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WvW reinvented - improved combos


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Hi everyone! I came up with some ideas about making combos more effective and more important. I really love the idea behind combos in GW2 but I think there is still so much potential in them. I think the original idea behind combos was to encourage team play and together create something more powerful but combos are mostly redundant now since (especially the) new specializations just do everything better and quicker. No point wasting time on combos anymore. So what if combos became more useful and powerful again? Like Elite combos. Or combo chains. I imagine them being used in WvW only . They require a lot of people and coordination to execute. I imagine them sandboxy, so there would be some degree of freedom of how they are used. Some of these new combos would cancel each other or have bigger, longer lasting consequences. WvW should be more than "Stack on me", "Push", and we wither die or not. Some people have a general dislike towards siege which is understandable. It's very boring sitting on an arrow cart pressing a few buttons and watching the enemy dodging everything. But with better combos, players could work together and use their skills in a coordinated way to enchance WvW teamplay even more!


For example:


Unbreakable Willpower

Elite Fire combo

Requires 5 fire fields at the same location. The 5 fire fields merge and create an Elite (or superior or whatever) fire field. Blasting it at least 5 times grants 25 stacks of Elite Might (or superior or whatever). This boon lasts for 30 seconds, cannot be removed and 5% stronger than the regular might.



Elite Stone combo (we can add new fields, can't we? :P)

Requires 5 stone fields in a radius of 1200 connecting each other. Earth attunement skills, some pet skills, some warrior skills could create stone fields for example) Shooting through the connected fields with physical projectiles at least 10 times creates a wall (like a normal "wall" wall) which foes or allies cannot cross. The wall cannot be destroyed by regular damage.

Duration: 60 seconds


Plasma Ball

Elite Lightning combo

Requires 5 lightning fields at the same location. Blasting the Elite Lightning field at least 5 times creates a ball of lightning which deals massive damage. It can destroy Elite Stone Walls (created by the previous combo). It also damages every enemy in its path. The last person blasting the field can control the ball of lightning (gets a special skill for a single use).


Land of Affliction

Elite Poison combo

Requires at least 5 poison fields at the same location. Blasting it at least 5 times creates a massive area of rotten marsh which applies conditions (poison, weakness, vulnerability, torment, blind, slow) to foes.

Radius: 1,200

Duration: 60 seconds


Dwayna's Blessing

Elite Water combo

Requires at least 5 water fields at the same location. Blasting it at least 10 times creat a massive healing rain which cures conditions, heals allies and grants regeneration.

Radius: 1,200

Duration: 30 seconds


Shadow Form

Elite Smoke combo

Requires at least 10 smoke fields at the same location. The first 5 players to blast it become one with the shadows for a brief period of time. While assuming Shadow form, players get stealth and be able to go through gates. "Revealed" or any damage destroys the shadow form.

Duration: 5 seconds


Uncontrollable Fire

Requires at least 5 tempests to use their warhorn skill "Wildfire" in a short period of time to create an "Wildfire Field". Blasting it enhances the fire which spreads rapidly and burns nearby foes in an unpredictable way. As an ally, using any torch skill inside the fire grants you increased power, condition damage and expertise.

Range: 600-1200 (random)

Duration 5-10 secs (random)


Great Deception

Elite Etheral fields

Requires at least 5 Etheral fields. If at least 5 players whirl through the field, it creates a Phantasmal Army of 20 phantasms to decieve the enemy. The army deals little to no damage and easily killed. They follow you or guard an area if you comand them by using a special skill. To the enemy they would appear as a random invader of the opposing server.

Duration: 60 secs


Fatal Trap

Requires one combo field of each in the same area. Blasting the fields for at least 5 times creates a massive trap in the area. The trap is only triggered if 20 or more players are in the area in the same time.

Damage: 3,000 (x3)

Bleeding 20 seconds

Vulnerability 20 seconds

Crippled: 20 seconds

Slowed: 20 seconds

Duration: 10 seconds


Terror Shroud

Elite Dark fields

Require at least 10 dark fields at the same location to create an Elite Dark field. Any combo finisher grants the player Terror Shroud for 30 seconds. Enemy players in the radius of the aura gets demoralized and gain a random condition for every second they spend inside an enemy player's shroud.

Dark Shroud

Fear: 3 secondds

Immobilize: 3 seconds

Taunt: 1 second

Slow: 3 seconds

Radius: 450


These are just a few ideas.



Imagine you're trying to capture Stonemist Castle at Eternal Battlegrounds and you have destroyed the wall with catapults. You engage to storm inside but a wall grows out from the ground, cutting your army in half. The ones inside, half of your army now faces heavy resistance. In a desperate attempt they attack the enemy forces and to their surprise it was just an illusion, a phantasmal army. They quickly go back to the wall to help the rest of the army get inside but the surprise attack has failed and the real reinforcement as arrived to the enemy.


Of course, to prevent the abuse of these elite combos, there must be some restrictions on them. Server-wise cooldowns on certain combos for example. So it would be crucial to execute them in the perfect time to achieve the best results. In theory it would encourage more "realistic" battles in which a well executed combo can make or break the outcome of the battle. It would also encourage smaller scale battles and would enable more fun ways to play . Outside of being in the blob you can sneak in towers to take control over them from the inside, or lay traps to kill well guarded dolyaks etc. These are just a few vague ideas, I'm not even sure if they can be implemented but I believe that WvW should and could be improved in a way which changes the 8 year old rule of WvW: You stack on commander and if may die or you may not.


Let me know what you guys think and feel free to add any ideas! Now that the new expansion is in the works, maybe the devs will consider implementing a few of our ideas! :)

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Clicks the remote to turn off Naruto, then heads into wvw for regular combat.


EDIT: I don't oppose fields, I think it's one of the things that made combat a little more organized when you had classes that mostly did the fields and then other classes to blast them, organized groups could make use of this while pugs did it on accident. But some of these combos listed are whack broken, or too high of an expectation to pull off especially for organized groups who could run these but only run 10-20 people which are already running dedicated classes to make their comp work. But the fat ones running 25-40 can take advantage of this along with their already fat numbers... any group not sleeping at the wheel would and should run for a better spot to fight at the sight of a elite combo field being set up.


> Unbreakable Willpower

> Elite Fire combo

> Requires 5 fire fields at the same location. The 5 fire fields merge and create an Elite (or superior or whatever) fire field. Blasting it at least 5 times grants 25 stacks of > > Elite Might (or superior or whatever). This boon lasts for 30 seconds, cannot be removed and 5% stronger than the regular might.


We've been complaining about boon sharing and too much damage for the past 5 years, this isn't a good idea.


> Fortification

> Elite Stone combo (we can add new fields, can't we? :P)

> Requires 5 stone fields in a radius of 1200 connecting each other. Earth attunement skills, some pet skills, some warrior skills could create stone fields for example) Shooting through the connected fields with physical projectiles at least 10 times creates a wall (like a normal "wall" wall) which foes or allies cannot cross. The wall cannot be destroyed by regular damage.

> Duration: 60 seconds


There are no stone or earth fields, those skills are usually field finishers. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo

The place this would be useful is in chokes, which most times only require 1 field size and is usually already bombarded by a ton of aoes. It can be used offensively and defensively, but I fear it would be more used offensively, like when you go break into a structure and completely block off the entrances, the defenders have no chance to make a save for 60s. It would however be cool to use to block an escape either way.


> Plasma Ball

> Elite Lightning combo

> Requires 5 lightning fields at the same location. Blasting the Elite Lightning field at least 5 times creates a ball of lightning which deals massive damage. It can destroy Elite Stone Walls (created by the previous combo). It also damages every enemy in its path. The last person blasting the field can control the ball of lightning (gets a special skill for a single use).


No duration to use the control skill?

I guess would be cool to see, but this seems it could be more abused, just pre load it on a bunch of people before a fight then let it go when fight starts. Most of these combos should have low durations to force them to be used in combat only, since you cannot limit cool downs like regular skills.


> Land of Affliction

> Elite Poison combo

> Requires at least 5 poison fields at the same location. Blasting it at least 5 times creates a massive area of rotten marsh which applies conditions (poison, weakness, vulnerability, torment, blind, slow) to foes.

> Radius: 1,200

> Duration: 60 seconds


Would be good to hold a lords room, but other than there just wait it out or move to another area to fight.


> Dwayna's Blessing

> Elite Water combo

> Requires at least 5 water fields at the same location. Blasting it at least 10 times creat a massive healing rain which cures conditions, heals allies and grants regeneration.

> Radius: 1,200

> Duration: 30 seconds


I guess would be ok especially to counter the poison and dark elites, 30s too long, 5-10s max.


> Shadow Form

> Elite Smoke combo

> Requires at least 10 smoke fields at the same location. The first 5 players to blast it become one with the shadows for a brief period of time. While assuming Shadow form, players get stealth and be able to go through gates. "Revealed" or any damage destroys the shadow form.

> Duration: 5 seconds


Just no, even at 10 required fields of the more limited field type in the game. That's a free pass into everything without watch tower.


> Uncontrollable Fire

> Requires at least 5 tempests to use their warhorn skill "Wildfire" in a short period of time to create an "Wildfire Field". Blasting it enhances the fire which spreads rapidly and burns nearby foes in an unpredictable way. As an ally, using any torch skill inside the fire grants you increased power, condition damage and expertise.

> Range: 600-1200 (random)

> Duration 5-10 secs (random)


Sounds fun, but burn damage in general is already too high as it is.


> Great Deception

> Elite Etheral fields

> Requires at least 5 Etheral fields. If at least 5 players whirl through the field, it creates a Phantasmal Army of 20 phantasms to decieve the enemy. The army deals little to no damage and easily killed. They follow you or guard an area if you comand them by using a special skill. To the enemy they would appear as a random invader of the opposing server.

> Duration: 60 secs


This would actually be cool, but could scare groups off from taking on groups that are already super big and using this to inflate their size. Would they work with stealth tho?


> Fatal Trap

> Requires one combo field of each in the same area. Blasting the fields for at least 5 times creates a massive trap in the area. The trap is only triggered if 20 or more players are in the area in the same time.

> Damage: 3,000 (x3)

> Bleeding 20 seconds Vulnerability 20 seconds Crippled: 20 seconds Slowed: 20 seconds

> Duration: 10 seconds


9 field types in the game... again, if anyone sees this being setup, run away.


> Terror Shroud

> Elite Dark fields

> Require at least 10 dark fields at the same location to create an Elite Dark field. Any combo finisher grants the player Terror Shroud for 30 seconds. Enemy players in the radius of the aura gets demoralized and gain a random condition for every second they spend inside an enemy player's shroud.

> Dark Shroud

> Fear: 3 seconds Immobilize: 3 seconds Taunt: 1 second Slow: 3 seconds

> Radius: 450


Easiest one to get with all the necros around. Take out immobilize, lower duration.


I would expect with any of the big area combos would change combat with more hit and run tactics, not sure that's a good idea.

Lastly, already enough complaints about too many aoes in the game, do we really need more?



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At the moment, Elementalist Profession combos are Toxic- near +1 shootings with Perma-stuns, Perma-In-vulnerabilities and Perma-reflects everywhere. It is extremely unhealthy and unfun experience for the players--it's disgusting


>>lightning Rod Elementalist need to be severely dealt with


Op, good intention that will guarantee to lead to Toxic results....outcomes like Elementalist combos.


i would not recommend it


- Swagger is correct, the priority and urgency at the moment, is for Anet to resolve Toxic mechanics, skills and their designs and to align Profession roles with their core-root identity



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The current state of WvW encourages blob fights. How do you deal with blobs? AoE. You'r not gonna pick individual targets other then finishing the downed players. If WvW would encourage smaller scale fights, maybe AoE-s wouldn't be that big of a problem.


I'm glad you took the time to respond and think about those combos. I didn't think them through in all situations, they were just ideas I wrote down. I'm aware of the issues come with them but I just wanted to start the conversation going about such a possibility.


I had a different idea which doesn't include combos. Team skills? Group skills? Used for siege purposes.


Rangers could buff ballistas or create a bigger and stronger ballista

Beastmasters could summon a big animal which attacks gates and deal damage? Maybe not as much as a flame ram but would come in handy if the group is low on supplies.


Engineers could construct some machine or upgrade their mortar kit which can damage siege where it's not accessible normally? Like trebs on supply huts for example.

Scrappers packing up rams after siege (only if the objective is successfully captured) and unpack it at the next gate? And those rams would need half as much supply as originally?

Holosmiths enchancing cannons to deal more damage and reach further? Like a laser cannon or something


Guardians could form a shield wall which absorbs all damage from all siege for some time

Dragonhunters could place siege traps which burns down catapults? They could trap te well known cata spots. admit it, it's ridiculous that we use catapults close to the walls.

Firebrands could buff a trebuchet so it deals more damage to walls? (burn)


Mirages could create fake arrow carts which appear as normal ACs (if you use them, they have the same animation as a normal ac but deals very low damage.

Chronomancers could decrease the recharge of enemy siege skills or increase recharge of friendly siege

Chronomancers could portal siege within a radius (port rams from outer gate to inner gate at keeps for example)


Thieves actually stealing something? I know, sounds insane, given the name of the class... :D What if a group of thieves could steal supply from camps or dolyaks? Only in stealth?

Deadeyes could be the perfect scouts. They could see what certain NPCs "see" on the map for some time. You see orange swords at one of your tower but SM is also contested? A deadeye could check from afar if SM is just tagged or a zerg is there.

Daredevils could stealth to a dolyak and its guards until it reaches its destination.


Tempests could buff walls or gates (give barrier for a short time)

Elementalists could create smaller pots of oils on a wall (Yes, to kill catapults next to a wall :D)

Tempests could buff arrow carts


Necros could raise an army of dead inside enemy towers to attack guards? (they would be too weak to kill the lord ofc, bot maybe strong enough to kill the upgrade master)

Scourges could cloude siege (so you can't target catapults with a ballista)

Reapers could buff burning oils so they fear enemies


Warriors could deal increased damage in siege golems

Spellbreakers could remove the effects of enemy team skills (like destroy traps, remove buffs from walls etc.)

Berserkers could cet into a raging frenzy (in combat only) which allows them to climb on walls to enter towers and keeps. Once the frenzs starts, they would have a short time (just enough to destroy an arrow cart for example) until the frenzy expires. If they can return to their teammates in time, they survive, but if they don't, they die. For every second they are out of combat, they lose health. (they could do suicide missions to take out important siege, or take a quick look at the enemy inside.)


I'm out of ideas for rev and the elite specs, feel free to anny any if you are up for some brainstorming about ideas which are never gonna be implemented anyway :D

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