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Pet Peeves (so far!)

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Well I am looking for help on a better Buid..Question..why only 3 slots? I have air, Fire, water and earth, Plus arcane and Tempest (so far) will be working on Weaver soon (I hope) shpuldn't we have 7 slots? or a way to combine all the elements into one Kick Butt Slot Like call it Elemental Master then have Tempest and weaver?

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> @"Margeon.9650" said:

> Well I am looking for help on a better Buid..Question..why only 3 slots? I have air, Fire, water and earth, Plus arcane and Tempest (so far) will be working on Weaver soon (I hope) shpuldn't we have 7 slots? or a way to combine all the elements into one Kick Butt Slot Like call it Elemental Master then have Tempest and weaver?


Because it forces you to strategise and think about what you need or want for your playstyle or the type of content you play. If we had too many slots, we'd all be using the same build and it would be extremely boring and cookie cutter

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I do have one, the Wyvrean Cliffs Mastery Piont in Verdant Brink. the one with the 2 (ANNOYING!!) Vetran Musroom Kings...and that green Pool... is there a better way to get to it? I get past the Musroom Kings and end up dying even getting within sneezing distance of that pool!

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> @"Margeon.9650" said:

> Alim... Is that Earth and water? or are you playing a differnt type of Chaercter? Would really like to know how to customize the first 5.. if possible...............


The build link is in the youtube description I'll link it for you mate.




You can play all the 4 diffrent elements even if you dont have the corrseponding line in your trait bars.

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> @"Margeon.9650" said:

> Alim... Is that Earth and water? or are you playing a differnt type of Chaercter? Would really like to know how to customize the first 5.. if possible...............


I assume you're referring to the 1-5 (weapon) skills on my bar? That's sword/focus. All elementalists have access to the focus offhand, but only weaver can use sword. Elite specializations like weaver and tempest don't only have their own traitline, but also unlock a weapon type that isn't normally available to the class as well as a set of utility skills. You can only access these by playing the respective elite spec.


So, I am using weaver along with fire and arcane specializations. Fire gives me damage in the form of increasing condition damage and duration, might stacking, and adding additional burning, which I can give up in exchange for some powerful cleansing (mostly relevant in PvP/WvW). Arcane is more focused on utility. I gain a lot of useful boons on demand and some very powerful effects added to my dodge roll.


Some players who play builds similar to mine like to give up arcane for earth, which is stronger in terms of passive damage reduction but also adds some condition damage. Others (usually in PvP) will take water over fire, which translates into less damage but stronger healing. Then there are the power variants, which usually run air because it is so good at boosting power damage with all the additional ferocity/precision.


You start to see how the choices you make in terms of gear stats, specializations, and weapons combine to completely change the playstyle of the class. If we were able to use all skills all at once, it would result in fewer choices and less variety. Not to say that there isn't a better way to handle all of this, but this is the system we have and it probably has more depth to it than you're able to wrap your head around at this point.


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Ty, Next time I get a High Level Focus I'll equip in offhand and see what that does with my build. I am working on maxing out Tempest, like the Fire overload "Inferno" with "Feel the Burn" and Tempest set to Eye of the Storm..so far. Would Like to see a Weapon Tweak with Higher class weaponds doing a lot more damage on the first 5 slots..will keep in mind the Weaver sword skill when I get there, I have the FireSwrod Skin when I do. Suggestions on which Sword to attach it to?

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> @"Margeon.9650" said:

> Got a high level warhorn today, , unlocked the skin, now I can blast an area in front and back of me in a rectangle doing massive damage!


Make sure you are taking advantage of available combo fields. It's a fun way to get more out of your skills!




Water fields are a good source of healing for classes that have access to leap and blast finishers. Every time you leap or blast a water field, you heal yourself for a baseline of about 1.3k (more with healing power). Blasts even heal up to 5 allies within the area of effect, and allies may combo each other's fields. You can see an example of a double blast combo on a water field if you skip ahead in the vampire beast broodmother video to about 0:48.




Fire fields are great for generating might, which can translate into a huge increase in damage output if you're able to stack a lot of it. Might can stack up to 25 times and grants +30 power and condition damage per stack. Blasting a fire field produces 3 stacks of area might. Leaping a fire field grants fire aura, which grants might when struck but may also be detonated to generate 5 might if you are using the focus offhand. For an example of might stacking on fire fields, take a look at the end of the video just as the broodmother dies. I drop a flamewall and then just as she dies I perform the same maneuver I did on the water field, dodging in earth attunement to proc Evasive Arcana (arcane trait) and then using Earthen Vortex for a second blast.

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If I had to name my single most frustrating pet peeve it would be content that is locked behind extremely difficult (for me) map events that go cold when new maps are opened up.


I forget when I started crafting Nevermore, but hit a solid wall when PoF opened and HoT ran COLD. I needed to defeat the Vinetooth Prime, but couldn't get a group together that could coordinate damage and CC within the 10min time limit. It happens to be timed with the Ruins of Eastwatch meta so few people are willing to stop that meta and go fight a monster they care little for.


I will still call for these kinds of events to be thrown into another rotation of dailies. It would reinvigorate old maps, help people trying to complete collections, and maybe even help some think about starting/finishing collections they forgot about.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> If I had to name my single most frustrating pet peeve it would be content that is locked behind extremely difficult (for me) map events that go cold when new maps are opened up.


> I forget when I started crafting Nevermore, but hit a solid wall when PoF opened and HoT ran COLD. I needed to defeat the Vinetooth Prime, but couldn't get a group together that could coordinate damage and CC within the 10min time limit. It happens to be timed with the Ruins of Eastwatch meta so few people are willing to stop that meta and go fight a monster they care little for.


> I will still call for these kinds of events to be thrown into another rotation of dailies. It would reinvigorate old maps, help people trying to complete collections, and maybe even help some think about starting/finishing collections they forgot about.


Agreed. Or even just tweak certain events so they scale or nerf their hp bar or cc bar better. It's fine to launch and things as group content, but as the game expands, there def should be some revisions. Anet has a great weakness at looking into doing that

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I will still call for these kinds of events to be thrown into another rotation of dailies.


This. The dailies as they stand are really limited depending upon the map. Especially some of them like the racing dailies being on a timer that is a secret to all. The more options the better.

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