 and keep low ranks T1 forever without chance to improve by adding certain things like K/D ratio and skill plays MVP points and so on.

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> @"phantom.1675" said:

> One major problem is there is no tutorial for conquest so people get rank 20 still having no idea how to play and then queue ranked.


> You see people run to mid 1v3 and die and then rage cuz they died with no help. That's a misunderstanding of how to play the mode more than how to play your particular class. Anet hasn't done anything to fix that aspect of the game.


> 2v2 death match is easier to understand.


It’s not that difficult, it’s a 3-point-capture mode which can be played properly just by using logic and common sense.


After rank 20 you should have the general idea of where you should be etc at least.


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good morning!

yes, spvp is dead 4, or 5 year ago, and this is very good. That high lv skill content aborted, and not is assign with WCF, WCG, and others world sport gaming disciplines. Now gw2 don't sponsorship useless word tournaments, and no elitare prof players.

we have normal mmp rpg. People join ranked do dayli, get some fun, make some achievements, craft spvp legendary back and etc.


Don't see fun and don't need ? - don't join.

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It is not really dead. It is just becoming more and more irrelevant.


I disagree that anet should focus their effort on the matchmaking system because I simply do not think that is fixable. Instead they should focus on reworking the entire rank points system. There should be no reason why you would lose 16+ rank points from a single loss, after you got 2-3 top stats in a match. Players being punished for how poorly other members of their team ( that they were matched with randomly via a kitten matching system) performed, should not be a thing.

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I think GW2 pvp mode is a fail and will always be like this.

There are multiple reasons for this :


First : GW1 got a lot of pvp modes (gvg,hoh,arenas,heros...) and GW2 only got the random arena from GW1.

You can't provide a competitive pvp if the players cannot make their own teams.

Matchmakings are never well done, there is always a team that is a way better than the other (95% of matches are 500 - less than 200)


Secondly : You can't add bots to ranked pvp mode, it shows that arena-net pvp team are... inexistant ?

How can you call a thing "ranked" if a team got a bot going always mid and die ? it's 4v5 guys, it can not be ranked.


I want arena net to respect their players, I think a lot of us payed for this game and buyed gems, and we never see the fruits.

Or anet strategy is to lost the valuable players and be a free to play game that you play for a week and pass to over stuff. idk.

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