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Double dagger condi Soulbeast top100 footage


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This build alows dagger to shine even though i would like instictive engage to be 1-2 sec supperspeed without need to hit target instead quickness on hit but thats just my opinion. Healing trap is great for doing 2 leaps from wolf and another 2 from dagger and water field stays for 10sec and provide nice cleanse for allies too. Traps gives you stealth and supeerspeed thanks to trapper runes . Poison trap have great synergy with predators cunning aswell as other poison aplication but this trap positioned well can give you even fine heals since each stack of poison is lifesteal so hiting aoe 3 targets 3 pulses with 3 stack on each target can heal you for 3-4k. Smokescale is used vs some match-ups but its mostly there to prestealth before combat since wolf is all you need. Dagger 2 is actually great skill for me because of the fact you can use it as pre-buff aswell like shortbow 4. Ranger shortbow is probably the fastest cast time weapon ingame which makes it hard to predict spikes. Build works good as side noder and roamer. I play this build 99% of time this season and its most fun build i played on ranger since release. Wish light on your feet is not another dmg modifier because i don t see much relation with shortbow and this trait but build is still fine and fun.




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Very cool. I run something similar with Axe/dagger/shortbow, and I've been climbing plat quite nicely with it. The babies on the ranger forums don't believe me, they'd rather just cry like usual. But maybe they'll check out your clips here.


I'm calling it - I think we'll be seeing more and more condi Soulbeasts.


Don't you wish dagger 3 had some i-frames on it?

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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> Very cool. I run something similar with Axe/dagger/shortbow, and I've been climbing plat quite nicely with it. The babies on the ranger forums don't believe me, they'd rather just cry like usual. But maybe they'll check out your clips here.


> I'm calling it - I think we'll be seeing more and more condi Soulbeasts.


> Don't you wish dagger 3 had some i-frames on it?


1) Wouldn't be surprised, considering condi builds are soon the only viable builds ranger will have left.


2) I've suggested as much, considering how telegraphed and bland the skill is without them.

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> since each stack of poison is lifesteal so hiting aoe 3 targets 3 pulses with 3 stack on each target can heal you for 3-4k.

So that's where the healing is coming from. I've been wondering how you're outhealing my condis in some fights when I didn't see unguent on you.

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > since each stack of poison is lifesteal so hiting aoe 3 targets 3 pulses with 3 stack on each target can heal you for 3-4k.

> So that's where the healing is coming from. I've been wondering how you're outhealing my condis in some fights when I didn't see unguent on you.


Shortbow 2 heals for 1k alone afaik, then poison trap, and dagger 4 for a bunch more. I run this with Sage, and the heals are substantial.

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Been playing similar builds pretty much exclusively this season cause core and sic em are boring.

They're a lot of fun, but man, dagger and even sword are pretty underwhelming weapons.


Unflinching Fortitude's so nice off Siamoth/Wolf/Whatever. Really helps since this build doesn't really get away with running triple stunbreak like core.

Quick question for you or anyone playing with a stout pet, do you notice it bugging at all? There's times where I'll merge and press it, the buff goes up but I'll still be taking damage. Just last night I had a reaper do a spinny spin on me and I got eaten despite having the buff up. Not sure how to replicate, but it always seems to happen at the worst times. :l


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I run a very close variant of this as a roamer in wvw. I end up running with Trailblazer stats and a prelude lash pet, but it plays quite similarly. I unfortunately have 0 power spike in Trailblazer, but the constant stream of poison, stealth capacity, and leap heals takes a lot of folks by surprise. I'd consider running this in ranked, if I still played ranked.

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I have been enjoying watching your videos lately. Nice stuff. I do like your build a lot. I do agree with you about the superspeed bit for dagger 3. In WvW I actually tried using Zephyr runes for that very reason to supplement the lack of distance traveled. It did help, but it was still a really niche rune that is not available in PvP, and requires fields to set up with.

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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> Very cool. I run something similar with Axe/dagger/shortbow, and I've been climbing plat quite nicely with it. The babies on the ranger forums don't believe me, they'd rather just cry like usual. But maybe they'll check out your clips here.


> I'm calling it - I think we'll be seeing more and more condi Soulbeasts.


> Don't you wish dagger 3 had some i-frames on it?


i think the "babies" on the forum were sceptical, and asked u to post a vid and the build so they could test for themselves, and u went on playing some victem special snowflake from there

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As a gold 3 and sometimes plat 1 power soulbeast player I am glad that there are people who can play ranger on higher skill level and achieve higher positions on leaderboards. So congrats on that.


To me it seems that the enemy team was sub-par in both videos. That not necessarily means the build is bad or lackluster, but it would be interesting to see videos of matches that are much closer. The way these matches went (the rest of your team capped other points) allowed you even to leave home node uncapped in few cases and to chase the enemy around. Also, revenant seem to be a hard counter to this build.


From my gold 3 perspective the last pvp patches buried power soulbeast (the nail in the coffin were greatsword changes). These nerfs pigeon-holed the soulbeast into a condi based build such as yours. As rangers, we now simply lack a proper power based pvp builds. I believe rangers deserve some variety in pvp builds. I will try this build to get the impression of it myself but I don't like condi builds and I hate being pigeon-holed into playing something i don't like. I may also simply decide to completely abandon ranger in pvp or pvp altogether because ranger is my preferred class.


Now, since condi is prevalent/strong and power is nerfed - do you think Anet will nerf condis next? What would happen to soulbeast then?


P.S. What Croatian radio station is that?

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> @"Shagie.7612" said:

> Been playing similar builds pretty much exclusively this season cause core and sic em are boring.

> They're a lot of fun, but man, dagger and even sword are pretty underwhelming weapons.


> Unflinching Fortitude's so nice off Siamoth/Wolf/Whatever. Really helps since this build doesn't really get away with running triple stunbreak like core.

> Quick question for you or anyone playing with a stout pet, do you notice it bugging at all? There's times where I'll merge and press it, the buff goes up but I'll still be taking damage. Just last night I had a reaper do a spinny spin on me and I got eaten despite having the buff up. Not sure how to replicate, but it always seems to happen at the worst times. :l



Yes as far as i have noticed its going on full recharge if interupted.

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> Looks really lacklustry tbh, you manage to not hardthrow because of the disengages with Trapper Rune and Instant Reflexes but your impact is minimal and you can't hold a node either.


Build is not meant to facetank dmg on point but it can resustain fast and kill fast when you don t play against same 10 ppl for few hours. This match is not best example of build because i got to watch condi thief spikes most of match and deal with top tier holowsmith close so i guess its not good match for building stats. Having 2 deaths in this match is almost throwing hard... thx for info didn t knew i was throwing.

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> @"Ashkew.6584" said:

> > @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > Very cool. I run something similar with Axe/dagger/shortbow, and I've been climbing plat quite nicely with it. The babies on the ranger forums don't believe me, they'd rather just cry like usual. But maybe they'll check out your clips here.

> >

> > I'm calling it - I think we'll be seeing more and more condi Soulbeasts.

> >

> > Don't you wish dagger 3 had some i-frames on it?


> i think the "babies" on the forum were sceptical, and asked u to post a vid and the build so they could test for themselves, and u went on playing some victem special snowflake from there


So I redirected them to this vid. A skeptic is a snowflake, because he wants to be spoonfed everything. I refuse to do this. The babies make assumptions and cry ranger tears before even testing anything. There is an irrational fear of doing anything outside of a meta created by someone else. When they are spoonfed builds and guides, they will fail anyways. Even when they are given builds and guides, they disrespect the information. This has been the sad state of the ranger forums for 6 years. It is a cesspool of the saddest of sads.

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> Looks really lacklustry tbh, you manage to not hardthrow because of the disengages with Trapper Rune and Instant Reflexes but your impact is minimal and you can't hold a node either.


You are just seeing what you want to see. I do 400-450k damage and get top kills with a build similar to this. It has unlimited condi pressure, immobs, and a low CD daze/stun. This entirely wrecks node humpers like tempests, guards, and necros. Thieves and mesmers are collateral damage, and are usually downed accidentally by running over the traps, which are unblockable btw.


"You managed not to hard throw because of the abilities you purposely slotted in." - wow that's some 200iq shit right there =)

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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > Looks really lacklustry tbh, you manage to not hardthrow because of the disengages with Trapper Rune and Instant Reflexes but your impact is minimal and you can't hold a node either.


> You are just seeing what you want to see. I do 400-450k damage and get top kills with a build similar to this. It has unlimited condi pressure, immobs, and a low CD daze/stun. This entirely wrecks node humpers like tempests, guards, and necros. Thieves and mesmers are collateral damage, and are usually downed accidentally by running over the traps, which are unblockable btw.


> "You managed not to hard throw because of the abilities you purposely slotted in." - wow that's some 200iq kitten right there =)


do you play in high tier tho?

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> As "good" as condi ranger is in solo queue, it's absolutely worthless in team play. There is nothing on it that stops the enemy team from killing you. They can say, "focus the condi ranger till it dies" and it will die faster than anything else on your team.


What are you running after the patch? I’ve been testing different things and I’m not sure which direction to go.

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> As "good" as condi ranger is in solo queue, it's absolutely worthless in team play. There is nothing on it that stops the enemy team from killing you. They can say, "focus the condi ranger till it dies" and it will die faster than anything else on your team.


lol and this doesn't apply to power rangers? in what way would power survive any longer? there is more stealth, superspeed, leaps if anything it's much easier to survive on this than most classes

there is as many condi in plat3 as power on eu (yesterday highest ranger was condi soulbeast, before the patch)

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> As "good" as condi ranger is in solo queue, it's absolutely worthless in team play. There is nothing on it that stops the enemy team from killing you. They can say, "focus the condi ranger till it dies" and it will die faster than anything else on your team.


Its better for escape from +1 than power... you can farm squishy pets with traps after you see swap. If they chase you can just stealth with heal use fortitude imunnity while tanking in healing spring... What you can also do is poison trap + dagger 4 and entangle so they will waste many cd and since you are not playing solo vs 5 ppl your team can use advantage if they good. You can also prestealth for 15sec. Healing spring provides full condi cleanse for party (on smaller nodes it shines) while you can save teamates with cc and snares. But yes ranger lacks teamplay in general thats why its not used much in tournaments...

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > As "good" as condi ranger is in solo queue, it's absolutely worthless in team play. There is nothing on it that stops the enemy team from killing you. They can say, "focus the condi ranger till it dies" and it will die faster than anything else on your team.


> Its better for escape from +1 than power... you can farm squishy pets with traps after you see swap. If they chase you can just stealth with heal use fortitude imunnity while tanking in healing spring... What you can also do is poison trap + dagger 4 and entangle so they will waste many cd and since you are not playing solo vs 5 ppl your team can use advantage if they good. You can also prestealth for 15sec. Healing spring provides full condi cleanse for party (on smaller nodes it shines) while you can save teamates with cc and snares. But yes ranger lacks teamplay in general thats why its not used much in tournaments...


The revenant or necro would reveal you, not to mention your traps just reveal you too. If a 5 man team wanted a condi ranger dead, no amount of team support would save it.

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > > As "good" as condi ranger is in solo queue, it's absolutely worthless in team play. There is nothing on it that stops the enemy team from killing you. They can say, "focus the condi ranger till it dies" and it will die faster than anything else on your team.

> >

> > Its better for escape from +1 than power... you can farm squishy pets with traps after you see swap. If they chase you can just stealth with heal use fortitude imunnity while tanking in healing spring... What you can also do is poison trap + dagger 4 and entangle so they will waste many cd and since you are not playing solo vs 5 ppl your team can use advantage if they good. You can also prestealth for 15sec. Healing spring provides full condi cleanse for party (on smaller nodes it shines) while you can save teamates with cc and snares. But yes ranger lacks teamplay in general thats why its not used much in tournaments...


> If a 5 man team wanted a condi ranger dead, no amount of team support would save it.


Wow you're reaching hard here. That's the case for every spec in the game. Especially glassbow, after the GS nerfs. Good luck with that lol.

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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > > > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > > > As "good" as condi ranger is in solo queue, it's absolutely worthless in team play. There is nothing on it that stops the enemy team from killing you. They can say, "focus the condi ranger till it dies" and it will die faster than anything else on your team.

> > >

> > > Its better for escape from +1 than power... you can farm squishy pets with traps after you see swap. If they chase you can just stealth with heal use fortitude imunnity while tanking in healing spring... What you can also do is poison trap + dagger 4 and entangle so they will waste many cd and since you are not playing solo vs 5 ppl your team can use advantage if they good. You can also prestealth for 15sec. Healing spring provides full condi cleanse for party (on smaller nodes it shines) while you can save teamates with cc and snares. But yes ranger lacks teamplay in general thats why its not used much in tournaments...

> >

> > If a 5 man team wanted a condi ranger dead, no amount of team support would save it.


> Wow you're reaching hard here. That's the case for every spec in the game. Especially glassbow, after the GS nerfs. Good luck with that lol.


No one plays glass ranger in competitive

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