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The Death of Thief


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> @"felix.2386" said:

> > @"darren.1064" said:

> > > @"felix.2386" said:

> > > lol, thief the most busted spec the entire 2020 alongside holo, how did it age at all

> >

> > I did see your "When are thief and holo going to get nerfed" post and laughed at how redundant it was, so good job for giving me a solid laugh based off your issues playing. Why don't you just go and learn to play and then come back.


> i'm thief/holo plat 2 soloq, what are you? ill dual you on both classes against your main so you can finally try to l2p your own main.

> actually ill dual your holo on my thief. so you can actually know how trash you are.

> PM me ingame


I'll pass, I'm sure you'll whoop me. You're obviously so good at 1v1s and playing in GW2 that your grammar took a hit

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> @"darren.1064" said:

> > @"felix.2386" said:

> > > @"darren.1064" said:

> > > > @"felix.2386" said:

> > > > lol, thief the most busted spec the entire 2020 alongside holo, how did it age at all

> > >

> > > I did see your "When are thief and holo going to get nerfed" post and laughed at how redundant it was, so good job for giving me a solid laugh based off your issues playing. Why don't you just go and learn to play and then come back.

> >

> > i'm thief/holo plat 2 soloq, what are you? ill dual you on both classes against your main so you can finally try to l2p your own main.

> > actually ill dual your holo on my thief. so you can actually know how trash you are.

> > PM me ingame


> I'll pass, I'm sure you'll whoop me. You're obviously so good at 1v1s and playing in GW2 that your grammar took a hit


Yea, my English skill is so related to the topic that you had to attack it in order to cover up your lack of skill.

sorry, my English is like my 4th/5th language and it is self-taught.


also i'm glad that you finally realize it's really your lack of skill that's the problem so shut up and keep the laughing to yourself, your gameplay will need it.

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> @"felix.2386" said:

> > @"darren.1064" said:

> > > @"felix.2386" said:

> > > > @"darren.1064" said:

> > > > > @"felix.2386" said:

> > > > > lol, thief the most busted spec the entire 2020 alongside holo, how did it age at all

> > > >

> > > > I did see your "When are thief and holo going to get nerfed" post and laughed at how redundant it was, so good job for giving me a solid laugh based off your issues playing. Why don't you just go and learn to play and then come back.

> > >

> > > i'm thief/holo plat 2 soloq, what are you? ill dual you on both classes against your main so you can finally try to l2p your own main.

> > > actually ill dual your holo on my thief. so you can actually know how trash you are.

> > > PM me ingame

> >

> > I'll pass, I'm sure you'll whoop me. You're obviously so good at 1v1s and playing in GW2 that your grammar took a hit


> Yea, my English skill is so related to the topic that you had to attack it in order to cover up your lack of skill.

> sorry, my English is like my 4th/5th language and it is self-taught.


> also i'm glad that you finally realize it's really your lack of skill that's the problem so shut up and keep the laughing to yourself, your gameplay will need it.


are you obsessively hyper-masculine in each language?


Truthfully, as you can tell I really don't care. I've never seen you in a game and if I did then I've probably killed you. My thief just hit his 8th birthday and I have played 6000 rounds in ranked PvP so there's nothing I have to prove to you. If I play all of a season then I end in platinum within the top 100 because I know thief backwards and forwards lol, now I just happen to be a casual with less than 50 games because I don't like the direction that this game is going in.


Now that we've established that, you hopping on forums and saying that thief is the most busted spec holds no weight. 1, because right now your opinion is invalid because I don't know you and can't trust that you're actually good. You might be in plat, but who's to say you don't use the exploit of playing late nights so you land in easier games and also playing with a duo. Saying you're in a specific tier does bring the "oh this person must be good!" to the front-view but lets be honest. Your rank hardly matters as there are different playstyles also. I prefer to play thief in a 1v1 style and have fun with my particular brand of play, however not only has thief gameplay been ruined by the February balance, the playstyles for several different classes-- not named necromancer, revenant and engineer-- have been ruined. As the balance was intended to bust people out of pigeonholed roles, it's functionality actually backfired. Now thief has the sole functionality of Forrest Gump; we run from point A to point B and back the entire round. Was this intended? Probably not. However, what are the problems that arise with this? Stacking of classes is a prevalent issue in GW2 PvP, say there are 3 tanky professions on 3 separate points. Home, mid, far are all covered. The function of Guild Wars 2 PvP has never been "Are you good or are you bad?" The function of Guild Wars 2 PvP has always been "How hard can you carry?" Now say that all 3 of these points are covered by 3 different tanky professions (something that happens frequently) and you're the 5th person on your team which means that your four teammates are all littered around the map presumably getting slaughtered or stalemated by the other team in this current wet noodle meta and what is the thief supposed to do in this situation? You can join your 4 teammates on the 99% likely mid fight, but then you're wasting your time as the other team quickly creeps up to 500 with very little resistance on the other two points. You can go sides, but what are you supposed to do if you're unable to land a kill? This is a situation that countless thieves find themselves in currently. This current meta is not for us and can never be for us.


Now as I mentioned that there are various playstyles, maybe you have EXTREME luck with landing teammates that are not absolutely dead. Your team can land kills across the map without your assistance and you're delegated to the oh-so coveted decapper role. With Dash (if you have it) and shortbow 5 you can traverse the map without a single blemish or moment of having to stop. You are the ultimate force of reckoning and play thief to it's current peak-- the person that just runs back and forth but it unable to land a kill. So when this is the ideal situation for you, just running back and forth and occasionally hitting for a 4-5k Backstab in a +1 (or also missing and messing up the +1 and wasting time) is this more so the functionality of thief or is this just the luck that you have from playing with a team that is carrying the thief from being in the situation that I described in situation 1?


Right now Guild War 2's ranked PvP question of "How hard can you carry?" does not apply to thief. Thief is merely the cherry on the top rather than a main ingredient in leading to wins. So now that I've explained this much to you, can you please tell me what about thief is busted about thief without using the words stealth and "shortbow 5" or dash? Because running fast is only an accomplishment for Usain Bolt as far as I'm concerned.

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