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New Trend: Throwing a game for your friend on the other team!!!


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This happens all the time, it has nothing if not very little to do with the new leg.


The funny thing about this is that people like to pretend this is harder to do with merged DuoQ than without.


2/5 > 1/5

That's a guaranteed extra 20% chance to get a friend on the other team who could potentially be willing to eat a loss for gold, clout, or just because they're friends.


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Actually if you think about it from a statistical point of view, the number of such games happening are probably not high enough to matter.


Yes our mood gets extremely foul when we think it happens to us. No reason for us to just lose a game that way.


But from the 120 games I’ve played so far, there were:


* ~4 games my teammate dc

* ~1 game I dc

* ~1 game I think my teammate purposely threw

* ~1 game I think I was fighting a bot

* ~1 game I got stuck in a wall


That’s less than 10 percent of my total games. Just play a few more games to win back those lost ratings I guess.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> this is not new trend. This trend is 2000+ years old.


He's actually right about that ^ Since the dawn of human civilization when systems began to form, people have been finding ways to cheat themselves into high positions within those systems. It is literally the oldest trick in the book.


Proof of it though, concerning GW2, ask yourselves this question:


Isn't it odd how we can play 20 Unranked games in a row or several dozens of AT games and never see a DC, but while playing Ranked there is a DC roughly 1 out of 3 games queued. Why would that be happening? Something to really sit and consider what the facts may be there.


And that's just 1x form of match manipulation that is visible and undeniable.

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