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Need advice on small scale Tempest WvW build


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Hello! I'm new to WvW and I am having trouble finding a good resource to study up on. I am wanting to experience wvw with my friends but im having a tough time arriving at a good build for small scale. Im looking to deal a bit of damage while also being a healer. is there a combination of sets available in the TP i can use for this?


Im thinking a mix of cleric and magi? But then I also want to know if Power or Condition damage is more suitable for an aura sharing tempest for a group of 5?

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The first tipp i can give you is not to expect to be able to give everyone everytime auras.


With a groupsize of 5, fights can get very chaotic and spreat out.


Having high mobility , even as a support , is very important. You will get into scenarios were someone on your team need help because he just ate a burst and need heal ASAP.


In small scale, everyone needs some form of aggressive pressure. Be it dmg or conditions like imob, cc etc.


Your main Goal should be to support the other in getting kills and not be the failsafe/walking oh shit button.


Gear wise, im cant say to much because i havent played Small Scale under the current patch but running arcane for massiv imob spam or burn spam with atleast some condition dmg on the gear seems like a good idea.


I have seen very successfull players using cele stats or apothecary/magi mix.

I hope that someone more experienced with the current meta can give you a good build for small scale.



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I wouldn't do cleric's or magi, you'd have close to no damage because of lack of power, ferocity or condition damage. Power stat running cleric's is around 2000.


It is a good idea to look at the heal scaling for skills you plan on using often, since the scaling from 600ish to 1000 to 1500 (basically all in) isn't that impressive after the Feb 25 update. You would retain 70-80% of total healing by having 600ish heal power.


For example: soothing mist at 521 heal power is 826, staff water blast auto at 521 heal power = 301 , healing ripple = 1433 , geyser (staff 3) = 1901 , "Rebound!" = 3618

At 1131 heal power it scales to 857 for soothing mist (untraited), 393 for water blast auto, 1890 for healing ripple , 2511 for geyser, 4533 for "Rebound!".


Spent 10 minutes on gw2skills and this is what I would start from: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGwEgEmpMCmDjh1wKxRaKttD-zVZYVB5LGREN3ohWKoEUdV8L-w

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> The first tipp i can give you is not to expect to be able to give everyone everytime auras.


> With a groupsize of 5, fights can get very chaotic and spreat out.


> Having high mobility , even as a support , is very important. You will get into scenarios were someone on your team need help because he just ate a burst and need heal ASAP.


> In small scale, everyone needs some form of aggressive pressure. Be it dmg or conditions like imob, cc etc.


> Your main Goal should be to support the other in getting kills and not be the failsafe/walking oh kitten button.


> Gear wise, im cant say to much because i havent played Small Scale under the current patch but running arcane for massiv imob spam or burn spam with atleast some condition dmg on the gear seems like a good idea.


> I have seen very successfull players using cele stats or apothecary/magi mix.

> I hope that someone more experienced with the current meta can give you a good build for small scale.




Thank you, those are very useful tips. I will practice this.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> I wouldn't do cleric's or magi, you'd have close to no damage because of lack of power, ferocity or condition damage. Power stat running cleric's is around 2000.


> It is a good idea to look at the heal scaling for skills you plan on using often, since the scaling from 600ish to 1000 to 1500 (basically all in) isn't that impressive after the Feb 25 update. You would retain 70-80% of total healing by having 600ish heal power.


> For example: soothing mist at 521 heal power is 826, staff water blast auto at 521 heal power = 301 , healing ripple = 1433 , geyser (staff 3) = 1901 , "Rebound!" = 3618

> At 1131 heal power it scales to 857 for soothing mist (untraited), 393 for water blast auto, 1890 for healing ripple , 2511 for geyser, 4533 for "Rebound!".


> Spent 10 minutes on gw2skills and this is what I would start from: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGwEgEmpMCmDjh1wKxRaKttD-zVZYVB5LGREN3ohWKoEUdV8L-w


Wow thanks for all of this. so the gist is to not be a full support, and also deal damage through conditions and power attacks. I will work towards the build you posted (hopefully everything is in the TP lol).


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> @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

> > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > I wouldn't do cleric's or magi, you'd have close to no damage because of lack of power, ferocity or condition damage. Power stat running cleric's is around 2000.

> >

> > It is a good idea to look at the heal scaling for skills you plan on using often, since the scaling from 600ish to 1000 to 1500 (basically all in) isn't that impressive after the Feb 25 update. You would retain 70-80% of total healing by having 600ish heal power.

> >

> > For example: soothing mist at 521 heal power is 826, staff water blast auto at 521 heal power = 301 , healing ripple = 1433 , geyser (staff 3) = 1901 , "Rebound!" = 3618

> > At 1131 heal power it scales to 857 for soothing mist (untraited), 393 for water blast auto, 1890 for healing ripple , 2511 for geyser, 4533 for "Rebound!".

> >

> > Spent 10 minutes on gw2skills and this is what I would start from: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGwEgEmpMCmDjh1wKxRaKttD-zVZYVB5LGREN3ohWKoEUdV8L-w


> Wow thanks for all of this. so the gist is to not be a full support, and also deal damage through conditions and power attacks. I will work towards the build you posted (hopefully everything is in the TP lol).



Unfortunately while the build Infusion gave you looks solid, none of it is available on the TP. Marauder and Marshal gear are bind on account when crafted, so you would need to use stat selectable gear and weapons.


Here, I've updated the gear using Exotic armor/weapons you can buy off the TP. For accessories you farm up ascended stat selectable from LW S3, S4 and S5. That stat values are pretty close to what Infusion had



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You could probably run full marauder armor with celestial trinkets + Zealot's or Marshal's amulet (use Bjora marches eternal ice) and achieve more or less the same thing while also getting a feel for if support tempest is what you want to play. Marauder armor recipes are easy to obtain and are good even if you decide to run DPS staff weaver / fresh air aura tempest. It's a condi meta so I would prioritize vitality as a secondary stat. It's a good idea to aim for over 17K if you don't have high toughness.


Typical marauder ele has ~2500 power and ~205% - 230% crit without food/utility while in fire attunement (i.e. around 5-6K effective power on crit) so you'd have roughly 70% of the power damage. If you run zero precision and ferocity with 2000 power you're basically looking at less than 40% of the damage. Essentially by having a bit of precision and ferocity you'd be neither great at damage (70% of a marauder build is going to be low compared to a class that doesn't need as much vitality such as spellbreaker or herald or one with modifiers that haven't been nerfed such as marauder DPS scrapper or prot holo) nor be the best at healing but have high condi clear , passable healing (> ~70% of a full heal build) , be able to pressure / counter pressure (weakness, magnetic aura vs rangers or hammer revs , immob on low targets , chill/etc) and secure kills.


One thing to note is effective use of staff requires blasting combo fields. You can blast with aftershock utility skill, Ice spike (water 2), or eruption (earth 2) and obtain heals off water fields or frost aura off chill fields.


If you run dagger mainhand save your shock aura for opportune times. Leap on fire/ice/dark/chaos field gives you more auras and Frozen Burst (dagger 3 on water) serves also as blast finisher , Sand Squall (warhorn 4 in earth) is a blast finisher.


Unlike weaver, tempest doesn't have a lot of killing power on its own (both overloads and dagger can be kited or simply be ranged pirate-shipped) unless you run full glass and basically die to autoattacks so it's good you have a party comp of some sort.

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Use Marshal's armor and weapons off the TP (needs Path of Fire), with Celestial trinkets, obtainable by many methods. Its somewhat glassy but Ele tankiness comes from Healing Power, not from Toughness or Vitality and the trinkets give you just enough of those stats to survive big hits anyway. You will survive longer than your allies almost all the time once you learn to play it.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salomon%27s_armor (tradeable)

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Named_Sunspear_weapons (tradeable)


I wouldn't recommend following advice to go with Power-only gears on Tempest (like Marauder). Power took some huge nerfs not long ago and part of Tempest damage is conditions, which also perform very well in competitive modes especially on supports.


Make sure you carry a set of Grieving armor & weapons for PvE, and just share the same trinkets, you'll pass 90% of DPS checks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> I wouldn't do cleric's or magi, you'd have close to no damage because of lack of power, ferocity or condition damage. Power stat running cleric's is around 2000.


> It is a good idea to look at the heal scaling for skills you plan on using often, since the scaling from 600ish to 1000 to 1500 (basically all in) isn't that impressive after the Feb 25 update. You would retain 70-80% of total healing by having 600ish heal power.


> For example: soothing mist at 521 heal power is 826, staff water blast auto at 521 heal power = 301 , healing ripple = 1433 , geyser (staff 3) = 1901 , "Rebound!" = 3618

> At 1131 heal power it scales to 857 for soothing mist (untraited), 393 for water blast auto, 1890 for healing ripple , 2511 for geyser, 4533 for "Rebound!".


> Spent 10 minutes on gw2skills and this is what I would start from: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGwEgEmpMCmDjh1wKxRaKttD-zVZYVB5LGREN3ohWKoEUdV8L-w


My healing power at around 1.5 k and traited for Soothing Mist gives less than 600 heals per tick on average. How with 521 heal power gives 826? Is 826 heals per tick? Or did i go wrong somewhere?

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You are going by per tick, when the listed heal is per 10 seconds.

The numbers above are from the heal scaling in gw2skills set to WvW mode.



February 25th update reduced pulse heal coefficient from 0.1 to 0.05.


Manually calculating it:

800 + 0.5 * 521 = 1060.5 over 10 seconds (106/second on 10 targets) before soothing power and modifiers

800 + 0.5 * 1131 = 1365.5 over 10 seconds (136/second on 10 targets) before soothing power and modifiers

800 + 0.5 * 1447 = 1523.5 over 10 seconds (152/second on 10 targets) before soothing power and modifiers --- minstrel




Same for Water Blast (staff auto)


Feb 25 update "reduced base heal from 372 to 223. Reduced heal coefficient from 0.25 to 0.15. Reduced power coefficient from 0.3 to 0.2."

223+ 0.15 * 521 = 301.15 per 1.2 seconds (~251/second on up to 5 targets)

223+ 0.15 * 1131 = 392.65 (~327/second on up to 5 targets)

223+ 0.15 * 1447 = 440.05 (~367/second on up to 5 targets)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Update. After learning the game a bit more. taking your comments into consideration, and playing around in WvW,


I've come up with this Hybrid Tempest Roamer for **solo roaming** that's pretty quick on its feet. I find that as a tempest i really wanted run speed (both to escape and to stay on targets while overloading). I would appreciate comments. As a hybrid, I aimed for 2000 power, 1000 condi damage, and 600 healing power. I also put in a bit of expertise to increase burning duration.


Offensively, I usually alternate between fire and earth, using the usual combos then overloading them almost on cooldown if possible. I stick to enemies like glue because of the stability and swiftness Harmonius Conduit gives. Doom Sigil also works well because of the damage it does, heal reduction, and as an additional condition.


Condi removal comes from Smothering Auras, sigil of cleansing, and cleansing water. Since im mostly solo/duo, I dont use shouts that much so I'm using the good cantrips that work well with Soothing Disruption + Cleansing Water.


It's dagger/x with the offhand being whatever I prefer. I think every off-hand has its uses. Dagger is probably my preference though.




I would appreciate comments on how to improve the playstyle. I'm pretty keen on being a hybrid build since it seems to make sense as most of my damaging skill on fire and earth both deal power/condi damage. Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

> Hello! I'm new to WvW and I am having trouble finding a good resource to study up on. I am wanting to experience wvw with my friends but im having a tough time arriving at a good build for small scale. Im looking to deal a bit of damage while also being a healer. is there a combination of sets available in the TP i can use for this?


> Im thinking a mix of cleric and magi? But then I also want to know if Power or Condition damage is more suitable for an aura sharing tempest for a group of 5?


Try shaman plus apothecary. And standard condi cleanse tempest build and you are good to go. Remember that power requires power, precision and ferocity to make it work, consi just need condition damage and sometimes expertise

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> @"mikdepadua.8376" said:

> Update. After learning the game a bit more. taking your comments into consideration, and playing around in WvW,


> I've come up with this Hybrid Tempest Roamer for **solo roaming** that's pretty quick on its feet. I find that as a tempest i really wanted run speed (both to escape and to stay on targets while overloading). I would appreciate comments. As a hybrid, I aimed for 2000 power, 1000 condi damage, and 600 healing power. I also put in a bit of expertise to increase burning duration.


> Offensively, I usually alternate between fire and earth, using the usual combos then overloading them almost on cooldown if possible. I stick to enemies like glue because of the stability and swiftness Harmonius Conduit gives. Doom Sigil also works well because of the damage it does, heal reduction, and as an additional condition.


> Condi removal comes from Smothering Auras, sigil of cleansing, and cleansing water. Since im mostly solo/duo, I dont use shouts that much so I'm using the good cantrips that work well with Soothing Disruption + Cleansing Water.


> It's dagger/x with the offhand being whatever I prefer. I think every off-hand has its uses. Dagger is probably my preference though.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGlAgijFYL2m5hj80VbD-zVZYKhVFEvZ0gGKjITgeLA7mFOHrA-w


> I would appreciate comments on how to improve the playstyle. I'm pretty keen on being a hybrid build since it seems to make sense as most of my damaging skill on fire and earth both deal power/condi damage. Thank you!



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