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Herald counters?


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Hi guys. You might be aware of the current state of the meta but I still don't want to give up.


I'd like to read a few of some good suggestions on how to counter heralds, or more specially, what classes are normally known to do so (if there are any)



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> @"xWiroo.3841" said:

> > @"Neukku.5713" said:

> > Thief can outplay both, condi and power herald.


> how


Thief has countered Rev for ages. Blinds and stealth screw rev over a lot and it's got too many free interrupt skills against a thief that watches them. Thief has enough dodges and mobility to pretty much do what they want, and the stolen skill from rev hits like an absolute truck.

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D/p is great too, you just have to use stealth to shut down their skills over kiting like sword. Blinds eat Enchanted Dagger charges, stealth stops 2 of their double sword skills now that s2 isn't canceled by stealth, s3 and 4 are easy steal or headshot targets to interrupt, Glints heal can be easy to ignore if they don't time it absolutely perfectly with a backstab, and if they reveal you then they just wasted a very valuable stun break.


Make the revenant come to you and burn energy, keep as many blind fields active as possible, stealth when you can, interrupt or stealth his key skills and make sure the stolen skill connects.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"xWiroo.3841" said:

> > > @"Neukku.5713" said:

> > > Thief can outplay both, condi and power herald.

> >

> > how


> Thief has countered Rev for ages. Blinds and stealth screw rev over a lot and it's got too many free interrupt skills against a thief that watches them. Thief has enough dodges and mobility to pretty much do what they want, and the stolen skill from rev hits like an absolute truck.


Interrupts were more of a factor when PI was playable. Now that it isnt, it will only have the 1 interrupt on steal, so thats not a big weakness. Stealth is also not great because it only helps vs unrelenting assault, but thieves only method of entering stealth is so slow that by the time you are in stealth, unrelenting assault was over anyway. Blinds are also not as relevant anymore now that Revenant has a lot of multi-hit attacks. Stolen skill apparently does hit harder than its supposed to though.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> D/p is great too, you just have to use stealth to shut down their skills over kiting like sword. Blinds eat Enchanted Dagger charges, stealth stops 2 of their double sword skills now that s2 isn't canceled by stealth, s3 and 4 are easy steal or headshot targets to interrupt, Glints heal can be easy to ignore if they don't time it absolutely perfectly with a backstab, and if they reveal you then they just wasted a very valuable stun break.


> Make the revenant come to you and burn energy, keep as many blind fields active as possible, stealth when you can, interrupt or stealth his key skills and make sure the stolen skill connects.


Stealth only stops 1, skill 3. And since all forms of getting into stealth are too slow to use it in response to skill 3, it doesnt even do that. Headshot is no longer something thief can afford to use since it does 0 damage and autoattacks do too little to be threatening. Also trying to stealth proactively just means you eat a Deathstrike for half your health if the rev knows what he is doing.

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > @"xWiroo.3841" said:

> > > > @"Neukku.5713" said:

> > > > Thief can outplay both, condi and power herald.

> > >

> > > how

> >

> > Thief has countered Rev for ages. Blinds and stealth screw rev over a lot and it's got too many free interrupt skills against a thief that watches them. Thief has enough dodges and mobility to pretty much do what they want, and the stolen skill from rev hits like an absolute truck.


> Interrupts were more of a factor when PI was playable. Now that it isnt, it will only have the 1 interrupt on steal, so thats not a big weakness. Stealth is also not great because it only helps vs unrelenting assault, but thieves only method of entering stealth is so slow that by the time you are in stealth, unrelenting assault was over anyway. Blinds are also not as relevant anymore now that Revenant has a lot of multi-hit attacks. Stolen skill apparently does hit harder than its supposed to though.


Interrupts on upkeep skills like Chaotic Release drain energy by keeping them active, s4 is pretty easy to interrupt if they don't have quickness. Stealth stops s3 and puts it on full CD, s5, and Phase Traversal, blinds still chew Enchanted Dagger charges and the s4 is the only skill that really eats blinds with no issue because it hits so fast. Bounding Dodge in any smoke field evades the entire time before you stealth so any time between dodge and stealth is covered. I haven't run PI in ages, but interrupt sigils are still very useful on skills with easy reads.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > > @"xWiroo.3841" said:

> > > > > @"Neukku.5713" said:

> > > > > Thief can outplay both, condi and power herald.

> > > >

> > > > how

> > >

> > > Thief has countered Rev for ages. Blinds and stealth screw rev over a lot and it's got too many free interrupt skills against a thief that watches them. Thief has enough dodges and mobility to pretty much do what they want, and the stolen skill from rev hits like an absolute truck.

> >

> > Interrupts were more of a factor when PI was playable. Now that it isnt, it will only have the 1 interrupt on steal, so thats not a big weakness. Stealth is also not great because it only helps vs unrelenting assault, but thieves only method of entering stealth is so slow that by the time you are in stealth, unrelenting assault was over anyway. Blinds are also not as relevant anymore now that Revenant has a lot of multi-hit attacks. Stolen skill apparently does hit harder than its supposed to though.


> Interrupts on upkeep skills like Chaotic Release drain energy by keeping them active, s4 is pretty easy to interrupt if they don't have quickness. Stealth stops s3 and puts it on full CD, s5, and Phase Traversal, blinds still chew Enchanted Dagger charges and the s4 is the only skill that really eats blinds with no issue because it hits so fast. Bounding Dodge in any smoke field evades the entire time before you stealth so any time between dodge and stealth is covered. I haven't run PI in ages, but interrupt sigils are still very useful on skills with easy reads.


Wait, is that how it works? I always though interrupting just means the whole thing goes on cooldown. I couldve sworn it used to work that way, at least. Shackling Wave is easily interrupted, yes, but using headshot for it is not great, because it also removes your own potential for damage. Its not ideal. Stealth is too slow for S3 most of the time. You will have been hit by most if not all of it by the time you can get into stealth in the first place. Unless you run Blinding Powder, but noone is running blinding powder. Phase Traversal should go through stealth. Blind stealing a charge off of enchanted daggers is nice, but you wont really get more than one.


Bounding Dodger (or just bound) is not a viable choice. Thieves dont run it. Interrupt sigils arent played anymore because you do not ever use headshot anymore. With headshot being a good skill I would agree, since Rev skills are pretty interruptible, but now, with interrupting skills basically reducing both the revs and your own damage? Not so much.

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> Lol you guys go so deep in mechanics :s


> The reason thief has an easy time against any melee-only class is because it can dip in and out of range while doing decent damage.




Until that melee-only class realises that thief can only do that if you give them the space. Once you push them towards their sword 2 spot, they will suddenly struggle to get in an out of range at all. Hence why thief doesnt have an easy time at all. Thats of course ignoring that almost all melee-only classes have dashes and lockdown.

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > Lol you guys go so deep in mechanics :s

> >

> > The reason thief has an easy time against any melee-only class is because it can dip in and out of range while doing decent damage.

> >

> >


> Until that melee-only class realises that thief can only do that if you give them the space. Once you push them towards their sword 2 spot, they will suddenly struggle to get in an out of range at all. Hence why thief doesnt have an easy time at all. Thats of course ignoring that almost all melee-only classes have dashes and lockdown.


That's the equivalent of getting hit by a warriors Arcing Slice. Of course you will have a harder time if you don't avoid it, but it has nothing to do with matchup balance as it applies to anyone that fight it.

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> "tanky" condi builds counter power rev

> Ranged power; boonrips&condi-transfers counters condi rev



Wouldn't that make necro core good vs them?


What you decribed is exactly what core nec is good in power. Core nec= tanky condi

Core nec can condi transfer.

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > Lol you guys go so deep in mechanics :s

> > >

> > > The reason thief has an easy time against any melee-only class is because it can dip in and out of range while doing decent damage.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Until that melee-only class realises that thief can only do that if you give them the space. Once you push them towards their sword 2 spot, they will suddenly struggle to get in an out of range at all. Hence why thief doesnt have an easy time at all. Thats of course ignoring that almost all melee-only classes have dashes and lockdown.


> That's the equivalent of getting hit by a warriors Arcing Slice. Of course you will have a harder time if you don't avoid it, but it has nothing to do with matchup balance as it applies to anyone that fight it.


The thief cant "avoid it". Thats the beauty of it. Move towards the port spot while hitting the thief, and he has 2 options. 1, run away. You win by default. 2, attempt to stay and fight, but die quickly as a result of the teleport lifeline being cut off. It was difference one upon a time. Back when you could jump sword 2 to prevent the teleport. But you cant anymore.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > "tanky" condi builds counter power rev

> > Ranged power; boonrips&condi-transfers counters condi rev

> >


> Wouldn't that make necro core good vs them?


> What you decribed is exactly what core nec is good in power. Core nec= tanky condi

> Core nec can condi transfer.


indeed. if played right ,necros (maybe besides reaper) can easily outplay revs

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  • 3 months later...

> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> Condi mirage counters power herald, but condi herald counters condi mirage (in 1v1).


> Thief is equal matchup.


Does power mesmer counter power or condi herald?

What about power builds, even vs. powr herald? lol

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